Is Garnacho about to be "Cavanied"? | No

Finds an animal that looks hench, thinks his keeper is hench, posts it on that subtle medium with millions of followers.

Then remembers that one animal has long been used by racists over all of time.

Utter clown.

No doubt Rashy will get an injury just when this ban is thrown down.
Idiot, no racist intention but just not something to do when all connotations point to the negative.

How is there no racist intention there? It's a shocking post. Post that at work about a black colleague and you will get fired
How is there no racist intention there? It's a shocking post. Post that at work about a black colleague and you will get fired

Because the emojis were about Onana and Maguire. Plus that specific emoji has a well established meaning which has nothing to do with race and would have been appropriate in this context.

I can see how it would be misinterpreted as racist but it’s fairly obvious that was not the intention. And that’s even if you ignore the fact that’s it clearly aimed at a team mate who he would only be saying positive things about after what happened in the match.
How is there no racist intention there? It's a shocking post. Post that at work about a black colleague and you will get fired
Something can be racist without racist intention. Often out of ignorance or just not be aware that what is said/written is racist or has racist connotations.

I really don't think Garnacho would post something about a team mate intentionally to be racist, especially as he was intending to praise him.
Feels like a concerted campaign by the squad, a tag team of idiocy, if you will. Everytime things even threaten to settle down, one of them springs into action. What next? Rashford done for breaking and entering? Onana catches rabies? Rasmus loses a foot to leprosy? I'll bet Netflix are kicking themselves they didn't focus on us this season.
I think the issue lies in that it is used to be racist in other contexts. I do think context is important, but also they can't just say it's ok because people can just use the defence "well, I didn't mean it like that". You also end up in the position where the FA is the arbiter of intent.

It's a very difficult one to handle to be honest, because I think it's obvious he didn't mean anything bad by it, but letting him off could have ramifications for racist remarks in the future.

Is it used in a racist context? I've only ever seen these wankers using the monkey emoji. I'm no expert on racists but I've never seen anyone use the Gorilla one used in that way.
Because the emojis were about Onana and Maguire. Plus that specific emoji has a well established meaning which has nothing to do with race and would have been appropriate in this context.

I can see how it would be misinterpreted as racist but it’s fairly obvious that was not the intention. And that’s even if you ignore the fact that’s it clearly aimed at a team mate who he would only be saying positive things about after what happened in the match.

Good post.
Because the emojis were about Onana and Maguire. Plus that specific emoji has a well established meaning which has nothing to do with race and would have been appropriate in this context.

I can see how it would be misinterpreted as racist but it’s fairly obvious that was not the intention. And that’s even if you ignore the fact that’s it clearly aimed at a team mate who he would only be saying positive things about after what happened in the match.

Your very own source says the following about the emoji: "It can also symbolize wildness, primal instincts, and untamed nature."

You think it is ok to invoke this with regard to a black person?

It's not a good look.
Your very own source says the following about the emoji: "It can also symbolize wildness, primal instincts, and untamed nature."

You think it is ok to invoke this with regard to a black person?

It's not a good look.

In the post you quoted I said I could see how it could be misinterpreted. But I was explaining what the intent was. And the intent is a) fairly clear and b) not racist.
Astonishing anybody can find a problem with this. Our society is in free fall isn't it?
I always think incidents like this say more about those pointing fingers. They are the ones making the connection between a gorilla and a black man surely?
We're all gorillas ffs.

Garnacho needs to be smarter though. It's not like everyone on earth isnt aware of the political climate and how sensitive things are regarding race.
What was he even doing, fooling around on social media? If he got free time, why not spend it on extra practice? :mad:
This club needs to start its own education system the way things are going. fecking idiot is living under a rock if he thinks this has no consequences.
In the post you quoted I said I could see how it could be misinterpreted. But I was explaining what the intent was. And the intent is a) fairly clear and b) not racist.

