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Would be ok with me if the US fund hamas and train their army the same as Israel. Notable that Biden is quiet on the subject despite global protests.

You want the US to train an organization whose only goal is to wipe out the israelis, USA's most powerful ally in the middle east region? Biden needs to take a lot of LSD for that to happen...
I find it bizarre that this is how a country is communicating. One for the hypernormalization thread
It's quite crazy how governments and high-ranking officials have been acting online in the last couple of years. Un-classy, un-sophisticated, almost childlike.
I don't really consider it a view but a very close historical possibility had Israel not been able to defend itself. I don't really care if @Fearless is aware of this as well. Regarding whether a total destruction of Isreal and a vast majority of it's citizens would justice, well that's view that some people might agree with for understandable reasons especially in those times.
Then we're going in circles, because it's nonsense based on nothing in history. It's ignorant shite if anything.

Also not sure what you're trying to say in your second sentence (the second bolded bit).
It probably resonates with people who support the Israeli side.
You might be right, but I think if someone with whom I agreed on an issue wanted to talk about it or draw attention to it, I’d hope for something a little more sophisticated than a “look at these emojis”.
So Hamas are also hiding in the only covid testing lab too?

Isn't this all a bit too convenient? People still buying this?
You might be right, but I think if someone with whom I agreed on an issue wanted to talk about it or draw attention to it, I’d hope for something a little more sophisticated than a “look at these emojis”.
Dunno, but "graphics" tend to be effective. When people thought it ment something else it was evil. Then stupid. For others it might give rise to sympathy, or anger. Either way..
Thanks, appreciate it. Taking out the emotion from both sides, are you sure the digging is simply for trinkets? If so, fair enough.

They are digging and whitewashing the history of the other side, not to mention history itself. The intent imo is not important (they are doing it for a variety of reasons) - The destruction of history for greed is what matters.

Eg this:

The small excavation turned into a vast one, revealing a bathhouse from the Mamluk period, a large khan hall from the same period, the vestiges of the large bridge leading to the Temple Mount during the period of Aelia Capitolina (the late Roman period) and a magnificent Herodian building.

The buildings, Muslim for the most part, were "Judaized" and transferred to the Western Wall Heritage Foundation authority. Nobody addressed such issues as: to whom does the land belong; by dint of which law is it being excavated; and how exactly did Ateret Cohanim become the owner of a space that did not exist until now?

Meanwhile, note that not only Israeli groups are enlarging underground Jerusalem. The most dramatic expansion in the past decade was carried out by the Muslim Waqf (religious trust) on the Temple Mount. In an event many bewail as "archaeological catastrophe," in 1999 the Waqf dug a huge pit the size of the Temple Mount, without archaeological supervision, causing tremendous damage to archaeological remains on the mount. The pit was dug to create another entrance to the Marwan mosque, in Hebrew called Solomon's Stables - a huge subterranean mosque that fills with worshipers on Fridays and holidays.

This is a great if a little outdated entry article on it:

Note, most of Israel has ancient tunnels; there's so much to see. It's like one huge Orvieto.
Oh I got that they were talking about Hamas rockets, it was more that it was a crazy thing to tweet from the official Israel account.

My mistake so.

I would've thought it should be Gehrmans. In any case, Gehrman appears to not like the new self-requested name he's now stuck with.

Why would he?

Shame... I quite liked the shamans/shamana confusing conversations.
Okay so this is mostly directed towards posters who have been here for ages, but is it the case now that these threads are way more pro-Palestinian than they used to be? I seem to remember when I joined there used to be heated debate and a sizeable contingent on both sides.

Have pro-Israeli posters stopped posting, have more pro-Palestinian posters joined, or has there been a shift in viewpoints? Or a combination of these?
Okay so this is mostly directed towards posters who have been here for ages, but is it the case now that these threads are way more pro-Palestinian than they used to be? I seem to remember when I joined there used to be heated debate and a sizeable contingent on both sides.

Have pro-Israeli posters stopped posting, have more pro-Palestinian posters joined, or has there been a shift in viewpoints? Or a combination of these?

