Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Biden will be supposedly furious, and still go ahead with it.

The reason Israel acts as it does is because it knows no red line exists for it. It's got the US by the balls.
He is not and never was. He's a zionist and a racist, just like the figureheads of his administration in charge of the Middle-East.

The pagers attack, the airstrikes on Lebanon and its subsequent invasion would've never, ever happened without the Biden administration's green light and full support. The US is fully onboard with the Lebanon Invasion. Its only concern is that the war doesn't expand to Iran, at least until November, as it would ruin Harris' already tight run and the US would be forced to directly step in.

There is no red line. Never has been one.

Definitely agree with this post, especially the bolded bit and there's no reason for anyone to be badly misinformed now.

Also worth noting that the Lancet isn't the only reputable organization that believes the deaths are closer to 200k than the official number.
The ICC prosecutor wants a warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant for war crimes and crimes against humanity (blocked by the US, the UK and Germany as of yet).

From the beginning, the UN, UNRWA and all concerned humanitarian organizations have been, in no uncertain terms, denouncing Israel's completely disproportionate military response, the systematic destruction of civilian infrastructures, the complete disregard for human life, the indiscriminate killing of civilians, the man-made famine, the preventing of aid convoys from reaching Gaza, the murder of humanitarian workers, the targeted killing of journalists, preferably at night so they can get their family as a bonus, the massive land theft, the institutionalized torture and rape of prisoners, the deliberate sniping of children.

We're one year in, and I'm way past entertaining any "Yeah it's sad, but it's actually not that bad" agenda from people trying to be sophistic and/or pedantic about the most documented genocide in human history.

Feck their opinion.
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WATCH AND READ TO SEE HOW FAR HEZBOLLAH HAS FALLEN: A Lebanese journalist who grew up in the Barj Albarajna area in Dahiya says that there is no security presence [of Hezbollah operatives] in the entire area after IDF strikes.

According to her, this new situation turned the area into a paradise for thieves preying on families who evacuated in the dead of night without taking anything with them (following IDF evacuation notices). These families returned to their homes only to discover that everything they left had been looted.

The Dahiya used to be a very, very secure area. It was impossible to take pictures in the street without encountering Hezbollah's security personnel. Crime was low due to Hezbollah's vigorous enforcement in its stronghold. Today, everything is upended, and the local population sees and knows.

Russia's Viktor Bout back to arms dealing, now with the Houthis.

Not trying to downplay the scale of the death here but since this number is being widely cited, for the sake of accuracy it's worth saying it wasn't a peer reviewed paper, or a report, it was a letter. I don't know if the 5x multiplier is bad scholarship, but there is a review of that number here which looks at the assumptions behind it.
Indeed, and even if it was peer-reviewed it wouldn't mean it is true. But with it not being peer-reviewed, it is basically the authors opinion backed by not much.

There are likely some excess deaths though, most likely in thousands or even tens of thousands. There is nothing to suggest whatsoever that there are 200 thousand excess deaths though.
A whole year since October 7th.
366 days.

Didn't mention the fact that 83% of rocket exchanges with Lebanon have come from the Israeli side?

And how about you do one on number of civilians, namely women and children killed too.
How about you do ratio of civilians killed on October 7 and the same ratio of war Gaza and Lebanon.
How about you do ratio of civilians killed on October 7 and the same ratio of war Gaza and Lebanon.

Weren't 50% of the people killed on Oct 7 active members of the IDF? Given that number of women and children killed there is no way any Israeli propaganda can say the same number for Gaza and Lebanon.
Weren't 50% of the people killed on Oct 7 active members of the IDF? Given that number of women and children killed there is no way any Israeli propaganda can say the same number for Gaza and Lebanon.
Weren't 50% of the people killed on Oct 7 active members of the IDF? Given that number of women and children killed there is no way any Israeli propaganda can say the same number for Gaza and Lebanon.
Wikipedia has it at approx. 33% of the people killed on October 7th being members of the security forces. Still, there is no way a third of the deaths in Gaza in the least year have been Hamas militants.
How about you do ratio of civilians killed on October 7 and the same ratio of war Gaza and Lebanon.

