Jadon Sancho| Staying at Dortmund for now

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Aside from Nani/Anderson I cant remember any others. We’ve done presentations of more than one player but the announcements are usually done individually ahead of time, in the days of social media I can’t think of any club announcing multiple signings other than deadline day.

You guys spend a lot. I mean a lot. What was it? The second most since Fergie left? The thing is, once you arguing with your financial strenght, BVB is desperate to sell bla bla bla, we will just splash the cash we are rich bla bla bla, but on the other side moaning about the likes of Chelsea. Which btw havent spend since some seasons. You are rich, and Chelsea is too. And the difference is only that they spend wisely and got a plan, an strutcure, a DoF, a well balanced selected squad, a stategy that solve things early and quiet, in short form: they are a modern profesional runned club. And United is not, cause the Glazers don't care, and you don't get it. You are to busy living in a fantasy land where despite all the facts you still think Sancho will come this season and focusing on teasing fans of other clubs who only wanted to shed some light on a possible transfer from the other perspective.
Ja, daddy want!
Aside from Nani/Anderson I cant remember any others. We’ve done presentations of more than one player but the announcements are usually done individually ahead of time, in the days of social media I can’t think of any club announcing multiple signings other than deadline day.
How about this beauty
Aside from Nani/Anderson I cant remember any others. We’ve done presentations of more than one player but the announcements are usually done individually ahead of time, in the days of social media I can’t think of any club announcing multiple signings other than deadline day.
Exactly. We have a season to play. And 120m we will also get next season. Or maybe only 100m, or whatever, which is great. Even if there would be only 100m, its massive, and we got Sancho one more season, its worth it. We paid 8m for him. And more so, his example did put us in great positions for getting the likes of Haaland and Jude. Not mentioning that its also possible that there will be a bidding war next summer and we still will get 120m. Can't you see these points from the BVB perspective? Why would you, if you are Zorc or Watzke, think of risking a season cause you miss a winger and potent scorer then for getting 120m which you don't need and can't use for new players cause its too late? There was a deadline for a reason, mate this was explained over and over again.
I’m beginning to doubt you are a Dortmund fan, because if you are, you have no idea how your club is run and what their objectives are.

If Dortmund have an asking price of 120m and Utd come forward and offer 120m now. Why on earth would Dortmund say “No thanks, because we can get 120m next summer. Or maybe even 100m”. Where is the logic?

Their sole objective is profit making. Why would you turn away a sale and hold out for a sale for the same price a year later.

Why would they want to keep Sancho for another year? So they can finish 2nd again? Keeping Sancho will not win Dortmund anything. They are miles off Bayern level. More than ever now.

