I think attacking the PM and defence secretary for 'show boating and glad handing' is as ridiculous as attacking Corbyn for not signing.
I also think daring to attack Corbyn for having an opinion on the monarchy is perverse given that he was attending a memorial for the Battle of Britain.
If there's ever a time to celebrate our continued right to freedom of expression and thought then during celebrations and commemorations of the success in the 1940's of fighting off fascism is just about as appropriate a time as any.
The Telegraph headline is a joke, probably the worst of them all as far as I'm concerned, because it tries to imply that Queen = Country. No it fecking doesn't. The sooner we get rid of this old fashioned shite and start seeing our country as more than just the possession of one family then the better we will all be. Then people can chose whether or not to "serve" the monarchy rather than being forced and bullied into it by royalists.