Irish Politics and stuff.

Isn't he entitled to that, though? Irish is an official language of the state.
Isn't he entitled to that, though? Irish is an official language of the state.

It's a load of bollocks and a sneakly fecker who's first language is English trying to get off on a technicality.

Fianna Fáil Senator Brian Ó Domhnaill has asked the High Court to halt an investigation by the Standards in Public Office Commission into alleged duplication of expenses claims.
The action relates to an investigation concerning travel and subsistence claims made by Mr Ó Domhnaill between 2006 and 2007, when he was a member of Donegal County Council.
The Commission was due to begin a public session concerning the expenses matter last June but that did not proceed after Mr Ó Domhnaill secured leave from the High Court days earlier to bring his challenge.
In his judicial review proceedings, Mr Ó Domhnaill claims the commission is not entitled to deal with the matters on grounds, he claims, they arose from an anonymous complaint by a member of the public.
Alternatively, he wants orders requiring the case to be heard by a commission comprising members who are bilingual and able to conduct and understand the proceedings without the assistance of an interpreter.
The refusal to provide a bilingual tribunal amounts to treating him as a foreigner in his own country, he argues.
What a jib. String the cnut up.
Well, the debate on the Dail bar is raging I see.

According to Emmett Stagg there's nothing wrong with a pint or two during work.

Not so sure about that, I can honestly say after 15 years in business and thousands of meetings including business lunches etc etc etc I have never had a pint during work with either a colleague or customer. I've also never been in the company of anyone who did. Maybe in the evening when works done, fair enough but I've been at evening events that ran late and never observed anyone drinking until business is concluded.

If I did I'd expect to be sacked and if anyone who works for me now came back after lunch smelling of drink their feet wouldn't touch the ground.

As if trying to defend having a subsidised bar, to which normal licensing rules don't apply, in our House of Parliament wasn't bad enough - the likes of Stagg really are showing how out of touch they are.

Close it down, if you really want a drink I'm sure they won't have much trouble finding a pub in Dublin City centre.
Well, the debate on the Dail bar is raging I see.

According to Emmett Stagg there's nothing wrong with a pint or two during work.

Not so sure about that, I can honestly say after 15 years in business and thousands of meetings including business lunches etc etc etc I have never had a pint during work with either a colleague or customer. I've also never been in the company of anyone who did. Maybe in the evening when works done, fair enough but I've been at evening events that ran late and never observed anyone drinking until business is concluded.

If I did I'd expect to be sacked and if anyone who works for me now came back after lunch smelling of drink their feet wouldn't touch the ground.

As if trying to defend having a subsidised bar, to which normal licensing rules don't apply, in our House of Parliament wasn't bad enough - the likes of Stagg really are showing how out of touch they are.

Close it down, if you really want a drink I'm sure they won't have much trouble finding a pub in Dublin City centre.

Maybe if you oiled up a few of the lads you were trying to do deals with you might have got them done quicker though or possibly even got a better deal for yourself, who knows. I don't see any harm in having a pint or two during work myself. Another mountain out of a molehill job this.
If it was just a pint or two the odd day TBP I wouldn't mind, but these edjits are getting pissed during important debates and acting the maggot. On top of that most of them drink there on the tick and I believe very few pay their tab, so it's something else we are paying for.

Why can't they pop round the corner for the odd pint if they want one.
Maybe if you oiled up a few of the lads you were trying to do deals with you might have got them done quicker though or possibly even got a better deal for yourself, who knows. I don't see any harm in having a pint or two during work myself. Another mountain out of a molehill job this.
Would you feel the same for taxi men or bus drivers? :)
My mates and I were telling a Norwegian guy we met recently about the drinking culture in Ireland, including politicians drinking, the Dail bar etc. I was actually a bit taken aback at how shocked he was, he seriously couldn't understand it. 'But these people are running your country??' he kept saying, 'why doesn't anyone do anything about it?' was another. It actually got embarrassing talking about our politicians after a while, scandal after scandal. The guy could not believe it, while we were having a great laugh :lol:

Ireland is great craic but we're not half fecking stupid either.
Maybe if you oiled up a few of the lads you were trying to do deals with you might have got them done quicker though or possibly even got a better deal for yourself, who knows. I don't see any harm in having a pint or two during work myself. Another mountain out of a molehill job this.
Yeah totally, mountain out of a mole hill.

I mean who'd have a problem going to see a dentist/doctor/solicitor who was reeking of booze? Or sending their kids to a school where the teachers went for a few at lunchtime?

They don't need a bar in the Dail, they certainly don't need one that's subsidised, and definitely not one which doesn't have to conform to the rules every other bar in the country does.

