Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Can't believe anyone in the arab world still takes the Americans at their word.

History repeating itself. Was it Naser who was assured, by the American president at the time, Israel wouldn't attack so he sent his forces elsewhere and Israel attacked?

Yeah you'd think the Arab leaders would be hesitant in believing anything America tells them
History repeating itself. Was it Naser who was assured, by the American president at the time, Israel wouldn't attack so he sent his forces elsewhere and Israel attacked?

Yeah you'd think the Arab leaders would be hesitant in believing anything America tells them

The Russians and the French told him Israel is going to attack. In a famous documentary by Muhammed Hassanain Haikel, the cabinet asked Nasser "Now, it's imminent, why don't we strike first?", he Answered "I do not want to be the aggressor and I do not want to give the US a reason to enter the war alongside Israel".
How Israel’s bulky pager fooled Hezbollah
The agents who built the pagers designed a battery that concealed a small but potent charge of plastic explosive and a novel detonator that was invisible to X-ray, according to a Lebanese source with first-hand knowledge of the pagers, and teardown photos of the battery pack seen by Reuters.
To overcome the weakness - the absence of a plausible backstory for the bulky new product - they created fake online stores, pages and posts that could deceive Hezbollah due diligence, a Reuters review of web archives shows.

This is not at all how UNIFIL has characterised this episode and I'm not sure what is happening or has happened in the past years could really be characterised as UNIFIL or any branch of it helping Israel.
This is not at all how UNIFIL has characterised this episode and I'm not sure what is happening or has happened in the past years could really be characterised as UNIFIL or any branch of it helping Israel.
What did they say?

edit: ok, found that they retweeted this

Why do OSINT accounts love to make shit up?

With the number of Tanks that Israel has "lost" now it's a surprise they have any left.

I remember a few months ago some pro Israel OSINT account reported Hezbollah T-72's were being destroyed...

What's the purpose of this?
Why do OSINT accounts love to make shit up?

With the number of Tanks that Israel has "lost" now it's a surprise they have any left.

I remember a few months ago some pro Israel OSINT account reported Hezbollah T-72's were being destroyed...

What's the purpose of this?
Engagement (views, clicks etc). I assume they're trying to make some money. Seen several accounts share their Twitter earnings.
Why do OSINT accounts love to make shit up?

With the number of Tanks that Israel has "lost" now it's a surprise they have any left.

I remember a few months ago some pro Israel OSINT account reported Hezbollah T-72's were being destroyed...

What's the purpose of this?

All of these OSINT accounts don't really do proper OSINT, which is generally hard to do for the uncleared.
All of these OSINT accounts don't really do proper OSINT, which is generally hard to do for the uncleared.

There are a few really good Ukraine War ones - but it is done of the back of thousands of hours of gruelling hard work:

Oryx (who has now quit because it became too much for him) is fantastic.

There is also this low key Ukrainian bloke on telegram who used to serve on AFU and gets incredible sources by literally just reaching out to his mates.
Iran is a hostile nation to the US that is creating nukes, so her saying its a threat isn't exactly breaking any new ground. Why didn't she say China ? Maybe she wouldn't want to poison the well by publicly trashing Xi, only win the election and have to meet with him on the back of making vitriolic remarks about him.
Iran is in no way a threat to the US. It absolutely doesn't have the means to and is actually seeking for a normalization of the relations with the US, especially under Pezeshkian.

She's peddling the usual warmongering gobshite to shoehorn her unconditional unwavering support to Israel. She's a hawk, and I'm certain that the already bad relationship between the US and Iran will drastically deteriorate, if she's elected.

Not that Trump would be any better, mind.
Iran is in no way a threat to the US. It absolutely doesn't have the means to and is actually seeking for a normalization of the relations with the US, especially under Pezeshkian.

She's peddling the usual warmongering gobshite to shoehorn her unconditional unwavering support to Israel. She's a hawk, and I'm certain that the already bad relationship between the US and Iran will drastically deteriorate, if she's elected.

Not that Trump would be any better, mind.

