Julian Alvarez | 75m + 20m add-ons (Euros) fee agreed with Atletico

I have, have you?

Hojlund has been injured for half the time he was here.
He was kept out of starting line up for the FA Cup final, as well as the quarterfinal against Liverpool, on top of having a poor Euros.

Nothing against the guy, I think he’s a decent player and hopefully improves further, Atalanta rinsed us massively but it is what is.

Alvarez is very obviously the better and more proven player as of now, both for a successful Premier League team and for his national team.

Hope this helps.

These are irrelevant things that you try to present as valid arguments. Hojlund was injured. And? Hojlund was benched for one game. And? Hojlund had a poor Euros. And? Álvarez plays for City and Argentina. As of now, way easier environments to succeed in than current United or Denmark. You cannot compare them this way, as they never played the same roles in similar environments.

"More proven", okay but once again, what does that matter again? How many players are there in world football who are unproven right but in 2-3 years' time will be considered among the best players in the world? And are already much better than some of the "proven" players currently? People just don't know yet. This argument is like saying Mitrovic or Antonio were better than Hojlund 12 months ago, just because Hojlund was even less proven back then.

Why don't you tell me instead what you think Álvarez has over Hojlund if you just analyze the two players and isolate them from their significantly different environments.

"Hope this helps" Please don't tell me you're one of those "LUHG" cultists from Twitter
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Utter tripe. Hojlund is so clearly the superior player, it isn't even close

Have you even watched both players?
Have you?

Alvarez averaged 1 G/A per 108 minutes last season, Højlund’s is 171.

It’s all well and good arguing about potential and team environment and what not, but Alvarez has been pretty damn consistently productive since he came to the league and on current productivity the superior to Hojlund. Arguing otherwise is just the red tinted specs talking.
Seems pretty mad but the quality of strikers today seems so low that he's probably worth it.
Have you?

Alvarez averaged 1 G/A per 108 minutes last season, Højlund’s is 171.

It’s all well and good arguing about potential and team environment and what not, but Alvarez has been pretty damn consistently productive since he came to the league and on current productivity the superior to Hojlund. Arguing otherwise is just the red tinted specs talking.

Sorry, but this is once again irrelevant, because if you put Álvarez into the 23/24 United side, Hojlund into the 23/24 City side, give them the same amount of minutes up top, then it's a 99.9% probability that Hojlund heavily outscores Álvarez.

Álvarez has been productive, I'm not denying that. Have you seen his goals, though? With only a few exceptions, all of them came from him positioning himself into empty spaces inside the opposition's box when City are trying to break up their low block, then receiving the ball, and often having all the time in the world to take a shot. So, in an environment where your teammates and the system doesn't enable you to find yourself in big empty spaces, with so much time on the ball, it will massively impact your productivity if ball striking is the biggest quality you bring to the table. But like I said, he's a good player. Good ball striker, good mentality, hard worker and good high presser out of possession, but does he have something that not many "good" players possess at that level? No, not really. The system enables him to be seen as ten times the player he is in reality. 82 million is way above what his value is, even at the peak of his powers (assuming he hasn't peaked yet). So it can't even be argued IMO that Atletico are paying for potential. What's the attribute Álvarez is going to develop to a world class level? He already seems to be the finished article IMO. Atletico should be getting players like him when they're still in South America, and then develop them into 40-50m players and either keep that small investment as a somewhat valuable first team player for the long-term, or take advantage of the opportunity to fleece a rich club for the player, if it presents itself...but this time they're the ones getting fleeced by the selling club, just like with Félix a few years ago.
Does people actually still talk about numbers when DMs are paid above 100 millions and kids like Højlund 70 sthg...that's the market

The REAL issue here it's that CURRENT Julian it's stagnated, more focus on be a pressuring machine and be second fiddle to fit with no clear role, than the intelligent, confident and productive second foward he was some time ago (while in those days looking like someone that could turn even better).

Right now he is in quite a turning point regarding his carreer and development, Aleti might suit him if he is focus and find a more clear role and the net with their more direct approach.
Or he might miss chances galore with the spotlight on him or worse, finding himself pressuring even more forgetting even more his other assets in that path.
We don't know, time will tell, but City and Aleti are places were the collective is way above the individual, so I dunno what might happen to him...first task for the young fella? REST and CALM the fecking down, if he continues with this rushed style of him and over the top generous, he would not be what he was nor what he looked he could be.
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Sorry, but this is once again irrelevant, because if you put Álvarez into the 23/24 United side, Hojlund into the 23/24 City side, give them the same amount of minutes up top, then it's a 99.9% probability that Hojlund heavily outscores Álvarez.

