Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Even foreign policy mag was publishing articles about Israel's interests in Egypt around the time of the Arab Spring, the rise of the brotherhood was seen as a risk to the 1979 peace treaty. It's hardly confined to David Icke and 4chan that Israel took an active interest in what was going on there.

Yeah that's not at all what Corbyn is saying in that interview though.
And this is exactly the reason why, whatever the statistics may show about the prevalence of antisemitism in Labour before and after Corbyn, and whatever Corbyn actually believes in his heart, he will not get the benefit of the doubt from most Jews on this issue, and neither will the Labour Party while he is in charge. He is someone who at the very least is comfortable in an environment where the line between anti-Zionism and antisemitism is often/frequently blurred - indeed it seems to me like much of his activism on behalf of the Palestinians has been conducted in such an environment.

In other words, nothing but the ouster of Corbyn, or a 180 on his foreign policy, would be enough to prove that he isn't anti-Semitic.
Which is a problem, because I don't see John McDonnell or Diane Abbott being acceptable either (and they'd both be even more unelectable), and I don't know anybody else with actual Left-wing commitments in that party.
In other words, nothing but the ouster of Corbyn, or a 180 on his foreign policy, would be enough to prove that he isn't anti-Semitic.
Which is a problem, because I don't see John McDonnell or Diane Abbott being acceptable either (and they'd both be even more unelectable), and I don't know anybody else with actual Left-wing commitments in that party.

I'm quite sure there is a means by which Corbyn could manage this problem without doing a 180 on his Israel stance. However at this moment it doesn't appear as if he's capable of it, hence the continuing problems he's facing.
By the way this is the attack Corbyn seems to be referring to in the video:

"The August 2012 Sinai attack occurred on 5 August 2012, when armed men ambushed an Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula, killing 16 soldiers and stealing two armored cars, which they used to infiltrate into Israel. The attackers broke through the Kerem Shalom border crossing to Israel, where one of the vehicles exploded. They then engaged in a firefight with soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, during which six of the attackers were killed. No Israelis were injured."
Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-Arab agenda
Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor
Sunday, 4 October 2015

When I heard Prime Minister David Cameron’s reaction to the new leader of the Labour Party, I dismissed it as a scaremongering tactic designed to undermine his rival.

“Labour are now a serious risk to our nation’s security, our economy’s security and your family’s security,” he warned.

But after scrutinizing this former backbencher’s record and listening to his speeches, I share Mr. Cameron’s concerns. Should Jeremy Corbyn ever make it to Number Ten, Britain’s stature will be diminished globally and its relations with the U.S., the EU, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and Egypt will be strained to a breaking point.
He used his speech at the annual Labour Party gathering to attack Saudi Arabia and Bahrain on their human rights record and called upon Cameron to prevent the Kingdom’s authorities implementing a death penalty, as though any British leader has the right to interfere in the affairs of a sovereign country.

Gulf News rightly asks while pointing out that GCC countries are heavily invested in the UK, “Should Gulf investors worry about Jeremy Corbyn?” If he ever becomes prime minister, I would answer a resounding “yes” given his anti-Arab rants as well as his ideological vendetta against the rich, whom he proposes taxing to the hilt.
I have no message for Mr Corbyn; his views are too entrenched. How can anyone trumpet concern for human rights with any authority when they cuddle a regime like Iran that subjugates its own people, treats its minority populations as second-class citizens whose political and cultural rights are trampled upon?

I would ask the British people to see through the facade and moreover, I would stress that his attacks on Saudi and Bahrain have no foundation. Both countries threatened by are Iran and its proxies have the right to handle their security and deal with bad apples in the best way they see fit.

The peoples of the Gulf enjoy some of the highest standards of living in the world. Our people are looked after; their needs taken care of and those are the most important human rights of all. Corbyn is an extremist, a defender of terrorists and terrorist regimes, in sheep’s clothing. I can only second David Cameron’s warning and urge the British electorate to beware!
It's just a complete mindfeck to me that the Tories are fecking this country up the arse and we're months away from having to use stockpiles of food, medicine and blood as a result - and you look at Labour and everyone's talking about Israel, Palestine and antisemitism.