It is a threat within the context that is a threat to the US's ally Israel, which makes it a threat to US interests in the region. The US has had a hard on to destroy the Iranian regime ever since the 1980 hostage crisis, which was reinforced by Iran and Iranian backed proxies shooting at the US during the Iraq war, and their subsequent endless support of Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis to project power in the region without getting their own hands dirty. The regime has little hope of surviving at this point and is likely to go down, either by internal revolution or by way of an Israeli decapitation strike on Khamenei.
It is a threat within the context that is a threat to the US's ally Israel, which makes it a threat to US interests in the region. The US has had hard on to destroy the Iranian regime ever since the 1980 hostage crisis, which was reinforced by Iranian and Iranian backed proxies shooting at the US during the Iraq war, and their endless support of Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis to project power in the region without getting their own hands dirty. The regime has little hope of surviving at this point is likely to go down, either by internal revolution or by way of an Israeli decapitation strike on Khamenei.
Last I recalled, the one who's doing its utmost to start a regional war and is an actual threat in the region is actually Israel. If one country did to the US a tenth of what Israel did to Iran in the past 20-30 years, you'd have burned half of the world, so spare me the "threat" fairy tale.

Given the embargo that you've slapped them with since 1980, the subsequent Iran-Iraq war encouraged and supported by the US and other niceties in the last four decades, you can't really blame them now do you? Or do you think that one hostage situation justifies 40 years of continuous sanctions and destabilization?You just want them obediently come back to the fold, for their resources and the hegemony in the region, that's the only reason. You bought or destroyed the rest.

You really believe this? I also love how an outstanding democrat approves and cheers on extra-judicial assassinations. Way to go. An internal revolution would be welcome though.

Anyway I'm not going to derail this thread any further.
now that Lebanese christians are being slaughtered (what other word can their be when its not just bombs being dropped, but artillery and drone strikes on remote villages) wonder if the US evangelical christian groups will take notice. Also the right wing twatterati in the UK who often point to attacks on christians in places like Egypt, will they comment?
Probably not. The place bombed, unless my memory betrays me, was occupied (I think rented) by Southern refugees.

All strikes north of beirut so far have been targeting Shiite refugees rather than Christian/ Sunni/Druze locals.

Most refugees are civilians though, still quite inhumane.

And there you have it. This could go in several threads but I felt it was important in here given the potential implications of a Trump Presidency and one that would go even further in support of Netanyahu and Israel.

Given Kamala's comments the other day, it does seem that an Iran war is definitely on the cards too. Somewhere John Bolton is furiously using up his supply of Diddy Oil and tissues.

And there you have it. This could go in several threads but I felt it was important in here given the potential implications of a Trump Presidency and one that would go even further in support of Netanyahu and Israel.

Given Kamala's comments the other day, it does seem that an Iran war is definitely on the cards too. Somewhere John Bolton is furiously using up his supply of Diddy Oil and tissues.

That's the problem when presidential candidates along with most of the political establishment in the US are up for sale.
That's the problem when presidential candidates along with most of the political establishment in the US are up for sale.

It's not just the US though. They are the biggest culprit by far but the UK and Germany aren't too far behind. The whole world is responsible in some way. It's so depressing, something that has gone on for years mainly unreported or misreported or behind closed doors, is now being played out in full to the entire world via social media reporters and before internet access went down, from actual first hand reports, it's still being denied or excused or ignored or justified. This time it's Gaza, The West Bank, Lebanon...

If this isn't a display of how powerless we have all been made to believe we are then I don't know what else to say. People joke about Neimollers 'First they came for' but it's really not funny when it's happening right in front of your eyes and you're not seeing it. Or worse, are seeing it and doing nothing about it (hypocrisy from me)

Something needs to change and fast. I'm absolutely certain there are far more of us who want this to stop, want Israel to face charges and be punished and see support from the West end. I'm also sure there are more of us who want to see terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah cease to exist. I'm also absolutely positive there are enough of us to force this Israeli campaign of unapologetic aggression, ethnic cleansing, genocide and outright brutality end. Sadly, I'm also sure we won't. So does that then make us collectively at fault too?

