Last Newbie Standing
I think he meant 1999FFS whats with the analogies in this thread! What party? what 2000 years?
I think he meant 1999FFS whats with the analogies in this thread! What party? what 2000 years?
I never suggested you should leave. It's similar to the protestant planters in Ireland. You're there now and a solution must be found that involves everyone. I only explained why they're firing rockets at you: you're occupying their land.Well, that's fine. But things like that only make me - someone who is far from being patriotic - say: But we are here, and we're here to stay. And if you've a problem with it, fine. But if others have a problem with it and decide to fire at us with what he's got, then we'll fire back with what we've got. And whatever happens, happens.
Please I'm begging you stop with the analogies.
Israel's policies are collectively targeting all Palestinians as it is - "You vote Hamas, all of Gaza will remain sieged, and we're going to make it rain with heavy munitions fire, take the hint - Israel".
A question to all here defending Israel's stance on the matter - lets assume Hamas stops firing rockets altogether. Do you think we'll see the end of Palestinians being humiliated, shot dead by soldiers and settlements being illegally built?
Britain crushed the Easter Rising in Ireland and executed the survivors, which led to generations of conflict. I think you're spot on. Israel needs to stop playing the victim here.This is the main reason why I think, Israel is the only one who can offer a peaceful solution. Unless they consider the rights of Palestinians and treat them as equals, the extremist groups will flourish and there will be no end to this.
Even if they go in now and destroy Hamas, another extremist group will take over and this will continue for ages.
This is the main reason why I think, Israel is the only one who can offer a peaceful solution. Unless they consider the rights of Palestinians and treat them as equals, the extremist groups will flourish and there will be no end to this.
Even if they go in now and destroy Hamas, another extremist group will take over and this will continue for ages.
Those tunnels weren't dug yesterday, they've been there for a while, new ones created all the time, waiting for whenever Hamas wants to use them - even without Israel's operation. They've been used before for Hamas operations, including the Shalit kidnapping in 2006, which also involved the killing of two soldiers. That is not something we can live with.
I never suggested you should leave. It's similar to the protestant planters in Ireland. You're there now and a solution must be found that involves everyone. I only explained why they're firing rockets at you: you're occupying their land.
Does Israel ever stop preparing for war against the Palestinians? Do you only build your tanks, planes and bombs only when there is a flair up?
Shilat was a soilder, he was captured, not kidnapped
And the IRA swore to never stop until Ireland was united.Problem with Hamas is they'll never be happy unless we pack up and leave.
Problem with Hamas is they'll never be happy unless we pack up and leave.
Problem with Hamas is they'll never be happy unless we pack up and leave.
I would appreciate if you don't put words in my mouth to make me look like a racist. I realize this is a sensitive subject but that's not on, no matter what.
As for the actual question, what would the numbers be? Who knows, but if the United States was killing Canadians in Windsor or Mexicans at Juarez at a 300 to 1 ratio, I surely wouldn't be defending such a disproportionate response.
Please I'm begging you stop with the analogies.
I did not imply racism in your post. I do think though that the disproportionate response talk smacks of double standards. Put your families where ours are before claiming the IDF and IAF should not take the rocket launchers because they're placed in residential areas.
As for US proportions, you gotta be kidding me:
And that's without being under constant rocket fire.
Well, that's fine. But things like that only make me - someone who is far from being patriotic - say: But we are here, and we're here to stay. And if you've a problem with it, fine. But if others have a problem with it and decide to fire at us with what he's got, then we'll fire back with what we've got. And whatever happens, happens.
If the Palestinians were given fair treatment, if the settlements in the WB ceased to be built and if Gaza wasn't a giant open prison, then Hamas would become obsolete. Ironically, its Israel's treatment of the Palestinians over the years which has been Hamas' biggest asset to consolidating its support.
You absolutely did imply racism. How else can you explain this line?
"What would be the numbers if it was your country on the receiving end of these rockets? Real people you know?"
I'm not Madeleine Albright. I don't hold you to the words of Ayelet Shaked. If you can't stick to what I actually say in this thread then don't post at all.
So Palestinians are all represented by Hamas then?.
Israel is pushing Palestine to the limit, that they have "Nothing to lose" in a war that Israel has " Everything to lose". If Palestinians are given respect and treated in a way that they have something worth living for, they will not turn to radical groups like Hamas. Peace will not happen in a year or so, But within two- three generations, its possible. Not with the current Israeli strategy.
So Palestinians are all represented by Hamas then?.
Israel is pushing Palestine to the limit, that they have "Nothing to lose" in a war that Israel has " Everything to lose". If Palestinians are given respect and treated in a way that they have something worth living for, they will not turn to radical groups like Hamas. Peace will not happen in a year or so, But within two- three generations, its possible. Not with the current Israeli strategy.
Just to make it clear - the attacks were not in the Gaza strip, it was inside Israel.
