Interesting read....

Mr. Wood said:
Well that killed this topic ... Guess I'm off to the transfer section (shudder)

Exactly, made it easy for him to get away :(

Surely it has to be a condition that his first 10 posts after coming back are on this thread? ;)
ffs unban djs you silly tarts.....

here's an objective opinion btw, after what ronaldo played like against bolton saturday he'd most definitly be in the scousers' side :smirk:
Let's get this straight then . . .

DJS posts a pointless article, gives us a chance to have a good laugh at both him and the article.

Thread continues, United fans (even Van Nistelrater :eek: ;) ) undermine DJS posts, laughs continue followed by much shaking of heads and mutterings of 'delusional scouser'

Marching arrives, asks a question. Chances of a sensible answer are slim, but fair play to him for giving it a go. DJS makes an underhand comment, that really made him look quite ignorant.

Instead of ignoring the response for the drivel it was, Marching decides to ban DJS because he doesn't get on with him. Not that many of the Scousers get on with Marching, but it might cause less aggravation if one of the lesser 'household' names as it were was banned.

United supporters who were probably having quite a good time taking the piss out of DJS, demand to know why he is banned. Marching looks like a bit of a prat.

That right?
I tell ya, it's threads like these that make the caf such a funny place.

RedorDead6899 said:
Let's get this straight then . . .

DJS posts a pointless article, gives us a chance to have a good laugh at both him and the article.

Thread continues, United fans (even Van Nistelrater :eek: ;) ) undermine DJS posts, laughs continue followed by much shaking of heads and mutterings of 'delusional scouser'

Marching arrives, asks a question. Chances of a sensible answer are slim, but fair play to him for giving it a go. DJS makes an underhand comment, that really made him look quite ignorant.

Instead of ignoring the response for the drivel it was, Marching decides to ban DJS because he doesn't get on with him. Not that many of the Scousers get on with Marching, but it might cause less aggravation if one of the lesser 'household' names as it were was banned.

United supporters who were probably having quite a good time taking the piss out of DJS, demand to know why he is banned. Marching looks like a bit of a prat.

That right?

I belive the reason he was banned was his patronising comments over a period of time seem to of hacked Marching off, a knee-jerk reaction probably, but its natural. He has been patronising countless times, implying marching is a United fan every 2 seconds, taking pointless pops at myself and being besotted with my age, and all together being a tit to alot of people. I belive this was the reason he was banned/suspended, yes it was harsh, but in defence of mr ontogether, i dont think he was banned for THIS thread alone, maybe it was the final straw.
RedorDead6899 said:
Let's get this straight then . . .

DJS posts a pointless article, gives us a chance to have a good laugh at both him and the article.

Thread continues, United fans (even Van Nistelrater :eek: ;) ) undermine DJS posts, laughs continue followed by much shaking of heads and mutterings of 'delusional scouser'

Marching arrives, asks a question. Chances of a sensible answer are slim, but fair play to him for giving it a go. DJS makes an underhand comment, that really made him look quite ignorant.

Instead of ignoring the response for the drivel it was, Marching decides to ban DJS because he doesn't get on with him. Not that many of the Scousers get on with Marching, but it might cause less aggravation if one of the lesser 'household' names as it were was banned.

United supporters who were probably having quite a good time taking the piss out of DJS, demand to know why he is banned. Marching looks like a bit of a prat.

That right?

I am still in shock - honestly!

How old is marching? And how old is he acting?

marching - if you have a private issue with DJS, why should it involve the rest of us? Let DJS have his say with us - he is entitled to that surely?

I do enjoy the banter on here - and I find it ironic that Liverpool fan has been banned by a Leeds fan on a Man Utd forum.

Some people seriously need to grow up on here..
VanNistlerater said:
I belive the reason he was banned was his patronising comments over a period of time seem to of hacked Marching off, a knee-jerk reaction probably, but its natural. He has been patronising countless times, implying marching is a United fan every 2 seconds, taking pointless pops at myself and being besotted with my age, and all together being a tit to alot of people. I belive this was the reason he was banned/suspended, yes it was harsh, but in defence of mr ontogether, i dont think he was banned for THIS thread alone, maybe it was the final straw.

