Most wealth is inherited
This is just misguided unfortunately. Unless your wealth was literally handed to you, the rich work a lot, lot harder than most of the working poor. Especially if they started the business themselves. The first few years you can expect 18 hour working days 7 days a week. Most CEO's that I've read about or know personally are up at 5am working at 6am and stop working at about 9pm. My CEO answers my emails at 3am and is in work at 9. Most start with absolutely nothing and build their business through a ridiculous amount of hard work.
Not to say that the working poor are lazy, they're not. I know there's tonnes out there who have more than one job and work long hours etc but to say that the wealthy have an easy and best way of life and don't work hard is flat out ludicrous. Achieving success and wealth is the complete opposite of easy.
For a start you are equating all people who are wealthy with hard working self made CEO's. I would also have you note that I specifically said there were some exceptions.
Most of the people I know who own successful businesses spend more time on the golf course than anywhere else. Half the time when I phone them up to deal with a problem they are on holiday in their second home or away on a long weekend break if you actually want something doing talk to their secretary.
Two out of three of the opps managers I have worked with over the last five years were/are flat out lazy bastards. Its a myth this hard working manager bullshit. Its all about delegation and of course no one can keep tabs on you at that level. Answering an email at 3 am just means he was probably checking his I phone as he left the hooker her money or more likely swiped the company credit card.
If all these CEO's are so hard working how come they seem to know feck all about what their companies are doing? Turn on the TV and look at the VW guy who helped to run a vast company with hundreds of thousands of people working for it and has been paid massive sums for years and years. How can you not know that your engineers had made a cheat device and installed it in all your diesel cars? I mean its not like any senior manager could be expected to know how engines work at a car firm. How exactly can you be in charge of anything that big, if how you achieve the single most important figure used to sell your product, fuel economy, isn't fully in your grasp? Ask them how much they have lost on their options at the moment and I bet they know that.
Managing editors of newspapers are so hard working they don't know how they get the stories they print.
Oil execs who don't know how they drill for oil.
Food companies who can't say for certain what species of animal goes in the meat products they make.
Their kids are brought up by nannies, their houses cleaned for them, their cars driven for them, their days organised by their PA and all they have to do is wear their pressed for them tailored suit and not feck things up. Yet still they manage to feck things up. How on the ball can they really be?
This is just the shit we know about.
Boards and boards full of people who just can't understand how they missed it all when Enron went down or Worldcom or any of the banks or insurance companies or reinsurance companies. Bank management who don't know how their PPI is sold, the Libor rate set, what money laundering is, how tax evasion works, that credit default swaps are financial instruments in the same way my backside is a musical one and of course all the regulators who now admit they couldn't regulate but were saying the opposite just before it all goes awry.
Or shall we move to the hard working worlds of sports a meritocracy if ever there was one, well if you ignore the boards of FIFA all the confederations and national FA's, practically all sports governing bodies and yes all the drug testing agency and their hard working well paid leadership.
On and on and on. Yet we are supposed to all believe this nose to the grindstone sop story they and you on their behalf keep trying to peddle. It would take Scientology scale indoctrination process to make me believe that now.