Javier Hernandez | 2010/11 Performances

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Couldn't agree more, more than likely it was gobshites like Sharky7. Standing proud and tall with his green and gold scarf on, roaring to the top of his lungs. They irratate me more than some ABU's if I'm being honest.

t's more than likely people like you and Sharky7 are the ones that forget that. Tell me this, were you one of those pretencious idiots that had the nerve, stupidity and ignorance to sing "SIGN HIM UP......." when Sir Alex was making his acceptance speech?

And the funny thing is, those idiots are the ones that are now slating Tevez at every opportunity. Funny that.

Wow, all that cause I joked about the word "baller"... ooops :lol:

Sorry Sharkly, I should've have known. I guess you're one of those stereotypical armchair fans, that's fat, bald and loves his pints, that never touched a ball in his life, that wouldn't get a kick in a stampede and wouldn't know a football if it him in the face. Baller is a footballing term for someone that has proper ability and knows how to play the game, you could take any United player as an example, you see.

I played football at a relatively good standard in League of Ireland but it's piss poor compared to the Championship, never mind the Premiership. However, I'm still aware of the term "baller" and we used it regularly at training if a new fella was on trial or a young lad like myself was coming through. Unfortunately I was never quite good enough to be a "proper baller".

Understand it now?

Ok let's start with me being an "armchair" fan.


That link above is the ticketing thread, have a wee look at how many times my name appears there pal. I'm up there as one of the best contacts on this site as far as helping fellow reds out with ticketing, where's your fecking name? Ask MagicUnited, Rood, 42euros, RobBowman, shaydun, Robin and many many others who I've sorted with tickets for big games like semis, aways, euro aways, home games etc if I'm an "armchair fan".

Next onto the "fat & bald" and "never touched a ball in his life" part:


Check the top 2 posts on that page pal. I've played in the conference in England (Altrincham FC Official Web Site Archived News search for the name "Harkness" as proof) and in Division 2 in Sweden with Anders Limpar as my gaffer (United signar benknäckare | Svenskafans.com paste that article into google translate as proof).

So before you try to character assassinate a guy you've never met because of a small joke regarding the American term "baller", have a wee think.

Now my guess on you judging by your posts is that you're a spotty wee teenager with an attitude problem. I've shown you my cards, now you fecking show me yours!
That link above is the ticketing thread, have a wee look at how many times my name appears there pal. I'm up there as one of the best contacts on this site as far as helping fellow reds out with ticketing, where's your fecking name? Ask MagicUnited, Rood, 42euros, RobBowman, shaydun, Robin and many many others who I've sorted with tickets for big games like semis, aways, euro aways, home games etc if I'm an "armchair fan".

Of all the caftards to mess with, you shat on Sharky :lol: Think it's all blown back in your face now!

Sharkys a top top guy - hang your head in shame edmundo...
See this is the kind of thing that can be avoided by not making assumptions!!

Now; who's ghosted and screwing up so many threads?!
Just been reading the Carlos Vela thread over at Arsenal-Mania. A lot of them argue that Vela is a superior player to Hernandez but he hasn't been given the same opporuninity to showcase his talents. They say the only reason Hernandez has been more successful than Vela is that he has the right mentality. What say you?

Nah he's been more successful because he's a better striker. And Arsenal fans expectations over the years have risen with every football manager game that Vela becomes a top striker on. In reality he's done next to feck all since going to Arsenal even if he has the potential to be a good option
I never suggested that every single fan that wears the green and gold scarf is a glory supporter, or that I am more of a fan than they are. But I do think a serious number of those that do wear it, are doing so because it seems to be a populist thing, such as chanting "SIGN HIM UP" about a player that clearly didn't have respect for the manager, or the club, or the fans. They are so fickle and have such short memories, it's beggars belief. IMO there are true fans of United that will constantly support this club, through thick and thin. My real angst with the whole green and golf campaign is the fact that Sir Alex has time and time again, stated that they have given him everything he has ever asked for. They're businessmen, they aren't going to buy an asset as great as Manchester United and saddle it with the debt, with the hope of running it into the ground. There's no politics with them, they are there to make the business a success and clearly, on the pitch we are doing that. And has that campaign not been based around the whole premise that we don't have money to improve the squad etc? Or the money to buy big name players that are well established? The facts are, some fans were criticising Sir Alex and the Glazers for not spending big but yet again, the likes of Smalling and Chico prove that you do not need to spend €50million on a player.
I know I can fly off the handle at times but both responses I addressed were stupid replies that were just throwing in bullshit with no valid points made unlike your post. That's why I replied in the manner I did and I think the majority of what I said to both of them was and is correct. There might have been a couple of unjust generalisations but I didn't mean for it to come across that way. I don't think I said "every" fan that wears that scarf isn't a proper United fan but idiots like both of them get me riled up so much because I'm a true fan and I love this club. I think it's so wrong that it's mind boggling and people that have the audacity to contradict Sir Alex, IMO, aren't fans.

