Irish Politics and stuff.

One quite funny one my missus saw a while back was a bloke in an old banger turning his car at the toll and reversing through it, paying his money through the passenger window. He had a lot of damage on the driver's side so she assumed the driver's door/window mustn't have worked.


Oirland, not all bad.
I don't get the logic of 'they're shite anyway so we may aswell let them have their bar'.

And the suit's aren't the only ones you need to worry about. Don't forget one of the lads who got in on the back of not wearing a suit and who refuses point blankly to do so, was actually a developer who saddled the taxpayer with a debt of about 40m, while also fiddling his taxes and boosting his salary while his company was going under.

When I said the suits I wasn't on about any of the crowd above in the Dail at all (pink shirts and I saw the The Big Generator in Portumna in 94' T-Shirts included) but more so the dentists, doctors, solicitors etc that you said you'd have a problem with if they were reeking of booze.

If they are falling around the place in the Dail everyday and making feck up after feck well then fair enough, level the Dail bar first thing in the mroning. I was only going by a few of them having a pint or two along with a dinner or something on their lunch break or even after work and if that's all that was going on well then I don't see what the fuss is about.

But if we're all so worried now and are going to make a big rumpus about professionals that could be under the influence and potentially make costly decisions that would effect us all or even us personally, we should go the whole hog and tear into the professions you mentioned earlier, the doctors, dentists, nurses and solicitors etc as well, the people our actual lives depend on everyday and the ones that lets not deny it are well known for doing their bit in keeping fat puss Mitchell, the viper or whoever else the feck Williams does give 6 pages of the Sunday World to at the weekend in pocket and living a life of luxury abroad in Spain. I'd nearly leave Jackie, Danny, Ming, Wally and co and their little baring until last myself though.
When I said the suits I wasn't on about any of the crowd above in the Dail at all (pink shirts and I saw the The Big Generator in Portumna in 94' T-Shirts included) but more so the dentists, doctors, solicitors etc that you said you'd have a problem with if they were reeking of booze.

If they are falling around the place in the Dail everyday and making feck up after feck well then fair enough, level the Dail bar first thing in the mroning. I was only going by a few of them having a pint or two along with a dinner or something on their lunch break or even after work and if that's all that was going on well then I don't see what the fuss is about.

But if we're all so worried now and are going to make a big rumpus about professionals that could be under the influence and potentially make costly decisions that would effect us all or even us personally, we should go the whole hog and tear into the professions you mentioned earlier, the doctors, dentists, nurses and solicitors etc as well, the people our actual lives depend on everyday and the ones that lets not deny it are well known for doing their bit in keeping fat puss Mitchell, the viper or whoever else the feck Williams does give 6 pages of the Sunday World to at the weekend in pocket and living a life of luxury abroad in Spain. I'd nearly leave Jackie, Danny, Ming, Wally and co and their little baring until last myself though.

There are many reasons to differentiate between TDs and the professional classes, but that said none of the people you mentioned are allowed a dram on duty. Especially a subsidised dram.
But if we're all so worried now and are going to make a big rumpus about professionals that could be under the influence and potentially make costly decisions that would effect us all or even us personally, we should go the whole hog and tear into the professions you mentioned earlier, the doctors, dentists, nurses and solicitors etc as well, the people our actual lives depend on everyday and the ones that lets not deny it are well known for doing their bit in keeping fat puss Mitchell, the viper or whoever else the feck Williams does give 6 pages of the Sunday World to at the weekend in pocket and living a life of luxury abroad in Spain. I'd nearly leave Jackie, Danny, Ming, Wally and co and their little baring until last myself though.

Do you know many doctors or dentists who have a bar in their place of work?

I don't see anyone saying it's ok for doctors and dentists to be walking around off their heads, the reason they were originally brought up was to point out that it wouldn't be acceptable, and not just them.

If they start putting bars in schools and hospitals I'll be the first to call for them to be closed aswell.

I'm still not sure that the fact that middle class people are fond cocaine means that its appropriate to have a bar in the Dail. If you want to stamp out a drinking culture the best first step is probably to lead by example.
Fair enough lads, fair enough... ye have me cornered!