Whether your view is that Corbyn can't be an effective opposition leader or he hasn't been allowed to be an effective opposition leader - the fact is Labour under him have been the least effective opposition any of us can remember. That's pretty much an observable fact at this stage now not even an opinion.
Yes because what matters isn't the fact the govt is being allowed to get away with stuff because Labour can't seem to fart without shitting down its own legs - the problem is a guy on an internet forum points that out.
I think we're losing sight of the real issue and that's what LucyLux88 on Reddit has been saying. if it wasn't for her Corbyn would definitely be PM already. Things like poll performance, winning elections or stopping a dangerous hard Brexit aren't that important - LucyLux88 needs to have a word with herself.

I don't get how people are incapable of actually discussing these things without centring everything on the views of a virtual stranger on the internet. Every single time anyone points out the flaws of the Labour party there's this bizarre desire to centre some irrelevant online disagreement. As if that's the only thing people are capable of understanding. LucyLux88 on Reddit, Oscie on Redcafe, @HotMamaJunetits4 on Twitter - at some point can we acknowledge what matters is the subjects not what people on the internet have said about them before? Such a narrow, spectrum-like outlook on absolutely everything is both infuriating and limiting.

I've criticised Corbyn in the past therefore I can't acknowledge the reality that Labour are as effective as King Cnute when it comes to stopping the tidal wave of Tory mess? Or maybe Cnute would have been more successful if not for the doubting words of @NordicBabe44.

Genuinely as if the first reaction people have when there's a political news story is "Hmm...well, Oscie said..." It's utterly bizarre and not really terribly flattering that you seem to think I'm the single most important person in British politics right now, or at least as your constant, unrelenting mentioning of me seems to suggest.
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It's just a complete mindfeck to me that the Tories are fecking this country up the arse and we're months away from having to use stockpiles of food, medicine and blood as a result.
Totally agree. I blame 3rd party voters to be honest, first they help Trump into the White House and then they help a far right tory party that is committed to a hard Brexit into government . For what ? A protest vote. This is the problem with these radicals, they have cult obsession with having their own way.

Oh out of interest what party did you vote for in the last election ?
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I think we're losing sight of the real issue and that's what LucyLux88 on Reddit has been saying. if it wasn't for her Corbyn would definitely be PM already. Things like poll performance, winning elections or stopping a dangerous hard Brexit aren't that important - LucyLux88 needs to have a word with herself.
Polls? Are they those things you suddenly had less interest in when Labour were moving up in them, which whittled away to absolutely zero when they show Labour leading? Nice to know they're important again. struggle to avoid contradicting yourself without moving your talents on to others.
It's just a complete mindfeck to me that the Tories are fecking this country up the arse and we're months away from having to use stockpiles of food, medicine and blood as a result - and you look at Labour and everyone's talking about Israel, Palestine and antisemitism.

Whether your view is that Corbyn can't be an effective opposition leader or he hasn't been allowed to be an effective opposition leader - the fact is Labour under him have been the least effective opposition any of us can remember. That's pretty much an observable fact at this stage now not even an opinion.

FFS get a grip, do you lap up this tabloid bullshit or get it intravenously?
FFS get a grip, do you lap up this tabloid bullshit or get it intravenously?

You're aware that the stockpiles of food and blood is something the government is actually doing, aren't you?

The absolute fecking irony of someone citing what is the government is doing being accused of lapping up 'tabloid bullshit', by someone who is verbatim quoting the line of every tabloid in the country that everything is "project fear"

The head of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has warned that Brexit threatens the supply of medicines to the country. Yet anyone who thinks the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency knows more about the regulation of medicines and healthcare than Michael Gove or Julia Hartley-Brewer is just spreading 'tabloid bullshit' and we know this to be true because hacks from the Daily Mail, Express and The Sun tell us so.
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In January 2010 when he was a backbencher, Mr Corbyn spoke at and opened a talk entitled Never Again — for Anyone. The event was part of a UK tour called Never Again for Anyone — Auschwitz to Gaza.