That was my real point, I know I went off on a serious tangent there but I can be too passionate at times!

for me thats not what the green & gold campaign was about. it was more to do with how the club has to struggle to make repayments on a huge debt that they have transferred onto the worlds richest club and how the the supporters where the ones expected to foot the bill, under the Glazers in the final 2 seasons ticket went up £100 and that is just for the 19 league matches not taking account the additional cost for all the cup matches played at the Old Trafford which represented almost a 20% price increase all to service a debt that they placed onto the club. Now I don't expect us to pay £50m for a player and thats not what the issue I have with the Glazers & I don't think that was the issue with the majority who set up the green & gold campaign, You can say people ain't proper fans for not been behind the owners but I would say there is more of a case to say that the owners don't think they need proper fans at Old Trafford.

Think The Green & Gold was brilliant when it was going last year a shame it kind of died over the summer & would like to see similar scenes to when we played AC Milan at Old Trafford towards the back end of this season.
Think The Green & Gold was brilliant when it was going last year a shame it kind of died over the summer & would like to see similar scenes to when we played AC Milan at Old Trafford towards the back end of this season.

Success on the pitch has died down the green & gold, good for the team but a sadly predictable scenario.

We werent doing aswell last year so the protests started....

Id love the green & gold to continue.
Wow, all that cause I joked about the word "baller"... ooops :lol:

Ok let's start with me being an "armchair" fan.


That link above is the ticketing thread, have a wee look at how many times my name appears there pal. I'm up there as one of the best contacts on this site as far as helping fellow reds out with ticketing, where's your fecking name? Ask MagicUnited, Rood, 42euros, RobBowman, shaydun, Robin and many many others who I've sorted with tickets for big games like semis, aways, euro aways, home games etc if I'm an "armchair fan".

Next onto the "fat & bald" and "never touched a ball in his life" part:


Check the top 2 posts on that page pal. I've played in the conference in England (Altrincham FC Official Web Site Archived News search for the name "Harkness" as proof) and in Division 2 in Sweden with Anders Limpar as my gaffer (United signar benknäckare | Svenskafans.com paste that article into google translate as proof).

So before you try to character assassinate a guy you've never met because of a small joke regarding the American term "baller", have a wee think.

Now my guess on you judging by your posts is that you're a spotty wee teenager with an attitude problem. I've shown you my cards, now you fecking show me yours!

I was waiting for this reply.

Talk about a comeback, Sharky FTW
Next onto the "fat & bald" and "never touched a ball in his life" part:


Check the top 2 posts on that page pal. I've played in the conference in England (Altrincham FC Official Web Site Archived News search for the name "Harkness" as proof) and in Division 2 in Sweden with Anders Limpar as my gaffer (United signar benknäckare | Svenskafans.com paste that article into google translate as proof).

Google translation of article:

He has already proven to be the team's biggest soccer nerd as he sits at home in Solna and streams all the football that is on this earth.

Ok, so you've played a bit of football but you're still a nerd! ;)
Success on the pitch has died down the green & gold, good for the team but a sadly predictable scenario.
We werent doing aswell last year so the protests started....

Id love the green & gold to continue.