Unless you mean we shouldn't be there at all as well...
You could well enlighten your mates at Ha'aretz what we're trying to defend here.
Yeah, that's what most people are trying to mean...You guys are not taking the hint![]()
It'll probably be like talking sense to people here.
To be fair, though, I don't think there's been much wrong with the way Haaretz has been covering it. Not every newspaper has to declare Israel should bring Gaza back to the stone age.
That just doesn't make sense in light of the fact that you don't need the 'Israel ingredient' in order for radical, extremist Islamist groups to emerge- just look at Syria, Iraq and Egypt at the moment. Hamas would never become obsolete (regardless of Israel's existence or non-existence) as long as they can manage to cling to power and assert their dominance over the Gaza population. People make it sound as if the only thing that's stopping Hamas from turning into a beacon of liberal democracy is Israel's control over Gaza.
I think I heard this from Mozza before. We should accept terrorism for three generations without responding, in the hope that the 22nd century will be a bit better.
A question to all here defending Israel's stance on the matter - lets assume Hamas stops firing rockets altogether. Do you think we'll see the end of Palestinians being humiliated, shot dead by soldiers and settlements being illegally built?
How long are you going to keep responding. You have "everything to lose" in this war and they don't.
Like I said before, current Israeli thinking/strategy is not going to achieve peace. Do you think its possible? and would to take a minute to answer @Kaos question in the previous page.
That line you quoted refers to the difference between being under fire and suggesting proportionality from a safe living room, thousands of miles away. I'll try to use a different example. An IAF pilot identifies a rocket launcher firing at Israel. His family lives within rocket range. What should he do if there was a child standing next to the launcher?
For your sake I hope your not Ms. Albright. Her short answer is an indication of the huge gule between the morals of the IDF and the US.
You'll always need an ingredient though. In Iraq for example, Islamists emerged as a result of the US-led invasion where previously their presence in the country had been non-existent. In the rest of the Arab world they propped up when the West decided it would neutralise the secular, Arab nationalist movements and allow extremists to fill the vacuum left. Heck, the decimation of the PLO was what's essentially allowed the likes of Hamas to fill the void.
Hamas would never turn into a beacon of democracy, but they would also never enjoyed the strangehold they have in Gaza at the moment were it not for Israel's policies. Attempting to deal with them heavy-handedly would only conjure up new extremists in their fallen place, if not vitalising their recruitment drive. Conversely, if Hamas were to stop firing rockets then lets face it, the Israelis aren't going to suddenly cut the Palestinians some slack - They'll still be humiliated in check points, they'll still face institutionalized racism as they remain stateless, illegal settlements will still be built.
Hamas isn't and was never the broad issue here.
No, it doesn't refer to that. "You know, real people" implies that I think Americans are worth more than Israelis. So you are calling me a racist.
If assumption is all we are going to do and If you are going to 'assume' Hamas is going to stop firing rockets altogether and stop all anti-Israel activities then you can 'assume' Israel will end the so-called humiliation of Palestinians. Simple.
No, it doesn't refer to that. "You know, real people" implies that I think Americans are worth more than Israelis. So you are calling me a racist.
Neither were the settlements. The PLO was founded in 1964. Hebron massacre was in 1929.
How long are you going to keep responding. You have "everything to lose" in this war and they don't.
Like I said before, current Israeli thinking/strategy is not going to achieve peace. Do you think its possible? and would to take a minute to answer @Kaos question in the previous page.
Are we really going to quote arbitrary massacres throughout history to dignify our points? Would you like me to quote the dozen or so massacres instigated by the Israelis/settlers too?
The Hebron massacre was carried out in response to (false) allegations that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem. I don't see what your point is here.
Settlements aren't the only problem, but its one of many injustices the Palestinians face which propels them to extremism.
Are we really going to quote arbitrary massacres throughout history to dignify our points? Would you like me to quote the dozen or so massacres instigated by the Israelis/settlers too?
The Hebron massacre was carried out in response to (false) allegations that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem. I don't see what your point is here.
Settlements aren't the only problem, but its one of many injustices the Palestinians face which propels them to extremism.
It doesn't matter if all Palestinians are represented by Hamas, because Hamas has already shown they don't give a damn about them. Even during better periods, when peace seemed a possibility, they still went ahead with their terror activities whenever it suited them. They'll just continue doing what they want to do.
If assumption is all we are going to do and If you are going to 'assume' Hamas is going to stop firing rockets altogether and stop all anti-Israel activities then you can 'assume' Israel will end the so-called humiliation of Palestinians. Simple.
Absolute nonesense, Hamas have held long periods of truce with Israel, only for Israel to bomb them as a peace deal is the last thing Israel is intrested in. You can't build settlements if your borders are defined in a peace deal.
Also the treatment of Fatah puts paid to the lie that Israel wants peace, what rocket attacks do you face in the West Bank? Whata stopping you from negotiating with Fatah? Nothing at all