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Yeah but just collateral, nothing to see here. Those kids aren't as important to the media as the kids murdered by Russia. It's sick but it's the truth.

The fact that another country can so frequently commit such acts and have them masked by the world media says it all. Anyone skimming the headlines sees 'IDF got some terrorists' and then the readers wonder why there's a Palestinian response.

Wow, imagine if 4 Israeli kids had their brains scattered and Palestinians were handing out celebratory drinks and dancing. Actually you can't imagine that because the Palestinians are not that depraved.

These Zionists (they're not Jewish, let's be honest here) are another level of the Devil.
Yeah but just collateral, nothing to see here. Those kids aren't as important to the media as the kids murdered by Russia. It's sick but it's the truth.

The fact that another country can so frequently commit such acts and have them masked by the world media says it all. Anyone skimming the headlines sees 'IDF got some terrorists' and then the readers wonder why there's a Palestinian response.

The exact BBC headline is " Israel kills top Gaza militants in waves of attacks"

The death of children is always heartbreaking and the violent disgusting manner of these deaths make it more so. RIP little angels.

Initial report said she shouted “Allahuakbar”.. Hard to backtrack from that now. But it’s confirmed she was a Jewish Israeli citizen. (Also an illegal settler in Hebron)

I will also celebrate the day when American and Israeli presidents will get persecuted for dropping bombs on civilians. That won’t happen as long as America’s empire rules the world.
Meanwhile the Americans have probably half their fleet surrounding “the big new enemy” China, no wonder they feel threatened. They pretty much push their “enemies” until they attack and then the media and US government can label them as war criminals and America’s weapons industry makes billions, prolonging each conflict and adding to the scores of innocent victims.

Keep your cool China, don’t let America provoke you like they did to Russia. Lets live in peace.
I will also celebrate the day when American and Israeli presidents will get persecuted for dropping bombs on civilians. That won’t happen as long as America’s empire rules the world.
Meanwhile the Americans have probably half their fleet surrounding “the big new enemy” China, no wonder they feel threatened. They pretty much push their “enemies” until they attack and then the media and US government can label them as war criminals and America’s weapons industry makes billions, prolonging each conflict and adding to the scores of innocent victims.

Keep your cool China, don’t let America provoke you like they did to Russia. Lets live in peace.
:lol: mainly at that last paragraph.
He started well with a nice sentence, but the rest...
I do not see China as the enemy, as far as I know they haven’t meddled in anyone’s affairs yet unlike the USA and Russia. They have also brokered a deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, they try peace talks in Ukraine/Russia. Xi Jinping has talked with both parties. What has America done to come to peace?
I am 100% sure a peaceful deal can be brokered between Taiwan and China but with America’s presence all over the region I doubt it will happen. The entire China is spying business, what is that all about? Of course they’re spying, the USA is doing the exact same thing through the likes of facebook etc. I don’t see European countries banning facebook like they do with the Chinese TikTok. In Holland Chinese students are now forbidden to join universities in fear of spying… what is this fear mongering? This is discrimination, this is racism. First it were the native Americans, then the black people, then the Arabs and now the Chinese. The influence the USA has is too big, trouble will come of it.
I’m really not a fan of the hypocrisy in the USA. But I still believe in peace. I think rational thinking will come out on top especially because China needs the USA and vice versa. I don‘t see the use of creating enemies to succeed as a country.
I do not see China as the enemy, as far as I know they haven’t meddled in anyone’s affairs yet unlike the USA and Russia. They have also brokered a deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, they try peace talks in Ukraine/Russia. Xi Jinping has talked with both parties. What has America done to come to peace?
I am 100% sure a peaceful deal can be brokered between Taiwan and China but with America’s presence all over the region I doubt it will happen. The entire China is spying business, what is that all about? Of course they’re spying, the USA is doing the exact same thing through the likes of facebook etc. I don’t see European countries banning facebook like they do with the Chinese TikTok. In Holland Chinese students are now forbidden to join universities in fear of spying… what is this fear mongering? This is discrimination, this is racism. First it were the native Americans, then the black people, then the Arabs and now the Chinese. The influence the USA has is too big, trouble will come of it.
I’m really not a fan of the hypocrisy in the USA. But I still believe in peace. I think rational thinking will come out on top especially because China needs the USA and vice versa. I don‘t see the use of creating enemies to succeed as a country.

There’s a more appropriate thread in which to discuss these issues. Search ‘whataboutism’ in the title search.
What's the Israeli 'reason' this time for these bombings?

Probably the same as always. Palestinian terror organizations attack, then hide between civilians when Israel retaliates. Show their dead on camera, keep getting support in men, arms and money. Repeat. This cycle will never end.
Targeting ‘terrorists’ (Islamic Jihad specifically).
Probably the same as always. Palestinian terror organizations attack, then hide between civilians when Israel retaliates. Show their dead on camera, keep getting support in men, arms and money. Repeat. This cycle will never end.
Gotcha. Seems like the song is stuck on repeat.
Probably the same as always. Palestinian terror organizations attack, then hide between civilians when Israel retaliates. Show their dead on camera, keep getting support in men, arms and money. Repeat. This cycle will never end.
:rolleyes: there's always one
Probably the same as always. Palestinian terror organizations attack, then hide between civilians when Israel retaliates. Show their dead on camera, keep getting support in men, arms and money. Repeat. This cycle will never end.

Hiding between citizens seems a bit of a dishonest assessment. Weren't these family members?