To be fair at the height of the Green & Gold Campaign we had just smashed AC Milan in the Champions League, we was in the hunt for the Premiership and Rooney was on fire think it was fair to say we was in with a good chance of a League & European double at that time.
Many posters may remember that I have been very critical of Hernandez in the past. I still do not think he is this world class footballer many people are now hyping him to be. Technically, he is not fantastic, and Rooney and Berbatov, and even Welbeck are superior in this respect and are more complete forwards.

However, Hernandez suits the team so well, and his poacher's instinct is extraordinary. For this reason, I am delighted to see him play. He is also a great partner for Rooney.
Wow, all that cause I joked about the word "baller"... ooops :lol:

Ok let's start with me being an "armchair" fan.


That link above is the ticketing thread, have a wee look at how many times my name appears there pal. I'm up there as one of the best contacts on this site as far as helping fellow reds out with ticketing, where's your fecking name? Ask MagicUnited, Rood, 42euros, RobBowman, shaydun, Robin and many many others who I've sorted with tickets for big games like semis, aways, euro aways, home games etc if I'm an "armchair fan".

Next onto the "fat & bald" and "never touched a ball in his life" part:


Check the top 2 posts on that page pal. I've played in the conference in England (Altrincham FC Official Web Site Archived News search for the name "Harkness" as proof) and in Division 2 in Sweden with Anders Limpar as my gaffer (United signar benknäckare | Svenskafans.com paste that article into google translate as proof).

So before you try to character assassinate a guy you've never met because of a small joke regarding the American term "baller", have a wee think.

Now my guess on you judging by your posts is that you're a spotty wee teenager with an attitude problem. I've shown you my cards, now you fecking show me yours!

Limpaar :lol: When I first heard his name I burst out laughing. It means "Big fecking Dick" in my native language. Or sometimes "Big fecking Dickhead".
Limpaar :lol: When I first heard his name I burst out laughing. It means "Big fecking Dick" in my native language. Or sometimes "Big fecking Dickhead".

Anders doesn't like this...

I feel a bit sorry for edmundo tbh.

He obviously picked on the wrong bloke to accuse of being an armchair fan who'd never played football - and I disagree with his take on G&G - but the gist of his original post was sound IMO.

Time and time again Fergie proves he knows exactly what he's doing in the transfer market and time and time again we hear screeds and screeds of opinions from people who think he's fecked up. It's even worse amongst people who aren't immersed enough in all things United to become a member of a place like this. The amount of absolute shite I hear talked about who should and shouldn't be in our squad in "real life" conversations (with match-going and non match-going fans alike) is staggering.
Time and time again Fergie proves he knows exactly what he's doing in the transfer market and time and time again we hear screeds and screeds of opinions from people who think he's fecked up. It's even worse amongst people who aren't immersed enough in all things United to become a member of a place like this. The amount of absolute shite I hear talked about who should and shouldn't be in our squad in "real life" conversations (with match-going and non match-going fans alike) is staggering.

To be fair, aside from the word "baller" (ducks and waits for more abuse to be hurled), his original post was very good. He can't take a joke though can he.
Many posters may remember that I have been very critical of Hernandez in the past. I still do not think he is this world class footballer many people are now hyping him to be.
So instead of "I was wrong", you go for "I'm still right cause y'all claim he's world class!"? That's clever.
I never suggested that every single fan that wears the green and gold scarf is a glory supporter, or that I am more of a fan than they are. But I do think a serious number of those that do wear it, are doing so because it seems to be a populist thing, such as chanting "SIGN HIM UP" about a player that clearly didn't have respect for the manager, or the club, or the fans.
While the green and gold campaign last year certainly rode a wave of populism and bandwagonism, I think that is hardly the case this year. For the same reasons that they wore the green and gold last year (to fit in), is the reason that I wouldn't expect them to wear it this year. Green and gold only appears to be spattered about this season.

I also take issue with your apparent belief that the G&G supporters are anti-Glazer because they want us to spend wildly in the transfer market. I'll admit, that is a talking point of MUST, but remember that MUST wants to drum up support from where ever they can, so they'll have talking points/tactics that appeal to different groups. That one appeals to the muppets. I'm a card carrying member of MUST and, although sitting on my couch a few thousand miles away, I have not worn red while watching a single game since the G&G campaign began, and I won't as long as the Glazers own the club. I know it means little what I'm doing that no one sees, and I don't care if people think it's pointless, it's about what's in my heart.