Álvarez has been productive, I'm not denying that. Have you seen his goals, though? With only a few exceptions, all of them came from him positioning himself into empty spaces inside the opposition's box when City are trying to break up their low block, then receiving the ball, and often having all the time in the world to take a shot. So, in an environment where your teammates and the system doesn't enable you to find yourself in big empty spaces, with so much time on the ball, it will massively impact your productivity if ball striking is the biggest quality you bring to the table. But like I said, he's a good player. Good ball striker, good mentality, hard worker and good high presser out of possession, but does he have something that not many "good" players possess at that level? No, not really. The system enables him to be seen as ten times the player he is in reality. 82 million is way above what his value is, even at the peak of his powers (assuming he hasn't peaked yet). So it can't even be argued IMO that Atletico are paying for potential. What's the attribute Álvarez is going to develop to a world class level? He already seems to be the finished article IMO. Atletico should be getting players like him when they're still in South America, and then develop them into 40-50m players and either keep that small investment as a somewhat valuable first team player for the long-term, or take advantage of the opportunity to fleece a rich club for the player, if it presents itself...but this time they're the ones getting fleeced by the selling club, just like with Félix a few years ago.

That wasn't the scenario in City at all, the majority of his goals came when he still had a mean shot like Fullham out of nothing, or because he pressured like mad men and created a chance out of nothing. Very few goals came with him receving a clear assist with space and time in comparison with the ammount of times he offered himself in such situations, City tends to not risk the ball at all, bar Kevin, Foden and Erlin.

We can make a compilation of 2 hours with him running to space (even with Erling too), mostly being used as decoy with Walker, Grealish or Bernardo keeping the ball or passing sideways or if deciding to risk mostly chosing Erling.
That is why he became even more obssesed with pressuring, that is why he was mostly used as another body in the mid.
Foden and Erling are the ones that created more chances for him in the fashion you've mentioned.

Lately inddeed he blew some easy chances, no doubt, but if sthg City does not provide frequently is giving the ball with advantage to direct forwards, they tend to actuall end pressing their own forwards in tight spaces.
That's why Erling even scoring a lot, misses a lot of balls too, because he rarely is being used like in Dortmund on the break with spaces, nor Julian was given the ball either tons of times when he ran to the space. City always puts the major idea above anything.
That wasn't the scenario in City at all, the majority of his goals came when he still had a mean shot like Fullham out of nothing, or because he pressured like mad men and created a chance out of nothing. Very few goals came with him receving a clear assist with space and time in comparison with the ammount of times he offered himself in such situations, City tends to not risk the ball at all, bar Kevin, Foden and Erlin.

We can make a compilation of 2 hours with him running to space (even with Erling too), mostly being used as decoy with Walker, Grealish or Bernardo keeping the ball or passing sideways or if deciding to risk mostly chosing Erling.
That is why he became even more obssesed with pressuring, that is why he was mostly used as another body in the mid.
Foden and Erling are the ones that created more chances for him in the fashion you've mentioned.

Lately inddeed he blew some easy chances, no doubt, but if sthg City does not provide frequently is giving the ball with advantage to direct forwards, they tend to actuall end pressing their own forwards in tight spaces.
That's why Erling even scoring a lot, misses a lot of balls too, because he rarely is being used like in Dortmund on the break with spaces, nor Julian was given the ball either tons of times when he ran to the space. City always puts the major idea above anything.

I've mentioned in basically every post so far that he has good ball-striking. Also mentioned he's a good high presser who tirelessly works hard for the team out of possession...but if you rewatch every one of his goals last season, a big amount of them was in fact created for him, and all he had to do was run into empty space and receive the ball.

Also, when you make the point that he's often being used as a decoy runner for other players, doesn't that strengthen my point as well? His best attributes make him an ideal "decoy", but how many good players would be able to play that role for City?

There are so many players out there you could sign for a fraction of that 82 million with good ball striking, good pressing, good discipline, etc. all the attributes we've discussed. I never argued he wasn't a good player, I said he's nowhere near an 80 million player and you can find someone for much, much cheaper to do the things for your team that Alvarez does for City.
Utter tripe. Hojlund is so clearly the superior player, it isn't even close

Have you even watched both players?