I'm sure you'd agree, Van, that you take a lot of crap on this forum. Other people like Devlish are laughed or patronized on a daily basis. Why, then, does DJS get banned for not being strait-forward with a mod? Would he have been banned for doing the same thing to, say, me? I doubt it, because I don't have a handy little banning stick. :rolleyes:
VanNistlerater said:
The reason the media arent wanking themselfs into a coma over Le Tallec is because has not played for Pool competativly yet. Im sure if he had a performance like Ronaldo did against Bolton, theyd do just the same, there like that.

The only reason United fans are so excited is because we have been crying out over the years, for that extra dimension to our attack, a player who can beat players and frightens the shit out of them with his pace, when we missed out on Ronaldinho most people were gutted, then Ronaldo comes along and seems to have everything we need.

Didnt Le Tallec play in the Toulon Tournament?, and wasnt Ronaldo voted player of the tournament and actually won the thing with Portugal.

This is "my dads bigger than your dad" stuff, there both great talents, presumably, why not just let them blossum instead of letting them compete with one another?.

Oh and one more point, when Le Tallec playes competitive football for a class team, then the media may give him little more coverage.
So in summary The Echo journalist thinks that southern journalists are idiots for praising an exceptional PL debut by a very expensive teenager and that they should be praising a young liverpool player who only sat on the bench for the whole match despite injuries and a generally very poor display.

Maybe they should cover the back page with Adu rave reviews. He doesn't play for United, he is only 14 and might turn out to be better than Ronaldo. Then again my 4 year old son might turn out to be better. I must buy all of the newspapers this week in case he gets rave reviews after we had a rather promising kick around on the lawn yesterday.
Nate said:
I wonder if there would have been half as much interest in him if his name was Bert Jones and he wore the number 29?

I think after his debut he could have cost 3 quid from Crewe and still got rave reviews. Of course the other factors excite tabloid journos but what are you going to do?
Mr. Wood said:
Why, then, does DJS get banned for not being strait-forward with a mod?

He wasn't being straightforward though was he. He was trying to be insulting to Marching. To me there was the same feeling to the post as there was when Charliesdevils got banned i.e. it didn't feel like banter.

I don't give a rats arese either way but why is it that when anyone gets the arse from here the whinging is deafening. Especially since it happens so occasionally and it was only a scouser.

It's a bit like being a cnut to a copper who initially stopped you to give you only a warning and then complaining that he gave you a ticket.
On the other hand, you can view things differently.

Marching might have been kind to DJS because he has stopped (or at least postponed) him making himself look a right twazzock. ;) ;)

I think they should kiss and make up anyway.
VanNistlerater said:
He has been patronising countless times, implying marching is a United fan every 2 seconds

Half the caf should be banned then ;)

So you say if either AE :boring: M or :devil: ish were mods they would be right to ban the other? It's part of the fun, just get on with it!

Still, I believe DJS should be required to address all the questions in this thread in order to get back :D
antohan said:
Half the caf should be banned then ;)

So you say if either AE :boring: M or :devil: ish were mods they would be right to ban the other? It's part of the fun, just get on with it!

Still, I believe DJS should be required to address all the questions in this thread in order to get back :D

Vai tomar no cu, seu filho da puta!

To be fair, DJS was being a bit of a cnut with his swipe at how Marching makes a living.
DJS said:
19 August 2003 : by Chris Bascombe, Liverpool Echo
Why Le Tallec will be our Ronaldo

In most cases, paying £12m for a teenager would be considered rank stupidity, over-indulgence or, at the very least, a gamble which even Chris Kirkland's dad would shy away from.

When Manchester United do it, it's a stroke of transfer genius.
According to everyone who they make listen, United have just signed the best teenager in the world. By God are we hearing about it.

I'm not doubting Ronaldo's abilities. Clearly he's a talented kid who may be on the threshold of greatness. It just strikes me as rather odd that no-one has given the same attention to Liverpool's equally stunning new teenage recruit.

