Is Garnacho about to be "Cavanied"? | No

In this scenario where nothing explicitly racsit was said, surely context and intention have to be taken into account.

There is nothing inherently racist about a gorilla, nor did he call Onana a gorilla.

It would be fecking nuts if he gets a ban for this. Its painful that, in this day and age, this is even worthy of discussion
Lion, tiger, bear... He could have picked so many other animals to illustrate strength, bravery or whatever.

So possibly a three-game ban. He will miss 3 timed 30 minutes then. So basically 1 full game. Not bad.

Lion, tiger, bear... He could have picked so many other animals to illustrate strength, bravery or whatever.


Really stupid. He could and should have used the lion: Cameroon's national animal. Ah well.
People saying "intent should matter", but intent is taken into account. It was a factor cited in Cavani's case for example, where he received the minimum punishment insulting and/or improper language. Ditto Bernardo Silva's case. If it hadn't been obvious they had no malicious intent their punishment would have been worse.

Lack of obvious intent just isn't enough to see no punishment, for reasons that should be fairly obvious.

Cavani was punished for speaking his native language using a local reference while being a club employee. I understand there is no discussing this and that we are punishing players because dumbass racists appropriate cetain terms and words, but Im at my wits end that players are supposed to be punished for not understanding every single English reference while not being native speakers themselves.
What Cavani did was far far less offensive but the ban was taken regardlessly.

Still disagree with how club dealt with it. Sure you dont want bad press but then everyone just think youare an easy target
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It won't bother Onana, but it'll bother half a dozen sat on the FA committee who are all white.
Should be Bernardoed. 1 match ban and a fine is a precedent. Hope its a bit late for the City game.
Cavani was punished for speaking his native language using a local reference while being a club employee. I understand there is no discussing this and that we are punishing players because dumbass racists appropriate cetain terms and words, but Im at my wits end that players are supposed to be punished for not understanding every single English reference while not being native speakers themselves.

Exactly. Especially with how abstract some of these appropriations are. It's just a gorilla. That imagery can be used to convey dozens of meanings, and none of them have to be racsit
Exactly. Especially with how abstract some of these appropriations are. It's just a gorilla. That imagery can be used to convey dozens of meanings, and none of them have to be racsit

Things like this are simple, easy wins for the FA to look like they give a damn about racism and are actually doing something about it. This is nothing to do with racism prevention/intolerance. Its all about optics.

Seriously, punishing a young lad for posting support for a team mate, but some people are choosing to interpret as some sort of racist insinuation, is just mad.

The lad was silly, not because he did anything wrong, but because society has lost the run of itself. I do agree with people that players shouldnt be allowed to post anything unfiltered, but its not because they will do something wrong, but because there are so many toxic groups rabidly looking to take up what they say the wrong way and use it against them.
Really stupid. He could and should have used the lion: Cameroon's national animal. Ah well.

:lol: :lol:

Just can't get it right, can we?

Is there a lot of talk around this right now? Seems quiet on my Twitter feed.
I'm genuinely concerned for his level of intelligence now. I don't think he meant any offense, of course, but he couldn't work out that posting the gorilla emoji along with a picture of your African teammate was a bad idea?
He's never stroke me as the sharpest tool in the shed to be honest.

He's basically going to miss about 35-40 minutes of football though considering his role with us, but that may grow into Possebon level career ending pause and will obviously be the reason why we have to play crap football.
The writing is on the wall. Almost certainly banned for the Manchester Derby. The FA are tripping over themselves to apply the banhammer ASAP whilst City’s 115 charges can be put on the backburner. Clearly this takes precedence.
What a fecking idiot.

Why does every player we bring through the academy thesedays turn out to be thick as pigshit? There’s obviously an issue with education at that level. It surely can’t be a coincidence at this point?
The writing is on the wall. Almost certainly banned for the Manchester Derby. The FA are tripping over themselves to apply the banhammer ASAP whilst City’s 115 charges can be put on the backburner. Clearly this takes precedence.

I bet the FA don't even comment on this, let alone issue a ban.
I think society has lost its way in trying to tackle racism and over the top hysteria to even basic things. This was not a racist post, only a moron would think so and act on it.

