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Just like when the West Germans doubled down on support of apartheid south Africa when even other Western countries were dropping it
Seriously? This happened in cold war times back in the 80s. I'm sure you also know that the GDR supported the ANC at that time. Thus it was mainly having a common enemy, your enemy is also my enemy. World politics are never black and white and you sometimes you have to make alliances you rather wouldn't.
But you don't even believe this. Your entire argument so far has been that Germany's politics re: Israel must be black or white!
whataboutery and selective facts.
I will deal with each of your points in turn:
1. should Israel have been established on Palestinian land? No. Should it now exist? Yes, as I don’t believe in now displacing a whole other population of people as well. A two state solution is the only realistic solution. But Israel should not continue in its current form with its current leadership, which has a genocidal agenda aimed at wiping out a whole population.
2. There was no Palestinian state before 1948: according to whom? The West? The UN? Who gets to say whether a people are a people or nation? It was under Ottoman rule and then British administration before 1948. So what? India was under British rule until 1947, does that not make India a nation?
if we are talking about who has a claim to that land, and if Zionists want to make it a biblical conversation about the land of Canaan, then we should look at what made up Canaan and who made up Canaan. It was on what we now call Palestine/Israel, Jordan and Lebanon. Therefore, the people of all those places could stake a claim to that land. It was not however, solely a Jewish land. Israeli Zionists say that they are the only real democracy and secular country in the Middle East, yet they also believe in Israel being a country only for Jews. So which is it, are you a secular democracy or a theocracy?
3. wars have happened all over the world and populations have moved. What is your point? That the Palestinians should just accept what’s happened to them? Would you? Would for example, Italy accept seizure of their land and just ‘move on?’ Of course not. They would fight, as the Palestinians are doing. It’s absurd to suggest they do anything else.
BTW 1: why would Jordan have anything to do with this conversation? Are they the mouthpiece or representation of Palestine? Stop bundling all Muslim or Arab people and countries into the same basket as if they all speak and act in unison. The fact it didn’t happen under Jordanian administration is a completely different question as to why Israel has acted the way it has and continues to do so.
BTW 2:
Do I have a problem with how Egypt have conducted themselves? Of course. They are not blameless and their submission to Israel’s wishes and the mess along the Philidelphi border is a massive problem. But last time I checked it wasn’t Egyptian bombs blowing up Palestinians and orphaning almost 20,000 children, leaving thousands more missing limbs, living in a tent in the cold and without food or water.
oh and BTW you do realise that Israel was not a nation before 1948 either? Palestine was more of a nation than Israel before 1948. so what point are you trying to make?
1. With all of Israel's weapons and military power, if it realy does hold a genocidel agenda (it doesn't), that it is very bad at implemeting it. Up until the October 7th massacre Gazans civilians were allowed to come into Israel to work, despite being ruled by murderous terror groups such is the Jihad and Hamas. Despite being bombarded with ten's of thousands of rockets i nthe past 20 years since the disengagement plan, Israel did everything in it's power to avoid sending ground troops inside Gaza. Hamas knew full well the consquences of carrying out such deadly attacks, yet you seem more concerned with what Israel had done since October 7th than the simple fact that there was a ceasefire up until October 7th, We didn't want this war and this war did feck all for the palestinian population. Some power hungey, blood hungry maniacs burst through out borders to kill as many of us as possible, and they were unfortunetly very successful in that task. Show me another way to end that right now without any more human suffering and I will adopt it in a heartbit. Everything was tried in the past, any sort of palestinian autonomy ended up with thousand of dead israelis.
The possibility of finding anyone who isn't complicit there is unsurprisingly low.
The possibility of finding anyone who isn't complicit there is unsurprisingly low.
1. With all of Israel's weapons and military power, if it realy does hold a genocidel agenda (it doesn't), that it is very bad at implemeting it. Up until the October 7th massacre Gazans civilians were allowed to come into Israel to work, despite being ruled by murderous terror groups such is the Jihad and Hamas. Despite being bombarded with ten's of thousands of rockets i nthe past 20 years since the disengagement plan, Israel did everything in it's power to avoid sending ground troops inside Gaza. Hamas knew full well the consquences of carrying out such deadly attacks, yet you seem more concerned with what Israel had done since October 7th than the simple fact that there was a ceasefire up until October 7th, We didn't want this war and this war did feck all for the palestinian population. Some power hungey, blood hungry maniacs burst through out borders to kill as many of us as possible, and they were unfortunetly very successful in that task. Show me another way to end that right now without any more human suffering and I will adopt it in a heartbit. Everything was tried in the past, any sort of palestinian autonomy ended up with thousand of dead israelis.
