Film Justice League

Vault Dweller

Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
May 26, 2016
Vault 88, The Commonwealth
I'm so excited :drool: got it downloading from Sky Cinema the now. Shame Cheltenham and United are on today, but along with Falcon & Winter Soldier will watch tomorrow. Cannot wait.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
You can't accuse reviewers of just hating on Zack just because they don't give good reviews. He's got a style and not everyone's going to like it.
That's just it, critic should review the movie objectively, not giving a bad score based on style which is a subjective thing.

I mean, I never watch "movie critic" scores, they are a terrible source, literally everyone is now a critic. How audience recieves the movie is much more reliable.

Dirty Schwein

Has a 'Best of Britney Spears' album
Feb 6, 2012
Miracle World
Luton Town
This becoming an issue now as it seems to be downloading itself onto my PC.

I haven't seen this yet but will watch it over the next few days.

I hear a lot of critics saying that it's an improvement on the cinematic release, which shouldn't be hard considering what a shit show that was.

I'm also hearing that this justifies people's opinions that Zack Snyder should have had his directorial vision and that switching to Joss Whedon was what was wrong with the original... bollocks. No theatrical release would allow for a 4 hour movie :lol:

If Zack was asked to cut this down to 2 hours, we'd probably end up back to what the original was.


Lights on for Luke
Mar 10, 2010
Voted the best city in the world
I'm emotional.

That was the best out of 3 from Snyder.

Superman's giving me goosebumps.
Flash's epic last scene, goosebumps.
Batman is cool again.
Wonderwoman badass.
Love all the back stories.
Love the Joker.
Love the Injustice league foreshadowing.

Man, there is so much to talk about. ZSJL:8.5/10

Love love love.

Oh the action scenes are mind blowing. Thought I got tired of watching super hero action, this is on another level.'re so so hyping me for this! "drool:


Full Member
May 26, 2010
Do DC reset again after this and pump out a sequel? Im not understanding the end game here

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
The 4:3 ratio is a bit jarring but that's my own fault for not having an IMAX cinema in my back garden.

The tonal shift is obvious and fits the film better than JW's Avengers-lite. It's strange because this ten minutes in already has more humour in it than Snyder's other stuff so no clue why Warner Bros went over the deep end with the cinematic release.

Sadly it's also got tons of really dragged out sombre bits.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
The 4:3 ratio is a bit jarring but that's my own fault for not having an IMAX cinema in my back garden.

The tonal shift is obvious and fits the film better than JW's Avengers-lite. It's strange because this ten minutes in already has more humour in it than Snyder's other stuff so no clue why Warner Bros went over the deep end with the cinematic release.

Sadly it's also got tons of really dragged out sombre bits.

I'm actually waiting for the 16:9 release which I'm hoping will drop somewhere later today.

Want to give the film the best chance possible.

Vault Dweller

Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
May 26, 2016
Vault 88, The Commonwealth
I'm emotional.

That was the best out of 3 from Snyder.

Superman's giving me goosebumps.
Flash's epic last scene, goosebumps.
Batman is cool again.
Wonderwoman badass.
Love all the back stories.
Love the Joker.
Love the Injustice league foreshadowing.

Man, there is so much to talk about. ZSJL:8.5/10

Love love love.

Oh the action scenes are mind blowing. Thought I got tired of watching super hero action, this is on another level.
Goodness gracious, I'm even more hyped now :drool:


Lights on for Luke
Mar 10, 2010
Voted the best city in the world
The 4:3 ratio is a bit jarring but that's my own fault for not having an IMAX cinema in my back garden.

The tonal shift is obvious and fits the film better than JW's Avengers-lite. It's strange because this ten minutes in already has more humour in it than Snyder's other stuff so no clue why Warner Bros went over the deep end with the cinematic release.

Sadly it's also got tons of really dragged out sombre bits.
Bloody hell Mr Pigeon! If you're only 10 minutes in of a 4 hour movie....:lol: i jest. Enjoy! I'm hyped to bits for this now.


New Member
Jun 3, 2017
Goodness gracious, I'm even more hyped now :drool:
Yeah! I had very low expectations knowing the plot of the mother boxes from Josstice league...but at the end..I ended up wanting more. Weird stuff.

The last time I had goosebumps like this was The Dark Knight returns chasing bane in the tunnel.


Full Member
Oct 6, 2004
For me this version is a lesson in the value and importance of music.

There are so many beats and scenes that either use the 'DCEU Themes' if that's the right term and it just add so much more gravity and weight to it. I remember Zemeckis talking about Back to the Future and how they used music to add weight and gravitas to the film and this is another example. For me some of the greatest parts were in new scenes that had the musical links to the previous films (as a man who loves the Ultimate Edition of BvS and has MoS in my Top 5 CBMs) such as:

when they have the conversation about the mother boxes resurrecting Superman, with the Man of Steel theme building up as the camera circles around

Superman walking through the ship with the voice-overs and the them

Superman vs the JL with the Zod theme rather than whatever it was that Elfman had playing in Whedon's version

the Wonder Woman and Batman beats during fights

A lot more of the softer, more emotional scenes resonated more for me with the use of the 'universe's' music too, as a lot of the Lois/Martha stuff had musical cues that go back to MoS and BvS too. It just did such a better job at linking the other movies together.

