An even more childish post. And if you were even the slightest bit perceptive (which your posts show you aren't) you'd notice that I live in Shanghai so it was 13.00 when I posted. *some people - bangs head against wall*You ask me 6 fecking questions at 6 in the morning, get answers to all of them and now you put your fingers in your ears yelling *THATS CRAP, LA LA LAAAA*.
My guess is that your next reply will be with no arguments, telling me "Nah mate, your post is just really terrible" or something along the likes of thatIdiot.
Edit: Nah, way better to edit your own post and elaborate that I'm being childish. Then go on being very mature calling my post 'mad woman's piss'. Still no arguments, thumbs up.
Also criticise the post not the poster. No need to revert to name calling (though it's clearly in line with your posts).