2. According to facts. All countries are based on recognized international borders as agreed upon. This is the basis of modern human law and order. Jews have lived on this land, and purchased lands on this territory legaly and willingly long before the UN resolution. You want to claim that every inch of land belonged to a certain part of the population? it's your right, but a lot of borders changed between WWI and WWII and afterwards, and you seem to be troubled only by a very particular one.
3. Palestinians should accept that a return to Haifa and Tel Aviv is not an option, and should first and first most build a governing body that isn't sponsoring nor perpetrating terror. Once that happens, the majority of Israeli's are more than open for solutions that would allow all of us the live our lives. No one knows how such a solution would look, but we all want that day to come.
BTW1 - It's a point I made to clarify that the two state solution only came about after Jordan lost the West Bank. Before that there was no call for a two state solution, but simply for the anahilation of the jewish state. And that call maybe went quite in the face of modern diplomacy but is still being taught at schools and appearing in Hamas and PA charters.
BTW2 - Your'e much less vocal about that criticism. Maybe theres a reason their border is blocked, perhaps it's because, I dont know, they are being controlled by a deranged terror group? just a thought.
Exactly, It was not, a lot of borders changed around the world post WWII and so did this one.
There is another thread about the Israel-Hamas war on Gaza.
I don't buy that Israel is committing genocide. If they are then they are really bad at it. Hamas OTOH have it written into their charter.
I do buy that Israel is pursuing ethnic cleansing in Gaza though.
Yeah, the US has declared Hamas a terrorist organization, and have been helping Israel to wipe them out, so any strategic asset of the US is a far game to be attacked by Hamas. Especially, if in that place are some of the chief strategists of US who are telling Israel how to effectively wipe out Hamas.So answer here.
1. With all of Israel's weapons and military power, if it realy does hold a genocidel agenda (it doesn't), that it is very bad at implemeting it.
1. With all of Israel's weapons and military power, if it realy does hold a genocidel agenda (it doesn't).
You live in a democracy. it matters what you think. You started from a position of "don't insult Germany so quickly" to a "Alas, we have no choice but to support Israel unconditionally, but also surely the people involved know better than you and I, despite history telling us otherwise all the time. we also had to support south African apartheid because reasons."Again it doesn't matter what I believe, this is completely irrelevant.
Germany's relationship with Israel is of a very special kind due to the Holocaust that cost over 6 million Jewish lives.
In Germany, the support of Israel is a reason of state. Like it or not, it's just fact.
I don't think it's much different than the stance the UK, France or the US take.
That's precisely my point. A (fair) resolution to the Palestinian situation weakens Iran's moral and power leverage, and is a path that benefits everyone (except the Mullahs and Israeli supremacists).
NO.Quoted from the other thread cause I think it is more suitable for here:
What does a fair solution (that does not involve removing Jews from Israel) look for Palestinians that they a) are ready to accept and b) Israel is ready to accept? Cause it get mentioned many times, but no one explains what is that solution.
Ehud Barak gave as a fair solution as it can be in 2000. He pretty much accepted every demand that Palestinians/Araft had and was ready to sign it, only for Arafat in the last hour to decide to not sign the deal and not proposing a counter-deal. That directly caused Barak to lose power and for an extremist (Ariel Sharon) to gain power.
Now, since 2000 the situation in terrain has changed quite a bit, and the balance of power between Israel and Palestine has massively shifted even more in favour of the former, with Palestinians being divided into 2 camps that essentially fight each other and have separate governments etc. I think anyone knows that whatever deal Israel might give won't be as good as that in 2000, and Palestinians didn't even accept that one.
What is the fair solution for you then? 'Jews leaving from where they came from?' Nope, it ain't gonna happen.
Quoted from the other thread cause I think it is more suitable for here:
What does a fair solution (that does not involve removing Jews from Israel) look for Palestinians that they a) are ready to accept and b) Israel is ready to accept? Cause it get mentioned many times, but no one explains what is that solution.
Ehud Barak gave as a fair solution as it can be in 2000. He pretty much accepted every demand that Palestinians/Araft had and was ready to sign it, only for Arafat in the last hour to decide to not sign the deal and not proposing a counter-deal. That directly caused Barak to lose power and for an extremist (Ariel Sharon) to gain power.
