Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Those numbers are the kill rate. The mortality rate is what we should be looking at since it also accounts for people dying of illness, starvation, etc. Israel are killing the population on multiple fronts.
Even the number related to direct killings is underestimated. After Israel completely destroyed the health system in Gaza, health authorities don't have the infrastructure anymore to get an accurate picture of all the deaths.
Israel has cost the US global prestige and influence, specially looking at Netanyahu ignoring Biden's call time after timme after time.

I don't think the US gives one shit. It's a carefully choreographed genocide, and Biden is fully on board.
Mossad’s pager operation: Inside Israel’s penetration of Hezbollah
The first part of the plan, booby-trapped walkie-talkies, began being inserted into Lebanon by Mossad nearly a decade ago, in 2015. The mobile two-way radios contained oversized battery packs, a hidden explosive and a transmission system that gave Israel complete access to Hezbollah communications.

For nine years, the Israelis contented themselves with eavesdropping on Hezbollah, the officials said, while reserving the option to turn the walkie-talkies into bombs in a future crisis. But then came a new opportunity and a glitzy new product: a small pager equipped with a powerful explosive. In an irony that would not become clear for many months, Hezbollah would end up indirectly paying the Israelis for the tiny bombs that would kill or wound many of its operatives.
Those numbers are the kill rate. The mortality rate is what we should be looking at since it also accounts for people dying of illness, starvation, etc. Israel are killing the population on multiple fronts.
Of course we should look at mortality rate. However, the paper in question which decided to multiply the kill rates by 5, based that on very long low-intensity wars (Darfur etc), where the war in question is more similar to short high intensity wars.
For example, Kosovo war, which is more similar to Gaza war rather than the Darfur, had basically no excess deaths, and while the Gaza war is far more intensified and ugly, so there are likely many excess deaths, it also likely is not like in wars which lasted for a decade, so I think their/your numbers are way off.
Of course we should look at mortality rate. However, the paper in question which decided to multiply the kill rates by 5, based that on very long low-intensity wars (Darfur etc), where the war in question is more similar to short high intensity wars.
For example, Kosovo war, which is more similar to Gaza war rather than the Darfur, had basically no excess deaths, and while the Gaza war is far more intensified and ugly, so there are likely many excess deaths, it also likely is not like in wars which lasted for a decade, so I think their/your numbers are way off.
I know your post is logical instead of emotional but a fundamental problem of casualty and other reportage in this ongoing conflict is that we are receiving data from Hamas and Hezbollah sources as well as aid agencies, the UN etc. These two sources are well learned in the art of propaganda including Hamas` persistent refusal over the years to admit the huge amount of foreign aid used for tunnels and weapons to name only two instead of the purposes for which foreign sources including western governments and western charities originally gave it.
I know your post is logical instead of emotional but a fundamental problem of casualty and other reportage in this ongoing conflict is that we are receiving data from Hamas and Hezbollah sources as well as aid agencies, the UN etc. These two sources are well learned in the art of propaganda including Hamas` persistent refusal over the years to admit the huge amount of foreign aid used for tunnels and weapons to name only two instead of the purposes for which foreign sources including western governments and western charities originally gave it.
Except the Hamas numbers were verified by the Israelis themselves, and the Lebanon figures come from the Lebanese health authority.
Most estimates are at around 50k, roughly 1% of Palestine population. Which is still extremely tragic.
50-100k either murdered or maimed is the most official count I can find. Pushes it to 5% direct of the entire population with the entire population itself adding hundreds of thousands more in the way of more "minor" wounds and scars. It's madness. It would be called genocide if it were not Israel (under the protection of a Western press).
I know your post is logical instead of emotional but a fundamental problem of casualty and other reportage in this ongoing conflict is that we are receiving data from Hamas and Hezbollah sources as well as aid agencies, the UN etc. These two sources are well learned in the art of propaganda including Hamas` persistent refusal over the years to admit the huge amount of foreign aid used for tunnels and weapons to name only two instead of the purposes for which foreign sources including western governments and western charities originally gave it.
You know your post contains more propaganda than any declared number of murdered Lebanese people or Palestinians, right?
The Lancet is a very reputable medical outlet and if it was bad scholarship, I'd love to hear why. The death count has stagnated for months because the Gazan administration and health system have completely collapsed and Israel gradually took control of almost all of the strip.