I think most posters here would swap Hojlund for Alvarez in a heartbeat and would be willing to pay extra..

(and rightfully so...)
This might be the first time on here that we agree on something. :lol:

Do you see anything in this video that justifies spending 82 million pounds on him? I see good ball striking, good positioning, good finishing, and a lot of goal-scoring opportunities where he found himself in a lot of space and even had time to take a few touches before shooting, despite being in the centre of the opposition's box while they're defending deep. It's easy to see how much he benefitted from City's dominant approach where simply the combo of being decent at positioning yourself and striking the ball is enough the score a good number of goals per season. He won't have that luxury at Atlético. PSG would've been a better move for him where he could've been in a similar environment: several big chances every game just by finding empty space and being able to strike the ball well.

His technique is good, he's not a top technical player. But its his danger, goals and assists - particularly with his form for the first half of last season that is why he's worth plenty of money. He was either scoring or assisting in the vast majority of matches where he had an hour on the pitch.

How much is he worth? Well the up front fee is like £10 million more than they paid for Nunes. Easily worth that and more. Grealish they paid £120 million for and hes much better than him...

I'd say he's probably worth £50 million overall. Maybe just about worth something near the £65 million for the first half of last season and then worth less in the 2nd half of the season bringing his value back down

And I think he could get 20-25 goals +6 or 7 assists if he was playing up front every week for a premier league team but he just didnt have that importance to City other than when De Bruyne was injured or when Haaland has a dry spell. He's also a team player willing to play less familiar roles to get on the pitch and do the running for others. I imagine thats why Simeone is willing to pay extra for him as he values that kind of working for the team not just to make yourself look good kind of attitude. Again I cant see Atletico playing in a way that makes a any striker look worth £65 million plus bonuses so I'm not sure he's going to be scoring more than like 25 goals. Still if he did that it would be the top scorer in la liga last season as Dobvyk was top with 24 and has left the league. Sorloth now his teammate at Atletico had 23. So he might not even be the highest goalscorer at Atletico and he works more on the assists. I wonder if they'll have a similar dynamic as when Alvarez and Haaland played together

Regardless Atletico are spending a huge amount on them both and then theres Griezmann still doing numbers so they should continue to get enough goals that not conceeding much will lead to points. With this kind of spending they would need to be right back up with Barcelona and Madrid at the end of the season to make it worthwhile

As for PSG they recycle so many players that they'd probably sign him one season then the next season try to find a new striker to replace him. I think what he does will likely be more appreciated by Simeone
I've mentioned in basically every post so far that he has good ball-striking. Also mentioned he's a good high presser who tirelessly works hard for the team out of possession...but if you rewatch every one of his goals last season, a big amount of them was in fact created for him, and all he had to do was run into empty space and receive the ball.

Also, when you make the point that he's often being used as a decoy runner for other players, doesn't that strengthen my point as well? His best attributes make him an ideal "decoy", but how many good players would be able to play that role for City?

There are so many players out there you could sign for a fraction of that 82 million with good ball striking, good pressing, good discipline, etc. all the attributes we've discussed. I never argued he wasn't a good player, I said he's nowhere near an 80 million player and you can find someone for much, much cheaper to do the things for your team that Alvarez does for City.

In my original post, I was talking about the bold part you've written, that goes beyond Alvarez, even if he can be use as an example.

I always felt that there is a very misguide notion that City is a place where you receive the ball with advantage tons of times.

It's not, it's a place that the scenario I've painted it's the more common, specially his first season, his goals mostly came from him after pressuring or arriving to second loose balls.

The scenario didn't changed that much his second one, but it's sthg that if your are not the main striker, or even being (like Erling) still it's a team that does not constantly put their strikers sin such situations, in fact it's a team that might put various players with other roles in the team in such positions after using their strikers as decoys.

Of course they will still score a lot, but their main idea it's to have the ball, sometimes in their own detriment when it comes to risk a bit more and put a player in clear advantge and be more direct.
In ocassion like I've said they complicate things for them. This remidns me when people went over the top with Erling (rightly to some extent) that he loosses constantly the ball when pressured, but the thing it's that Erling in those situatiosn is playing against his best traits.
It's sthg that happens because City pressures so much as a block upfront, that passes too much before risking it, so their forwards find themselvs between their own fellas and the rival's last line with little space to operate.
Erling can manages at least in such situations with his great rebound and box ability, but it's no secret that he'll suffer more in tight areas than running with space. Alvarez, not being Aguero, Foden or Tevez, also will struggle more in tight spaces or not fast receiving in his first attemp to the space.