And having said that about my support for MUST and the G&G campaign, let me also point out that I agree with you 100% about Fergie and his transfers/lack of transfers. I trusted him completely on whatever he wanted to do with Tevez. When Ronaldo was sold and Tevez left, I was constantly referencing the summer of 1995 and the 95-96 season to United and non-United fans. I would rather buy a 17-18 year old relative unknown that Fergie believes has potential, than I would a 26 year old established super star. It's got nothing to do with money for me, it has to do with developing young players and having them brought along the United way.

And I don't think that I'm in the minority among MUST/G&G supporters. Not with people I know, and not with what I see on this board. Being anti-Glazer has nothing to do with wanting Tevez signed, or wanting us to splash the cash on big money transfers.
Of all the caftards to mess with, you shat on Sharky :lol: Think it's all blown back in your face now!

Sharkys a top top guy - hang your head in shame edmundo...

Nah, TBH I was seriously annoyed with one of mates as I said in my very first post and being quite hot headed as I can be at times, I may have taken him up wrong. I feel very passionate about this club and Sir Alex and as many people have said, including Pogue and Sharky himself, they believed my original post was pretty much correct bar my take on the green and gold campaign.

Sharky's reply to my post seemed a bit dismissive of mine considering he said he stopped reading it after I used the term "baller". Now I don't know the guy and even if he is a top lad, I'm still going to stand up for my take on the whole thing, I'm not going to wince like a little bitch. Clearly, I took him up wrong and he was only having a bit of banter with me, which I love! I've being having dressing room banter for the last 10 years until last year when I said enough was enough, I wasn't good enough to be anything more than a bit player in League of Ireland.

I don't think he "shat" all over me in fairness, I may have made an unfair judgement of him without knowing the guy personally but to me, he came across as the stereotypical slob that doesn't have a breeze about football, yet tells everybody he would do this, change that, sign him etc. Again, that was unfair but I think that shows how passionate I feel about this club because I completely jumped the gun!
I don't think he "shat" all over me in fairness, I may have made an unfair judgement of him without knowing the guy personally but to me, he came across as the stereotypical slob that doesn't have a breeze about football, yet tells everybody he would do this, change that, sign him etc. Again, that was unfair but I think that shows how passionate I feel about this club because I completely jumped the gun!

Do you not realise how retarded that sounds?

I joked about the term "baller", how on earth did that make me sound like "the stereotypical slob that doesn't have a breeze about football, yet tells everybody he would do this, change that, sign him etc"

I bolded your use of the term baller and joked "stopped reading at the bold, wtf".

Admit it, your a spotty teenager, I've proven who I am, now show me this fecking League of Ireland shit, and how you're a big time matchgoer and prove your not a spotty, angry little sod with an attitude problem who makes up shit on the internet? 'Cause your post above is simply more evidence of this.

And "he didn't shit on me"... I think the entire forum would disagree pal.
I feel a bit sorry for edmundo tbh.

He obviously picked on the wrong bloke to accuse of being an armchair fan who'd never played football - and I disagree with his take on G&G - but the gist of his original post was sound IMO.

Time and time again Fergie proves he knows exactly what he's doing in the transfer market and time and time again we hear screeds and screeds of opinions from people who think he's fecked up. It's even worse amongst people who aren't immersed enough in all things United to become a member of a place like this. The amount of absolute shite I hear talked about who should and shouldn't be in our squad in "real life" conversations (with match-going and non match-going fans alike) is staggering.

Thanks Pogue and in fairness to others, they agree with the majority of what I said too, barring my take on the G & G. As I said to another poster, his reply to me came across as being one of those gobshites that hasn't a clue about football, clearly I was wrong. I took it up as a dismissive reply, which again was wrong but what can you do?

Regards my take on the G & G campagin. I'm not pro the establishment, or happy that the Glazers have heavily indebted the club. But what I am saying is that we are successful, Sir Alex couldn't be happier, he can spend whatever money he wishes and he has never been short of anything. Until he disagrees with their part in this football club, I'm going to rally behind them. And I do think that a lot of the people that wear those scarfs, not all of them but some, are the exact same people that I believe were chanting "SIGN HIM UP", during Sir Alex's victory speech, which was, if I'm being honest, disgusting and I was ashamed to call myself a United fan when I heard it.
Not sure how its perceived elsewhere, but "baller" is quite high on the compliment scale in American sport vernacular.
Do you not realise how retarded that sounds?

