Is the European super league back? | United Statement: We remain committed to UEFA

The 'top' teams, all 14 of them, will play 7 home games and 7 away and if they qualify a quarter final over two legs, one home and one away, same with the semi and a final on a neutral venue. By my reckoning that's only 9 home games for the City fans to watch in the extended Emptyhad. City fans because this ESL is clearly aimed at the oil owned clubs so they can go and spend as much money as they want thus buying all the best players and leaving the rest to the PL clubs. Just like the LIV golf, money talks and these players will go. United have said 'No' and I'll be interested in what City say especially as they have the charges from the PL to negotiate some time next year. If it gets going, I bet the Saudi clubs will be in it eventually. SKY have just spent £6.70 billion on the PL rights so they won't be happy if it takes off.
Spain.. maybe italy.. Saudi. Russia.. who else? MLS ?
Good luck..
Spanish clubs being out of the CL might make it slightly easier for us to get to the knockout stages.. yay
This will come about one way or another whether we like it or not. Unfortunately these days money rules over everything.

I can obviously see why like clubs in Europe would want to get into this as their finances have been in tatters for years now but do premier league clubs really need this? Strongest league in the world with the biggest pay packets available.. just seems pointless.

But as others have said what is the point of the CL if you don’t have the likes of Madrid, Barca, Juve, Milan’s, Bayern, PSG(lol).. the majority will just force our hand unfortunately.
Ajax,PSV,Lyon,Marseille, Celtic, Lisbon,Porto all becoming forces in Europe again with the absence of Spain and Italy would be interesting
They are dangling the carrot of free coverage which is a big enticement given how ludicrous costs for watching football are these days.

The format seems to suck though - I think they had a real chance to sway opinion given how bad the new CL format looks as well.
Ajax,PSV,Lyon,Marseille, Celtic, Lisbon,Porto all becoming forces in Europe again with the absence of Spain and Italy would be interesting
It might end up being an improvement and I’d like to see it happen.
Exactly. And this is where the idea begins and ends for me. The minute you say qualification isn’t based on season by season domestic performance you lose all credibility. This isn’t really an alternative to the CL. It’s actually more restricting and then subsequently more beneficial for a select few teams. I mean I believe the oil states are behind the funding/backing for this anyway which is why for me it’s an absolutely don’t touch with a barge pole but feck me if you wanna sell it, sell it with some semblance of competition.

A few have said it but the idea that Girona could finish in the top two and then not get to play at the highest level of European competition next year is a disgrace. And I know they are owned by the city group but for the fans it’d be some experience: an experience the ESL would take away:
On the flip side there is no competition already because these teams owned by Saudi/Quatar and cheating will win and own everything anyway for the next 10/15 plus years. Who gives a fk about Girona/Man City/ Newcastle. Do we really want a world where we are these teams bitches? The younger generation will already be following City over United. Where will we be in 20 years?
There’ll be no such thing as history. Our 20 titles won’t mean shit.
Not that I’m advocating for it but the ESL is a competition run alongside the PL.

Much like the Champions LEAGUE.
True but it doesn't mean it won't be either. Last time round they tried to make a closed a shop like the NBA, that's the main reason fans reacted so badly towards it. They want this to get off the ground and get fans onside this time. If making it open to all teams is the cost then I'm sure they'll pay it.

Either way it would be pretty apparent from the off if they weren't opening it up for qualification.
I don’t think you know what Bernd Reichard and the big club owners represented by A22 really wants, honestly?

If they started out with some qualification based scheme to later change it, that would not be apparent from the off, quite the opposite. If it was A2222, then maybe it could be believable. The point is exactly that if the Big Club Owners is forced to it, they would allow relegation of their clubs, but if they can gain enough control as to not be forced anymore, they will change that in a minute.

You think that people like Florentino Perez and Juan Laporta would create a fair system if they weren’t forced to by someone with power over them? Even as members of the Spanish federation, they have bullied their way to the majority of the income that La Liga makes through media, creating a two club domination system that sees other teams appear as mere guests. This is alteady a problem, giving them more power is not going to make it less, it’s going tomake it worse, quite logically.
On the flip side there is no competition already because these teams owned by Saudi/Quatar and cheating will win and own everything anyway for the next 10/15 plus years. Who gives a fk about Girona/Man City/ Newcastle. Do we really want a world where we are these teams bitches? The younger generation will already be following City over United. Where will we be in 20 years?

