Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Can’t remember who it was that suggested that the nuclear codes should be surgically implanted in the heart of one of the PM’s most loyal assistants, with a carving knife locked in a glass cabinet in his/her office. If they ever needed to press the button the PM should be forced to slice open their chest and rip out the still beating heart. By literally having someone’s blood on their hands it would make them think a little harder about the amount of people that would also die when they start launching nuclear bombs. Kind of a cool idea. Can’t imagine poor ‘aul Jezza coping too well in this scenario.

EDIT: woah, posted before I read that post from @Silva
Can’t remember who it was that suggested that the nuclear codes should be surgically implanted in the heart of one of the PM’s most loyal assistants, with a carving knife locked in a glass cabinet in his/her office. If they ever needed to press the button the PM should be forced to slice open their chest and rip out the still beating heart. By literally having someone’s blood on their hands it would make them think a little harder about the amount of people that would also die when they start launching nuclear bombs. Kind of a cool idea. Can’t imagine poor ‘aul Jezza coping too well in this scenario.

EDIT: woah, posted before I read that post from @Silva

That’s brilliant.
The use of force should be proportional. But a Prime Minister (of whatever party) should be prepared to take such action when necessary. Sometimes, for the sake of our forces that action may need to be rapid and not hindered by long drawn-out and inconclusive debate. Jeremy Corbyn is a pacifist and does not have the ability to make those kind of calls. Therefore he should resign.
Can’t remember who it was that suggested that the nuclear codes should be surgically implanted in the heart of one of the PM’s most loyal assistants, with a carving knife locked in a glass cabinet in his/her office. If they ever needed to press the button the PM should be forced to slice open their chest and rip out the still beating heart. By literally having someone’s blood on their hands it would make them think a little harder about the amount of people that would also die when they start launching nuclear bombs. Kind of a cool idea. Can’t imagine poor ‘aul Jezza coping too well in this scenario.

EDIT: woah, posted before I read that post from @Silva
Most of the conservative party would try to stab their assistant with the handle end
I hope there would be one such person among the nuclear forces. Interesting scenario, just die, or die but kill them as well (and the rest of the world probably)?
What good is a world where we don't have the biggest dick? Better just kill everyone.
Look the fact of the matter is that these weapons are here - in their thousands. Of course it would be wonderful if we could all end up like Switzerland. But it isn't like that. The problem with Social Democracy is that it doesn't take account of human nature. Live and let live in this era is, unfortunately not a practical solution. There are too may people on this planet that want to aggressively impose their world view on everyone else. So, until we reach Nirvana we need to retain the ability and will to defend ourselves.
good point, let's nuke Jacob Reas-Mogg

I happened to watch A Little bit of Fry and Laurie the other day and in one of the first episodes there's a sketch dedicated to Reas-Mogg senior. Very unnerving how much of thier comedy relates to today.

Anyway the idea that any power would ignore our nuclear deterrent because they weren't sure Corbyn would use it is hillarious, can you imaginethat discussion. If we'r going to be ridiculous lets say May can't be in charge as the sexist nations out there will never fear a woman!
Can’t remember who it was that suggested that the nuclear codes should be surgically implanted in the heart of one of the PM’s most loyal assistants, with a carving knife locked in a glass cabinet in his/her office. If they ever needed to press the button the PM should be forced to slice open their chest and rip out the still beating heart. By literally having someone’s blood on their hands it would make them think a little harder about the amount of people that would also die when they start launching nuclear bombs. Kind of a cool idea. Can’t imagine poor ‘aul Jezza coping too well in this scenario.

EDIT: woah, posted before I read that post from @Silva

His teenage years involved some farm work, so he *might* manage it.
That said, he became a vegetarian afterwards :lol: <3

If you really think about it, Stanislav Petrov is the biggest coward on the planet, how dare he not kill us all when he was told nukes were raining on the USSR.

Sheer unwillingness to defend his citizens
I happened to watch A Little bit of Fry and Laurie the other day and in one of the first episodes there's a sketch dedicated to Reas-Mogg senior. Very unnerving how much of thier comedy relates to today.

