Mighty Mouse
This line of argument is a race to the bottom. Using the worst of behaviour to justify our actions.
Other way round. It sheds light on the utter hypocrisy which is fuelling this war.
This line of argument is a race to the bottom. Using the worst of behaviour to justify our actions.
245,161 casualties between Muslims. Are you saying that Muslim wars and it's casualties are perceived from a different threshold?...unless Israeli's are part of the equation?
245,161 casualties between Muslims. Are you saying that Muslim wars and it's casualties are perceived from a different threshold?...unless Israeli's are part of the equation?
If Hamas were allowed sit in on UN meetings people would be a little more outraged at what they are doing, but Hamas don't have an embassy in Dublin. The fact Israel does is starting to bother people. There is a very active petition to get the ambassador expelled. It won't happen but it's an idea with a lot of support.
It sheds light on the utter hypocrisy which is fuelling this war.
- We haven't heard reports of deaths, we will check into it
- The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb
- Ok we killed them, but they were terrorists
- Ok they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields
- Ok there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose
- Ok we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are!
- Why are you still talking about Israel ? Are you some kind of anti-semite?
Muslims? What?
We are talking about Israel's actions here. A focused and prolonged attack on a smaller nation. If you want Israel to be judged alongside any religious fundamentalist with a home-made rocket then fine. Don't expect respect from the international community.
- We haven't heard reports of deaths, we will check into it
- The people were killed, but by a faulty Palestinian rocket/bomb
- Ok we killed them, but they were terrorists
- Ok they were civilians, but they were being used as human shields
- Ok there were no fighters in the area, so it was our mistake. But we kill civilians by accident, they do it on purpose
- Ok we kill far more civilians than they do, but look at how terrible other countries are!
- Why are you still talking about Israel ? Are you some kind of anti-semite?
Actions in other areas does not justify killing thousands.
That's not the point, though.
It's the holy RedCafe outrage at the death of innocents that is reserved to the disproportionate Israeli-Arab conflict.
That's not the point, though.
It's the holy RedCafe outrage at the death of innocents that is reserved to the disproportionate Israeli-Arab conflict.
That's not the point, though.
It's the holy RedCafe outrage at the death of innocents that is reserved to the disproportionate Israeli-Arab conflict.
Wow, would you like a list of the global protests against Israel in the last 2 weeks?
It's not Redcafe, it's the world you are arguing with here.
The current Israeli government are not only war criminals, they're fools.
We're proud of our ability to defend our civilians. I'm not going to apologise for it. We do have the right to respond as if the next rocket would skip the defense sytem. It could well do.
This. In many ways they're fighting an old fashioned war in a very old fashioned way.
What's happening is turning into a slaughter. It's disgusting. I would like to see any Israeli try and defend the proportionality argument here.
But they are winning, with no reprisals from the international community. So why should they do any different?
Reading this thread and you'll get plenty of that.
So far we've seen defenses including:
- Muslims have killed more anyway
- The world hates Jews anyway so we don't care
- Jesus told me to unconditionally support Israel
The people who lived in Palestine in 1918 were the direct descendants of people who lived there for centuries. They had a right to self-determination which was unfairly denied them.The Palestinians of those times were not what we think of "ethnic Palestinians" today though, lol, and that stretch of land was called such as a Latinisation (after the Jewish revolt) of the older label Philistine. The ancient Philistines were an Indo European people and not ethnically Arabic with a completely different culture. So what is a Palestinian in an ethnic sense?
Those guys are all long gone.
But the Gaza withdrawal could have served as a test case for future withdrawals if the will for peace was there. Instead of constrcution, the old settlements were immediately turned into military training camps.
Try googling images for "Israel summer camp" and then "Gaza summer camp". If you or the rest of us care for Palestinian children you better start from there.
Reading this thread and you'll get plenty of that.
So far we've seen defenses including:
- Muslims have killed more anyway
- The world hates Jews anyway so we don't care
- Jesus told me to unconditionally support Israel
Who said I brush them aside? What moral high ground? What are you on about?And your brushing aside of the surrounding inter-Muslim massacres doesn't justify your moral high ground.
You left out 18,000 rockets, kidnapping and Hamas's charter. Besides that, good list!
What is the level of opposition to the war, if any, inside Israel?
I like the message these blokes are sending.
What is the level of opposition to the war, if any, inside Israel?
Breaking the Silence is an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories. We endeavor to stimulate public debate about the price paid for a reality in which young soldiers face a civilian population on a daily basis, and are engaged in the control of that population’s everyday life.
If Hamas were allowed sit in on UN meetings people would be a little more outraged at what they are doing, but Hamas don't have an embassy in Dublin. The fact Israel does is starting to bother people. There is a very active petition to get the ambassador expelled. It won't happen but it's an idea with a lot of support.
It's not only vocal when Israel is involved.
You don't inderstand because you don't want to understand.
Pople have thresholds and breaking points, Israel have approached a lot of people's. This is not sporadic human suffering. It appears to some to be prolonged persecution.
Indeed. He didn't help himself with his crude anti-Islamic propaganda.
Israel might be good at building defences against ballistics missiles but they could do a bit of work on winning hearts and minds. In this media saturate age we live in, it's incredibly naive to be so reckless about how your actions are being perceived by the outside world.
Which reminds me of Kaufmann's comments the other day. The current Israeli government are not only war criminals, they're fools.
Very poor effort that poster. Really bad taste. I wonder whose idea ity was. Anyway, trying to win hearts and minds in what is the most hostile European country is futile in the first place.
Muslims? What?
We are talking about Israel's actions here. A focused and prolonged attack on a smaller nation. If you want Israel to be judged alongside any religious fundamentalist with a home-made rocket then fine. Don't expect respect from the international community.