Dortmund will snap utds hand off if they meet the asking price. Don’t delude yourself as a fan.
You guys spend a lot. I mean a lot. What was it? The second most since Fergie left? The thing is, once you arguing with your financial strenght, BVB is desperate to sell bla bla bla, we will just splash the cash we are rich bla bla bla, but on the other side moaning about the likes of Chelsea. Which btw havent spend since some seasons. You are rich, and Chelsea is too. And the difference is only that they spend wisely and got a plan, an strutcure, a DoF, a well balanced selected squad, a stategy that solve things early and quiet, in short form: they are a modern profesional runned club. And United is not, cause the Glazers don't care, and you don't get it. You are to busy living in a fantasy land where despite all the facts you still think Sancho will come this season and focusing on teasing fans of other clubs who only wanted to shed some light on a possible transfer from the other perspective.
We didn’t do too badly to finish above Chelsea considering they’re a modern club with a plan and structure (that got them the transfer ban in the first place)
I think most united fans aren’t deluded into thinking we have any more than a slim chance that the glazers would be willing to put the money in for Sancho.
"Dembele is not for sale"
"Aubameyang is not for sale"
"We aren`t losing Mkhitaryan, Hummels and Gundogan all at once. Mkhi will stay at Dortmund" and everyone was convinced you`d do a Lewa and keep him till he left for free
Those are the reasons why we are skeptical about Zorc and Watzke`s words and still think it will happen if we pay up. Granted the first two forced things but the buying clubs still paid what BVB wanted with no discounts allowed. The "deadline" was never real no club during a pandemic can complete a deal of such magnitude in just 2 weeks. If we leave things too late for you to find a replacement then thats a different story but during this pandemic BVB may be healthy financially but if they were unable to turn down big bids for their key players in the past when they were in a much stronger position financially next to no chance they turn down a guaranteed 108m when they are actually losing money in a pandemic and with fans in Germany apparently only set to return in 2021.
You used this same contract extension tactic with Auba one month before he left so it does not mean as much as you are making it out to be.
The "bidding war" thing will only happen if fans are back in stadiums early if not clubs will continue to lose money to the extent where even Utd wont be able to afford him forcing you to sell him for a cut price fee in 2022 so thats all pure speculation
I can see where you are coming from. But you comparing totaly different situations. The first cases got its roots in the behaviour of the players and in Dembeles case of Barcelona too. A behaviour i don't think you want to see from a potential United player. And you see how Dembele performs with that kind of mentality. Mikhi's case was that he broke his own words, driven by Raiola. And i guess some would agreee in here that he is not a nice person and you are fecked if you trusted him.
A potential transfer from a well runned club isn't complete in 2 weeks, cause they would have solved it a lot earlier. Take all the other examples at other clubs, its done or nearly done, cause you have to be quick, and don't identitfy targets within 2 weeks, you did it long before, and try to get this done early. Which i guess whas missed from United. Therefor a clear deadline, in the public. Something which is quite unusual for BVB. But it seems that even that deadline was missed from United. Now with all the strong statements of Zorc, Watzke and Favre, it would be hilarious for the board to ruin their reputation and sell after that deadline (besides the already mentioned fact that there was a reason for the deadline: playing the best possible season).
And you are missing the financial point of view: you got an asset with a long term contract, what is worth a lot, but in the moment nobody can pay that value. So of course you uses it once more, get your season targets done, and relax for coming bids next season. You would literaly lose money if you sell now. They would have probably sold cause they valued it with 120m, that would have made sense to them,with one or 2 successors in mind in the right timespan. But this is over so you just let him play one more season. This perspective shouldn't be hard to understand. I understand your point of view, but the contract situation is better, the players mind is better and his advisers too(something you should be glad about if you want him), BVB position is better, the market was better, there was time for buying new players.
I was on my honeymoon when we announced the Schmidfield and I remember turning to my new wife and proudly proclaiming........

"We'll piss the league"

I was on my honeymoon when we announced the Schmidfield and I remember turning to my new wife and proudly proclaiming........

"We'll piss the league"

I remember Jose’s first season I kept crying out for Jose to play our best midfield 3 of Schneiderlin, Herrara and Pogba together. It made so much sense in my head.

It transpired later Schneiderlin had gone to complete shit compared to his Southampton days.
Over the last 4 years alone I would class the following as dubious signings:

Batsyuhy - 35m
Luiz - 30m
Kepa - 70m
Morata - 60m
Zappacosta - 22.5m
Drinkwater - 35m
Bakayoko - 35m
Emerson - 20m
Jorginho - 50m
Higuain - 7m loan fee

3 managers with totally different styles. Such vision. Such sporting direction. 580m to build a side which wasn’t even expected to finish top 4.

Like I said, they’ve just posted a 90m loss and are now spending over 200m during a global pandemic where crowd revenue has gone. They don’t operate in the real world. Stop comparing them to other football clubs. Their ‘model’ only works if you have a billionaire benefactor. You can’t use it as a viable way to run a football club.