I joked about the term "baller", how on earth did that make me sound like "the stereotypical slob that doesn't have a breeze about football, yet tells everybody he would do this, change that, sign him etc"

I bolded your use of the term baller and joked "stopped reading at the bold, wtf".

Admit it, your a spotty teenager, I've proven who I am, now show me this fecking League of Ireland shit, and how you're a big time matchgoer and prove your not a spotty, angry little sod with an attitude problem who makes us shit on the internet? 'Cause your post above is simply more evidence of this.

And "he didn't shit on me"... I think the entire forum would disagree pal.

No I'd still have to disagree. Sorry I was only getting back to your reply now, I'm only on this in work and can't reply 24-7, unlike others. First of all, if I was a "spotty little teenager", I'd be in some secondary school in Kildare, which obviously means I wouldn't be replying to you as we speak.

I never once said I was a "big time matchgoer", if you read my reply properly, you'll see that I said, repeatedly, that I wasn't good enought to be anything more than a bit player. I didn't mention the word "big-time", I'm not "big-time", I was an average footballer, who is now 24, that played for Peamount in Newcastle, Dublin, for four/five years, I then played for Kildare County U18's and U21's, moving up to their senior squad until they went bust and then played sparingly for St.Pat's. I'm not posting my name on an interner forum, I think it's both wrong and stupid.

Regards my attitude problem, I have said 2 or 3 times, that I jumped the gun and that was unfair, the fact that I was so pissed off with my mate and that I am hot-headed clearly swayed my post in an unfair way. Looking back, you were only having a bit of a joke, which I didn't realise and I'm only on the Caf once in a bluemoon, so I took you up wrong.

And again, I'd have to disagree with your assessment of you "shitting on me". My take on you was wrong, as is yours on me. I'm not "a spotty little teenager" and I'm not a "big-time matchgoer". My first reply was way over the top and obviously I got it wrong. I don't think the whole forum would necessarily agree that you 'shat' all over me either. A couple here and there agreed with that but considering that I have admitted my view of you as a fat, armchair ridden, balding male was wrong, I think they'll agree that my original post was correct, bar as I said my take on the G & G campaign and my unfair view of you.
While the green and gold campaign last year certainly rode a wave of populism and bandwagonism, I think that is hardly the case this year. For the same reasons that they wore the green and gold last year (to fit in), is the reason that I wouldn't expect them to wear it this year. Green and gold only appears to be spattered about this season.

I also take issue with your apparent belief that the G&G supporters are anti-Glazer because they want us to spend wildly in the transfer market. I'll admit, that is a talking point of MUST, but remember that MUST wants to drum up support from where ever they can, so they'll have talking points/tactics that appeal to different groups. That one appeals to the muppets. I'm a card carrying member of MUST and, although sitting on my couch a few thousand miles away, I have not worn red while watching a single game since the G&G campaign began, and I won't as long as the Glazers own the club. I know it means little what I'm doing that no one sees, and I don't care if people think it's pointless, it's about what's in my heart.

And having said that about my support for MUST and the G&G campaign, let me also point out that I agree with you 100% about Fergie and his transfers/lack of transfers. I trusted him completely on whatever he wanted to do with Tevez. When Ronaldo was sold and Tevez left, I was constantly referencing the summer of 1995 and the 95-96 season to United and non-United fans. I would rather buy a 17-18 year old relative unknown that Fergie believes has potential, than I would a 26 year old established super star. It's got nothing to do with money for me, it has to do with developing young players and having them brought along the United way.

And I don't think that I'm in the minority among MUST/G&G supporters. Not with people I know, and not with what I see on this board. Being anti-Glazer has nothing to do with wanting Tevez signed, or wanting us to splash the cash on big money transfers.