Maybe it's ok to have a few if you're digging a ditch, hard to feck that up, but it's really not acceptable practise to drink during work for most professions and I've never met anyone who thought otherwise.
Yeah totally, mountain out of a mole hill.

I mean who'd have a problem going to see a dentist/doctor/solicitor who was reeking of booze? Or sending their kids to a school where the teachers went for a few at lunchtime?

They don't need a bar in the Dail, they certainly don't need one that's subsidised, and definitely not one which doesn't have to conform to the rules every other bar in the country does.

Maybe it's ok to have a few if you're digging a ditch, hard to feck that up, but it's really not acceptable practise to drink during work for most professions and I've never met anyone who thought otherwise.

Half of them feckers were the ones that was lining the coke dealers pockets during the Celtic tiger and I'd say a lot of them are still shoveling it up their noses these days as well and mightn't be the full shilling in work this morning. Tell me did you always wait until the hash was completely gone out of your system before you had all these business lunches? I could be wrong but I doubt you did and it probably never had an effect on your wheeling and dealing either.

I'm not on about reeking of booze either or being scuthered drunk I'm on about having a pint or a glass of wine along with your steak and chips on a lunch break, big difference. If a lad I do a job for ever throws me a twenty for myself or something I do often pull in somewhere for a good feed and a pint. The whole country does it.

You'd be surprised what could go wrong when digging a ditch as well!
Funnily enough I've never went to a meeting stoned no.

And regardless of who was or wasn't doing what during the celtic tiger, and even whether drinking during work is acceptable, having a fecking subsidised pub, exempt from normal licensing laws, in the house of parliament is hardly appropriate, particularly given the caricature of the Irish as a pack of drunks and the general Irish attitude towards drink.

Most of the guys in there are a pack of fecking idiots to begin with, then you add that they're allowed hold these bollocks sessions into the wee hours (generally primarily to avoid the heavy friday traffic).... I don't think giving them an open bar to saunter in and out of, supping on a few pints and having the craic, is the the best idea.
Funnily enough I've never went to a meeting stoned no.

Even if you had a spliff or two the night before work or a business meeting I'd imagine it would have a similar enough effect on your judgement etc as a lad that had a pint along with his dinner on a lunch break and that would be feck all.

When one of them makes a feck up as a result of being tanked come back to me, same as one of the many nurses, doctors, gaurds and solicitors etc that were off their nuts on coke and drink in Copper face jacks a few hours ago and are swanning around in work today.
Yeah totally, mountain out of a mole hill.

I mean who'd have a problem going to see a dentist/doctor/solicitor who was reeking of booze? Or sending their kids to a school where the teachers went for a few at lunchtime?

They don't need a bar in the Dail, they certainly don't need one that's subsidised, and definitely not one which doesn't have to conform to the rules every other bar in the country does.

Maybe it's ok to have a few if you're digging a ditch, hard to feck that up, but it's really not acceptable practise to drink during work for most professions and I've never met anyone who thought otherwise.

Thing is Pops you're doing them a favour by refering to them as professionals!!! They simply arent.

The bar in question is actually for visitors more than the members themselves. They have their own separate "facilties" as well. Its not as big an issue as some would have you believe. The place is generally empty other than the daily tours dropping in. The tab thing is being exagerated as well. Its used when a tour or a constituency group visits more than an individual sitting there skulling pints for free.

Theres a direct link between the nights where things have gone OTT and the Dáil sitting abnormally late (till 2-4am). I dont get why the Dáil is sitting so late in the first place, its purely for show really. Pay close attention in future to these nights and i bet you it never happens on a Thursday or a Friday. Sneaky cnuts.
Even if you had a spliff or two the night before work or a business meeting I'd imagine it would have a similar enough effect on your judgement etc as a lad that had a pint along with his dinner on a lunch break and that would be feck all.
What? Can I have your dealers number please?

And again, regardless, a hangover is something different.... Coming to work with a hang over isn't acceptable either but at least you know what you're dealing with and it fades as the day goes. If you went out for a hair of the dog at lunch time would that be alright too?

When one of them makes a feck up as a result of being tanked come back to me, same as one of the many nurses, doctors, gaurds and solicitors etc that were off their nuts on coke and drink in Copper face jacks a few hours ago and are swanning around in work today.

Righteo, I guess there are no problems in any of those services then, they're all fine are they? The exact sort of thing you're talking about isn't a symptom of a potential problem with the culture in those jobs and indicative of some of the differences in approach between the public and private sector?

I'd call stories about pissed up TD's carrying on like 13 year olds, during important debates in the middle of the night, making headlines around the world a bit of a feck up if the country wants to shake off the notion that we're backward, pissed up muck savages.