Going back to Alvarez, that style it's the one that actually made Alvarez not receiving as many balls as any striker should on the situations you've painted and that actually lots of his goals came from sitruations far frorm that scenario.

Nonetheless, current Alvarez? even if being feed constantly in such style (let's say that this actually happens regurlarly in Aleti), I dunno how well he'll do, he looks quite less calm, confident, compose than his best self since some time.
His ball striking also looks a lot less effective, he's plñying rushed, tired and confuse (evrywhere, in the NT too). City in many ways does not help at all (the NT to some extent neither), but there is also a personal issue of him not being in best form, confuse or whatever.
I think most posters here would swap Hojlund for Alvarez in a heartbeat and would be willing to pay extra..

(and rightfully so...)

And then act surprised why Álvarez is not looking good for United, whilst Hojlund is tearing up the league for City?
Nothing suspicious going on here......Just 95m for a Man City sub :lol:

I'd keep a close eye on Atletico's sponsorship deals in the next year or two.
It's actually a little bit hard to assess him - was he made to look better because of the City well-oiled machine, or will he actually go up a level in a less systemic environment? The fee isn't actually that shocking, it's a lot of course, but it's also pretty much on par for his profile of player across European football.

The add-ons do send it into a different level of fee, which depending on how hard they are to activate could make the transfer a lot less reasonable.

Atleti brought thought a young Fernando Torres, help Aguero launch his career, helped Griezmann establish himself and grow after Sociedad and had Falcao and Forlan, I have Alvarez can be a very good player for them.
It really does irritate the life out of me that we could have signed him for a song back when Rangnick was in charge.
A sub who started 31 out of 38 league games last season and is the starting striker for the world champions.
C'mon mate, don't let facts get in the way of media bullshit and Caf delusion. Alvarez clearly never kicks a ball and is barely used.

The fact Cities playtime minutes looks like this in the PL clearly show he's a reserve.
  1. Rodri 2938
  2. Foden 2871
  3. Ederson 2788
  4. Walker 2768
  5. Alvarez 2659
  6. Bernardo 2582
  7. everyone else.

The caf have made it clear that at City. Bernardo, Dias, Akanji, Gvaridol, Haaland, KDB, Kovacic, Stones... all bit part players who need to move on due to lack of playtime.

Clearly some kind of scam going on with the fee. He never ever, ever kicks a ball and most people forgot he existed so it has to be sus.
And then act surprised why Álvarez is not looking good for United, whilst Hojlund is tearing up the league for City?

I can get why you don't rate Alvarez that high, more in this current dubious form, I trully do, you can read my current opinion about him here.
I can get behind you seeing Højlund like a more clear striker, with a more define role. (Yet you'll still be srupirse that City doesn't play that much prioritizing their strikers, even nowadays with Erling and even worse if the Dane went there as second fiddle)

But I don't get why it's so hard to get that it's not such a high price for:

. A 24 years old that had very good to great seasons under his belt (this includes River and the NT), even being right now not in his best form and maybe not even improving, or maybe getting worse in Aleti.
. While at the same time buying from a club like City means that they won't sell for peanuts given their strong financial state.

So at the end of the day why on hell it's more apropiate to pay 70 millions for a promise of a great stiker that scored 9 goals in 32 matches in his prior season before arriving to Man Utd than a player with more seasons and better CV under his belt like Alvarez, even if I have no issue whatsoever if you like the Dane more and have a blind faith on him becoming an extraordinary striker. That can happen, but it's not like he was bought like the new Brazilain wonder goaslcorer, or after tearing Serie A apart, there are signs there of a possible great strtiker, but he wasn't bought like Alvarez after being great in River for 15 millions either.
I'm not shitting on Højlund, far from it, but all of your arguments are placed on a bet, that can go wrong or great, but at the end of the day in pure financial terms and CV, the Dane it's the one that was paid quite high in comparison with their CVs at the moment of purchase.
In my original post, I was talking about the bold part you've written, that goes beyond Alvarez, even if he can be use as an example.

I always felt that there is a very misguide notion that City is a place where you receive the ball with advantage tons of times.