The main talk, entitled The Misuse of the Holocaust for Political Purposes, was delivered by Hajo Meyer, a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz who became a passionate anti-Zionist and repeatedly made the comparison between the Nazi regime and Israeli policy.
It's just a complete mindfeck to me that the Tories are fecking this country up the arse and we're months away from having to use stockpiles of food, medicine and blood as a result - and you look at Labour and everyone's talking about Israel, Palestine and antisemitism.

Whether your view is that Corbyn can't be an effective opposition leader or he hasn't been allowed to be an effective opposition leader - the fact is Labour under him have been the least effective opposition any of us can remember. That's pretty much an observable fact at this stage now not even an opinion.

I agree. As much as I like the guy, he and the people around him need to be much more ruthless. If they don't they'll never take office again. As much as I hate Blair for being a mass murderer of Muslims, as a British citizen and a supporter of Labour, i'd much rather have the likes of him, Allaister Campbell and Peter Mandelson dismantling the Tories and Brexit. Corbyn just seems to apologise for not sucking Israel's balls and talk about pie in the sky ideas like universal income.
I agree. As much as I like the guy, he and the people around him need to be much more ruthless. If they don't they'll never take office again. As much as I hate Blair for being a mass murderer of Muslims, as a British citizen and a supporter of Labour, i'd much rather have the likes of him, Allaister Campbell and Peter Mandelson dismantling the Tories and Brexit. Corbyn just seems to apologise for not sucking Israel's balls and talk about pie in the sky ideas like universal income.
Blair, Campbell and Mandelson 'dismantling the Tories' :lol:
Labour and Corbyn have to deal with this shite. Personally I'm holding the NEC responsible for this clusterfeck. That said, it's been blown out of proportion.
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Blair, Campbell and Mandelson 'dismantling the Tories' :lol:

I think he means the old definition by 'dismantling' a political party which meant you comprehensively defeat them at successful general elections. Under the new definition where you 'dismantle' a party by ensuring you provide the least effective opposition to their agenda for government that we've ever seen from an opposition party in living memory - everyone mentioned was terrible at that.

In footballing terms Labour have gone from a side that would thrash the opposition 4-0 to a team that struggles to score a goal despite the fact the other team's goalkeeper has nipped out for a shit. Yet anyone who mentions this gets

":lol::lol: at the idea that anyone thought winning 4-0 was better than the reality where we struggle to score a goal even though the opposition keeper has nipped out for a shit"

There's a resistance to even reality.
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I agree. As much as I like the guy, he and the people around him need to be much more ruthless. If they don't they'll never take office again. As much as I hate Blair for being a mass murderer of Muslims, as a British citizen and a supporter of Labour, i'd much rather have the likes of him, Allaister Campbell and Peter Mandelson dismantling the Tories and Brexit. Corbyn just seems to apologise for not sucking Israel's balls and talk about pie in the sky ideas like universal income.

For me it's as if the National Union of Students have taken over the Labour party. Happy to let Brexit take its course with little to no opposition to anything that's going on, but passionately believes in the plight of the endangered Hungarian alpine shrew, returning the Elgin marbles and passing motions to ensure a safe space for disabled BME students in the main hall between the hours of 11:15am - 13:00pm every second Tuesday during term time.

It's not that you can disagree with any of it but that's not really what the point of opposition is and not really the kind of opposition we need at the moment.
For me it's as if the National Union of Students have taken over the Labour party. Happy to let Brexit take its course with little to no opposition to anything that's going on, but passionately believes in the plight of the endangered Hungarian alpine shrew, returning the Elgin marbles and passing motions to ensure a safe space for disabled BME students in the main hall between the hours of 11:15am - 13:00pm every second Tuesday during term time.

It's not that you can disagree with any of it but that's not really what the point of opposition is and not really the kind of opposition we need at the moment.
I wish Corbyn would miss some Brexit votes to talk about the perils of homosexuals. Then he could win Oscie over.
If we weren't talking about the antisemitism row, what else would we be talking about?

The fact Labour has an identical policy to the Tories on Brexit?

Elgin marbles?

"I draw the biggest crowds anyone has ever seen"


Increasingly it seems as if people don't really care how Labour performs or if the Tories are in govt or what they do. All they care about is trolling people who actually do care how Labour performs, don't want the Tories in govt and give a toss about the real long term impact of what they're doing. Like politics is about pretending to passionately support someone just to wind up the people pointing out that person's shortcomings. "For the lolz" ideology.

