Couldn't agree more, more than likely it was gobshites like Sharky7. Standing proud and tall with his green and gold scarf on, roaring to the top of his lungs. They irratate me more than some ABU's if I'm being honest.
t's more than likely people like you and Sharky7 are the ones that forget that. Tell me this, were you one of those pretencious idiots that had the nerve, stupidity and ignorance to sing "SIGN HIM UP......." when Sir Alex was making his acceptance speech?
And the funny thing is, those idiots are the ones that are now slating Tevez at every opportunity. Funny that.
Wow, all that cause I joked about the word "baller"... ooops

Sorry Sharkly, I should've have known. I guess you're one of those stereotypical armchair fans, that's fat, bald and loves his pints, that never touched a ball in his life, that wouldn't get a kick in a stampede and wouldn't know a football if it him in the face. Baller is a footballing term for someone that has proper ability and knows how to play the game, you could take any United player as an example, you see.
I played football at a relatively good standard in League of Ireland but it's piss poor compared to the Championship, never mind the Premiership. However, I'm still aware of the term "baller" and we used it regularly at training if a new fella was on trial or a young lad like myself was coming through. Unfortunately I was never quite good enough to be a "proper baller".
Understand it now?
Ok let's start with me being an "armchair" fan.
That link above is the ticketing thread, have a wee look at how many times my name appears there pal. I'm up there as one of the best contacts on this site as far as helping fellow reds out with ticketing, where's your fecking name? Ask MagicUnited, Rood, 42euros, RobBowman, shaydun, Robin and many many others who I've sorted with tickets for big games like semis, aways, euro aways, home games etc if I'm an "armchair fan".
Next onto the "fat & bald" and "never touched a ball in his life" part:
Check the top 2 posts on that page pal. I've played in the conference in England (Altrincham FC Official Web Site Archived News search for the name "Harkness" as proof) and in Division 2 in Sweden with Anders Limpar as my gaffer (United signar benknäckare | paste that article into google translate as proof).
So before you try to character assassinate a guy you've never met because of a small joke regarding the American term "baller", have a wee think.
Now my guess on you judging by your posts is that you're a spotty wee teenager with an attitude problem. I've shown you my cards, now you fecking show me yours!