Try the last 2 decades and match that also with the success of silverware, you can even take the last decade alone.
No one is saying they have been perfect, but overall they have been run extremely well as a club, there is no denying that.
The transition away from Emelano as sporting director has had some challenges, but they look to be getting over those now
I can see where you are coming from. But you comparing totaly different situations. The first cases got its roots in the behaviour of the players and in Dembeles case of Barcelona too. A behaviour i don't think you want to see from a potential United player. And you see how Dembele performs with that kind of mentality. Mikhi's case was that he broke his own words, driven by Raiola. And i guess some would agreee in here that he is not a nice person and you are fecked if you trusted him.
A potential transfer from a well runned club isn't complete in 2 weeks, cause they would have solved it a lot earlier. Take all the other examples at other clubs, its done or nearly done, cause you have to be quick, and don't identitfy targets within 2 weeks, you did it long before, and try to get this done early. Which i guess whas missed from United. Therefor a clear deadline, in the public. Something which is quite unusual for BVB. But it seems that even that deadline was missed from United. Now with all the strong statements of Zorc, Watzke and Favre, it would be hilarious for the board to ruin their reputation and sell after that deadline (besides the already mentioned fact that there was a reason for the deadline: playing the best possible season).
And you are missing the financial point of view: you got an asset with a long term contract, what is worth a lot, but in the moment nobody can pay that value. So of course you uses it once more, get your season targets done, and relax for coming bids next season. You would literaly lose money if you sell now. They would have probably sold cause they valued it with 120m, that would have made sense to them,with one or 2 successors in mind in the right timespan. But this is over so you just let him play one more season. This perspective shouldn't be hard to understand. I understand your point of view, but the contract situation is better, the players mind is better and his advisers too(something you should be glad about if you want him), BVB position is better, the market was better, there was time for buying new players.

Your entire post is made redundant by the fact that should United produce the 120 million requested, Dortmund will sell at the drop of a hat.

Money talks.
Your entire post is made redundant by the fact that should United produce the 120 million requested, Dortmund will sell at the drop of a hat.

Money talks.
Aha. So what is the reason that United just not paid that till the deadline? Woodward is still searching for the coffee cash register or what? Can you give me a logic explanation? If you want a player, and know the price, and the deadline, what is the reason for you to wait 5min. before your first game? And please don't come around the corner and say "to save 4-6 weeks of wages" :lol:
I can see where you are coming from. But you comparing totaly different situations. The first cases got its roots in the behaviour of the players and in Dembeles case of Barcelona too. A behaviour i don't think you want to see from a potential United player. And you see how Dembele performs with that kind of mentality. Mikhi's case was that he broke his own words, driven by Raiola. And i guess some would agreee in here that he is not a nice person and you are fecked if you trusted him.
A potential transfer from a well runned club isn't complete in 2 weeks, cause they would have solved it a lot earlier. Take all the other examples at other clubs, its done or nearly done, cause you have to be quick, and don't identitfy targets within 2 weeks, you did it long before, and try to get this done early. Which i guess whas missed from United. Therefor a clear deadline, in the public. Something which is quite unusual for BVB. But it seems that even that deadline was missed from United. Now with all the strong statements of Zorc, Watzke and Favre, it would be hilarious for the board to ruin their reputation and sell after that deadline (besides the already mentioned fact that there was a reason for the deadline: playing the best possible season).
And you are missing the financial point of view: you got an asset with a long term contract, what is worth a lot, but in the moment nobody can pay that value. So of course you uses it once more, get your season targets done, and relax for coming bids next season. You would literaly lose money if you sell now. They would have probably sold cause they valued it with 120m, that would have made sense to them,with one or 2 successors in mind in the right timespan. But this is over so you just let him play one more season. This perspective shouldn't be hard to understand. I understand your point of view, but the contract situation is better, the players mind is better and his advisers too(something you should be glad about if you want him), BVB position is better, the market was better, there was time for buying new players.
How many record transfer deals have ever been completed early in the window?? Cristiano Ronaldo, Bale, Pogba, Neymar, Mbappe, Di Maria etc all took months before they were finally completed Kai Havertz is probably the one thats finished the earliest in recent memory and even Chelsea have played a lot of back and forth with Leverkusen for months. A deal like this was simply NEVER happening in 2 weeks and even BVB know that. We probably should have completed it by now and probably will later in the window but 2 weeks was an unrealistic timeline so this "timespan" is far from over as the window still has over 5 weeks left.
The situations are not that different because in the end you got the money you wanted without reducing a single penny which you wouldn`t have turned down even if the players remained professional. Your "board" has gone against its word more than once if they do again it will simply be a case of the boy that cried wolf cause its not something they haven`t done before.
Sancho is on a long term contract yes so were Dembele/Auba(again you used this secret extension on the latter) yet they still left and had just as big an influence to the team as Sancho does and your position in the BL/CL remained the same with or without Sancho nothing changes significantly and gaining 108m during a pandemic is not losing money at all as you have money for a replacement as well as money to compensate for losses that will be incurred as you lose more money from no fans back till 2021 the latter situation is literally where you lose a lot of money.
Will you have any "bidding war" next year if clubs continue to lose money or if there is no vaccine/a second wave? As it stands thats what looks likely meaning you can only sell for a small fee in 2022 as nobody will afford him next year this year is the best guaranteed bet to get a maximum fee and even the money men at BVB will not say no if we cough up thats not a hard concept to understand either.
Aha. So what is the reason that United just not paid that till the deadline? Woodward is still searching for the coffee cash register or what? Can you give me a logic explanation? If you want a player, and know the price, and the deadline, what is the reason for you to wait 5min. before your first game? And please don't come around the corner and say "to save 4-6 weeks of wages" :lol:
We're gonna sign him near to the end of the window which will see us save a significant amount on his wages.
Try the last 2 decades and match that also with the success of silverware, you can even take the last decade alone.
No one is saying they have been perfect, but overall they have been run extremely well as a club, there is no denying that.
The transition away from Emelano as sporting director has had some challenges, but they look to be getting over those now