It seems Gerard Houllier's mistake with Anthony Le Tallec was to buy him early rather than delay until everyone in Europe wanted him. Obviously, Liverpool should have waited until Le Tallec's value was £12m.

Soon enough, the rest of the nation will wake up to the fact Le Tallec and Ronaldo played in the same world youth championships not so long ago and it was the Liverpool new boy who was voted the best player.

No doubt both Gerard and Sir Alex watched those same youth championships in Malaysia a few years back and noticed the same players.

Indeed, Liverpool had already signed Le Tallec by then and were strongly linked with Ronaldo themselves, but can't afford to splash out like United.

Time will tell who's got the better deal, but for value for money I know who I'm backing. It's a bit like Houllier and Ferguson have both dined at the same top class restaurant and had their pick of the best main courses on the menu.

Houllier has managed to get his dish at a quarter of the cost Ferguson has paid, and yet it's his rival who is getting all the praise.

Indeed, I'm getting an eerie sense of deja vu when it comes to the man dubbed TLT who's about to explode onto the Premiership. I remember how slow our London based number one writers were to realise who Steven Gerrard was a few years back.

The Kop Magazine I once wrote even launched a campaign to get him in the England squad, so little attention was he receiving. Then, when the rest of the country noticed a year later, they decided to make him their own property.

It was a similar story with Wayne Rooney at Everton. A friend of mine who works on a national newspaper tried to get a feature on Rooney into his paper in the summer of 2002. They were having none of it. How times changed three months later when "Rooney Opens Crisp Packet" stories were making the front page.

Le Tallec won't get the same attention as Rooney, Gerrard or Michael Owen because he ain't English. But the few glimpses I've had of him remind me so much of the first time I saw Gerrard.

So young, yet so full of class. So clearly ready to play at the highest level and begin the learning curve which will take him to the top of the game.

One of the most encouraging, but sadly overlooked parts of Sunday was Le Tallec's being named a sub. Pity he didn't get on, although Houllier said he was prepared to play the youngster if the circumstances of the game had been different.

The career paths of Le Tallec and Ronaldo are sure to cross regularly over the next decade. Should the French gem prove himself the better player, you never know, maybe the manager who signed him will get a bit of credit.

So who's had a better season, Ronaldo or Le Tallac? :angel:
DJS said:
The fans i was referring to arent the knowledgable and respectful United fans, of which there are plenty.
One of whom is a good friend of mine, who recognises qualities in others, as well as United.
Such supporters are able to view things objectively and command respect.

I find myself coming across fewer of these type of fans nowadays, which is unfortunate.

The opportunity to discuss football with such supporters is always an enjoyable and interesting experience, as sentances like "feck off Scouser, Liverpool are shit" are not forthcoming.

May plenty more of these type of supporters make themselves heard.

I have supported United since before I can remember and was a regular match goer for much of the 70's and 80's and I can confirm that such disgraceful comments from my fellow fan in the Stretford End were never heard, much less harsher language.

In fact until Sky started all mancs loved scousers in general and LFC specifically.
Wibble said:
I have supported United since before I can remember and was a regular match goer for much of the 70's and 80's and I can confirm that such disgraceful comments from my fellow fan in the Stretford End were never heard, much less harsher language.

In fact until Sky started all mancs loved scousers in general and LFC specifically.

how the feck can someone admire letallac if gerrad houiller doesnt play him regularly
no one is gonna watch reserves
and anyway when pongol played , ppl did credited him
It was a crap article in the first place.
i cant appreciate his talent when he hasnt done anything yet..... ronaldo has done quite alot now in the premiership and hence there is hype.... iv seen latellic a couple of times...he hasnt really done anything in those games... but then again...hes got very few chances.. so until he gets a chance and shines... how can we appreciate your young talent???
Noone saw those youth we cant comment on them... my opinions are based on what iv seen this year... and wev seen very little of latellec
agree..but you gotta admit that he and sinama will be a force in the years to come...but not yet...but that time...what will our ronaldo become??? :D :devil:
Livvie said:
On both occasions I've seen Ronaldo, he's been superb. We have the right to be excited until events show us otherwise.

