Huw Edwards | Charged with making indecent images of children

He's been named officially. More allegations
He’s having hospital treatment? Presumably depression plus this trauma. All the best to him regardless of what has happened, it sounds like he’s got a lot of demons to deal with.
So he's done nothing illegal but The Sun has basically ruined his life and he's now suffering from severe mental health issues because of all this. Jesus, that paper has done so much harm to so many people.

I hope he recovers and finds some peace.
So the Sun knowing they couldn't run with the story because it wasn't really in the public interest, man buys porn essentially, decided to make up a criminal aspect to the story ?

I fecking hate The Sun.

Please let this lead to their downfall. They're truly evil.
Oh wow, hadn't realised he's been receiving treatment for severe depression.

Makes the decision by the Sun to publish this even more scummy, given that apparently nothing illegal has gone on.
So with what we know the Sun have outed someone suffering from depression without their permission. That's low even for the Sun.
Takes a being in a serious fecking condition to get sectioned. I hope this is the end of The Sun, shit rag that it is
To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.
To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.

If all he's done is pay for porn then is that really a big deal?

Maybe for his wife it is, but it definitely isn't something the public has a right to know about surely?

He's not an MP or anything. And even then I'm not sure privately paying for porn is something we should be made aware of.
To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.
To be fair...that excuses nothing that happened in the last few days.
To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.
It's mad isn't it, like you'd nearly wonder if he was suffering from some mental condition or something.
If all he's done is pay for porn then is that really a big deal?

Maybe for his wife it is, but it definitely isn't something the public has a right to know about surely?

He's not an MP or anything. And even then I'm not sure privately paying for porn is something we should be made aware of.
I find the gap in age a bit sleazy i guess. But its none of my business at all.
So with what we know the Sun have outed someone suffering from depression without their permission. That's low even for the Sun.
If the S*n can lie about the deaths of innocent children, claiming that they were a feral football mob, then there's nothing those sub-human scum won't do.

To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.
Nah, there's no other side to this story. No balancing act needed. A closeted gay man, at least publicly, who has spoken about his issues with depression in the past, has been made the center of a smear campaign built on lies by that fecking newspaper. There was zero public interest story here and no reason for those cnuts to even bring it up in the first place.
If all he's done is pay for porn then is that really a big deal?

Maybe for his wife it is, but it definitely isn't something the public has a right to know about surely?

He's not an MP or anything. And even then I'm not sure privately paying for porn is something we should be made aware of.
I agree. Let the man get his treatment and get on with what is left of his life.
Must be so shit being famous sometimes.

I think it’s time for people to stop apologising for shit and just lean into it.
Who cares if the bloke is gay and pays for pictures or porn, as long as it's from other consenting adults. The Sun really are a different breed of media scum, saying that 99% of publications are run by scum like Murdoch and JP Morgan.
Fukk the Sun.

I can't help thinking the bbc could have come out much more strongly and shut this down. But that's not what the tory leadership wanted. At least we're not talking about Johnson.
I find the gap in age a bit sleazy i guess. But its none of my business at all.

Yeah fair enough, maybe for his wife it is hurtful to find out he's done this. Or maybe she knows and is ok with it. It's their private life and it's not for us to demand how they deal with things like that.

The major issue with this all was The Sun inventing a criminal aspect to it. The story wasn't just BBC presenter pays for porn, they added the stuff about the person being "vulnerable" and underage to really twist the knife.

As others have said, it just comes across as a disgusting homophobic attempt to ruin someone's life and also try and fatally wound a BBC already on it's knees.
Just as I said, total non issue made into a big one by press and people just being idiots. Who gives a feck if he bought porn/images/whatever. Happens every day.
There was a question about him on yesterday’s episode of the chase. I can’t remember it, it was something like ‘who is the main welsh presenter on BBC News’ or something and Huw Edwards was the right answer. I wonder if ITV deliberately chose that episode to run?
Terrible by the sun. Surely he gets to sue them into oblivion. Everywhere he goes people will be mocking him because of it.
Huge amounts of money and doesn't come across well treating his wife that way but the way The Sun painted this story as a lot more than it was. Immoral and a bit weird so no issue with the story itself just felt it got overblown and the embarrassment levels are a bit unneeded.
The quicker this country gets rid of The Sun, the better. Actual feckers. Just horrible, horrible people who want to make the whole world rancid.
To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.
What specifically do you think he should not have been doing?
The bit yesterday where the BBC were trying to throw him under the bus with their 'a second young person says he threatened them' that they don't seem to have felt the need to elaborate on - that's quite an important part of what's gone on here, to me, and I feel is starting to get forgotten.
The Sun are just providing what the people want. Same as The Daily Mail.

As much as I hate to say it, that is the cold hard truth.