If Israeli soldiers and their family were killed in their homes no one would accuse them of hiding behind citizens.

It's simply Israel showing disregard to civilians and why wouldn't they when they get away with it. At least the US 'somewhat' get media scrutiny whenever they kill civilians as part of drone bombings.
If Israeli soldiers and their family were killed in their homes no one would accuse them of hiding behind citizens.

You can't compare this at all.
Israeli soldiers act in official capacity, you can catch them on patrols, in bases. Terror organizations can only survive with guerilla tactics, they hide intentionally between citizens, set up rocket launchers in areas where they know retaliation will hit civilians. That's how they can continue playing the sole victim role.
You can't compare this at all.
Israeli soldiers act in official capacity, you can catch them on patrols, in bases. Terror organizations can only survive with guerilla tactics, they hide intentionally between citizens, set up rocket launchers in areas where they know retaliation will hit civilians. That's how they can continue playing the sole victim role.

Those b#£+-&d Palestinians. I knew it was all their fault. :rolleyes:

In other news, a US black man suffocates to death by police officer's knee outside a shop. He was obviously a thief and got what he deserved.
You can't compare this at all.
Israeli soldiers act in official capacity, you can catch them on patrols, in bases. Terror organizations can only survive with guerilla tactics, they hide intentionally between citizens, set up rocket launchers in areas where they know retaliation will hit civilians. That's how they can continue playing the sole victim role.

It's exactly the same except it isn't to you because you obviously see those children as less worthy of basic human rights. So again they were at home with their family when bombed and you have no issue with that?

Stop trying to obfuscate the simple fact that they knowingly bombed civilians. Nor is bombing children the only option available to Israel.
You can't compare this at all.
Israeli soldiers act in official capacity, you can catch them on patrols, in bases. Terror organizations can only survive with guerilla tactics, they hide intentionally between citizens, set up rocket launchers in areas where they know retaliation will hit civilians. That's how they can continue playing the sole victim role.

According to reports in Israeli media (for example), Israel had agreed to a ceasefire with PIJ following the rocket/air strike exchanges that took place immediately following the death of hunger striker Khader Adnan last week. The subsequent air strike under discussion here was conducted after the agreement of that ceasefire, and targeted PIJ leaders in the residential building where they resided with their families. They were not in the process of launching rockets or conducting any other immediate attack on Israeli targets.
At least the US 'somewhat' get media scrutiny whenever they kill civilians as part of drone bombings.

I don’t think they do really. The most famous case was that of Anwar Al-Awlaki’s daughter in Yemen, but I think that was mainly due to al-Awlaki’s status as a US citizen. But the US and allies pretty much laid waste to Mosul and Raqqa during the campaign against ISIS with very little transparency or questions asked, and I’ve already seen Israelis online point to these as precedents for their actions in Gaza (disingenuously since Israel has been launching these kinds of strikes for decades).
imagine if 4 Israeli kids had their brains scattered and Palestinians were handing out celebratory drinks and dancing. Actually you can't imagine that because the Palestinians are not that depraved.

Palestinians regularly celebrate successful attacks on Israeli targets, civilian or otherwise. It’s a major feature of Israeli propaganda.
Yea, red alerts all over. All police/reservists pinged.

It's going to be another one of those summers again. And the only ones benefitting will be the political leaders/groups on both sides. Rinse and repeat.
And another round of bombing from Gaza into Israel just commenced. Interesting given the positive reports around an agreed ceasefire brokered by Egypt.
It's going to be another one of those summers again. And the only ones benefitting will be the political leaders/groups on both sides. Rinse and repeat.

Yea all this does it strengthen Bibi and distract. Literally the only reason they'd launch a stupid operation like that which meant certain retaliation. Looks politically led but can't trust the IDF either. Not buying that they dont have assets in Gaza who could have prevented killing so many kids.

And another round of bombing from Gaza into Israel just commenced. Interesting given the positive reports around an agreed ceasefire brokered by Egypt.

Yea that ceasefire was a bit of a false start hah. Bit calmer though.
Palestinians regularly celebrate successful attacks on Israeli targets, civilian or otherwise. It’s a major feature of Israeli propaganda.

As always, the Israelis do it better (worse) with the conflict:

Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza

People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive


Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza | Israel | The Guardian
As always, the Israelis do it better (worse) with the conflict:

Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza

People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive


Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza | Israel | The Guardian
This is a fledgling cottage industry, isn’t it? Watching the confrontations?
As always, the Israelis do it better (worse) with the conflict:

Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza

People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive


Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza | Israel | The Guardian

Nice of you to post a 2014 article to spin up some extra hatred. Just what the conflict needed.
As always, the Israelis do it better (worse) with the conflict:

Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza

People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive


Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza | Israel | The Guardian

Yes I’m aware of this. As a matter of principle I find the celebration of innocent deaths reprehensible no matter who engages in it.
As always, the Israelis do it better (worse) with the conflict:

Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza

People drink, snack and pose for selfies against a background of explosions as Palestinian death toll mounts in ongoing offensive


Israelis gather on hillsides to watch and cheer as military drops bombs on Gaza | Israel | The Guardian

This article is 8 years old.

Now reports of Israel responding with fire into Gaza, heavy bombing towards Israeli city Sderot again today.
Yes I’m aware of this. As a matter of principle I find the celebration of innocent deaths reprehensible no matter who engages in it.
No I know you do. I just find that generally the Israelis take it to a whole new level.