Good post
No I'd still have to disagree. Sorry I was only getting back to your reply now, I'm only on this in work and can't reply 24-7, unlike others. First of all, if I was a "spotty little teenager", I'd be in some secondary school in Kildare, which obviously means I wouldn't be replying to you as we speak.

Or you reply on your mobile when you get a moment and because you're in school you can't reply that often unlike a lot of us that have a computer in front of our faces all day at work.

I never once said I was a "big time matchgoer"

So you're an armchair fan then?

if you read my reply properly, you'll see that I said, repeatedly, that I wasn't good enought to be anything more than a bit player. I didn't mention the word "big-time", I'm not "big-time", I was an average footballer, who is now 24, that played for Peamount in Newcastle, Dublin, for four/five years, I then played for Kildare County U18's and U21's, moving up to their senior squad until they went bust and then played sparingly for St.Pat's. I'm not posting my name on an interner forum, I think it's both wrong and stupid.

Thought so. :rolleyes:

Youth team level at best.

Regards my attitude problem, I have said 2 or 3 times, that I jumped the gun and that was unfair, the fact that I was so pissed off with my mate and that I am hot-headed clearly swayed my post in an unfair way. Looking back, you were only having a bit of a joke, which I didn't realise and I'm only on the Caf once in a bluemoon, so I took you up wrong.

Cheers, your "half apology" is accepted.

The rest of your post is just drivel, I shat on you, I couldn't have shat on your more. From being called a fat, bald, armchair fan who hasn't kicked a ball in my life I showed you that I'm one of the biggest matchgoers here and a cracking ticket contact who is in decent shape and has played at a higher level of football than yourself (and I did it "properly" for more years and I'm still playing now). So yeah, you got shat on and deservedly so, I always argue that this forum should be a friendlier place, too many people are ready to call someone a cnut, wanker etc. I hope your shaming taught you a lesson, we're all reds and I like your passion for the club, but try directing it better eduardo.
To coin another popular American term "you got served", edmundo. Apologise, move on and learn from it (by giving people much more respect in future). Oh and only a dolt would class "baller" as a footballing term (although it made me chuckle at the thought of it being said as such).
To coin another popular American term "you got served", edmundo. Apologise, move on and learn from it (by giving people much more respect in future). Oh and only a dolt would class "baller" as a footballing term (although it made me chuckle at the thought of it being said as such).

He has just apologised via PM to be fair. We move on and back on topic, Javier 'Chicharito' Hernandez.....

Cheers. And I didn't realise you had such an infatuation with me, sending me PM's and that. Look, regards my age, make up whatever shit you want, I don't really care at this stage, I know what age I am, I know I'm not in secondary school, I work part-time while I'm in college, hence the reason I'm only on this here and there. I know what standard of football I played at, as I said, I never once said I was big-time, you assumed I thought I was. I played for Kildare County at underage and senior level, then I went onto Pat's at senior level. I'm not saying I'm a better footballer than you, or you're better than me etc. You asked what standard I played at, I told you and I think it's rather pointless dismissing somebody as only playing at "youth level" as some sort of put down.

Well it depends on you're definition of an armchair fan. I go over to OT 7 or 8 times a year, which clearly is feck all, compared to the likes or matchgoers that go day in, day out. But considering I'm from Ireland, I'm still in college, I'm only working part-time, it's not feasible to be going week in week out.

I never used the word "cnut" or "wanker", I accused you of being an armchair fan, which clearly was wrong and as I've said numerous times, I was wrong. You can think you shat all over me, if that makes you feel all high and mighty, then that's fine with me, fire ahead. My original post was having a pop at people that claim to be United fans, yet belittle and berate players like Sheasy, Fletch and before then, Ronaldo, Evra etc. and chant over Sir Alex's victory speech.

Clearly, you're on a seriously high horse if you think you "shamed" me and "thought me a lesson". Christ, that's a bit much. It's similar enough to my complete over exaggeration to your orignial reply! Anyway, think what you like, you can shit all over my life if it makes you feel special. I take back my reply to your post, it was wrong. I'll get back to you when I get the chance again, I actually have to work.

Most people on here would hold their hands up and stop dwelling on it Ed. Please do, for Chicharito's thread's sake.
Give it a rest, eh lads?

You've both had your say and it's going nowhere.
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