General Thoughts:

- FAR better film, so many small cuts that chopped of Whedon quips that just made the scenes better
- The weight of Superman's absence is dealt with much better
- Batman is indeed awesome again, I wish Affleck would do more
- Flash was still very funny! Speaking of funny, I found this to have much more laugh out loud moments, just little bits (mostly Batman/Alfred banter)
- Cyborg is justified in this film, so much great stuff that Whedon/studio left out to fit the film under 2hrs, it's completely at the heart of the film
- Bad guys have a purpose, it's not just 'I'm here to rule you all' there's actually a reason given for this and I think it's much more fleshed out

...but I did also find all the slow-motion quite jarring, as well as when
Joker suggested giving Batman a reacharound!


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
I assumed this was going to be pay per view, so its a nice surprise its free on sky cinema.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Never watched the theatrical cut, will be giving this a go.

Loved Watchmen from Zack Snyder and BVS Ultimate Edition was also a good watch. There is a real sense of danger and a feeling of the unknown in his superhero films and that sets them apart from the rest of the superhero films to me.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
How come even Sky cinema have this in 4:3? Anyone know when the 16:9 is being released?
It was filmed that way because it looks good in IMAX cinemas. Now that it's being released for home viewing the executive decision to do something completely fecking stupid that ruins the viewing experience was made, as it always is, by a psychopath known as Zack Snyder.


TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
It was filmed that way because it looks good in IMAX cinemas. Now that it's being released for home viewing the executive decision to do something completely fecking stupid that ruins the viewing experience was made, as it always is, by a psychopath known as Zack Snyder.
Ah ffs!

At least I don't have to hold off viewing then.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
All I will say is the Whedon version must've been real,real bad.
It has less character development and the only baddie was Steppenwolf, who seemed to do nothing but stand in the middle of fights and say the same boring lines about The Unity over and over. He also looked less spikey.

I didn't realise that the "I'm Rich" joke was actually from Snyder. In the Whedon version I remember it feeling really forced which made me think it was part of his reshoots.


Don't call me Shirley
Aug 25, 2019
Police Squad
USA Manchester Red Socks
It has less character development and the only baddie was Steppenwolf, who seemed to do nothing but stand in the middle of fights and say the same boring lines about The Unity over and over. He also looked less spikey.

I didn't realise that the "I'm Rich" joke was actually from Snyder. In the Whedon version I remember it feeling really forced which made me think it was part of his reshoots.
There's a fair few jokes in this version that simply don't land. The dialogue is incredibly choppy, overemphasized and at times contradictory (The dialogue is notably awful in the epilogue. Snyder must've wrote that conversion between Bat's and Leto's annoyingly over played Joker. Absolute cringe)

Regarding the new added 'depth' sure it helps the film somewhat, notably in Stephen-Wolf, but narratively it still plods along at a tedious pace. The characters are still quite bland and stark, as is the film visually.
Tonally its still middle of the road. DC fans would argue differently but, minor every character looking gloomy as feck, its still pulls everything off in a rather moderate tone.
(Personally, and this is why I prefer MARVEL's colourful, goofy and tongue-in-cheek tone over DC, is because you're fundamentally dealing with characters that were primarily designed, in the olden days, to sell bubble gum to children.)

Also must reiterate just how bad Gadot and Affleck are .Two awfully chosen actors for their roles. Zero charisma between them, while Iron's is slightly hamming it up like he's re-appearing in Dungeons and Dragons all over again. Just take the money, Jeremy. Just take the money.

Overall it still has its fairshare of awfulness because it would as it's directed by Snyder, who made the previous two absolute muddled fecking messes.
So, I would hold back on the hype train for the time being. Only Snyder and DC fans will really buy into this. The faults are still very much buried in the films core, its just slightly glossed over with new stuff and a few pointless drawn out scenes.

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
Do DC reset again after this and pump out a sequel? Im not understanding the end game here
This can easily be made the canon version, as nothing that happened in this version will affect any of the other DC films that came after the Whedon version.

