I'm sorry, but your views are in my opinion too one-sided and way too pro-Israel for us to keep discussing after this post.
First of, you are taking what Israel says as if it was more relevant than what Hamas says, why? Israel is at best at the same level as Hamas in terms of whether they should be trusted or not, although Hamas lied less in all this mess than Israel, which speaks volumes about Israel.
Second, you seem unable to comprehend that for average Palestinian, who is suffering for decades, ever since he was born actually, what Fatah and PA are doing in the West Bank is ridiculous, because they are essentially as powerful as a lamb would be in wolf's den. No weapons, no way to defend themselves, no way to stop settlers from evicting them, nothing.
We can judge Hamas and whether their terrorist attacks were the right choice or not (obviously were not), but honestly, and I'm absolutely sure that majority feels the same, if I was Palestinian who has seen numerous members of my family die, I'd hate anyone who'd ask me to not be violent towards my opressor. Therefore, Hamas as in -armed resistance to Israel- will exist as long as last Palestinians exist. It will be named differently, but PA on the West Bank has fared even worse than Hamas and Palestinians get subhuman treatment from Israelis there, even thought they chose to be non-violent, while their territories slowly diminished. Israel could have evicted people for next century in West Bank until it is all settled and there are no Palestinians and world wouldn't bat an eyelid. With Gaza it is different, Israel has had to commit genocide and rest of the world sees it and will remember it, regardless of what politics do.