Jarrad Branthwaite

We have been cutting the wage bill every season and trying to get beyond the days of signing players on too high. In the past two or three windows we have cut a bunch of players who were on 100k+. It is why if be surprised if a deal was offered to Branthwaite that exceeded 100k. There is a balance that can be met though of course.

I don't think you'll be negotiating from a place of strength if he's going to be on sub-£100k after you've spent the summer telling him he's worth £100 million.

The only way he's accepting less than £100k is if you include a release clause for a more reasonable fee.
I don't think you'll be negotiating from a place of strength if he's going to be on sub-£100k after you've spent the summer telling him he's worth £100 million.

The only way he's accepting less than £100k is if you include a release clause for a more reasonable fee.
Why have you inflated the fee to 100m? :confused:
Why have you inflated the fee to 100m? :confused:

Because your former CEO (or someone like that) said he was worth £100 million. I've used that figure loads. He's not a £70 million player either, if that makes you feel any better.
Because your former CEO (or someone like that) said he was worth £100 million. I've used that figure loads. He's not a £70 million player either, if that makes you feel any better.
Nice, so you have no intention of debating in good faith. :)
Nice, so you have no intention of debating in good faith. :)

Again, he's not a £70 million player either. The position isn't strengthened by reducing the fee.

You can't spend all summer blowing smoke up his arse about him being one of the most valuable defenders on the planet, then tell him he's not worth £100k a week and expect him to roll over.
I mean it's clear Branthwaite wants to come to us. The question will be how much he'll agitate to make it happen. Based on what we've seen so far, not a lot.
Again, he's not a £70 million player either. The position isn't strengthened by reducing the fee.

You can't spend all summer blowing smoke up his arse about him being one of the most valuable defenders on the planet, then tell him he's not worth £100k a week and expect him to roll over.
Cool. :)
:angel: OK.

I can imagine it’s frustrating for Everton supporters given the tailspin.

I don't mind but I'm always just trying to post from the view of what I think the club will do or what they have said really based on the sources that I know, read and listen to. If Branthwaite leaves then it is what it is and if he refused a deal offered then it is what it is but I think sometimes people here get weirdly personal and/or they just hoover up every bit of info as fact when it's from really poor quality sources.
I don't mind but I'm always just trying to post from the view of what I think the club will do or what they have said really based on the sources that I know, read and listen to. If Branthwaite leaves then it is what it is and if he refused a deal offered then it is what it is but I think sometimes people here get weirdly personal and/or they just hoover up every bit of info as fact when it's from really poor quality sources.
It's not from Wheeler or Ladyman who are the DMs most reliable sources on United matters. But I wouldn't call the DM poor quality (for football news at least).
It's not from Wheeler or Ladyman who are the DMs most reliable sources on United matters. But I wouldn't call the DM poor quality (for football news at least).

It's a banned source on here for transfer information.

Funnily, both the Mail and Jones are separately so it is a double whammy.
I don't mind but I'm always just trying to post from the view of what I think the club will do or what they have said really based on the sources that I know, read and listen to. If Branthwaite leaves then it is what it is and if he refused a deal offered then it is what it is but I think sometimes people here get weirdly personal and/or they just hoover up every bit of info as fact when it's from really poor quality sources.
Fair. I just think it’s a very logical conclusion, one which I raised as well as many others. Your club is in a real pickle with this one; you can’t set a ptice whilst simultaneously undercutting the player when it comes to wages of said price point. A paradox you can’t really escape.
Fair. I just think it’s a very logical conclusion, one which I raised as well as many others. Your club is in a real pickle with this one; you can’t set a ptice whilst simultaneously undercutting the player when it comes to wages of said price point. A paradox you can’t really escape.
I would assume that we have taken that gamble though since the deal he signed was until 2027, so it gives us a bit more wiggle room in terms of next summer.
Not that I expect that number to be accurate but 160k/week would be a bit much to put him on.
Well according to the wage structure thread he'd be one of your highest paid players.

Yeah, if the Yoro and Zirkzee capology wages are even in a vague ballpark of reality they're a good step below that. He's not as young but still very much in development.

But random no context wage number (gross or after taxes, with or without bonus added in, etc...) might be misleading.
Come on, 160k is far too much for him. We would have been stupid if we paid him that, and so would Everton. But they do value him at 70m, which in his eyes should justify the 160k wages. Tricky situation really.
I would assume that we have taken that gamble though since the deal he signed was until 2027, so it gives us a bit more wiggle room in terms of next summer.
A very bad one to take for the potential backfire, though. The kid has had his head turned, if not by us, then by your valuation and declaration. You’ve essentially checkmated yourselves.
A very bad one to take for the potential backfire, though. The kid has had his head turned, if not by us, then by your valuation and declaration. You’ve essentially checkmated yourselves.

We have done it in the past with Stones and it's paid off. We will see if it does again.
We have done it in the past with Stones and it's paid off. We will see if it does again.
You set a fairer price for Stones. And he was a superior talent, to boot. So again, it’s a really, really bad play from your higher ups - you’re not following the Stones template with this one.

I think they saw the Maguire price and thought we were there for the rinsing. A bad gamble given everyone knows that the Maguire fee was a disgrace.
You set a fairer price for Stones. And he was a superior talent, to boot. So again, it’s a really, really bad play from your higher ups - you’re not following the Stones template with this one.

I think they saw the Maguire price and thought we were there for the rinsing. A bad gamble given everyone knows that the Maguire fee was a disgrace.

The majority of Everton fans and Everton people rate Branthwaite higher than Stones and I'm pretty sure the price with inflation comes out to more or less the same as to what we are asking for Branthwaite.

Additionally we don't even need to offer him a new deal. He signed one in October and has 3 years left on it. If he has another great season then clubs will come in and try to negotiate a deal again.
Once the window closes he will sign contract, maybe with some sort of agreement with management that he can leave for certain price. Won't be lesser than what they quoted this summer for sure.

So one more year for the player to prove his talent, selling club will get good fee and also buying club will have more data to analyse and make the decision.
I can almost hear theother14 subreddit creating a thread to moan about this….
Once the window closes he will sign contract, maybe with some sort of agreement with management that he can leave for certain price. Won't be lesser than what they quoted this summer for sure.

So one more year for the player to prove his talent, selling club will get good fee and also buying club will have more data to analyse and make the decision.
I also wouldn't be surprised if something like this happens in the mould that Caicedo/Brighton stuff did.
The majority of Everton fans and people rate Branthwaite higher than Stones and I'm pretty sure the price with inflation comes out to more or less the same as to what we are asking for Branthwaite.

Additionally we don't even need to offer him a new deal. He signed one in October and has 3 years left on it. If he has another great season then clubs will come in and try to negotiate a deal again.
I think you are quite far off the mark. Outside the media enjoying selling the hype, he's not that highly thought of.
I feel 80-100k and a 65-75m release clause would make sense in these circumstances but seems we very rarely do that sort of thing in England.