What's the difference between being City's bitch and being Madrid's bitch?
Statement didn't say anything specifically about being against it. Much more noncommittal than that. It was more along the lines of "this ruling doesn't change our view on anything".
I didn’t say that it specifically said that. But that’s the interpretation. For now
I didn’t say that it specifically said that. But that’s the interpretation. For now

Yeah, all these teams saying they are 'out' for now, will quickly change their mind when other teams start leaving UEFA to this new league. It'll be a game of cat and mouse on who starts to jump first and who will follow.
I didn’t say that it specifically said that. But that’s the interpretation. For now
I get that, and I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I'm just cynical about the club's intentions (money talks, after all), and found the wording of the statement very interesting, especially compared to Bayern's statement which very bluntly and explicitly said there's no way they'll be participating in the Super League.

Unfortunately, I do think it'll inevitably happen in some shape or form eventually.
I don’t really see why everyone is saying it’s so bad
Do you think it's a good idea for a team to win the domestic league and only qualify for the blue league? While a team can finish 10th in the domestic division but do well in the gold competition and stay in gold? Its a horrible idea and makes domestic leagues pointless.

The only thing it provides is a cash grab stability for Europe's elite clubs. The rest are shafted. Smaller country clubs lose any hope of ever playing in the elite competition, ever playing top clubs. It's Madrid and Barca bring terrified that the premier league has grown so much and they know they can't compete with it unless they change the competition structures for them to be in the same league as the premier league sides. That's literally all it is and the driver for this.
You all know what coming here.
The Football version of Liv Golf and after today's decision the Saudi's will see this as a wide open door.
Not gonna lie, I'm way more open to it than I was 2 years ago.

FIFA, UEFA, and the Premier League are all scum of the highest order. My club was in danger of state-ownership and none of them were going to stop it. City are cheating their way to multiple major trophies and nothing is being done against it. Newcastle's owner kills people for fun, commits genocide in Yemen and sentences minors to death. They've just been awarded the 2034 WC for all these great things they've done that I listed. :)

And there's a lot of great things European football could take from American sports, with the ESL it would be way more likely for a salary cap to be introduced, etc.

I also miss the Italian teams being a real threat in the CL.

There's still too many downsides and I'd still say no to the ESL but this new format is a huge improvement on last time.
Do you think it's a good idea for a team to win the domestic league and only qualify for the blue league? While a team can finish 10th in the domestic division but do well in the gold competition and stay in gold? Its a horrible idea and makes domestic leagues pointless.

The only thing it provides is a cash grab stability for Europe's elite clubs. The rest are shafted. Smaller country clubs lose any hope of ever playing in the elite competition, ever playing top clubs. It's Madrid and Barca bring terrified that the premier league has grown so much and they know they can't compete with it unless they change the competition structures for them to be in the same league as the premier league sides. That's literally all it is and the driver for this.
I mean yeah that’s an issue but can easily be solved. I don’t get all the faux outrage about “the death of football” from people when it’s already dead and it’s simply just another competition.
I know I am only one fan, but personally I am just done with football if this happens.

I think I would just throw myself into following (and supporting, in every sense of the word) a couple of local teams. My local team is probably in like, tier 7 I think. And there's a nearby team in League Two. It's always a great day out, and I'd rather give them my money and my attention.
I mean yeah that’s an issue but can easily be solved. I don’t get all the faux outrage about “the death of football” from people when it’s already dead and it’s simply just another competition.
By the time they work out all the issues for it to make it work, you end up with just the same format as the current champions league. Minus the prestige and history which matters a great deal. So it's pointless and a non starter.
Why is this any different to the Champions League?, its just an independent version of the new Champions League format but will have 3 tiers instead of 3 seperate competitions and wont be a cash cow to fill the pockets of UEFA or allow the TV companies to charge the fans extortionate amounts to watch it.