It's not, it's a place that the scenario I've painted it's the more common, specially his first season, his goals mostly came from him after pressuring or arriving to second loose balls.

The scenario didn't changed that much his second one, but it's sthg that if your are not the main striker, or even being (like Erling) still it's a team that does not constantly put their strikers sin such situations, in fact it's a team that might put various players with other roles in the team in such positions after using their strikers as decoys.

Of course they will still score a lot, but their main idea it's to have the ball, sometimes in their own detriment when it comes to risk a bit more and put a player in clear advantge and be more direct.
In ocassion like I've said they complicate things for them. This remidns me when people went over the top with Erling (rightly to some extent) that he loosses constantly the ball when pressured, but the thing it's that Erling in those situatiosn is playing against his best traits.
It's sthg that happens because City pressures so much as a block upfront, that passes too much before risking it, so their forwards find themselvs between their own fellas and the rival's last line with little space to operate.
Erling can manages at least in such situations with his great rebound and box ability, but it's no secret that he'll suffer more in tight areas than running with space. Alvarez, not being Aguero, Foden or Tevez, also will struggle more in tight spaces or not fast receiving in his first attemp to the space.

Going back to Alvarez, that style it's the one that actually made Alvarez not receiving as many balls as any striker should on the situations you've painted and that actually lots of his goals came from sitruations far frorm that scenario.

Nonetheless, current Alvarez? even if being feed constantly in such style (let's say that this actually happens regurlarly in Aleti), I dunno how well he'll do, he looks quite less calm, confident, compose than his best self since some time.
His ball striking also looks a lot less effective, he's plñying rushed, tired and confuse (evrywhere, in the NT too). City in many ways does not help at all (the NT to some extent neither), but there is also a personal issue of him not being in best form, confuse or whatever.

Sorry, I didn't notice that you bolded a part of that comment.

I wasn't trying to imply that City's system is set up to solely create chances for Álvarez or Haaland, and I know to play a lot for City you need to be able to execute the game plan perfectly and play as a cog in the machine...but considering the player's overall skillset and best attributes, it's difficult for me to see him improve, or let alone probably even just produce the same numbers in what is a vastly inferior team to City. And it's also difficult to me to justify an 80m fee on him when there are many players who could do the same job for cheaper. Both for City and Atleti.
I can get why you don't rate Alvarez that high, more in this current dubious form, I trully do, you can read my current opinion about him here.
I can get behind you seeing Højlund like a more clear striker, with a more define role. (Yet you'll still be srupirse that City doesn't play that much prioritizing their strikers, even nowadays with Erling and even worse if the Dane went there as second fiddle)

But I don't get why it's so hard to get that it's not such a high price for:

. A 24 years old that had very good to great seasons under his belt (this includes River and the NT), even being right now not in his best form and maybe not even improving, or maybe getting worse in Aleti.
. While at the same time buying from a club like City means that they won't sell for peanuts given their strong financial state.

So at the end of the day why on hell it's more apropiate to pay 70 millions for a promise of a great stiker that scored 9 goals in 32 matches in his prior season before arriving to Man Utd than a player with more seasons and better CV under his belt like Alvarez, even if I have no issue whatsoever if you like the Dane more and have a blind faith on him becoming an extraordinary striker. That can happen, but it's not like he was bought like the new Brazilain wonder goaslcorer, or after tearing Serie A apart, there are signs there of a possible great strtiker, but he wasn't bought like Alvarez after being great in River for 15 millions either.
I'm not shitting on Højlund, far from it, but all of your arguments are placed on a bet, that can go wrong or great, but at the end of the day in pure financial terms and CV, the Dane it's the one that was paid quite high in comparison with their CVs at the moment of purchase.

I know a player's CV heavily influences their transfer fee, but it shouldn't be this extreme IMO. If Álvarez wouldn't have won everything there is to win in football, I really doubt Atlético would've been willing to pay this much for him.

And with Hojlund, yes, he's a work in progress, but he's already very good, handicapped by the shit team he has to play in. Also, with him, I feel like there's an undeniable potential to grow into one of the best strikers in the world, because of his overall skillset. That's why I can understand United paying 64m for him despite being unproven and unknown, and after his first few months at United, I understood why PSG also prioritized this unknown 9 goal striker from the Serie A over much more proven options at the time in Kolo Muani and Goncalo Ramos.

