Is Garnacho about to be "Cavanied"? | No

we’re amassing quite the collection of ists on our wings-

just a couple more and we’ll have a full house, i reckon.

Our team

Drug cheat

Probably done something

Has the same name as a murderer

Dangerous driver
Accused by many
If they happened extensively then they were not being done properly. Todays generation speak a different lingo. Writing "Avoid racist remarks" in a power point will do nothing. Someone around their age telling them "these emojis can be misunderstood by a lot of people and easy to gather controversies" is much much much more effective. A 20 y.o with a bowl cut bleached hair wont listen to a boomer club representative showing them ppt slides. The club is so old in its way so it wouldnt surprise me if thats how they do it.

You’ve got a strangely specific idea about how this training would be delivered. This is all from your imagination though, isn’t it?
You say that, and yet when Cavani received his ban the FA noted their surprise at the lack of training.

The Cavani stuff was nonsense. He called his black haired white friend "my negrito". Which is about as common in Uruguay as calling someone mate in the UK. They just didn't want to be accused of treating us differently than they did Liverpool and Suarez - that was all it was about. Even though the context was very different in that case.

The FA should look at whether the person it was directed at felt insulted or stepped on, not how random twitter users might potentially understand it.
You’ve got a strangely specific idea about how this training would be delivered. This is all from your imagination though, isn’t it?
If it involved specific things like emojis which are the most frequent cause of players being accused as a racist on social media, then Garnacho wouldnt have tweeted that. He didnt even know I reckon. So yeah if the training existed at all, it has to be improved.
It's not. It's on a couple of garbage websites and a thread on here. Not on the BBC, Sky or any remotely reputable outlet at the moment.

Will it become a story? Will he get Cavanied"? That's the literal thread title.

Good, should stay that way. I just dropped in to check what the fuss is about. People be wasting their energy over nothing. Ta.
To be fair to Man United, Cavani was in his 30s when he joined, you wouldn't treat a seasoned pro who had played in multiple countries the same as a child.

The media training academy kids get at top clubs is pretty extensive, it's why their post game interviews are all so generic and boring!

At work we get "training" about cultures, identity plus the usual anti-bribery vids etc every year. Managers who are normally older get extended ones, so I'm a bit surprised that's not the case for premiership football clubs too.
He doesn’t strike me as the smartest kid in the world. That birthday party with the hired dwarfs was so weird and unnecessary.

I think someone, like a member of the coaching staff or a senior player, needs to have a word with him before he does something really stupid that could ruin his career. Unfortunately, as we’ve seen, our club’s pastoral care is pretty much non-existent, and that’s been the case for some time.

I belive the prefered term is "little people" as some people find the term "dwarf" uncomfortable.

I suppose your comment highlights how hard it is to be correct all the time in any situation regardless of intent
Our team

Drug cheat

Probably done something

Has the same name as a murderer

Dangerous driver
Accused by many

Easy to forget among the stuff with the wingers that we have a CB who fought with the police :lol:

If Rojo was still here we could have had a nice trivia question going, which CB pairing both had assault charges
You say that, and yet when Cavani received his ban the FA noted their surprise at the lack of training.
I meant more for younger players. I can’t see why someone in their mid 30’s, who’s played in France and Italy, would be relying on us for behavioural training.
You’ve got a strangely specific idea about how this training would be delivered. This is all from your imagination though, isn’t it?

this is how I'd do it

gather round lads i've got a couple of announcements on club policy going forward...

first off, don't rape anyone
and lastly, don't compare black people to monkeys

any questions?
"You see officer, Onana and I play a lot of Smash Bros. And he always picks Donkey Kong in that game. Instagram didn't have a Donkey Kong emoji, so I picked the most similar-looking one. 'Tis but an inside joke!"

Boom! Free of all charges!
You cannot imagine how comparing a black player to a monkey could be an issue?
I meant in this specific situation. I can absolutely see the FA banning him, I don’t really think they should.

It’s not been done maliciously or with any intent to hurt Onana. I can also see why that emoji would be used if it was a white keeper, so I think it’s just a dumb mistake. But hey, maybe I’m wrong and the kid is actually racist.
I belive the prefered term is "little people" as some people find the term "dwarf" uncomfortable.

I suppose your comment highlights how hard it is to be correct all the time in any situation regardless of intent
Yeah, because me not using the current politically correct term on an internet forum is *exactly* the same as what Garnacho did. Jesus Christ :rolleyes:
"You see officer, Onana and I play a lot of Smash Bros. And he always picks Donkey Kong in that game. Instagram didn't have a Donkey Kong emoji, so I picked the most similar-looking one. 'Tis but an inside joke!"

Boom! Free of all charges!
Fat chance. Remember when FA hired a lip reader and a Portuguese to English interpreter to decode what Mou said so that they could get offended enough to punish him.
Very divisive thread. It'd be controversial but I'd love to see a poll here.

- Is Garnacho an idiot?
- Has the world gone mad?

Both option would just be a cop out
Nobody is saying that Garnacho was being deliberately racist, are they?
Amazingly on other sites some are, albeit in the minority.

Isn’t it sort of racist to interpret it as racist?
I'd actually agree with this. The ironic thing is B Silva's tweet was easily worse than this or Cavani's, he literally put a picture of Mendy next to the Conguitos man, and he only got a 1 game ban.
Fat chance. Remember when FA hired a lip reader and a Portuguese to English interpreter to decode what Mou said so that they could get offended enough to punish him.

What are they gonna do? Confiscate their Nintendo Switch and have a Nintendo engineer confirm that Onana does in fact play Donkey Kong?
It’s an expression of brotherly love in Argentina… or something like that

I mean if the eggplant emoji is supposed to be a penis... Too big, too purple. Everyone knows that penises are green and tiny.
I highly doubt it was done with malicious intent and once realised he quickly deleted it.
It doesn’t really matter. The Cavani one was a stupid ban because culturally someone with dark hair and dark eyes is called negrito, the word isn’t innately offensive. Evoking a comparison between a black man and a gorilla is inherently offensive no matter the intention.
Of course he wasn't being racist but he ws being an idiot because he should know that what he says on social media will be under scrutiny and whether he meant it to be racist or not wont prevent a punishment of some sort.

Yes he's only young and we all did stupid things when we were young, blah blah but he is in a position that we weren't and that carries responsibility to be a bit more careful in many areas of life. Too many of our players dont seem to have got that memo.
Isn’t it sort of racist to interpret it as racist?

I think it’s one of those things where the reaction is that it must be racist because of the perception that some people, however few, will consider it to be racist. It’s self perpetuating and annoying but if it has a negative effect it should be avoided.
Isn’t it sort of racist to interpret it as racist?
I think the issue lies in that it is used to be racist in other contexts. I do think context is important, but also they can't just say it's ok because people can just use the defence "well, I didn't mean it like that". You also end up in the position where the FA is the arbiter of intent.

It's a very difficult one to handle to be honest, because I think it's obvious he didn't mean anything bad by it, but letting him off could have ramifications for racist remarks in the future.
If combinations of words are racist we should just remove them from language