I'm certain that the deaths will be counted in hundreds of thousands once the dust settles and the humanitarian organizations will have full access to Gaza, which I highly doubt. Certainly not in the North.

The Lancet report also doesn't take into account the ones who are still dying and who will die given the catastrophic humanitarian situation and the absolutely relentless bombing that continues to this day. You also have the permanently handicapped and mutilated.

Then an entire generation of children and teenagers traumatized for life, having their physical and intellectual development impeded in a major way by the lack of food and proper medical treatment, the complete and systematic destruction of not only their houses and families, but also every hospital (including the medical personal), school and university. It will take decades just to clear the dozens of millions of tons of rubble and dozen of thousands of unexploded ordnance in Gaza.

And we're not touching the pogroms and the major land thefts in the West Bank carried out by Israel since 10/7.

Anyone still trying to downplay the civilian losses, the voluntary destruction of the Palestinians as a people by Israel and the malevolent, genocidal intent under the pretense of eliminating of Hamas, is either badly misinformed or an absolute scumbag.

Israel will also do more or less the same in Southern Lebanon. We're already witnessing it. The Israelis are dead set on colonizing that part of the region as well.
Definitely agree with this post, especially the bolded bit and there's no reason for anyone to be badly misinformed now.

Also worth noting that the Lancet isn't the only reputable organization that believes the deaths are closer to 200k than the official number.

Unfortunately that guy in the clip seems to be quite out there with his views, like alleging that Israel created the coronavirus as a biological weapon against Iran. So make of that what you will...
I know your post is logical instead of emotional but a fundamental problem of casualty and other reportage in this ongoing conflict is that we are receiving data from Hamas and Hezbollah sources as well as aid agencies, the UN etc. These two sources are well learned in the art of propaganda including Hamas` persistent refusal over the years to admit the huge amount of foreign aid used for tunnels and weapons to name only two instead of the purposes for which foreign sources including western governments and western charities originally gave it.
You do know Lebanon have a health ministry?
You know your post contains more propaganda than any declared number of murdered Lebanese people or Palestinians, right?
Sorry, I don`t buy the good guy Hamas and Hezbollah champions of the Palestinian/Arabic people narrative versus the evil Israel/Jewish one especially given some of the vile, self documented practices of the Hamas regime in Gaza which was voted into power including public hangings from cranes which do nothing to educate people in western countries on why the Palestinian people deserve their own homeland. Yes, outside aid from well meaning western sources has been transferred to military purposes.

There are many reasons for this current conflict and one of them is decades of lost opportunities for both sides to come to agreement and the very real failed regimes and leadership in the ME. The kinds of authoritarian/theocratic/abusive regimes with shameful human rights records advocating for the Palestinians over the decades is a key reason why their right to their own homeland hasn`t gained the traction it should have in the west.
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Sorry, I don`t buy the good guy Hamas and Hezbollah champions of the Palestinian/Arabic people narrative versus the evil Israel/Jewish one especially given some of the vile, self documented practices of the Hamas regime in Gaza which was voted into power including public hangings from cranes which do nothing to educate people in western countries on why the Palestinian people deserve their own homeland. There are many reasons for this current conflict and one of them is decades of lost opportunities for both sides to come to agreement and the very real failed regimes and leadership in the ME.