We will all support our own players however, and that's the way it should be.
Exactly and people forget Houlleir signed Le Tallec when he was 15 so he had already been a Liverpool player by that Under 17 championship. That's why SAF never bought him. But Ronaldo was INDEED a suprise. If one doubt's Fergie's knowlege of quality youth players just get a tape of the champion's league magazine in which he, Lippi, Hitzfeld and Cappello thought of the current stars and when they had first saw them. Fergie said he first saw Buffon at the age of 12 and knew he would be special. :eek:
SiLeNc3r said:
agree..but you gotta admit that he and sinama will be a force in the years to come...but not yet...but that time...what will our ronaldo become??? :D :devil:

Does the concept of plateauing mean anything to you?

If their talent is as good as promised and they contnue their development, they will catch up.
amolbhatia100 said:
i cant appreciate his talent when he hasnt done anything yet..... ronaldo has done quite alot now in the premiership and hence there is hype.... iv seen latellic a couple of times...he hasnt really done anything in those games... but then again...hes got very few chances.. so until he gets a chance and shines... how can we appreciate your young talent???
Noone saw those youth we cant comment on them... my opinions are based on what iv seen this year... and wev seen very little of latellec

Personally, I think Sinama is being grossly overlooked. Was him after all, that won player of the tournament And BROKE THE GOAL-SCORING RECORDS AT THE u-18 wORLD cUP (sorry bout the caps - too lazy to edit). Think he is gonna develop into a genuine world class striker in a few years.

Everyone seems to be putting their expectations on le Tallec to be a world class player for us in years to come, but I reckon Sinama will achieve fame sooner.

Btw, watch the game against Everton this year. le Tallec was outstanding in that game (second only to Gerrard who had one of his best ever games).
An Extremely Boring Man said:
Typical Scouse selfpityness it was

There are many who have little regard for Bascombe's writings.
B9 from YAWN said:
Personally, I think Sinama is being grossly overlooked. Was him after all, that won player of the tournament And BROKE THE GOAL-SCORING RECORDS AT THE u-18 wORLD cUP (sorry bout the caps - too lazy to edit). Think he is gonna develop into a genuine world class striker in a few years.

Everyone seems to be putting their expectations on le Tallec to be a world class player for us in years to come, but I reckon Sinama will achieve fame sooner.

Btw, watch the game against Everton this year. le Tallec was outstanding in that game (second only to Gerrard who had one of his best ever games).

Pongolle seems very talented but I wonder will he be concerned with the fact that Cisse is signing for Liverpool and the likes of Owen, Baros and Heskey are also at the club while Kewell and Smicer also can play up front. He might not play enough.
thoward said:
No doubt Le Tallec and Pongolle will improve but so will Ronaldo.

True that. But that he is somewhat ahead in his development does not mean that he is gonna continue being three steps ahead.

Imo, development when it happens, usually happens in quite rapid stages, followed by a plateau.

Where have we heard that one before?
B9 from YAWN said:
True that. But that he is somewhat ahead in his development does not mean that he is gonna continue being three steps ahead.

Imo, development when it happens, usually happens in quite rapid stages, followed by a plateau.

Thats your opinion but I think Ronaldo will continue to get better and will play more games next season and probably more the season after and once hes really settled he will be an unbelievable player.
thoward said:
Thats your opinion but I think Ronaldo will continue to get better and will play more games next season and probably more the season after and once hes really settled he will be an unbelievable player.

Do you not hold any regard for the concept that a new youngster will generally find his second season tougher, on the premise that having seen him for a year, opposition defenders are more likely to cope with him?

Obviously his experienced gained in the first year will help him too, but generally the premise is that after a successful debut season (in fairness, it took him a few months to turn in the level of performance he has produces of late), a new player usually finds the 2nd season tougher.

Ronaldo is very gifted and if he can overcome the inevitable increased attention from defender that will come in season 2, he'll be mighty impressive.

Easier said than done though - i think he'll still perform well, but will have to up his game to do so.