Irish Politics and stuff.


What else can a lad do now at this stage only laugh!
He's a joke. I know the important this is to be there to work, but feck me a certain level of professionalism is to be expected. I doubt there's one other politician in any House in the world who dresses like such a Traveller.
Honest mick.

Fine Gael have Kenny Egan running the local elections now. Kenny Egan! Kenny fecking Egan. Listening to him this morning his manifesto goes something along the lines of 'I have never voted, I don't know anything about politics but I have been an alcoholic so people can benefit from my life experience.' When asked why people should vote for him his response was a rather startled 'well I'm not a bullshitter'...

If that dopey bollocks gets a single vote I really will just give up altogether.
The most worrying thing is he'd probably stand a good chance of getting in. Like Tony Dempsey down this way, managed the Wexford Hurling Team, kissed a few babies and that was enough to get him elected to the Dail, then no one saw him again for 7 years until he was back out kissing babies and running in the local elections for Fianna Fail... guess what he was elected then too.

Irish people love to moan about politics but its the Irish people that put them there in the first place. Every single FG person that comes to my door will be asked to justify why they're running Egan.

The cynic in me says its election management to a tee, 'sure its a working class area, they don't need to know anything about policy, just wheel out someone with a recogniseable name who can claim to be one of their own and its a sure thing.'
Not sure he'd even be the most qualified out of all the former Irish boxers. Agree with eyepopper, it's cynical stunt politics. Gives the people an option they think of as "one of us" without the need to put in the effort it would normally take to make someone that recognisable. Sad thing is it'll probably work too.

Yeah, damn you to hell Alan Shatter! Damn you!
Wallace actually managed to divert my attention from what a dickhead Shatter is.

Surely he won't be elected again? An actual clown would be a more credible voice in the Dáil.
The worst part is, thats actually the best performance he's put in.

Shatter is a prick, it's a well known fact. Wallace did well not to fly across the chamber and chin the cnut, sat there smirking, and Mick quite obviously two sheets to the wind.
Incidentally, thats exactly how angry I would have been if I'd have been working for him when he decided to stop paying his employee pension contributions so he could give himself and his son a pay rise.
There is a protest in town tonight in opposition to the proposal to make people work in the community for their dole when they have been claiming for 2 years because apparently its 'salve labour.'

I mean that says it all really doesn't it? People are saying its slave labour to work for what they are being paid for, how does that make sense. Granted they don't get paid as much as someone in employment however they won't be working in the community as full time for god sake.

I work on average between 30-35 hours per week and Im not getting a whole lot more than I would be on the dole, in fact benefits included I would probably get slightly more on the dole but I chose not to be one of those people. Bastids.
Sinn Fein pull out of a planned all party message of support for equal rights for the LGBT community, due to be broadcast to an audience in New York - due to a 'scripting issue'. I'd imagine the issue was 'LGBT' and 'equality' in the same sentence.

American dollars trump human rights everytime.
Dirty knickers and dirty Gardai. An interesting 24 hours to say the least.......

Im suspect the Garda recording story was released now to deflect away from all the other ongoing issues.
My thinking as well. Guards are a joke anyway, if you asked me to give a list of the most useless feckers I've ever met they are now all guards. There are some fine ones too though before anyone takes offence!
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Dirty knickers and dirty Gardai. An interesting 24 hours to say the least.......

Im suspect the Garda recording story was released now to deflect away from all the other ongoing issues.

Was thinking this but didn't Kenny say the Attorney General only told him about it on Sunday? Can't really see the AG becoming that readily involved in a political maneuver. Or am i being naive on that one?
My thinking as well. Guards are a joke anyway, if you asked me to give a list of the most useless feckers I've ever met they are now all guards. There are some fine ones too though before anyone takes offence!
Was thinking this but didn't Kenny say the Attorney General only told him about it on Sunday? Can't really see the AG becoming that readily involved in a political maneuver. Or am i being naive on that one?

Read earlier that these recordings were mentioned by a judge in a case earlier this year. Given the timespan of the recordings its very unlikely someone in government didnt know something. Stinks of a smoke screen.
Wow, this taping scandal is a mess, isn't it? Starts off with implications for the Ian Bailey/Du Plantier case, then has possible implications for tribunal findings, now leading to a possible review of the John Dundon/Shane Geoghan conviction, while at the same time relating directly to the trial of two suspected IRA members. All added to the two (?) separate controversies that were already surrounding Alan Shatter. Then, on top of that, you have all this political maneuvering in the background. That's maybe six headline worthy stories all wrapped into one, with Christ knows what else to follow.

Honest to god, if this kind of nonsense happened in House of Cards I'd think it was far fetched. What a weird combination of scandal and screw ups.
I didn't even know that there were politics in Ireland.
I actually know both of Mick Wallace's sons. They're arrogant little braggarts, despite being in their thirties. A lot of people I've spoken to in County Wexford seem to think he ran for office so he could worm his way out of any legal troubles that might have resulted from his dodgy business practices. Seems to have worked.
God damn signs all over the kip now for these local elections. I'm of course voting FG, because well what other choice do we have at this point?
God damn signs all over the kip now for these local elections. I'm of course voting FG, because well what other choice do we have at this point?

I don't mind the signs, once they are taken down straight away afterwards, which they are not. They are often left for months, although I think they only have a week to take them down. It's a bit it's not closer to Halloween, and all the scummers would be burning them.
I don't mind the signs, once they are taken down straight away afterwards, which they are not. They are often left for months, although I think they only have a week to take them down. It's a bit it's not closer to Halloween, and all the scummers would be burning them.

Someone in our area has started spray painting over the eyes of some of them now. On reflection I would probably prefer to vote for Grace Tallon...but she is Labour, I don't know if I can reduce myself to that level to be honest.
I actually know both of Mick Wallace's sons. They're arrogant little braggarts, despite being in their thirties. A lot of people I've spoken to in County Wexford seem to think he ran for office so he could worm his way out of any legal troubles that might have resulted from his dodgy business practices. Seems to have worked.

Could be true, but Wexford folk are a suspicious bunch at the best of times. They normally think the worst about everyone

How do you know his sons?
I don't mind the signs, once they are taken down straight away afterwards, which they are not. They are often left for months, although I think they only have a week to take them down. It's a bit it's not closer to Halloween, and all the scummers would be burning them.

I go one better and take them down a week or two before any election takes place at all. I took down 4 signs at the head of my road last night and I intend to take down a load more by the end of the week. I do get great use out of them, handy for putting under the dog in his little housing for instance. Car is leaking oil as well and they're handy for sliding under it after I've parked up in the drive to keep it clean. I hang the Mary Lou ones up on my bedroom wall though. Things like that like....
I go one better and take them down a week or two before any election takes place at all. I took down 4 signs at the head of my road last night and I intend to take down a load more by the end of the week. I do get great use out of them, handy for putting under the dog in his little housing for instance. Car is leaking oil as well and they're handy for sliding under it after I've parked up in the drive to keep it clean. I hang the Mary Lou ones up on my bedroom wall though. Things like that like....
Are you responsible for this site?
Are you responsible for this site?

I'm not but fair juice to whoever it was that put it together and thanks very much for bringing it to my attention. I wouldn't mind burying it straight into the back axle of Galway City Easts Mairéad Farrell either. Fine bit of gear in fairness and a pure dead cert to get elected.
So, Gerry Adams arrested over the Jean McConville case...
Nope. Don't really listen to the radio at all. Just podcasts.

I sort of want to like varadkar, because of his previous job. Then I think of that absolute cnut O'Reilly and realise that the fact that politicians are such utter tools trumps whatever else we might have in common.