Now, since 2000 the situation in terrain has changed quite a bit, and the balance of power between Israel and Palestine has massively shifted even more in favour of the former, with Palestinians being divided into 2 camps that essentially fight each other and have separate governments etc. I think anyone knows that whatever deal Israel might give won't be as good as that in 2000, and Palestinians didn't even accept that one.
There's a sea of options in between the "fair" deal in 2000 (with no right of return for Palestinian refugees and Israel giving the Palestinians arrid land as compensation for the fertile and resource rich land they had stolen) and "all Jews must leave Israel."What is the fair solution for you then? 'Jews leaving from where they came from?' Nope, it ain't gonna happen.
They had the right to return to the independent Palestine, just not to Israel (except 100-150k or so).There's a sea of options in between the "fair" deal in 2000 (with no right of return for Palestinian refugees and Israel giving the Palestinians arrid land as compensation for the fertile and resource rich land they had stolen) and "all Jews must leave Israel."
There's a sea of options in between the "fair" deal in 2000 (with no right of return for Palestinian refugees and Israel giving the Palestinians arrid land as compensation for the fertile and resource rich land they had stolen) and "all Jews must leave Israel."
It's because after the US, Germany is biggest supplier of arms to Israel.Can you elaborate why Germany is accused of genocide? What is Germany doing differently than the UK or US?
Never heard of that except for the Holocaust of course.
One that's in line with what the international community consensus is - in line with the 1967 borders, ending the occupation and illegal settlement colonisation of the west bank and East Jerusalem and for Israel to finally declare its borders. Its hardly an egregious claim. This whole idea that Barak offered the Palestinian's a 'fair' deal in 2000 is a contentious one at best, especially when you take in the quite frankly ridiculous stipulations that would heavily fragment Palestinian territory into a series of loosely connected Bantustans, deprive the Palestinians of any form of trade, transportation and security autonomy. Israeli former foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami went on record to say he himself would have rejected the deal had he been a Palestinian.Quoted from the other thread cause I think it is more suitable for here:
What does a fair solution (that does not involve removing Jews from Israel) look for Palestinians that they a) are ready to accept and b) Israel is ready to accept? Cause it get mentioned many times, but no one explains what is that solution.
Ehud Barak gave as a fair solution as it can be in 2000. He pretty much accepted every demand that Palestinians/Araft had and was ready to sign it, only for Arafat in the last hour to decide to not sign the deal and not proposing a counter-deal. That directly caused Barak to lose power and for an extremist (Ariel Sharon) to gain power.
Now, since 2000 the situation in terrain has changed quite a bit, and the balance of power between Israel and Palestine has massively shifted even more in favour of the former, with Palestinians being divided into 2 camps that essentially fight each other and have separate governments etc. I think anyone knows that whatever deal Israel might give won't be as good as that in 2000, and Palestinians didn't even accept that one.
They had the right to return to the independent Palestine, just not to Israel (except 100-150k or so).
One that's in line with what the international community consensus is - in line with the 1967 borders, ending the occupation and illegal settlement colonisation of the west bank and East Jerusalem and for Israel to finally declare its borders. Its hardly an egregious claim. This whole idea that Barak offered the Palestinian's a 'fair' deal in 2000 is a contentious one at best, especially when you take in the quite frankly ridiculous stipulations that would heavily fragment Palestinian territory into a series of loosely connected Bantustans, deprive the Palestinians of any form of trade, transportation and security autonomy. Israeli former foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami went on record to say he himself would have rejected the deal had he been a Palestinian.
An independent Palestine the Israelis are adamant on not coming to fruition. On what planet is it palatable for any Jewish person on this planet to be able to claim Israeli citizenship and a home despite having no traceable link to the land, whereas an ethnically cleansed Palestinian with tangible claim to the land (deeds and all) isn't given the same courtesy. There's something fundamentally and morally wrong with that status quo.
Have they stopped counting the dead? People are being killed every day and we've been listening to 30-32k killed for what it seems weeks now.
Seriously? This happened in cold war times back in the 80s. I'm sure you also know that the GDR supported the ANC at that time. Thus it was mainly having a common enemy, your enemy is also my enemy.
World politics are never black and white and you sometimes you have to make alliances you rather wouldn't.
Have they stopped counting the dead? People are being killed every day and we've been listening to 30-32k killed for what it seems weeks now.