Gimpier than Alex and Feeky
Pensioners get 230 a week and a lot of freebies while a young unemployed person gets 100. Not to attack the elderly but that annoys me.
Can someone help me out here...
I'm doing an internship with Jobsbridge...I finish in January. I will be 25 before Christmas.
The Social told me last week that my rate will be 188euro once my internship finishes...
So, does this cut in the rate affect me and everyone else currently on the dole/jobseekers etc? Or just new claimants?
I don't think so. I was listening to George Hook on newstalk earlier, they've got some system set up where you can send in a question about how the budget, they have a load of experts working to get through them. Any of ye who have enquiries might send them in there, a friend of mine said it's pretty useful.
Newstalk are really good for the likes of that actually. George is a man of the people if ever there was one.
So yez don't think it affects me?
Cheers for the Newstalk advice![]()
That must be based on your stamps if you're getting €188. I don't think that that will be effected.
Of course like most people on the dole you run out of your stamps. Then you are proper fecked anyway.
Drink 20 pints and you'll be able to buy a bag of ships with all the money you save.
GARDAI are to set up checkpoints on industrial estates and at airports in an attempt to weed out social welfare cheats.
Social Protection minister Joan Burton has confirmed that gardai will be taken on by her department directly to tackle the issue.
She has set herself a target of €710m in fraud savings this year.
Speaking to Pat Kenny on Newstalk this morning, the Minister said that the gardai will be on the look out for people claiming benefits while also working.
“I don’t think there’s any such thing as an acceptable level (of social welfare fraud)... we’ve made huge strides,” she said.
“We will be taking on a number of gardai directly into the Department of Social Welfare for a period of time to concentrate on areas like airports.
“People who may be coming in and out in relation to still claiming benefits. That’s 50/50 Irish people and people who came from abroad
“We will also be looking at areas like checkpoints in estates and on roads early in the morning as people who otherwise are claiming benefits are actually in fact going off to work – either self employed or working and not declaring it.”
While Ms Burton said "estates", she later insisted that she meant industrial estates rather than housing estates.
This might sound silly and a bit stupid, but how are the former leaders of the IRA and UDA not even arrested but are now MPs? Bear in mind I haven't read up on the subject in years.
Joan Burton is a joke of a politician. Lowest common denominator type of a character.what a fecking ludicrous idea. Hall monitors for industrial estates and airports, you'd swear the country was being run by a pack of primary school teachers. Oh.
I agree, but what do they do? Just say they were abducted kids and the hse investigated without taking the kids then the families could disappear forever. Transient people are much harder for the authorities to deal with.Maybe not the right thread but it's scandalous what's happened with the children being taken off the Roma families in Dublin and Athlone.
I agree, but what do they do? Just say they were abducted kids and the hse investigated without taking the kids then the families could disappear forever. Transient people are much harder for the authorities to deal with.
I can't think of a better way to do it, but I'm prepared to be enlightened.
Oh and this is the defacto thread for this stuff in Ireland.
Maybe not the right thread but it's scandalous what's happened with the children being taken off the Roma families in Dublin and Athlone.
Do you really think the only reason they were taken was racism against gypsies, or as is more plausible but less dramatic that they hold a huge flight risk?It is.
Funny the way everyone waited to be outraged until it turned out they fecked up though.
Obviously they have to investigate but you shouldn't be able to take someone's child based on nothing more than them having different coloured hair than their parents, oh wait there was more, they were gypsies.
Do you really think the only reason they were taken was racism against gypsies, or as is more plausible but less dramatic that they hold a huge flight risk?
Well put it this way - if a blonde haired, blue eyed girl was seen with an Italian family, for example, who's parents had brown hair, green eyes etc. do you think they would swoop in as if it's totally reasonable to suspect they'd abducted the child?
The only reason the Roma families were targeted was because it was in the news that a Roma family may have done so in Greece.
Do you really think the only reason they were taken was racism against gypsies, or as is more plausible but less dramatic that they hold a huge flight risk?
As bad as it is I'd rather have them over reacting than under reacting. People complaining for years about the ineffectiveness of the hse are the same complaining now that this happened. There's no harm done in the long run.
The chances are that the Italian family in your scenario would find it harder to disappear into the night as they will have a house/job/belongings that make them less of a flight risk. If it was a caravan dwelling family who would pose just as much of a risk and then they may well have acted the same way.
While it's obviously a sweeping statement, there's nothing dramatic or shocking about saying that there are high levels of racism towards gypsies & travellers in Ireland, to a point that lots of people don't even see it as racism.
Irelands a pretty easy country to get out of, no matter where you live you're only 3 hours from a port or airport but give me one occasion in the history of the Irish state where a child was taken from parents because the neighbours thought they didn't look like their parents.
I've seen first hand how difficult it is to get a court to order a child into care, they leave them in all sorts of conditions. The HSE and Gardai fecked up big time here, they panicked, based on nothing more than the families being gypsies.