Last Man Standing 2 champion 2020/21
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3 rockets hit Israel, so they kick ten types of shit into every man women and child they can get their hands on.
But in Canada and the US, they are still residents of the country and allowed to vote I'm guessing![]()
Rockets hitting Tel Aviv area - this does not end well![]()
Israel killed its subcontractor in Gaza
So the people of Tel Aviv get a taste of what their fellow Citizens in the South have been through for 12 years.
I don't know justifying is quite the right word, but I think if you look at the situation on the ground there, you have to ask yourself, what would you do? I mean, for the Palestinians, they have nothing (literally) and they have the Israeli's at the doorstep taking their land and causing so much of their hardship, so they are angry, and because they have never not known conflict they act on that anger, is it right? no, probably not, is it understandable in the circumstances? I would say yes, it is, Hamas itself generally has a policy of only firing rockets themselves in retaliation to Israeli incursions anyway, a lot of the rocket attacks are civilian militia groups who are acting out and see their actions as retaliation for the occupation and stuff anyway, would I rather they weren't firing rockets at Israel? sure, but I would rather Israel wasn't occupying their territory and everything else they are doing to provoke those rockets even more...
3 rockets hit Israel, so they kick ten types of shit into every man women and child they can get their hands on.
*checks map to see where Haifa is*
3 rockets hit Israel, so they kick ten types of shit into every man women and child they can get their hands on.
What's non-hawkish Zionism in your opinion, RK?
You're as usual just bringing up random acts, and pointless bullshit.
Get out of their land. Stop building on the west bank.
The only way Palestine is going to achieve its goals is by committing itself to peace. Until then, the situation regarding the occupation and the blockade will remain the same and military action by Israel will always be on the cards. Supporters of Palestine who choose to ignore the war crimes of Hamas are doing nothing to help the situation.
What is their land? This a serious question - are Israel not entitled to any land?
I sincerely believe there are two groups of Israelis - one which what nothing more than peace and are happy for Israel to abide by international law and to live alongside a pre-1967 Palestine. The other are a violent bunch who genuinely believe they are divinely entitled to ALL of 'greater Israel' and hence persist in violent landgrabs in the WB. When I refer to ultra-Zionists I refer to the latter group. Unfortunately, this current government seems to protect them and greenlight their crimes. They are much a hinderance to the peace process as Hamas are.
ultra or not, Zionism is about a national home for the Jewish people. We don't have an Arab, let alone a Palestinian, partner for an agreement based on this principle. This renders WB "landgrabs" irrelevant.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the Palestinian territories as they are defined under international law. They're currently being illegally occupied and the Israeli government are sponsoring a settler colonisation program there.
I'm not. After all he opposes Zionism.
Zionism is an inherently racist ideology. It shares virtues with Islamic extremism. To sugercoat it with the principles of Judaism only mocks the faith.
I'm not. After all he opposes Zionism.
And what do you think motivates the illegal settlers in the WB above all? Olive trees?
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the Palestinian territories as they are defined under international law. They're currently being illegally occupied and the Israeli government are sponsoring a settler colonisation program there.
You're as usual just bringing up random acts, and pointless bullshit.
Get out of their land. Stop building on the west bank.
firstly both sides don't recognise each other as legitimate 'nations'.
..too much history...
you lot will never be in peace.
I sincerely believe there are two groups of Israelis - one which what nothing more than peace and are happy for Israel to abide by international law and to live alongside a pre-1967 Palestine.
I've edited your post buddy. Debate without name calling, please.
Sultan I think Fearless referred to Hamas as the scum, not the poster.
Sultan I think Fearless referred to Hamas as the scum, not the poster.
Zionism is an inherently racist ideology. It shares virtues with Islamic extremism. To sugercoat it with the principles of Judaism only mocks the faith.
DrunkenYoda said:Would love if you could quote me on that in the thread.
Israel just as all the countries in the world has more then two groups obviously.
and the part of super-zionist as you call it, those who believe in the 'great Israel' that contains parts of Israel alone (they are fighting for land that is already ours, that the world want us to give it for free for the pala) is just a very minorty in Israel, as they have around 5% seats.
anyways as I was saying, try to see where they are comming from, what if you've been told that because your goverment is being pressured by the UN you have to leave your home, and it doesn't matter if you lived there for 20 years or 5, you'll have to leave and find a new home, not as good, not as priced, and you won't get paid as good as you should for it, but leave that alone, when you'll leave the people that made you leave, will go into your home, piss all over it and ruin it, not before ruining your church in the most disrespectful way.
about the current fight, around 3m are in rocket danger at the moment, including me.
people are dying, kids are dying. and it's not that the IDF is hiding behind those kids, those are kids that are hiding inside their home, 60-70 km away from the Gaza strip, hiding inside a shelter for days, just for that one time that they didn't made it to the shelter in time.
In the last few days (Before we killed the terrorist leader) Hamas sent over 200 rockets to Israeli settlments and cities, in the same time a rocket was fired to a IDF jeep injuring 4 soldiers badly, in response, the IDF killed the Hamas general, the one that kidnapped Gilad Shalit and was responsble for many deaths.
I don't mean to disrespect, but I guess you havn't being fired at, bombed etc. I have. it's not like in the movies, few years after I still jump when ever I hear a something that reminds me booming.
So yes, we're attacking, but we're attacking a terror organization, don't be mistaken Hamas are terrorists ! and they don't mind killing you more then killing me. you are as much as enemy as I am. It's just I'm much closer then you are.
So I hope you'll understand where we're comming from and why we have the right to defend ourselves.
I'm pretty sure he's referring to the Palestinian territories as they are defined under international law. They're currently being illegally occupied and the Israeli government are sponsoring a settler colonisation program there.
To quote Plech, (currently sitting on his hands trying not to post on this thread)
"It seems to me that complaining about this is a bit like complaining that a home for battered women is sexist because it doesn't admit men. The place exists because Europeans (and later Arabs) couldn't stop themselves massacring their Jewish populations. If it's therefore racist in conception, so be it - better to live in a racist state than not to live at all."
If I'm understanding the article correctly you could argue that Hamas is illegally occupying Gaza which according to Oslo was originally given for governance to the Palestinian National Authority.
Even if this was the case, you can bet your house that any withdrawl from the West Bank has just been taken off the menu.
Not even the most left-wing Israeli will buy into that fantasy if the stupid withdrawl from Gaza and immediate Hamas coup is anything to go by.
Israel will not be spit-roasted.
To be honest with you I don't think many here or elsewhere can actually say who the Palestinian people are, what their collective history is or indeed how come they didn't even know they were a nation 100 years ago.
Having said that, the vast majority of Israelis accept that peace for Israel would require an independent Palestinian state.
Oh deary me. Your leftie/Islamic leanings do you no favours
"Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) states: 'The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies'" But Israel IS NOT an "Occupying Power" it is a liberator of land illegally annexed by Jordan in defiance of The Mandate For Palestine which states that no foreign power shall exercise control over Palestine. In 1967 Israel repelled the Jordanians who settled with a peace deal. Hence both Jews and Arabs now live in the West Bank as designated by The Mandate.
You cannot "illegally occupy" what you have been given legal title to - unless you now call Israel a foreign country exercising control over Palestine. Even if you argue that then Jews STILL have equal rights of settlement in West Bank
(i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force."
In his second term, I hope Obama will work with both sides towards this.