Mirrored with the left and right leaning change to the place in general.
Okay so this is mostly directed towards posters who have been here for ages, but is it the case now that these threads are way more pro-Palestinian than they used to be? I seem to remember when I joined there used to be heated debate and a sizeable contingent on both sides.

Have pro-Israeli posters stopped posting, have more pro-Palestinian posters joined, or has there been a shift in viewpoints? Or a combination of these?

Its more or less always been like this. Two or three people who support the Israeli view and everyone else is on the Palestinian side. The only difference between now and the 2014 war is that social media is more entrenched in terms of more users, which means greater outrage when bad things happen. Same concept applies to other events like George Floyd, mass shootings and just about every other negative event.
Mirrored with the left and right leaning change to the place in general.
Its more or less always been like this. Two or three people who support the Israeli view and everyone else is on the Palestinian side. The only difference between now and the 2014 war is that social media is more entrenched in terms of more users, which means greater outrage when bad things happen. Same concept applies to other events like George Floyd, mass shootings and just about every other negative event.

Thanks both
With a bomb to kill order. It's pointless trying to reason with this type of ignorance. They drank all the fecking koolaid. Actual facts or proof will never be enough or accepted because it doesn't fit their agenda. Propaganda/educational videos has been a part of their curriculum from a young age. It's ingrained in their system and there is no fixing this kind of conditioned hatred.

Ireland couldn’t be any less like Israel if it tried. Poster is just barely scratching the surface but you have to admire someone trying to make Israel sound like it’s in an actual war. It’s been check mate for such a long time but Israel won’t let Palestine walk away because then Israel would have to stop stealing their land, homes and natural resources. If hamas said they were disbanding tomorrow Israel would still treat Palestine exactly the same until they come under enough external pressure to actually stop the apartheid. There will be no extra freedoms or peace if it’s left up to Israel to decide. They are trying to wipe them out and take anything of any value away from them before anyone has the balls or stupidity to intervene and they are totally succeeding in front of our eyes live on tv and laughing about it. It’s just crazy.
Not taking into account the last week...

373,000 children in Gaza need psychological support.
73% of all Gazans require food aid to survive.
200+ schools in Gaza were destroyed by the Israelis in 2014.
The people of Gaza have access to electricity between 3-4 hours each day, which severely impacts their lives.
97% of the natural water found in Gaza is unsafe to drink due to pollutants and lack of electricity.
95% of children in Gaza are traumatised, malnourished and / or suffer severe depression.

In wider Palestine -
Israel detain between 500-700 children each year.
20 years in prison sentences for throwing stones.
76.4% of children are physically assaulted.
98% are not told a reason for arrest.
On average, they spend 10-29 days in solitary confinement.

(Thanks to FoA for the stats).

The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, which all recently normalised ties with Israel, now find themselves balancing their new relationships against citizens who have been vocal in their anger at Israel’s violence.

Long-time observers of Israel and Palestine say the divergent reactions to this round of fighting have put some regional powers in a difficult position with their own populations.

In what appeared to be a state-backed response, the hashtag “Palestine is not my cause” circulated in the UAE, Bahrain and Kuwait over the weekend. It made little dent in region-wide support for Twitter accounts from Gaza and East Jerusalem decrying scenes of violence and the Israeli leadership.
Not taking into account the last week...

373,000 children in Gaza need psychological support.
73% of all Gazans require food aid to survive.
200+ schools in Gaza were destroyed by the Israelis in 2014.
The people of Gaza have access to electricity between 3-4 hours each day, which severely impacts their lives.
97% of the natural water found in Gaza is unsafe to drink due to pollutants and lack of electricity.
95% of children in Gaza are traumatised, malnourished and / or suffer severe depression.

In wider Palestine -
Israel detain between 500-700 children each year.
20 years in prison sentences for throwing stones.
76.4% of children are physically assaulted.
98% are not told a reason for arrest.
On average, they spend 10-29 days in solitary confinement.

(Thanks to FoA for the stats).

Hearts and minds. They are slowly crushing them to death. Just slow enough so nobody intervenes and attempts to stop it. They are smart torturers. Do it slowly and methodically enough and it’s irreversible.