"It's not about us getting the best out of him. It's about him giving the best he has to give."
"The World Cup is the perfect habitat for a player like him to give the best. Because it's closed for months where he can only think about football, where he's with his team on a training camp completely isolated from the external world, and the dimensions of the games can only motivate."
"During the season you can have a big match, then a smaller match, then one even smaller. Then you can lose your focus and concentration. In the World Cup the direction of the emotions and the responsibilities of the big decisions is always growing. This feeds the motivation and the concentration of a player."
"Players in the World Cup really feel that extra commitment with the country, with the people, that extra responsibility that makes them sometimes even over-committed. They play for the team and only the team. The team is the most important thing, and they do everything to try to succeed. So I think it's a perfect environment for a talented player like him to fully focus on the job."