Interesting read....

To address DJS's initial subject....

The writer is clearly a LFC fan writing a piece destined to be read, in the main, by LFC fans and as such it will be well received. The trouble is any non LFC fan will treat it with disdain.

I suspect that a non biased journalist will see that the reason Ronaldo has got rave reviews is that he has actually played...and played very well - it is such a shame that this particular journalist did not think about that before showing himself up by writing a totally useless article.

I also suspect that as Le Tallec has not played yet suggests that he is not considered good enough....this is obviously not something that can be said of Ronaldo.
VanNistlerater said:
Mr Wood, get to the back of the line in asking him to proove examples.

I asked him about an hour ago to name 2 or 3 of these suppsed, yet inevitable (so he states) 'glory hunters' on this board, but he seems to of stalled.

Nor could he answer BR's enquiry about who had said that Le Tallec was rubbish...
marchingontogether said:
I suspect that a non biased journalist will see that the reason Ronaldo has got rave reviews is that he has actually played...and played very well - it is such a shame that this particular journalist did not think about that before showing himself up by writing a totally useless article.


He is paid very handsomely to do what he does for a living.

And you feel this is because he writes 'useless' articles? :lol:

Maybe if his articles were as useless as you think, he'd be selling books for a living.


marchingontogether said:
I also suspect that as Le Tallec has not played yet suggests that he is not considered good enough....this is obviously not something that can be said of Ronaldo.

My goodness, if you really see things as simplistically as that, then your tunnel vision is highly worrying.
DJS said:

He is paid very handsomely to do what he does for a living.

And you feel this is because he writes 'useless' articles? :lol:

Maybe if his articles were as useless as you think, he'd be selling books for a living.


My goodness, if you really see things as simplistically as that, then your tunnel vision is highly worrying.

whats this tunnel vision all about? But you are still to answer my question?
I wonder if there would have been half as much interest in him if his name was Bert Jones and he wore the number 29?
DJS said:
I dont think so.

In any case, i'd rather be patronising, than come out with a load of totally blinkered bullshit.

That club has its full quota of members, here.

Serious questions DJS....

Do you want to have another go at responding to my post and this time make it an adult one?

Or do you want to take an enforced break from here to reflect on your patronising ways?
DJS said:
I dont think so.

In any case, i'd rather be patronising, than come out with a load of totally blinkered bullshit.

That club has its full quota of members, here.

You're the President of that club I assume...

I thought it was rather patronising the way you had a sly dig on Marching's job...
BusbyReds said:
I still want to know who these people were who were praising Ronaldo and rubbishing Le Tallec in the same breath.

VanNistlerater said:
DJS, my question still remains, if there are SOME glory hunters on here, why dont you name two or three?, cant be that hard to spot in your view, can they?

DJS said:

He is paid very handsomely to do what he does for a living.

And you feel this is because he writes 'useless' articles? :lol:

Maybe if his articles were as useless as you think, he'd be selling books for a living.

They are useless and if he's paid handsomely for it it means 2 things:

a) he's sucking up to Liverpool fans (or other Liverpool fans as the case may be).

b) the same Liverpool fans are clueless enough to pay him for it.
marchingontogether said:
Serious questions DJS....

Do you want to have another go at responding to my post and this time make it an adult one?

Or do you want to take an enforced break from here to reflect on your patronising ways?

I'm sorry Marching but you are being an idiot now, the man has his own views, biased patronising or otherwiseyou can't punish him for it.

There are far worse people on here who offer the site nothing but still post here.
DJS said:
In any case, i'd rather be patronising, than come out with a load of totally blinkered bullshit.

That club has its full quota of members, here.

What on earth do you call the original article?
Nate said:
I wonder if there would have been half as much interest in him if his name was Bert Jones and he wore the number 29?

Dunno. But does this really go?

Tune: When the moon hits your eyes etc. etc.

When he scores a goal
with a pass from paul scholes
Its bert jones!
He's red, portugease
brings schoolgirls to there knees
Oh bert jones..

.....thank you Pete Boyle.

Nate said:
I'm sorry Marching but you are being an idiot now, the man has his own views, biased patronising or otherwiseyou can't punish him for it.

There are far worse people on here who offer the site nothing but still post here.

You are entitled to your point of view too nate.
Can't really comment on Le Tallec because I haven't seen him play. Even when he does, will Houllier utilize him properly?
As for the original article, if as the writer states that is Cheyrou's best game for the club, i'd hate to see the worst. I watched that match on Sunday and you could count the many times he touched the ball on one hand. Ok, slight exageration, but not far off the mark. As for Biscan.. i hope he's a better CB than he is a midfielder.

and how long is he going to persist with Heskey over Baros?
DJS said:
It's impossible and unfair to categorise one group of millions as being 'better' than another group of millions - so, in answer to your question, no.

Regarding the Sky issue, let me ask you...

Do you feel it's fair to say that the Sky Revoultion led to the emergence of many gloryhunting supporters who, as is the nature of a gloryhunter, chose to attatch themselves to the most successful club during the era in question, namely Manchester United?

Does it matter? If Arsenal, Liverpool or whoever win the league then they will support them instead so its nothing that bothers me.
Going back to the subject of this thread, I just have to laugh at the title of this thread, 'Interesting read'.

It's simply a biased piece of 'literature' by a Scouser who's tired of hearing about Ronaldo, when he expected to be hearing about Le Tallec.

The blatant lack of reason is practically smacking us all in the face:

Le Tallec won't get the same attention as Rooney, Gerrard or Michael Owen because he ain't English.

Wasn't the article's subject about the fact that Ronaldo is getting all the praise when it should be Le Tallec? Ronaldo is Portugese ... Hmmm

DJS, you claim that you attempt to speak to 'glory hunting' mancs, but they're too biased to talk about football. The fact that you consider this article an 'interesting read' shows who's biased.
spinoza said:
I thought the teams in the FA Asia Cup were Chelsea, Birmingham City, Newcastle and the Malaysian national team.

I mean the amsterdam tournament, pongolle looked good, le tellec was shit
Mr. Wood said:
DJS, you claim that you attempt to speak to 'glory hunting' mancs, but they're too biased to talk about football. The fact that you consider this article an 'interesting read' shows who's biased.

Every football fan who supports a particular club is biased to a degree, it's the nature of supporting a team.

Somewhere amongst the bias, you'll find some supporters can be objective

Some cannot.
DJS said:
Every football fan who supports a particular club is biased to a degree, it's the nature of supporting a team.

Somewhere amongst the bias, you'll find some supporters can be objective

Some cannot.

And in your opinion, United fans are less objective than other fans, right?