Pogue Mahone
But you see, most of the people being called Palestinian today don't come from the historical geographic location of Palestine. They come from Jordan, Egypt, Syria and so on. They have had the label "Palestinian" stuck to them for political reasons. There was a time when rich, Arab Muslims held Israel and could've created the Palestinian state everybody talks about but they didn't. They rejected peace.
The truth is, there are so many myths surrounding Palestine and the multitude of ethnic Arabs labelled "Palestinian" today that history is being revised. Palestine simply never was what people claim about it.
Again, semantics. As per my previous post "there are at least some Palestinians currently living in Israel who have as much historical right to call that part of the world their home as any Israeli"
The fact that all Palestinians are treated as though they have no right to live there is one of the more important moral wrongs over the last few decades. That and the fact that this division between the haves and have nots is based almost entirely upon their religion.