1195 total deaths, of which 695 were civilians. Its strongly suggested a bulk of those were killed by Israel themselves as part of the Hannibal directive. So a generous approximation would be 2:1 in favour of civilians.

Gaza has women and children deaths at 69%, so even if you go with the ridiculous IOF propaganda that assumes every Palestinian male adult is a Hamas member, its still not particularly great.

I've not seen any numbers verifying the number of civilians killed in Lebanon, but let me guess - the bulk of them are Hezbollah members?

1195 total deaths, of which 695 were civilians. Its strongly suggested a bulk of those were killed by Israel themselves as part of the Hannibal directive. So a generous approximation would be 2:1 in favour of civilians.

Gaza has women and children deaths at 69%, so even if you go with the ridiculous IOF propaganda that assumes every Palestinian male adult is a Hamas member, its still not particularly great.

I've not seen any numbers verifying the number of civilians killed in Lebanon, but let me guess - the bulk of them are Hezbollah members?
Of course, the true number of Gaza civilian deaths is unknown. The current Hamas-supplied estimate of over 31,000 does not acknowledge a single combatant death (nor any deaths due to the misfiring of its own rockets or other friendly fire). The IDF estimates it has killed about 13,000 Hamas operatives, a number I believe credible partly because I believe the armed forces of a democratic American ally over a terrorist regime, but also because of the size of Hamas fighters assigned to areas that were cleared and having observed the weapons used, the state of Hamas' tunnels and other aspects of the combat.

That would mean some 18,000 civilians have died in Gaza, a ratio of roughly 1 combatant to 1.5 civilians. Given Hamas' likely inflation of the death count, the real figure could be closer to 1 to 1. Either way, the number would be historically low for modern urban warfare.

The UN, EU and other sources estimate that civilians usually account for 80 percent to 90 percent of casualties, or a 1:9 ratio, in modern war (though this does mix all types of wars). In the 2016-2017 Battle of Mosul, a battle supervised by the U.S. that used the world's most powerful airpower resources, some 10,000 civilians were killed compared to roughly 4,000 ISIS terrorists.

And yet, analysts who should know better are still engaging in condemnation of the IDF based on the level of destruction that's still occurred—destruction that is unavoidable against an enemy that embeds in a vast tunnel system under civilian sites in dense urban terrain. This effects-based condemnation or criticism is not how the laws of war work, or violations determined. These and other analysts say the destruction and civilian causalities must either stop or be avoided in an alternative form of warfare.
From March this year.
Internal Iranian politics is incredibly complex. The people are definitely begging for normalisation and the reformist faction was certainly keen on opening up (Khatami gave intel to the US on the Taliban in 2000, which was paving way for more normal ties) - but ever since Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech the reformists have lost pretty much all influence in the country.

The country is in effect a mafia state run by the IRGC. They control all aspects of the economy, run foreign policy (it wasn't the President who authorised the missile barrage) and the last thing they want is normalisation and/or liberalisation - because they'll be on the chopping block. Their power and existence is directly tied to confrontational policies with the west - they are deeply against the JCPOA (ironically hardliners in Israel, US and Iran all tend to agree on similar things).

I can't recommend "Revolutionary Iran" by Michael Axworthy enough - paints the politics around the revolution and the 1980s very well. At the end of the day Netanyahu and Khamanei are two sides of the same coin - total cnuts.
That's a great post, to be fair.

Yes, definitely.

Still, there a limit to what the IRGC can achieve with the western scarecrow and they understood it long ago. Things really aren't going well for them and they have no interest in pursuing a confrontational approach for a very long time. Iran elected a moderate President, and while the Ayatollahs still have an iron grasp on Iran's matters and they didn't overreact to blatant provocations from Israel, it's a sign that they're looking for a way out and avoid a war that serves no one but Israel.

I'm not cautioning the current regime, I'll personally pop a bottle the moment they get chased out of power, but only if the Iranians do it themselves. Anything else will lead to an Iraq/Afghanistan situation and Iran becoming a rump state.

You're only looking at the Iranian regime, I'm considering the whole country and what it represents. The US and Israel have absolutely no interest in a strong Iran, no matter who's at the helm. These two want an undisputed hegemon with no counter-power able to push against their policies in the region.