The Super League is a closed competition created to share wealth among a few top clubs while destroying domestic competitions and all other competitions.
They claim there are no permanent members but the new set-up is disguised in a way that smaller clubs stand 0 chance of making it into the top tier: Star League.
The Star League has 16 permanent members with only 2 relegation spots.
Let's take for instance, Girona tops la Liga or gets 2nd place this season...they would only get into the lowest tier of the Super League- Blue League.
They would have to top the Blue League again for an entire year to get into the next tier. This would be almost impossible since they're a small club and will lose all their players to giants. It could easily take them several years or decades to even get to the next tier and they are more likely to relegate back to only playing La Liga
If by some miracle they top the Blue League, they have to top the next tier again to advance into the Star League to stand a chance to play against teams like Bayern.
The chances of this happening are like 0.0000000000000000001%
As a result, the Star League will have practically the same teams competing every year with almost no relegation. It's similar to the NBA
And it kills all domestic leagues because there is literally no risk or reward. Even if Chelsea perform woefully and finish 10th, they remain in the Super League's top tier: Star League...
Meanwhile a team like Leicester performs well and wins the EPL and only gets to Blue League.
By the time they work out all the issues for it to make it work, you end up with just the same format as the current champions league. Minus the prestige and history which matters a great deal. So it's pointless and a non starter.
I’d happily be in favour of watching this competition if it’s going to be innovative in other ways such as being free to air.
The carrot on the stick is doing well and getting rewarded, a small club winning their league or finishing high and going on a fabled European adventure in the top competition is part of the magic and history of the European Cup. It's back to the drawing board for them.

Qualifying for the blue league is a major insult. This is two preposterous proposals now, they don't get it and should not be trusted. It's the foxes guarding the hen house.
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Why is this any different to the Champions League?, its just an independent version of the new Champions League format but will have 3 tiers instead of 3 seperate competitions and wont be a cash cow to fill the pockets of UEFA or allow the TV companies to charge the fans extortionate amounts to watch it.
You do know who is trying to create it and why?
I don’t really see why everyone is saying it’s so bad
More group stage games so likely more dead rubbers.

I think the relegation/promotion element is flawed - you could stink up the domestic league for years but finish 7th out of 8th in your ESL league each season and you still qualify for the top tier every season.

If a team not in the ESL wins their domestic league, they enter into the ESL in the bottom tier.

People will have their views on the new CL format (personally I'm intrigued to see how it goes) but I don't think the ESL has any real advantages over it as a product itself. From a purely business perspective it's a good proposal for the elite club to manage and and protect their income but I don't think it's a particularly good sporting proposition for fans.
I’d happily be in favour of watching this competition if it’s going to be innovative in other ways such as being free to air.
That's also a non starter. Might be free to air for a year until they go like, oh, we need to make money to actually feed this competition? Let's charge fees. Like any normal streaming service or competition.

Ultimately what they want to do without actually saying it is just the classic European super League thought. Get rid of domestic divisions and just make it Europe wide. They can say they want to replace the CL (also a non starter, there are intangibles that too many people will never want to lose), but their plan won't be successful without killing off the domestic leagues. Coexisting with the domestic leagues means just having the same format as current CL.
That's also a non starter. Might be free to air for a year until they go like, oh, we need to make money to actually feed this competition? Let's charge fees. Like any normal streaming service or competition.

Ultimately what they want to do without actually saying it is just the classic European super League thought. Get rid of domestic divisions and just make it Europe wide. They can say they want to replace the CL (also a non starter, there are intangibles that too many people will never want to lose), but their plan won't be successful without killing off the domestic leagues. Coexisting with the domestic leagues means just having the same format as current CL.
You got any proof?
I get that, and I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth. I'm just cynical about the club's intentions (money talks, after all), and found the wording of the statement very interesting, especially compared to Bayern's statement which very bluntly and explicitly said there's no way they'll be participating in the Super League.

Unfortunately, I do think it'll inevitably happen in some shape or form eventually.
Yeah it’s a fair observation. We all know the glazers will want to milk everything dry and I’m skeptical about SJR and their intentions too.