Huw Edwards | Charged with making indecent images of children

The Sun newspaper printed inappropriate images of a girl under the age of 18 on the 3rd page of their shit rag in the 1980’s.

I’m not sure the parents should have communicated in any way with The Sun or any of their journalists.

Aside from that, what a mess.
Today on NonceWatch I learned that crackhead is no longer an acceptable term.
So basically, The Scum wanted to do a good old fashioned "wow, guess who's gay?" outing story, but that doesn't really fly in the current century, so they've just tacked on vague, spurious illegality accusations so they can claim public interest for their shitrag gossip bullshit.

Is that about the size of it so far?
This is really, really pathetic. A man likes other men - scandal.

What awful cnuts we are for creating this society. It's more divided, judgemental and petty than it's ever been.
So basically, The Scum wanted to do a good old fashioned "wow, guess who's gay?" outing story, but that doesn't really fly in the current century, so they've just tacked on vague, spurious illegality accusations so they can claim public interest for their shitrag gossip bullshit.

Is that about the size of it so far?

:lol: Pretty much.

With the very modern addition of assorted hasty conclusions and terrible hot takes on Twitter.
So basically, The Scum wanted to do a good old fashioned "wow, guess who's gay?" outing story, but that doesn't really fly in the current century, so they've just tacked on vague, spurious illegality accusations so they can claim public interest for their shitrag gossip bullshit.

Is that about the size of it so far?
Unless something else breaks in this story then that’s exactly what it seems to be. With the added bonus of BBC News joining in with the sun for good measure.
Question I would be asking is, who's paying for this kid's lawyers? Seems strange that they've apparently got top representation.
Agreed. It's the only thing that makes me wonder if he has been paid off to keep quiet. Seemed like quite an abrupt change of direction in the story, all of a sudden yesterday.
When I said he was a threatening pedo menace that hooked a child on crack in exchange for child abuse images, what I meant was that he left his house during lockdown, maybe, I haven't actually checked.
This is a shit show and it feels like the anonymity of it all has only made the eventual reveal all the worse for the presenter involved. As well as all of the colleagues going through accusations on twitter. Hope the Sun are made to pay damages somehow for this shitstorm they’ve brewed up if it all turns out to have nothing illegal involved.
What a fecking joke The Sun newspaper is. You can only hope it dies out along with its core readership over the next twenty years.

Only the Caf’s resident Centrist dad could come up a take as terrible as the BBC destroying itself in an attempt to pander to a slavishly evil Murdoch led Tory government is doing a good job because it annoys the left as much as it annoys those even further right who think it isn’t destroying itself quick enough, tbf.

The commitment to being a one man Overton window is at least perversely admirable.
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I'd guess this still has legs as we still don't know what is going on.

The parents: Are they on the make or just doing anything they can to get their child off a dodgy path in life?
The 20 year old: Could be telling 100% the truth i.e. nothing illegal to see here. But there are lots of other possibilities give expensive lawyers appearing as if by magic and the unanswered question of what the $35,000 was for/why paid etc
The BBC bloke: May well be he did nothing illegal, morality and ethics aside, but this could still be a terminal career event rightly or wrongly (depending on the final/real story). The best case scenario for him will be career damage or destruction, reputation hugely damaged no matter what and if the bloke was in the closet then there will likely be social and familial fallout as well.

So in summary. We don't know yet and may never know.
Closeted man, who earns a bit, financially supports younger lover who he met online, has battled addiction issues and is estranged from his parents.

What a monster!
I'd guess this still has legs as we still don't know what is going on.

The parents: Are they on the make or just doing anything they can to get their child off a dodgy path in life?
The 20 year old: Could be telling 100% the truth i.e. nothing illegal to see here. But there are lots of other possibilities give expensive lawyers appearing as if by magic and the unanswered question of what the $35,000 was for/why paid etc
The BBC bloke: May well be he did nothing illegal, morality and ethics aside, but this could still be a terminal career event rightly or wrongly (depending on the final/real story). The best case scenario for him will be career damage or destruction, reputation hugely damaged no matter what and if the bloke was in the closet then there will likely be social and familial fallout as well.

So in summary. We don't know yet and may never know.
Seems a bizarre decision on the parents part. Dont see how making their kid a national news story as a crack addict and selling sexual favours is going to help his situation.
Whether he's done something wrong or hasn't, and currently I'm not sure any of this has been anyone's business except for any consenting parties and maybe some effing and jeffing at being threatened personally, that this presenter has had their career ruined and the potential I suppose to break his family life and probably a lot of relationships. Never mind the name not being spoken, anyone with access to Reddit or Twitter can find out the who if not the whys.