The thing is not all Corbyn supporters are like that, there are many who are engaging and intelligent who you can reason with. Then there's the sector that things politics is all about Aaron Bastini quotes, green smiley faces and 'correcting' anyone that points out the Labour party used to win elections.
Labour have (generally speaking) been edging ahead in some polls again to the point where they'd have a reasonable chance of getting into government if an election was held now. There's plenty of criticism to be had of Corbyn and his handling of Brexit, but the 'student protest' nonsense and ideas that the party aren't trying to get into government should be put to bed. And while last year's result shouldn't be lauded too much because they ultimately still didn't win, it was the party's best result since 2005. Which is respectable for a party who many thought would get demolished.
Both right and left hard-liners see the moderates as the common enemy and expend more energy attacking them than they do each other.

Not so long ago politics used to be about how to spend record investment in the NHS, what more could be done to better the lot of young mum's, improve housing conditions for the less well off, LGBT equality, throwing-shitloads of money at education.

Then things "improved" the hardliners took over the controls of both parties and now it's blue passports, antisemitism, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Owen Jones.

I reserve the right to think that's shit. I don't think that's nostalgia either. Politics/political discourse and Britain itself was in a much better place when the grown-ups were in charge.
I reserve the right to think that's shit. I don't think that's nostalgia either. Politics/political discourse and Britain itself was in a much better place when the grown-ups were in charge.
it's literally nostalgia, things were good when i got what i wanted and bad now it's different. the grown ups were full of shit too
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The hard-left Corbyn cheerleaders have to denigrate the achievements of the last Labour govt because they know the second people make the comparison to Labour then and Labour now is the moment the scales fall from their eyes. It's often why it's an observable reality that they care more about tarnishing the domestic achievements during the Blair/Brown years then they do about anything that's happened since 2010.
Increasingly it seems as if people don't really care how Labour performs or if the Tories are in govt or what they do. All they care about is trolling people who actually do care how Labour performs, don't want the Tories in govt and give a toss about the real long term impact of what they're doing. Like politics is about pretending to passionately support someone just to wind up the people pointing out that person's shortcomings. "For the lolz" ideology.
If you're including yourself in that, this is your most laughable post yet.
The hard-left Corbyn cheerleaders have to denigrate the achievements of the last Labour govt because they know the second people make the comparison to Labour then and Labour now is the moment the scales fall from their eyes. It's often why it's an observable reality that they care more about tarnishing the domestic achievements during the Blair/Brown years then they do about anything that's happened since 2010.
what the feck are you talking about :lol:
By this time in his leadership Blair had won a 179 seat majority in the Commons and ensured independence of the BoE, and started an era of record investment in public services on a scale which we are probably unlikely to see again for at least the next 20 years.

It's no 'struggle in the polls, lose an election and get bogged down in a row as to whether or not you hate Jews', but not everyone's perfect.
By this time in his leadership Blair had won a 179 seat majority in the Commons and ensured independence of the BoE, and started an era of record investment in public services on a scale which we are probably unlikely to see again for at least the next 20 years.

It's no 'struggle in the polls, lose an election and get bogged down in a row as to whether or not you hate Jews', but not everyone's perfect.
He'd also inherited a 20 point lead on the Tories, which he'd managed to turn into a 12 point lead at the actual election.

By the way are we allowed to criticise Private Finance Initiatives and Blair's gargling of Murdoch's shrivelled up balls to ensure he'd pretty much decide every election and a great deal of political policy for 20+ years? A friendship so strong Andy Burnham (who I have very little time for) was told not to pursue an official investigation into Hillsborough? What about the 'moderates' favourite Yvette Cooper's keen work on ensuring work capability assessments were tougher? What about Blair making a speech at the white cliffs of Dover, in front of a handpicked, all white audience, about the perils of immigration?

But as you imply Oscie, it's only foreign policy where people can pick fault with 'New' Labour.
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The government is taking this country into the gutter but Corbyn is the number one topic. Just feck off!. The NEC members deserve the sack.