Anyway the idea that any power would ignore our nuclear deterrent because they weren't sure Corbyn would use it is hillarious, can you imaginethat discussion. If we'r going to be ridiculous lets say May can't be in charge as the sexist nations out there will never fear a woman!
That is not the point here. It is that Corbyn would not be able to take office as PM of this country with the full commitment that he would be prepared to defend it using whatever means necessary in the circumstances. That is fundamentally wrong.
That is not the point here. It is that Corbyn would not be able to take office as PM of this country with the full commitment that he would be prepared to defend it using whatever means necessary in the circumstances. That is fundamentally wrong.

Does whatever means necessary include chemical weapons? :nervous:
Does whatever means necessary include chemical weapons? :nervous:

If they were used on us and there was massive loss of life then I would advocate a proportional response. Which does not necessarily mean that we would respond using the same weapons.
i don't think you understand how mutually assured destruction works
Mutually assured destruction is the notion that if one side strikes first the other side will launch an overwhelming response.

It is a deterrent from making a first strike.

But no such deterrent will exist if only one State has them as was the case in 1945 and so they were used.

Getting rid of them will take decades, even centuries and more importantly political will. This will not happen while we are all at one another's throats. (as we have been for thousands of years) And especially while there are those who harbour religious or ideological views that the world should be run according to their beliefs.
Mutually assured destruction is the notion that if one side strikes first the other side will launch an overwhelming response.

It is a deterrent from making a first strike.

But no such deterrent will exist if only one State has them as was the case in 1945 and so they were used.

Getting rid of them will take decades, even centuries and more importantly political will. This will not happen while we are all at one another's throats. (as we have been for thousands of years) And especially while there are those who harbour religious or ideological views that the world should be run according to their beliefs.
this is a good argument for pacifism
Nuclear weapons is just another issue that highlights Corbyn's dishonesty. Everyone knows he doesn't want them, but he twists and turns rather than admit it and stand honestly on a platform of scrapping Trident and not replacing it.
Nuclear weapons is just another issue that highlights Corbyn's dishonesty. Everyone knows he doesn't want them, but he twists and turns rather than admit it and stand honestly on a platform of scrapping Trident and not replacing it.
he's consistently said he would scrap trident if it was just up to him
Nuclear weapons is just another issue that highlights Corbyn's dishonesty. Everyone knows he doesn't want them, but he twists and turns rather than admit it and stand honestly on a platform of scrapping Trident and not replacing it.

Surely it's not that and him just admitting there isn't the will for it within the parliamentary party and that he doesn't have the power to remove them? Similar to his stance on the monarchy - I feel like he can't be criticised for being too hardline and single-minded but then also be criticised when he compromises. All party leaders/PM's compromise on certain policies they know they can't enact; Blair with the Euro being a prime example.
But no such deterrent will exist if only one State has them as was the case in 1945 and so they were used.

Do you really think MAD would have stopped Hitler, in the last days in his bunker, from unleashing the nukes which he had wanted for a pretty long while?
Surely it's not that and him just admitting there isn't the will for it within the parliamentary party and that he doesn't have the power to remove them? Similar to his stance on the monarchy - I feel like he can't be criticised for being too hardline and single-minded but then also be criticised when he compromises. All party leaders/PM's compromise on certain policies they know they can't enact; Blair with the Euro being a prime example.
It's more about the unions than the PLP.
Surely it's not that and him just admitting there isn't the will for it within the parliamentary party and that he doesn't have the power to remove them? Similar to his stance on the monarchy - I feel like he can't be criticised for being too hardline and single-minded but then also be criticised when he compromises. All party leaders/PM's compromise on certain policies they know they can't enact; Blair with the Euro being a prime example.
It's exactly that, but admitting it would ruin their narrative that he's a pseudo-dictator within Labour, with the help of Momentum. So instead he's simultaneously a weak leader and almost singlehandedly ruling Labour.
It's more about the unions than the PLP.

Ah, interesting. I'd have always thought the unions would've been a bit more left-leaning and more likely to be anti-trident.