Álvarez, on the other hand, doesn't have the skillset to become one of the best in the world in his position, at least in my opinion, and his trophy haul, as well as playing for the best club side in the world heavily overrates his real level IMO. Not just among most football fans, but it seems like his value gets overestimated for the football clubs themselves too.
Initial reaction was massive surprise at the fee, but I don’t watch * so can’t really quantify.
How is it money laundering?
What incentive would the counterparty (Atletico) have for being complicit with fraud? What would they gain from it?
UAE based Amber Group owned WhaleFin cryptocurrency exchange, who were sponsoring Atletico with a €40m/year shirt sponsorship, which seemed excessive at the time.

The deal was cut short by Amber Group. Atletico are suing for €44m in damages.

The ADG step forwards, pays the €44m via Amber Group to Atletico. Atletico overpay for Alvarez by €45m or so. ADG fund the accounts of everyone involved to make the risk, reward worthy.
His technique is good, he's not a top technical player. But its his danger, goals and assists - particularly with his form for the first half of last season that is why he's worth plenty of money. He was either scoring or assisting in the vast majority of matches where he had an hour on the pitch.

How much is he worth? Well the up front fee is like £10 million more than they paid for Nunes. Easily worth that and more. Grealish they paid £120 million for and hes much better than him...

I'd say he's probably worth £50 million overall. Maybe just about worth something near the £65 million for the first half of last season and then worth less in the 2nd half of the season bringing his value back down

And I think he could get 20-25 goals +6 or 7 assists if he was playing up front every week for a premier league team but he just didnt have that importance to City other than when De Bruyne was injured or when Haaland has a dry spell. He's also a team player willing to play less familiar roles to get on the pitch and do the running for others. I imagine thats why Simeone is willing to pay extra for him as he values that kind of working for the team not just to make yourself look good kind of attitude. Again I cant see Atletico playing in a way that makes a any striker look worth £65 million plus bonuses so I'm not sure he's going to be scoring more than like 25 goals. Still if he did that it would be the top scorer in la liga last season as Dobvyk was top with 24 and has left the league. Sorloth now his teammate at Atletico had 23. So he might not even be the highest goalscorer at Atletico and he works more on the assists. I wonder if they'll have a similar dynamic as when Alvarez and Haaland played together

Regardless Atletico are spending a huge amount on them both and then theres Griezmann still doing numbers so they should continue to get enough goals that not conceeding much will lead to points. With this kind of spending they would need to be right back up with Barcelona and Madrid at the end of the season to make it worthwhile

As for PSG they recycle so many players that they'd probably sign him one season then the next season try to find a new striker to replace him. I think what he does will likely be more appreciated by Simeone
If anything, they're quite good to watch going forward now and its their defense that lets them down more. Alvarez should shine here.

I'm not quite sure what City are upto though. Ageing stars, no real refreshment in the squad and now losing Alvarez? Having lost Gundogan, Alvarez, Mahrez over the last two years and only added Savinho, Doku, and Gvardiol is...strange. I'm not quite sure they'll be winning the league this year.
UAE based Amber Group owned WhaleFin cryptocurrency exchange, who were sponsoring Atletico with a €40m/year shirt sponsorship, which seemed excessive at the time.

The deal was cut short by Amber Group. Atletico are suing for €44m in damages.

The ADG step forwards, pays the €44m via Amber Group to Atletico. Atletico overpay for Alvarez by €45m or so. ADG fund the accounts of everyone involved to make the risk, reward worthy.
Where do you see a connection? Amber Group (which sold Whalefin to Sony last year) is based in Singapore, not UAE.
C'mon mate, don't let facts get in the way of media bullshit and Caf delusion. Alvarez clearly never kicks a ball and is barely used.

The fact Cities playtime minutes looks like this in the PL clearly show he's a reserve.
  1. Rodri 2938
  2. Foden 2871
  3. Ederson 2788
  4. Walker 2768
  5. Alvarez 2659
  6. Bernardo 2582
  7. everyone else.

The caf have made it clear that at City. Bernardo, Dias, Akanji, Gvaridol, Haaland, KDB, Kovacic, Stones... all bit part players who need to move on due to lack of playtime.

Clearly some kind of scam going on with the fee. He never ever, ever kicks a ball and most people forgot he existed so it has to be sus.
It's funny, the consensus here has long been that there's a huge shortage of quality strikers and that if we want to sign one with experience it's going to cost an exorbitant amount of money.