I do know a GP that's well known for dancing a reel or two on top of a table after a few half ones though, one night he was even supposed to have hopped down after the two reels and tore straight into what was only described as one of the most beautiful versions of the Sally Gardens that was ever heard.
I think Jake will end up being out Taoiseach one day...dear lord...
TV3 at 9'oclock tonight, there's a mighty documentary on I'd advise ye not to miss it if ye can help it.

Ciara Doherty visits South Kerry to spend a couple of weeks with the Healy Rae family, who have been involved in local and national politics since the 1960s.

It's a fly on the wall job from what I can gather, cameras following him around everywhere for a few weeks. Danny was already grilled on the Matt Cooper show there a while ago for driving with a phone up to his ear and writing on a note pad that was stuck on the steering wheel of his car at the same time on the documentary. Danny tore into Cooper though and got the better of him too. Clever as foxes the whole lot of them.
TV3 at 9'oclock tonight, there's a mighty documentary on I'd advise ye not to miss it if ye can help it.

Ciara Doherty visits South Kerry to spend a couple of weeks with the Healy Rae family, who have been involved in local and national politics since the 1960s.

It's a fly on the wall job from what I can gather, cameras following him around everywhere for a few weeks. Danny was already grilled on the Matt Cooper show there a while ago for driving with a phone up to his ear and writing on a note pad that was stuck on the steering wheel of his car at the same time on the documentary. Danny tore into Cooper though and got the better of him too. Clever as foxes the whole lot of them.

Very very smart people. They play on the ould country edjit act and people fall into the trap all the time.
Consummate politicians, with all that implies. It'd be a big mistake to think they're stupid, they must be hell to run against in an election.
Consummate politicians, with all that implies. It'd be a big mistake to think they're stupid, they must be hell to run against in an election.

Sure haven't they the whole thing tied up down below. I'd say thay put in serious work and are probably good representatives for local issues, but as national politicians they are useless. That's the problem with the current system and one very good argument for the list system. (which I'm not in favour of btw)
That TV3 documentary of Sinn Fein was boring as feck. Same tedious questions about the IRA, conveniently ignoring unionist atrocities.
Sure haven't they the whole thing tied up down below. I'd say thay put in serious work and are probably good representatives for local issues, but as national politicians they are useless. That's the problem with the current system and one very good argument for the list system. (which I'm not in favour of btw)

By all accounts they do alright and for that reason alone the likes of them would be a welcome addition in my area. There's more than enough politicians looking after the national issues and making a balls of them too, the same politicians that have promised this and that in order to get elected and the minute they landed their holes on the fancy leather seats above in the Dail it was feck the locals and feck the locality that voted me here. Ciaran Cannon has an office across from Supermacs here in Gort and the cobwebs have taken over the front of it, he's never in it. You might see him being driven up the town in a big Merc now and again alright but that would be about the height of it. I could name a dozen more like him in other towns around here. Ballinasole being a prime example where a load of them stood by and watched St. Brigids hospital close down bit by bit in a time where the state of the countries mental health is at a crises point.

Very very smart people. They play on the ould country edjit act and people fall into the trap all the time.

Not at all. Give a bit of credit to the people that keep voting them in time and time again!
Saw a bit of that last night. Cant actually watch that horrible cnut who wanted to introduce drink driving in Kerry. What the feck is wrong with these people?

Feel sorry for normal folk in Kerry.
Saw a bit of that last night. Cant actually watch that horrible cnut who wanted to introduce drink driving in Kerry. What the feck is wrong with these people?

Feel sorry for normal folk in Kerry.

A cynical person might think he never actually cared about that notion being passed or ever thought it had a hope in hell, just as long as he got attention and the support of some rural voters. Hard to imagine Irish politicians being self-serving, I know, but it would explain a lot...
A cynical person might think he never actually cared about that notion being passed or ever thought it had a hope in hell, just as long as he got attention and the support of some rural voters. Hard to imagine Irish politicians being self-serving, I know, but it would explain a lot...

Ah sure I know. 70% of the councillors didnt even vote on the proposal. But even the suggestion of it is so fecking offensive.
A cynical person might think he never actually cared about that notion being passed or ever thought it had a hope in hell, just as long as he got attention and the support of some rural voters. Hard to imagine Irish politicians being self-serving, I know, but it would explain a lot...