As long as we keep acting like sheep the longer they will keep treating us like sheep. We have stood by and watched this unfold. We have waited for the world and organisations such as the UN to stand up and do the right thing, we have seen how feeble and flawed they are and we have seen the continued pathetic attempts to appease us while they just continue to arm and fund this campaign of death disguised as a righteous attempt to defeat terrorism. We have seen rights taken away from peaceful protestors and demonstrations where the only aim was to protect the innocent Palestinians lives. Those protests have been deemed.illegal and antisemitic some even saying pro Hamas.

We have seen Israel ask Palestinians to move time after time to safe zones only for those zones to then be targeted by air strikes or missiles. International laws and war crimes are being committed hourly, let alone daily.

We watched all this unfold in Gaza and witnessed (and still witness) the continued events in the West Bank that break countless international laws without commentary let alone punishment. Now we are seeing the same in Lebanon.

What's next? What's the breaking point we have all been waiting for outside of the deluded or racist amongst us that excuse all this because Israel are always the victims? When is enough enough? Like Ukraine, Ethiopia, Uganda, Darfur, Tibet etc etc..The worlds governments and organisations put in place to protect us and to prevent shit like this, or at the very least to hold those responsible accountable can't do anything and if you didn't realise that before, surely you must now. They won't stop it because they support it. Or don't want to rock the boat and upset things so it comes back on them or their people.

The sad truth is the breaking point isn't in sight. The only other truth is we all have to stand and fight this. As a collective we absolutely have the power. We can halt industry, production, distribution. We can crash markets and fell stock exchanges. We can demand we are heard and we can stand up and fight for those who cannot. We can make the rich suffer and realise they are only rich because of our contribution. Together we can all make a difference and force change. Force those we vote for to do what they promised, do what is right. And that is what we need to do, but we won't. Until we all accept that and commit to doing that we just remain disgusted viewers powerless to make a change and our only contribution is to discuss or argue or whine and bitch about it to friends and family or online to strangers around the world who thinks and feel the same.

feck who they came for first, they have already taken them..... And we are sitting by watching them and letting them do it. We have been taken already, we were a long time ago. It's just many didn't notice or haven't even realised yet.

And there you have it. This could go in several threads but I felt it was important in here given the potential implications of a Trump Presidency and one that would go even further in support of Netanyahu and Israel.

Given Kamala's comments the other day, it does seem that an Iran war is definitely on the cards too. Somewhere John Bolton is furiously using up his supply of Diddy Oil and tissues.

As much i dont believe Trump would be worse for gaza because basically cant get worse, indo believe that with trump something might happen because he escalated tensions when he was POTUS. The context is ripe now
As much i dont believe Trump would be worse for gaza because basically cant get worse, indo believe that with trump something might happen because he escalated tensions when he was POTUS. The context is ripe now
He almost would certainly be worse for the region as he would likely be suckered in to a full blown conflict with Iran at the behest of Israel.

For the Palestinians it makes no difference who has the white house though.
He almost would certainly be worse for the region as he would likely be suckered in to a full blown conflict with Iran at the behest of Israel.

For the Palestinians it makes no difference who has the white house though.

Exactly, it's a case of being stabbed in the front or the back.
I hope Trump wins. At least then there's won't be any more ambiguity as to America's intentions.

If he puts into place his 50-100-200% tarrifs, that might actually be the only way to stop Israel, since it will crash the US economy.
Person who leaked this needs to go to prison for life.

Great! He/she can join their bosses fpr war crimes and funding a genocide

I know why you say it and i understand, but this evil needa to be fought with any means
Not far away from what the US has been craving all along then - flattening Iran
The THAAD system has zero offensive capabilities and is strictly used for defensive purposes.

It would be in any other circumstances little more than a PR stunt, as it will be overwhelmed if the Iranians decide to go for a massive counter-retaliation after the incoming Israeli "reprisal".

The real deterrence, or tripwire depending on how you look at it, is that this air-defense system is exclusively operated by members of the US military forces. So if the Iranians wound or kill american military personel, even by accident, in an eventual retaliatory strike, it would give the US a convenient excuse casus belli to fully engage in the war Netanyahu and so many US neo-cons (we have quite a few in this very forum), including the likes of Blinken, Hochstein, McGurk and most likely Biden, as well as Graham, Bolton and so many other republican loonies who have been jerking off to for decades.

That's what this THAAD deployment is all about.
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