And now everyone's up in arms about this transfer and claiming fraud?!
Sorry, I didn't notice that you bolded a part of that comment.

I wasn't trying to imply that City's system is set up to solely create chances for Álvarez or Haaland, and I know to play a lot for City you need to be able to execute the game plan perfectly and play as a cog in the machine...but considering the player's overall skillset and best attributes, it's difficult for me to see him improve, or let alone probably even just produce the same numbers in what is a vastly inferior team to City. And it's also difficult to me to justify an 80m fee on him when there are many players who could do the same job for cheaper. Both for City and Atleti.

No problem man, I had to be more clear in my post too

He will work better in a team that uses him with more space and when he makes his runs.
Yet at the same time in his current form, where he can't hit his best strikes and looks rushed and lacking confidence when comes to clear chances, he might get expose.
The best Alvarez thrives in a team that uses him fast and costantly, this current Alvarez? can get trally annoying...at least ina Cholo team he will compensate with his energy if he finds himself in a bad scenario.
I do not trust much el Cholo to get the best of him, but maybe he can pull out a Grizzie and he ends improving, god knows.
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I know a player's CV heavily influences their transfer fee, but it shouldn't be this extreme IMO. If Álvarez wouldn't have won everything there is to win in football, I really doubt Atlético would've been willing to pay this much for him.

And with Hojlund, yes, he's a work in progress, but he's already very good, handicapped by the shit team he has to play in. Also, with him, I feel like there's an undeniable potential to grow into one of the best strikers in the world, because of his overall skillset. That's why I can understand United paying 64m for him despite being unproven and unknown, and after his first few months at United, I understood why PSG also prioritized this unknown 9 goal striker from the Serie A over much more proven options at the time in Kolo Muani and Goncalo Ramos.

Álvarez, on the other hand, doesn't have the skillset to become one of the best in the world in his position, at least in my opinion, and his trophy haul, as well as playing for the best club side in the world heavily overrates his real level IMO. Not just among most football fans, but it seems like his value gets overestimated for the football clubs themselves too.

On a personal note, the Dane might be a more focus plain striker no doubt, I like quite a lot the kid, but at this point in his carreer the word overrated in terms of what was paid and CV would suit him better when it comes to analyzing his real output so far, even because he didn't play that much at all for any given reasons since his debut.

Regarding Alvarez indeed his participation in some of the Titles he won was collateral at best, Libertadores specially, he isn't Aguero, nor Tevez, I might even like Diego Milito and Higuain more than him from not that distant examples in time, yet neither has been the Dane so far a young Rudd, Crespo or Bati to put a more suitable (thought also unfair) comparison at this point. You are also just focusing in City, when what Alvarez did in River in his last season and in the WC was really really great on every sense.
There is not a single doubt that there is a lot of too much talk on his titles, no doubt about it, and this creates some sort an overrated image of him as a player.
Also he has stagnated right now for me in terms of his very own level and potential, but at the same time you are selling a bit too short his talent and achievments in his short carreer while being extremely positive (pushing the envelope a bit too much perhaps) regarding the Dane AT THIS POINT, even if he ends being Van Basten.

There must be no doubt a more sensible middle ground there regarding both.
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£75m isn’t a mad fee. The lad is a better footballer than Haaland and the fee looks like a great deal for Athleti if I’m honest.
Seems like one of those players who is good at a lot of things but great at nothing. A bit like Ferran Torres at City, good but unspectacular and doesn't really stand out in any way. That could just be Pep's system though.
It's funny, the consensus here has long been that there's a huge shortage of quality strikers and that if we want to sign one with experience it's going to cost an exorbitant amount of money.

And now everyone's up in arms about this transfer and claiming fraud?!

Because it's City, you can't operate the way they do, and have the charges they are accused of, and then be surprised that people are cynical about everything they do.
The way they do business is quite impressive. Hopefully we learn from them but the Board has to clear all the mess thye have inherited first.
People underselling Alvarez are crazy :lol:.

He clearly is an above average footballer and any team would be lucky to have him.

Also avoid hypothetical made-up scenarios when comparing players. Julian has won the Libertadores, Champions League, World Cup, First division in Argentina and the UK and even the plastic trophy that is the finalissima. Hojlund doesn't even come close to these achievements and the experience that goes with them.
I’m surprised they’ve sold him in all honesty. Good player and still good scope for improvement too.