Interesting read....

Last chance DJS - ignoring me does not help your cause.
An Extremely Boring Man said:
I didn't say you did...

Do you reckon United fans are as objective as other fans?

As i said before, i dont think you can label all fans of any particular club the same way, we're talking about far too big a group of people for them to all fall under the same description.
LethalInjection said:
I mean the amsterdam tournament, pongolle looked good, le tellec was shit

Do you not think that judging Le Tallec and Pongolle based on 30 minutes played in a friendly where even the Liverpool fans say that their team was dire in is slightly premature?

In any case you don't know much.
DJS said:
What do you want, FFS? :rolleyes:

These kind of 'bullying' tactics and victimisation arent normally associated with a mod.


Wrong answer.

An Extremely Boring Man said:
I didn't say you did...

Do you reckon United fans are as objective as other fans?

I think he's already answered that question.

DJS said:
There are naturally exceptions to the rule, but the majority of such fans were creations of the 'Sky Revolution'.

The fact that my comments touched a nerve with you, one may suggest, speaks volumes.

The fans i was referring to arent the knowledgable and respectful United fans, of which there are plenty.
One of whom is a good friend of mine, who recognises qualities in others, as well as United.
Such supporters are able to view things objectively and command respect.

I find myself coming across fewer of these type of fans nowadays, which is unfortunate.

The opportunity to discuss football with such supporters is always an enjoyable and interesting experience, as sentances like "feck off Scouser, Liverpool are shit" are not forthcoming.

May plenty more of these type of supporters make themselves heard.
DJS said:
As i said before, i dont think you can label all fans of any particular club the same way, we're talking about far too big a group of people for them to all fall under the same description.


Keep digging that hole

I think you made that clear in your second post of this thread...
So Liverpool fans are pissed because a player who has played no football in the premiership is getting zero press, as opposed to :drool: who has played and played well. Why should the papers right about ALT? He's doen nothing to deserve it.
mozza said:
So Liverpool fans are pissed because a player who has played no football in the premiership is getting zero press, as opposed to :drool: who has played and played well. Why should the papers right about ALT? He's doen nothing to deserve it.

Because they are from Liverpool

People from Liverpool have been victimised for years.
DJS said:
What questions?


BusbyReds said:
I still want to know who these people were who were praising Ronaldo and rubbishing Le Tallec in the same breath.

VanNistlerater said:
DJS, my question still remains, if there are SOME glory hunters on here, why dont you name two or three?, cant be that hard to spot in your view, can they?
marchingontogether said:

Wrong answer.


Don't fecking ban him!

What's this, someone disagrees with you or gets smart with you and they are banned?
You should be more worried about the racists biggots floating around!
DJS is taking a break to give him time to think.
marchingontogether said:
DJS is taking a break to give him time to think.

Come on mate, that's not right. I don't see what he's done wrong aside from acting like a bit of a twat. Unless you are prepared to ban every mildly offensive arsehole on this forum, he shouldn't go, and I don't want the caf to get a reputation of being a bunch of fascists.
Well that killed this topic ... Guess I'm off to the transfer section (shudder)
This is not going to turn into a debate.

I have suspended DJS because I am sick of his patronising comments aimed at me personally over a period of time.

He is NOT banned and will return - hopefully with a better attitude towards me.

I am sorry if you do not agree with my decision.
I suppose I should let it go, but it looks like an abuse of power to me. Banning someone because they don't agree with you, basically.
Mr. Wood said:
I suppose I should let it go, but it looks like an abuse of power to me. Banning someone because they don't agree with you, basically.

Yes he's banned :lol:
anyone who supports liverpool should be banned :devil:
Mr. Wood said:
I suppose I should let it go, but it looks like an abuse of power to me. Banning someone because they don't agree with you, basically.

Agreed as well, but I suppose I should shut my mouth now. :nervous: ;)
Mr Wood...Lynott

I asure you both that it has nothing to do with DJS not agreeing with what I say.

He makes excellent points at times and is certainly entitled to his opinion - the problem is to do with the patronising and insulting way DJS puts he points across to me.
LethalInjection said:
Yes he's banned :lol:
anyone who supports liverpool should be banned :devil:

I can think of someone else who deserves to be sin binned. :rolleyes:
marchingontogether said:
This is not going to turn into a debate.

I have suspended DJS because I am sick of his patronising comments aimed at me personally over a period of time.

He is NOT banned and will return - hopefully with a better attitude towards me.

I am sorry if you do not agree with my decision.

Not right Marching

Take your SS hat off
marchingontogether said:
Mr Wood...Lynott

I asure you both that it has nothing to do with DJS not agreeing with what I say.

He makes excellent points at times and is certainly entitled to his opinion - the problem is to do with the patronising and insulting way DJS puts he points across to me.

with all due respect, i don't know about this, marching. if everyone who acted condescending at times was banned from this forum, there would be a lot more tumbleweeds and crickets chirping. if djs was ever offensive to you in a completely inappropriate manner, i'd love to see it (ie: using racist, sexist, etc speech). otherwise, this seems greatly excessive...