Timmy Broderick must have been trying to pull the same stunt in Galway so, he too wanted to relax the drink driving laws in rural Ireland. Unfortunately for him or from what I can gather it's looking like he has shot himself in the foot and his short enough political career to date might be on its last legs. He is a publican too btw and better again is even the PRO of the County Galway Vintners.
Gerry Adams showering himself in glory again this morning in relation to the findings of Garda collusion in those 2 murders.

The guy has to be one of the biggest fecking hypocrites in Irish politics, and that takes some doing.
Gerry Adams showering himself in glory again this morning in relation to the findings of Garda collusion in those 2 murders.

The guy has to be one of the biggest fecking hypocrites in Irish politics, and that takes some doing.

What's he said?

Was anyone surprised that a few Guards were either IRA members or sympathisers?
Basically that it was their own fault for being there in the first place.
Basically that it was their own fault for being there in the first place.


In terms of the war, in the eyes of the IRA there could hardly be more legitimate targets than these cops but after this time and all the apologies that have gone before why stir the pot like that. They were still murdered by the IRA and collusion from the Guard/Guards involved was wrong and shouldn't have happened.

As bad as this is though it's nothing compared to the institutional collusion that occurred north of the border and not really comparable. In all likelihood going from what I understand of the report it was one Guard that gave away information on these officers.
Not only has Judge Seamus Hughes called the Irish prison system "banjaxed and broken down" in Longford District Court this morning, he has also claimed the Justice Minister, Alan Shatter, is too busy "writing love books" to know about drug dealing on the streets of Longford and Athlone. He then went on to tell a known drug dealer he is "dealing death on the streets of Longford".

From the Longford Leader on facebook. That's some statement for a Judge to make about the Justice Minister.
I've yet to meet a single person with a good word to say about him. I can't for the life of me understand those who vote for him.
Got accused of vandalism by the Ceann Comhairle. How the hell is handing someone a glass of water vandalism? I don't particularly like Ming but he's 100% right here. If you're going to charge people for water you're then responsible for ensuring the quality of the water meets a certain standard. A good point well made by Flanagan.
Got accused of vandalism by the Ceann Comhairle. How the hell is handing someone a glass of water vandalism? I don't particularly like Ming but he's 100% right here. If you're going to charge people for water you're then responsible for ensuring the quality of the water meets a certain standard. A good point well made by Flanagan.

The establishment looking after itself and trying to put the young upstart back in his box.
I see reports that RTE will be paying damages to Breda O Brien, John Waters and the Iona Institute over comments they are homophobic. Are comments like that really actionable?

I mean, Waters is a guy who has said that homosexuals don't really want to get married, they just want to destroy the institution of marriage because they're envious of it. Also, "It is a deliberate sabotage of the culture and the relishing of the destruction as a result. Gay marriage is a satire…" Plus, when Cardinal Keith O' Brien had to resign due to inappropriate behavior Waters said gay men were expected to behave that way. If you say things like that surely you're opening yourself to criticism?

Plus I didn't actually think yer man's comments were that bad, he certainly didn't directly accuse them of being homophobic. This seems far more aggressive to me:
So FG don't seem to have learnt any of the lessons from the HSE feck up with staff overload and waste in the wrong positions after spending years criticising FF and the PD's for it. They now seem intent on making the exact same fecking mistakes with Irish Water having 4000 staff to do the work of 1700. I get that those 2300 workers were already employed by the councils but why could they not have been deployed into other areas that are short staffed or over worked at the moment.

There's over 3000 primary schools in Ireland. Give those of them in most need an extra staff member, either admin or plumbers or whatever else. I'm sure they'll find work for them.
So FG don't seem to have learnt any of the lessons from the HSE feck up with staff overload and waste in the wrong positions after spending years criticising FF and the PD's for it. They now seem intent on making the exact same fecking mistakes with Irish Water having 4000 staff to do the work of 1700. I get that those 2300 workers were already employed by the councils but why could they not have been deployed into other areas that are short staffed or over worked at the moment.

There's over 3000 primary schools in Ireland. Give those of them in most need an extra staff member, either admin or plumbers or whatever else. I'm sure they'll find work for them.

The fact that there will be an election in 6months means as per usual nothing will happen to change the inevitable.