It's best avoided to remove all doubt or question. There is already a widespread and prevailing negative understanding of a particular trope or symbol, so why even raise the possibility of giving it air. There were other very easy ways to express the same sentiment without stepping into a potential quagmire. It doesn't need to be some huge deal, but he should do better.

The problem here is that if this particular application is given some sort of informal license or imprimatur by ignoring it, others will surely mimic the same and excuse their line crossing with "I was just talking about his strength like Garnacho". Not exactly the best way to use a platform to promote an anti-racism message and stamp out racism if that is the Prem's objective.

Eventually, we will be in the "I thought he was cramping and needed some extra potassium, so I threw the banana" territory. (this is a joke , btw)
I always think incidents like this say more about those pointing fingers. They are the ones making the connection between a gorilla and a black man surely?

I think 90% of those people are basically shit stirres who live for this kind of crap.
why do you assume its about Onana ? There is a bunch of other players as well? Are you yourself an expert on these matters?
Exactly. When bananas are thrown at players, why couldn't they be for simple nourishment?

On a more serious note, Getafe could challenge for europe this season.
This is just silly, it clearly wasn't racial and the emoji is part of standard text speak already. Move on.
I always think incidents like this say more about those pointing fingers. They are the ones making the connection between a gorilla and a black man surely?

I must have entered the daily mail comments by accident instead of redcafe
The internet: "So why did you post that emoji?"

G: "To show support for my friend and teammate, who had just made one hell of a save at the death of a game."

The internet: "So you weren't making a comment about him being black?"

G: "No. That would kind of weird thing to do. If I had a problem with him being black, why would I post it on line? More to the point why would I post it online after hes just had a great night and saved the team? It's not like he hasn't had a few howlers over the past few weeks. If I did have a problem with him being black, would I not do it every other time when hes fecked up? Seems kinda weird that I would have nothing bad to say when hes been poor but have some racist comments when hes done well. Dont you think?"

The internet: feck YOUR CONTEXT!!!! I MUST VIRTUE SIGNAL!!!!!!!!

And more to the point, Onana now has to deal with all this shit because mouth breathing feck wits can't just take things as they are. And always have to be assuming that it's the worst case scenario. Just stay off the socials. Nothing good ever comes from posting on there. ITs nothing but cnuts chasing clout and they will torch any of you to get it. Dont forget to like, share and subscribe for more context ignoring pitch fork action. #feckcontext #feckfacts #feelingsforthewin #harrypotter #starwars #everythingelsethatgetsmethemostexposurecosimafamefeckingcunt
So because some people sometimes make racist comparisons between black people and gorillas, that means Garnacho must’ve been doing so as well? Got it.

It isn’t something I’d post myself, simply because I know what people are like. But can we all stop being offended on other peoples behalf for a second, and put this into perspective? It’s really weird to actually think he’d be doing this maliciously.
It's best avoided to remove all doubt or question. There is already a widespread and prevailing negative understanding of a particular trope or symbol, so why even raise the possibility of giving it air. There were other very easy ways to express the same sentiment without stepping into a potential quagmire. It doesn't need to be some huge deal, but he should do better.

The problem here is that if this particular application is given some sort of informal license or imprimatur by ignoring it, others will surely mimic the same and excuse their line crossing with "I was just talking about his strength like Garnacho". Not exactly the best way to use a platform to promote an anti-racism message and stamp out racism if that is the Prem's objective.

Eventually, we will be in the "I thought he was cramping and needed some extra potassium, so I threw the banana" territory. (this is a joke , btw)

I’m not saying it wasn’t a silly thing to do. The fact we’re discussing it proves it was a silly thing to do. If he’d gone with the bicep emoji instead there’d be zero drama. So he did feck up. I’m not denying that.

The one and only point I’m making with my last few posts is that it is obvious there was no racist intent behind what he did.
It isn’t something I’d post myself, simply because I know what people are like. But can we all stop being offended on other peoples behalf for a second, and put this into perspective? It’s really weird to actually think he’d be doing this maliciously.
Well FA set a precedent with Cavani didn't they? On getting offended on behalf of others.