One Why we should all be interested in, if it does all come out in the wash that he is innocent of any crimes is how it is morally right for one newspaper that has time and again proved that morals and the law have little to no influence on what they'll do, can be allowed to get away without any or all responsibility to make these allegations.
The Sun is pushing hard to create a public interest defence for any future legal action. They know they went too early on the story and running it despite being aware of denials from the 'victim' himself is indefensible and they know it. It's too late to walk back so they're having to double down

No doubt it went through their legal team but if I were to wager, I bet the lawyers weren't told about the fact the paper knew about the refuting from the young person himself.
Whether he's done something wrong or hasn't, and currently I'm not sure any of this has been anyone's business except for any consenting parties and maybe some effing and jeffing at being threatened personally, that this presenter has had their career ruined and the potential I suppose to break his family life and probably a lot of relationships. Never mind the name not being spoken, anyone with access to Reddit or Twitter can find out the who if not the whys.

One Why we should all be interested in, if it does all come out in the wash that he is innocent of any crimes is how it is morally right for one newspaper that has time and again proved that morals and the law have little to no influence on what they'll do, can be allowed to get away without any or all responsibility to make these allegations.

Maybe it's because I've been rewatching The Newsroom lately, but it's now coming across like this is just another thing that we really shouldn't care about but people care about because this of the juicy details.
Men using Grindr to exchange photos and chat with other men is pearl-clutchingly shocking.
Maybe it's because I've been rewatching The Newsroom lately, but it's now coming across like this is just another thing that we really shouldn't care about but people care about because this of the juicy details.
Yes, I'm sure you are right. I recall Frank Bough from Grandstand losing his job and becoming some sort of pariah because we were told that he liked to go to Swinger Parties and enjoyed watching. Salacious details indeed but whatever we thought of those activities then or now, nobody's business except their own I would have thought.

Only the Caf’s resident Centrist dad could come up a take as terrible as the BBC destroying itself in an attempt to pander to a slavishly evil Murdoch led Tory government is doing a good job because it annoys the left as much as it annoys those even further right who think it isn’t destroying itself quick enough, tbf.

The commitment to being a one man Overton window is at least perversely admirable.
Oh for feck sake Pogue, really?

:lol: Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Seems a bizarre decision on the parents part. Dont see how making their kid a national news story as a crack addict and selling sexual favours is going to help his situation.
I'm sure any good parenting book would always emphasise good communication with The Sun.

At the very least, this gets him a spot on Celebrity Big Brother or I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! (both of which are cheaper than rehab) and if that goes well he could be sharing the ring with Floyd Mayweather in a month or two.
They have done this guy dirty. Doesn't sound like he's done anything illegal. Just outed him and ruined his rep. Probably ruined his marriage as well.
They have done this guy dirty. Doesn't sound like he's done anything illegal. Just outed him and ruined his rep. Probably ruined his marriage as well.

Just the Sun being the Sun, I hope there's a real backlash against it for this.
They have done this guy dirty. Doesn't sound like he's done anything illegal. Just outed him and ruined his rep. Probably ruined his marriage as well.

In all fairness, if he's been sexting other people, he's the one that's ruined his marriage.
:lol: Like shooting fish in a barrel.

I think it has got to the point now where whoever this is (and one name seems to be getting repeated a lot) has to face it head on.

Compare it to the Schofield fiasco, they tried and tried to fight it but eventually it was clear that whether he'd committed a criminal offence or not his career was finished.

So this person similarly, whatever happens now they've been embarrassed by their handling of it and their character has been severely called in to question.

They will have lost the trust of a large proportion of BBC viewers and I just don't see how they can ever waltz back on to the TV and act like nothing has happened.

And for all of Jeremy Vine's faults (I'm far from a fan) he is absolutely spot on in saying that they should just announce themselves now because it's extremely unfair for multiple people to be getting such accusations thrown at them when only one person is responsible, and it's none of them.
In all fairness, if he's been sexting other people, he's the one that's ruined his marriage.
Sort of a bit mad how nobody seems to care how it might affect his partner.

To be clear, I do think the bbc generally do a fairly good job at being impartial (compared to most other news networks anyway) The fish in a barrel stuff was about how easy it is to annoy people by pointing this out. Especially people who spend too much time on Twitter.

I also don’t understand why this specific story would put the BBC in the firing line anyway? It seems to be all about The Sun trying to attack and undermine the BBC. So the bad guys here are the right wing commercial press, not the state funded broadcaster? Unless I’m missing something?