Given our association with drink, our politicians need to be particularly aware of the impact of stories like Jim McDaid pissed, driving the wrong way down a dual carriage way, or those parish pumpers from Kerry saying people who live in the country should be allowed to drive after a few - be grand sher... Never mind having their own subsidised little watering hole next door to the Chamber.

Thats before you even get into what actually goes on in there, or how it relates to the equally ridiculous way business is conducted in the Dail itself.

When you can tell me what other countries parliament has a bar that the politicians retire to for 'banter' with their colleagues or informal meetings with people seeking the ear of someone with a scrap of power, to get them to do something for them, come back to me.
Firstly the effects are not even similar so it's a poor comparison. Secondly, Popper is not running the country when he wakes up after a night on the weed. These feckers are a disgrace, and are not in a position to ask for any good will or understanding. The idea there is a bar in parliament is a joke, especiually with Dublin's myriad pubs outside the door.

I worked as a waiter in a poshish eaterie in town and I regularly, no exaggeration, saw TDs being plied with wine by one property mogul in particular, and then seen them stumbling like feckwits out the door, while the business dudes who drank much less, sat there smiling at a successful lunch. If I saw that in plain view, what the feck else goes on.
Thing is Pops you're doing them a favour by refering to them as professionals!!! They simply arent.
That doesn't mean that we shouldn't demand that they at least pretend to be.
The bar in question is actually for visitors more than the members themselves. They have their own separate "facilties" as well. Its not as big an issue as some would have you believe. The place is generally empty other than the daily tours dropping in. The tab thing is being exagerated as well. Its used when a tour or a constituency group visits more than an individual sitting there skulling pints for free.

Not sure about that. I have personal experience of things far beyond that that go on there.

Regardless, IMO there doesn't need to be a bar in the Dail and there shouldn't be one. If visitors are going to the Dail for a pint it's sort of sending out the wrong message isn't it, maybe we should have dwarves dressed as leprechauns leading the tours.
Sorry lads, when me and Popps, who have been splitting the finest hairs on here for years, actually fully agree, ye must be wrong.
That doesn't mean that we shouldn't demand that they at least pretend to be.

Not sure about that. I have personal experience of things far beyond that that go on there.

Regardless, IMO there doesn't need to be a bar in the Dail and there shouldn't be one. If visitors are going to the Dail for a pint it's sort of sending out the wrong message isn't it, maybe we should have dwarves dressed as leprechauns leading the tours.

Theres obviously the odd case where people get fecked drunk but on a normal day to day basis its generally empty.They sell more tea's and coffees than pints.

As you said it shoulnt be there anyway. The idea of using our Dáil and its facilties to lick the arse of constituents in order to get voted back in makes me sick.

I presume its been mentioned they took in over 7K the night of the abortion vote. :mad:
Firstly the effects are not even similar so it's a poor comparison. Secondly, Popper is not running the country when he wakes up after a night on the weed. These feckers are a disgrace, and are not in a position to ask for any good will or understanding. The idea there is a bar in parliament is a joke, especiually with Dublin's myriad pubs outside the door.

I worked as a waiter in a poshish eaterie in town and I regularly, no exaggeration, saw TDs being plied with wine by one property mogul in particular, and then seen them stumbling like feckwits out the door, while the business dudes who drank much less, sat there smiling at a successful lunch. If I saw that in plain view, what the feck else goes on.

There's quite a funny story about a Dublin TD from a few years back who was in Shanahan's one night with a property developer and at some point in the night he started looking at the wine list and pointing out extraordinarily expensive bottles of wine he liked. Nothing was said explicitly but apparently soon after the TD's driver was dispatched to the back of the restaurant where he began loading up multiple bottles of each into the state car he was driving. Whether true or not, I've heard the total cost of the dinner was around €50k.
I worked as a waiter in a poshish eaterie in town and I regularly, no exaggeration, saw TDs being plied with wine by one property mogul in particular, and then seen them stumbling like feckwits out the door, while the business dudes who drank much less, sat there smiling at a successful lunch. If I saw that in plain view, what the feck else goes on.

The amount of business that goes on in that sort of setting is sickening. What's more sickening is that if you want anything to be done it's something you have to engage in.

The thing is, your average businessman is a hell of a lot sharper than politicians. In my experience most politicians are like kittens, all you have to do is tickle their chin and tell them what they want to hear and they'll be your pet, while still thinking they're the boss.

I could tell you stories that would have you heading down there with a pitchfork, honestly.
There's quite a funny story about a Dublin TD from a few years back who was in Shanahan's one night with a property developer and at some point in the night he started looking at the wine list and pointing out extraordinarily expensive bottles of wine he liked. Nothing was said explicitly but apparently soon after the TD's driver was dispatched to the back of the restaurant where he began loading up multiple bottles of each into the state car he was driving. Whether true or not, I've heard the total cost of the dinner was around €50k.