I really hope this is made canon and we get a sequel and potentially the Injustice League as some of the stuff that happened in the Snyder cut leaves the door wide open.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
There's a fair few jokes in this version that simply don't land. The dialogue is incredibly choppy, overemphasized and at times contradictory (The dialogue is notably awful in the epilogue. Snyder must've wrote that conversion between Bat's and Leto's annoyingly over played Joker. Absolute cringe)

Regarding the new added 'depth' sure it helps the film somewhat, notably in Stephen-Wolf, but narratively it still plods along at a tedious pace. The characters are still quite bland and stark, as is the film visually.
Tonally its still middle of the road. DC fans would argue differently but, minor every character looking gloomy as feck, its still pulls everything off in a rather moderate tone.
(Personally, and this is why I prefer MARVEL's colourful, goofy and tongue-in-cheek tone over DC, is because you're fundamentally dealing with characters that were primarily designed, in the olden days, to sell bubble gum to children.)

Also must reiterate just how bad Gadot and Affleck are .Two awfully chosen actors for their roles. Zero charisma between them, while Iron's is slightly hamming it up like he's re-appearing in Dungeons and Dragons all over again. Just take the money, Jeremy. Just take the money.

Overall it still has its fairshare of awfulness because it would as it's directed by Snyder, who made the previous two absolute muddled fecking messes.
So, I would hold back on the hype train for the time being. Only Snyder and DC fans will really buy into this. The faults are still very much buried in the films core, its just slightly glossed over with new stuff and a few pointless drawn out scenes.
I still can't fathom why DC keep making these same mistakes again and again. The films make some money but not loads of money.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2012
The slow-mo is getting irritating and I'm only 20mins in.
Seriously the slo-mo literally was pissing me off. Especially in the first few acts. It was so overdone and self indulgent. I was rolling my eyes by the time we got the the Flash Intersection scene. The running time was used poorly. If this was the story you wanted to tell it could have been edited much better.

Giving Steppenwolf backstory was a good addition. But, why was he out of favor? What exactly did he do to have to be begging to come home? They could have cut out 10 minutes of slow mo scenes and given me some of that perhaps.

MM's purpose here was also a head scratcher. Look I didn't like Barry being played as goofy the first time. So giving this portrayal more screen time didn't help. BUT, I did like the ending change and the time travel bit. That was better that the Superman/Flash race to save the villagers breakup of the action.

The whole alternative timeline epilogue....whatever I didn't need any of that at all.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Seriously the slo-mo literally was pissing me off. Especially in the first few acts. It was so overdone and self indulgent. I was rolling my eyes by the time we got the the Flash Intersection scene. The running time was used poorly. If this was the story you wanted to tell it could have been edited much better.

Giving Steppenwolf backstory was a good addition. But, why was he out of favor? What exactly did he do to have to be begging to come home? They could have cut out 10 minutes of slow mo scenes and given me some of that perhaps.

MM's purpose here was also a head scratcher. Look I didn't like Barry being played as goofy the first time. So giving this portrayal more screen time didn't help. BUT, I did like the ending change and the time travel bit. That was better that the Superman/Flash race to save the villagers breakup of the action.

The whole alternative timeline epilogue....whatever I didn't need any of that at all.
I think he tried to feck Darkseid over and fell out of favour, so now he has to destroy 10,000 worlds in repayment. I liked that because it gave him a purpose and makes him seem desperate, as opposed to the Whedon one where he just seemed like a nutjob. It was in the first scene with spikey faced robe wearing shitc**t when Steppenwolf was begging to talk to Darkseid.


Full Member
Nov 19, 2012
Moon's Spawn
Flawed but still a much better movie than what we saw a few years back. Makes one think about what the of the JL franchise is now? Would they cast a new Superman as was widely believed?


Part of first caf team to complete Destiny raid
May 12, 2005
Good stuff. 8-8.5/10. Would be nice to see where this is going but we're not going to get a sequel are we?

Side note: I don't know why some of you watch these movies knowing full well that you aren't going to like em. What a waste of 4 hours...

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
I still can't fathom why DC keep making these same mistakes again and again. The films make some money but not loads of money.
DC are doing very well money wise though. They won't ever make a loss on a movie, the TV shows have mostly done well, the animated movies all do pretty well and then there is the Batman Arkham games etc.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Just found a copy of this in my downloads folder due to some hackers, I presume. At first I thought nothing of it, as I just assumed that what appeared to be a 1930s film in academy ratio and a mix of black and white and sepia was long out of copyright and in the public domain. Iooks Like I'll have to turn myself in to the authorities.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Just found a copy of this in my downloads folder due to some hackers, I presume. At first I thought nothing of it, as I just assumed that what appeared to be a 1930s film in academy ratio and a mix of black and white and sepia was long out of copyright and in the public domain. Iooks Like I'll have to turn myself in to the authorities.
It's fine. Watching this film is punishment enough.

Good stuff. 8-8.5/10. Would be nice to see where this is going but we're not going to get a sequel are we?

Side note: I don't know why some of you watch these movies knowing full well that you aren't going to like em. What a waste of 4 hours...
It's so when we say "it's shit" and people ask if we've even watched it we can say yes. And also because of Drogo guy Gal Gadot.


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
Why release something that's primarily gonna be viewed on a TV or computer screen in 4:3?