There are times when stupidity should suffer consequences, this is not one of them. It does a disservice to common sense and real racism. This was not a racist post, people just choosing to get upset about it and make it a thing.

Maybe if there was more common sense in society , instead of choosing to get offended at everything that can be interpreted one way or another, people/players would not need to be so careful and wed all learn more above the hysertical reaction to nothing events. I just find this sort of stuff a load of sh*t, people and institutions need to cop the f**k on and get over themselves.
The gaslighting is strong.
we’re amassing quite the collection of ists on our wings-

just a couple more and we’ll have a full house, i reckon.
the club should do players orientation in all levels (main team, academy, etc) about what not to say on social media, in public, and what emojis to avoid. and how not to be a criminal that end up in a jail. In all languages.

Just tell them spanish speaking players, amigos means "im racist, please ban me". using kingkong emoji means "im racist and im stupid".
I can’t see it being an issue. He clearly isn’t using it in a racist way, unless he’s a bigger twat than he already comes across. Maybe I’m naive and he did post it maliciously but it’s seems no more than a kid not really thinking about how that might come across.
He doesn’t strike me as the smartest kid in the world. That birthday party with the hired dwarfs was so weird and unnecessary.

I think someone, like a member of the coaching staff or a senior player, needs to have a word with him before he does something really stupid that could ruin his career. Unfortunately, as we’ve seen, our club’s pastoral care is pretty much non-existent, and that’s been the case for some time.
Footballers dont exactly have a rich history of high intellect. I dont think it's a United specific problem.

Surely as a club we should be doing more to educate them then? Especially when our history with youth players recently has been incredibly problematic.
the club should do players orientation in all levels (main team, academy, etc) about what not to say on social media, in public, and what emojis to avoid. and how not to be a criminal that end up in a jail. In all languages.

Just tell them spanish speaking players, amigos means "im racist, please ban me". using kingkong emoji means "im racist and im stupid".
You’re mad if you think this doesn’t already happen. Extensively.
You’re mad if you think this doesn’t already happen. Extensively.

You say that, and yet when Cavani received his ban the FA noted their surprise at the lack of training.

In light of the player's high profile in the game, his inability to speak English and the fact that he had approaching eight million Instagram followers, the commission were surprised that no such 'training’ had been specifically put in place for the player by his club.
I can’t see it being an issue. He clearly isn’t using it in a racist way, unless he’s a bigger twat than he already comes across. Maybe I’m naive and he did post it maliciously but it’s seems no more than a kid not really thinking about how that might come across.
You cannot imagine how comparing a black player to a monkey could be an issue?
You say that, and yet when Cavani received his ban the FA noted their surprise at the lack of training.
To be fair to Man United, Cavani was in his 30s when he joined, you wouldn't treat a seasoned pro who had played in multiple countries the same as a child.

The media training academy kids get at top clubs is pretty extensive, it's why their post game interviews are all so generic and boring!
You cannot imagine how comparing a black player to a monkey could be an issue?
People keep ignoring the fact it is 2 gorillas and he's chosen the pic of Onana with Maguire hugging him...not everything is racist
we’re amassing quite the collection of ists on our wings-

just a couple more and we’ll have a full house, i reckon.

We should take bets on which winger will be the next “ist” to reveal himself
Lion, tiger, bear... He could have picked so many other animals to illustrate strength, bravery or whatever.


We need to stop expecting these Spanish speaking nations to adhere to the soft society the rest of the west has created.

We live in a world where people are offended because Crayola use Negro on a crayon.
You’re mad if you think this doesn’t already happen. Extensively.
If they happened extensively then they were not being done properly. Todays generation speak a different lingo. Writing "Avoid racist remarks" in a power point will do nothing. Someone around their age telling them "these emojis can be misunderstood by a lot of people and easy to gather controversies" is much much much more effective. A 20 y.o with a bowl cut bleached hair wont listen to a boomer club representative showing them ppt slides. The club is so old in its way so it wouldnt surprise me if thats how they do it.