I don't know how you can say they are well run when they've had a transfer ban. They've made good signings this season and have sold well in the past, but "run extremely well" is pushing it.
I don't know how you can say they are well run when they've had a transfer ban. They've made good signings this season and have sold well in the past, but "run extremely well" is pushing it.
Count the titles.
They had a transfer ban yes agree not good.
Again though count the titles in the last decade
Football is a sport and the aim is to win trophies
We're gonna sign him near to the end of the window which will see us save a significant amount on his wages.
Now that iam thinking about, it makes totaly sense. Ingenious.
Count the titles.
They had a transfer ban yes agree not good.
Again though count the titles in the last decade
Football is a sport and the aim is to win trophies

Sure, but you're talking about something completely different if you say "extremely well run". For instance, Dortmund are extremely well run and they don't really win a whole bucket load of trophies. A transfer ban is a very serious lapse. If it happened to United, we'd be ranting like mad men on here.
Count the titles.
They had a transfer ban yes agree not good.
Again though count the titles in the last decade
Football is a sport and the aim is to win trophies

But the point is they win titles with their approach because their owner spends. Not because they have a great sporting model.
If City buy Messi then Barca buy Sancho...

...mods best put a Samaritans banner on the homepage!

The dominoes that fall may go beyond that. Sancho’s desire to return to England might mean Barca will target one of Mane or Salah. If one is sold, the scousers will target and likely get Sancho over us.
How many record transfer deals have ever been completed early in the window?? Cristiano Ronaldo, Bale, Pogba, Neymar, Mbappe, Di Maria etc all took months before they were finally completed Kai Havertz is probably the one thats finished the earliest in recent memory and even Chelsea have played a lot of back and forth with Leverkusen for months. A deal like this was simply NEVER happening in 2 weeks and even BVB know that. We probably should have completed it by now and probably will later in the window but 2 weeks was an unrealistic timeline so this "timespan" is far from over as the window still has over 5 weeks left.
The situations are not that different because in the end you got the money you wanted without reducing a single penny which you wouldn`t have turned down even if the players remained professional. Your "board" has gone against its word more than once if they do again it will simply be a case of the boy that cried wolf cause its not something they haven`t done before.
Sancho is on a long term contract yes so were Dembele/Auba(again you used this secret extension on the latter) yet they still left and had just as big an influence to the team as Sancho does and your position in the BL/CL remained the same with or without Sancho nothing changes significantly and gaining 108m during a pandemic is not losing money at all as you have money for a replacement as well as money to compensate for losses that will be incurred as you lose more money from no fans back till 2021 the latter situation is literally where you lose a lot of money.
Will you have any "bidding war" next year if clubs continue to lose money or if there is no vaccine/a second wave? As it stands thats what looks likely meaning you can only sell for a small fee in 2022 as nobody will afford him next year this year is the best guaranteed bet to get a maximum fee and even the money men at BVB will not say no if we cough up thats not a hard concept to understand either.
Mate its great that you offer ideas of how to manage BVB but the persons in charge already made their decisions and their estimations differs from yours.
Over the last 4 years alone I would class the following as dubious signings:

Batsyuhy - 35m
Luiz - 30m
Kepa - 70m
Morata - 60m
Zappacosta - 22.5m
Drinkwater - 35m
Bakayoko - 35m
Emerson - 20m

Jorginho - 50m
Higuain - 7m loan fee

3 managers with totally different styles. Such vision. Such sporting direction. 580m to build a side which wasn’t even expected to finish top 4.