Was the property developer called John?
Sorry lads, when me and Popps, who have been splitting the finest hairs on here for years, actually fully agree, ye must be wrong.

I'm not sure about where you are but there was a clap of thunder down here when you posted in this thread!
I believe so.

Yes, he was in our restaurant one day and parked his Hummer outside, illegally. The very young cops on foot asked me as m'aitre d' to ask him to move it. He told me to tell them to feck off and that he wouldn't be long. I relayed the message, with less abrasive wording, which I also explained. They fecked off.
There's quite a funny story about a Dublin TD from a few years back who was in Shanahan's one night with a property developer and at some point in the night he started looking at the wine list and pointing out extraordinarily expensive bottles of wine he liked. Nothing was said explicitly but apparently soon after the TD's driver was dispatched to the back of the restaurant where he began loading up multiple bottles of each into the state car he was driving. Whether true or not, I've heard the total cost of the dinner was around €50k.

was he a Minister at the time by any chance?
I presume its been mentioned they took in over 7K the night of the abortion vote. :mad:

Someone I know very well was in there that night for a 'chat' with a couple of people in, incredibly high positions. The fact that these people had the time to meet this particular person on the night in question is one thing, but the picture he painted of the sort of atmosphere that was there is unreal. This guy doesn't drink, and has no reason to bullshit about it either. Needless to say the business he was there to chat about was sorted too.
Another funny one I heard recently was that TD's wife (I don't know who) recently drove straight through two toll barriers in the space of two days. Apparently she didn't realise that you can't horse through them at 140km/h. Nothing was ever done about it apparently.
Great men fought and died so she could do that. Makes me proud.

Aye. Though in fairness I know someone who was once pulling up the toll in Fermoy and realised his change was in the pocket of his jacket on the back seat. He reached back, got distracted and ended up smashing into the concrete barrier thingy, writing off his car in the process.
Firstly the effects are not even similar so it's a poor comparison. Secondly, Popper is not running the country when he wakes up after a night on the weed. These feckers are a disgrace, and are not in a position to ask for any good will or understanding. The idea there is a bar in parliament is a joke, especiually with Dublin's myriad pubs outside the door.

I worked as a waiter in a poshish eaterie in town and I regularly, no exaggeration, saw TDs being plied with wine by one property mogul in particular, and then seen them stumbling like feckwits out the door, while the business dudes who drank much less, sat there smiling at a successful lunch. If I saw that in plain view, what the feck else goes on.

The crowd that are supposed to be have feck all of a say as into how things are ran in this country anyways nor will who ever gets into power for years to come so I wouldn't put them on top of the list of professionals that I'd be worried about when it comes to making a feck up under the influence and that's my point. If we're all so worried about suits making wrong or costly decisions we could aim for other area's to try and sort out first instead of trying to close down the Dail bar not that I'd say closing it down would stop them falling around the corridors every day either, if they are that is.
The crowd that are supposed to be have feck all of a say as into how things are ran in this country anyways nor will who ever gets into power for years to come so I wouldn't put them on top of the list of professionals that I'd be worried about when it comes to making a feck up under the influence and that's my point. If we're all so worried about suits making wrong or costly decisions we could aim for other area's to try and sort out first instead of trying to close down the Dail bar not that I'd say closing it down would stop them falling around the corridors every day either, if they are that is.

They may have litte say in the day to day but they can have huge effect. Closing the Dail bar won't divert resources, and even if it is only hearsay that there is abuse of the booze, it would still be good symbolism. And Buswells is only 20 yards from the front gate. The political culture in this country is a joke, the problem is not the Dail bar, but that said, it doesn't help on any level.
The crowd that are supposed to be have feck all of a say as into how things are ran in this country anyways nor will who ever gets into power for years to come so I wouldn't put them on top of the list of professionals that I'd be worried about when it comes to making a feck up under the influence and that's my point. If we're all so worried about suits making wrong or costly decisions we could aim for other area's to try and sort out first instead of trying to close down the Dail bar not that I'd say closing it down would stop them falling around the corridors every day either, if they are that is.

I don't get the logic of 'they're shite anyway so we may aswell let them have their bar'.

And the suit's aren't the only ones you need to worry about. Don't forget one of the lads who got in on the back of not wearing a suit and who refuses point blankly to do so, was actually a developer who saddled the taxpayer with a debt of about 40m, while also fiddling his taxes and boosting his salary while his company was going under.
I have to admit to having a few dodgy coin counting related moments on the N4

One quite funny one my missus saw a while back was a bloke in an old banger turning his car at the toll and reversing through it, paying his money through the passenger window. He had a lot of damage on the driver's side so she assumed the driver's door/window mustn't have worked.