Iran is the last hurdle.
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This is an opinion piece with some absolutely laughable lines:
The IDF estimates it has killed about 13,000 Hamas operatives, a number I believe credible partly because I believe the armed forces of a democratic American ally over a terrorist regime
Ironically, the careful approach Israel has taken may have actually led to more destruction; since the IDF giving warnings and conducting evacuations help Hamas survive, it ultimately prolongs the war and, with it, its devastation.
But all available evidence shows that Israel has followed the laws of war, legal obligations, best practices in civilian harm mitigation
Ahh yes, a wonderfully impartial source, and also a severely outdated one at that.


:lol: :lol:
The principle stays the same, even a few months later. I am waiting for your wonderfully impartial source.
Even by the IDFs numbers of Hamas people killed in Gaza the ratio of civilians to combatants is around the same to Oct 7. So IDF and Hamas are no different at protecting civilians?
The principle stays the same, even a few months later. I am waiting for your wonderfully impartial source.
I mean since March, an additional 10,000 Palestinians have been killed, and yes its an absurd source considering the language he uses where he absolves Israel at every given junction and refuses to concede that they could do any wrong. Looking at his previous gems:

Hospitals Are Protected by International Law but They Can't be 'Off Limits'

Stop Comparing Israel's War in Gaza to Anything. It Has No Precedent

Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History | Opinion

Clearly not a source to be taken seriously.

As for my sources:’s-Genocide-and-the-Collapse-of-World-Order have been,spreading to Lebanon and beyond.

Or am I led to believe all of these organisations have been infiltrated by Hamas?
Because you don't like it what it says it should not be taken seriously? That is instant classic.

But you don't even know how right you are about your sources. Can I nitpick just one? For a minor detail.

Richard Falk, Chairman of Board of Trustees of Euro-Med Monitor, is a “9/11 conspiracy theorist” who has been widely denounced, including by the former Secretary-General of the UN, for vile comments blaming the Boston terrorist attack on “the American global domination project” and “Tel Aviv.” He is also the author of an article “Slouching toward a Palestinian Holocaust” that compares Israel to Nazi Germany and has been condemned for publishing an antisemitic cartoon on his blog.

So If I were you I would rethink what my sources are. And what should be taken seriously.
Even by the IDFs numbers of Hamas people killed in Gaza the ratio of civilians to combatants is around the same to Oct 7. So IDF and Hamas are no different at protecting civilians?
The IOF doesn't have any right to go after anyone in Gaza or Lebanon in any case.

They've been a lawless army as far as they existed and always targeted children. However, getting to that number of murdered children and women in just a year put them in a special place with the worst war criminals in modern history.
Because you don't like it what it says it should not be taken seriously? That is instant classic.

But you don't even know how right you are about your sources. Can I nitpick just one? For a minor detail.

So If I were you I would rethink what my sources are. And what should be taken seriously.
Thank you for pointing that out. If that's what he indeed believes then I shan't be using his sources again. The others seem pretty reliable however.

Will you be doing the same due diligence or choosing to take the John Spencers of the world at face value because they echo your own world view?

This was an interesting dive. He seems to have appeared on news week in Jan 2024 and only written articles about Israel Gaza, each time absolving Israel of anything.

Regardless, I've found his website. His expertise in urban warfare seems to come mostly from his own experiences as a soldier in Iraq. His website has a section for case studies. I looked into one (the second battle of Fallujah), where he writes the following:

"The fighting had of course come at a cost: 38 American, 4 British, and 8 Iraqi military personnel were killed and approximately 275 American, 10 British, and 43 Iraqi personnel were wounded. An estimated 1,000 to 1,500 insurgents had been killed and another 1,500 captured. Approximately eight hundred civilians were also killed. Similar to other urban battles, due to the overwhelming violence required to safely clear the city, over 60 percent of Fallujah’s buildings were damaged and 20 percent destroyed outright. Also, approximately 60 of the city’s mosques were heavily damaged."

He also mentions earlier how the Americans had made plans to guarantee passage of aid into the city from before starting.

Now even if we take the worst possible ratio for the Americans there (1000 insurgents vs 800 civilians) and his best case scenario for the Gaza war (16k Hamas vs 16k civilians) …. Can you make it make sense to me how it's a historically low ratio for modern urban warfare?