Like I said, they’ve just posted a 90m loss and are now spending over 200m during a global pandemic where crowd revenue has gone. They don’t operate in the real world. Stop comparing them to other football clubs. Their ‘model’ only works if you have a billionaire benefactor. You can’t use it as a viable way to run a football club.
Gosh, that is some rubbish business.
Mate its great that you offer ideas of how to manage BVB but the persons in charge already made their decisions and their estimations differs from yours.
It's great that you offer ideas of how to manage BVB but the persons in charge already made their decisions to make BVB a selling club.
But the point is they win titles with their approach because their owner spends. Not because they have a great sporting model.

Even though we have spent more, so its of course has a lot to do with their sporting model was my point
Sure, but you're talking about something completely different if you say "extremely well run". For instance, Dortmund are extremely well run and they don't really win a whole bucket load of trophies. A transfer ban is a very serious lapse. If it happened to United, we'd be ranting like mad men on here.

A transfer ban because of some rules around youth recruitment that most clubs broke. Again the point wasn't to say they were infallible. I'm pretty sure most United fans are ranting about signings like Di maria, Sanchez, Bastian, DDG wages that went wrong and no title or even close to a title since Fergie left.
I'm sure most fans would have taken a transfer ban and the sporting side of the club looking a lot better than it does ala Chelsea than what we have seen since Fergie and Gill left.

Chelsea from where they were 20 years ago have shown massive amounts of progression on all fronts, including having one of the best academy teams over the past 3/4 years in the country.

Dortmund are a well-run club, IF you want to be a feeder club, pretty sure losing the likes of Lewandoski, Hummels et al to your closet rivals and some of those players for free, isn't good. Every club has flaws or mistakes they make.

To say Chelsea isn't well run and are only successful because they spend more than everyone, even when over the past 10 years they have spent less than United and been more successful makes zero sense.
It's great that you offer ideas of how to manage BVB but the persons in charge already made their decisions to make BVB a selling club.
I assume that just this window proofes you wrong, which seems to be the reason since 2 weeks this thread has turned into a masochistic soup, and the phrase "BVB is a selling club" just adds more salt into it.
But keep on getting joy out of sentences like "Sancho day?". Or trying to offend a Dortmund fan in the most creative way ever by writing something including the words "Bayern" and "selling". In the meantime all your opponents are getting to work.
I don't understand. This is united forum ffs. If you can't stand united fans taking banters on opposition then wouldn't it be wise to visit the forum that supports your team?
I don't understand. This is united forum ffs. If you can't stand united fans taking banters on opposition then wouldn't it be wise to visit the forum that supports your team?
Dortmund only have a ‘feeder forum’ where all good posters inevitably move on to the Bayern forum.

Am I right guys? Huh huh? :wenger:
Aha. So what is the reason that United just not paid that till the deadline? Woodward is still searching for the coffee cash register or what? Can you give me a logic explanation? If you want a player, and know the price, and the deadline, what is the reason for you to wait 5min. before your first game? And please don't come around the corner and say "to save 4-6 weeks of wages" :lol:

I have no idea what the holdup is, you'll have to ask Ed Woodward, but it's very likely that we're holding out for a reduced fee. Common business practise.

You may be on to something with the wages thing. I mean, who wouldn't want to save 1.5 million quid?
But keep on getting joy out of sentences like "Sancho day?". Or trying to offend a Dortmund fan in the most creative way ever by writing something including the words "Bayern" and "selling". In the meantime all your opponents are getting to work.
Happy Sancho day hun x
I assume that just this window proofes you wrong, which seems to be the reason since 2 weeks this thread has turned into a masochistic soup, and the phrase "BVB is a selling club" just adds more salt into it.
I assume that just this window proofes you wrong, which seems to be the reason since 2 weeks this thread has turned into a masochistic soup, and the phrase "BVB is a selling club" just adds more salt into you that you have to spend your precious time on a United forum specifically discussing the potential of your star player leaving and defending it, even if it will happen, next window if not this one, to United or not United because BVB is a selling club.
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