Ah, you are one of those.
Sorry, I don`t buy the good guy Hamas and Hezbollah champions of the Palestinian/Arabic people narrative versus the evil Israel/Jewish one especially given some of the vile, self documented practices of the Hamas regime in Gaza which was voted into power including public hangings from cranes which do nothing to educate people in western countries on why the Palestinian people deserve their own homeland. There are many reasons for this current conflict and one of them is decades of lost opportunities for both sides to come to agreement and the very real failed regimes and leadership in the ME.
Nonsensical but also has nothing to do with what we're discussing but continue please, seems like you have several talking points which has to be typed out regardless of anything else.
Sorry, I don`t buy the good guy Hamas and Hezbollah champions of the Palestinian/Arabic people narrative versus the evil Israel/Jewish one especially given some of the vile, self documented practices of the Hamas regime in Gaza which was voted into power including public hangings from cranes which do nothing to educate people in western countries on why the Palestinian people deserve their own homeland. There are many reasons for this current conflict and one of them is decades of lost opportunities for both sides to come to agreement and the very real failed regimes and leadership in the ME.

They deserve their own homeland because it is their homeland. End of story.
You do know Lebanon have a health ministry?
Yeah, but the sunni minister is one of the leaders in Hezbollah. It doesn't matter either that Lebanon has one of the most inclusive governments in the world, they are still all Hezbollah.
They deserve their own homeland because it is their homeland. End of story.
And geopolitical realities mean that for Jewish people it is also their homeland and Palestinians and their supporters are not demanding co-existence - From the river to the sea etc. Jewish people whose ancestors lived there since ancient times are rightly calling it their homeland too just the way Palestinians whose ancestors lived there since ancient times are. All the hatred of what Israel is doing doesn`t change those basic facts.
Ah, you are one of those.
Ah, you don`t have the intellectual honesty or equipment to participate in discussions that don`t revolve around the narrative that there is only one side and why aren`t people in the west supporting the Palestinians because there`s only one side, and those regimes and organisations that support them are shining examples of resistance.
And geopolitical realities mean that for Jewish people it is also their homeland and Palestinians and their supporters are not demanding co-existence - From the river to the sea etc. Jewish people whose ancestors lived there since ancient times are rightly calling it their homeland too just the way Palestinians whose ancestors lived there since ancient times are. All the hatred of what Israel is doing doesn`t change those basic facts.

None of what you said changes their right to a sovereign country. Nor were the Jewish settlers, who committed an ethnic cleansing in 1948 and have settled under a philosophy of military dominance and separation - interested in co-existence. The only morality here is strength, and the Jewish settlers were stronger than the Arab natives.

e - unless you think that by starting off with an ethnic cleansing, israel has lost its "right to exist"?
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No, you`re the one who accused me of having propaganda in a reply I made to another poster.
Doubting the number of deaths in either Gaza or Lebanon is propaganda and in the case of the former make you sound like genocide apologist. I'm giving you the benefit of doubt that isn't your intention but you should inform yourself and do better.
Ah, you don`t have the intellectual honesty or equipment

These arguments have been made and discussed many times in the thousands and thousands of posts and hundreds of pages of Israel/Palestine discussion that have transpired here in the last year, let alone in the many years before. It's not really a novel insight or unrefuted point that will sway anyone.
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I think these numbers are not true. Most estimates are at around 50k, roughly 1% of Palestine population. Which is still extremely tragic.

NB: You might be referring to the Lancet paper which effectively multiplied the number of deaths by 5. Which was pretty bad scholarship.
Not trying to downplay the scale of the death here but since this number is being widely cited, for the sake of accuracy it's worth saying it wasn't a peer reviewed paper, or a report, it was a letter. I don't know if the 5x multiplier is bad scholarship, but there is a review of that number here which looks at the assumptions behind it.
Ah, you don`t have the intellectual honesty or equipment to participate in discussions that don`t revolve around the narrative that there is only one side and why aren`t people in the west supporting the Palestinians because there`s only one side, and those regimes and organisations that support them are shining examples of resistance.

I do not have the time nor the energy to discuss these pretty basic points that we already done hundreds of times in the other thread.

Both the infant stunting in gaza and this will cause severe mental and physical defects for this generation and the next. Israel is making itself biologically superior to its enemies - now doubt an argument in the coming decades will be if people with low IQs can handle a sovereign state.
Both the infant stunting in gaza and this will cause severe mental and physical defects for this generation and the next. Israel is making itself biologically superior to its enemies - now doubt an argument in the coming decades will be if people with low IQs can handle a sovereign state.