Huw Edwards | Charged with making indecent images of children

This is a sad reflection on the UK. A story which is essentially an issue between a man and his wife is used as a stick to beat the BBC by a repulsive rag run by a reptilian Australian/American, with Tory cheerleaders on the side lines. Even more depressingly, a cowed BBC plays along to their tune by making it headline news on their own channels.
Talk TV is still banging on about it with no remorse. I know it is another Murdoch owned station but Jeez it is too much.

Isabel Oakashott is such a horrible, nasty woman
The bit yesterday where the BBC were trying to throw him under the bus with their 'a second young person says he threatened them' that they don't seem to have felt the need to elaborate on - that's quite an important part of what's gone on here, to me, and I feel is starting to get forgotten.

Didn't the BBC say in their latest statement they were investigating allegations of misconduct in the workplace or have I misheard that? Think issue here is the drip drip effect.

You don't have to be a criminal to be sacked/stood down from TV land given the optics of what he does, Jason Manford got sacked (I think) from the One show years back for sexting.

No wish at all obviously to see him become another Caroline Flack so he needs the time to get the right treatment in privacy and get better. Anthony McPartlin was in that sort of position 5-6 years ago with drink driving and addiction to painkillers and he got a year off from presenting to get things together and eventually made his comeback.
Tim Davie was hired by Johnson after he secured a loan for him. It’s not beyond reasoning that he’s still calling favours in.

Trust me it is. Johnson screwed the BBC over money
Tim Davie was hired by Johnson after he secured a loan for him. It’s not beyond reasoning that he’s still calling favours in.

You've mixed up Tim Davie and Richard Sharp who got the Chairman role.

Tim Davie is (or was) a conservative though.
You see raunchier stuff every week at the community life drawing class. Ooh an old man's bum, shocking. Meanwhile the sun regularly interfere with children's corpses.
this. And not just the Sun, but large parts of the entire press/propaganda apparatus. The sun, after its sister paper, notw, took the scapegoat blame, is just the easiest target.
I think we need another thread name change. it reads as if his wife is making the allegations against him.
Alastair Campbell can feck right off with his fake mental health crap as well. The fact that cnut has managed to go from his "New front opened at BBC" diary on the David Kelly's name was leaked and auctioning off signed copies of the report into his death to rebranding himself as a mental health advocate and it actually work is insufferable.
And for all of Jeremy Vine's faults (I'm far from a fan) he is absolutely spot on in saying that they should just announce themselves now because it's extremely unfair for multiple people to be getting such accusations thrown at them when only one person is responsible, and it's none of them.

Obviously not fair on anyone but assuming he has done nothing illegal the the source this is all down to The Sun running a story they pretty much knew was as best disputed/denied. Not that it was really feasible to avoid his name getting out once this shit storm had happened, it is again punishing someone for being outed by a bunch of cnuts by being forced to make yourself publicly known/confirmed.
The Sun back-tracking now after the damage has been done.


Our work is done here.
Only the Caf’s resident Centrist dad could come up a take as terrible as the BBC destroying itself in an attempt to pander to a slavishly evil Murdoch led Tory government is doing a good job because it annoys the left as much as it annoys those even further right who think it isn’t destroying itself quick enough, tbf.

The commitment to being a one man Overton window is at least perversely admirable.

Kinda sounds like his wife named him in her capacity as 'BBC presenter at centre of allegations'.
To be fair being in such a high profile position he shouldn’t be doing this stuff in the first place, private or not.

Of all the bad takes in this thread, that is by far the worst. There's so much wrong I don't know where to begin.

Just because someone is in a high profile position it doesn't make them immune from being human, making mistakes, or change their feelings, attractions, fetishes and emotions.

What does it matter that he's gay? To his wife and kids it's a big fecking issue, but that's a demon he's had to live with for years. Can you imagine how hard that was for him? Or now for them now they know?

It's private, nothing to do with anyone else yet the Sun push and push regardless. They are scum, the lowest of the low.

How coming out was a demon he had to live with and one he had to discuss with his wife and kids. It certainly wasn't something that needed to be bastardized and broadcast on two beaches
Has he or his wife used the word 'gay' yet? I get why people think it's the most likely explanation, I wouldn't be at all surprised by it, but it kinda feels at best somewhat rude to assume all the 'living a lie' cliches that come with it.
Of all the bad takes in this thread, that is by far the worst. There's so much wrong I don't know where to begin.

Just because someone is in a high profile position it doesn't make them immune from being human, making mistakes, or change their feelings, attractions, fetishes and emotions.

What does it matter that he's gay? To his wife and kids it's a big fecking issue, but that's a demon he's had to live with for years. Can you imagine how hard that was for him? Or now for them now they know?

It's private, nothing to do with anyone else yet the Sun push and push regardless. They are scum, the lowest of the low.

How coming out was a demon he had to live with and one he had to discuss with his wife and kids. It certainly wasn't something that needed to be bastardized and broadcast on two beaches

It doesn’t matter what his sexuality is. What is foolish is that somebody with such a high public profile revealed his identity to strangers, and therefore leaving him vulnerable to scum media like The Sun. A
job like his comes with many many perks (like his 500k annual salary), but also with all the disadvantages of being a high profile celebrity. Nobody forced him to be a high profile newsreader.
BBC Newsnight naturally booked woman beater and man who said he couldn't be a teacher, because he'd definitely try and feck the kids, Rod Liddle to moralise about this tonight.

As a reminder, Rod Liddle said:

“I never found out [what sort of teacher I’d be] because the one thing stopping me from being a teacher was that I could not remotely conceive of not trying to shag the kids. It seemed to me to be virtually impossible not to."
As a reminder, Rod Liddle said:

“I never found out [what sort of teacher I’d be] because the one thing stopping me from being a teacher was that I could not remotely conceive of not trying to shag the kids. It seemed to me to be virtually impossible not to."
To be fair he said he wouldn’t go much below year 10.
Most talented newsreader in years. Shame how it turned out. But he was never sentenced in court so should have been given a second chance
'No criminal case to answer' say the Met. So either he never had indecent photos of a 17 year-old in the first place or the police don't think it's criminal if he had.
Tim Davie was hired by Johnson after he secured a loan for him. It’s not beyond reasoning that he’s still calling favours in.

You’ll have to explain this whole “BBC deliberate self harm” conspiracy theory to me. We’re claiming that they gave this story too much coverage, to distract from other stories in the news? Surely the obvious reason they went big on this one was the need to be seen to not try and hide one of their own from scrutiny? Because we all know exactly what would happen if they were seen to give this story not enough coverage. Where would the sweet spot be? How much coverage should it have got, exactly, to avoid being accused of some sort of malfeasance?
Rupert Murdoch has destroyed this country.
Fecker is not even British.
This is probably one of the rare occasions that Redcafe and RAWK might actually agree on something - that The Sun is the lowest form of pond life
You’ll have to explain this whole “BBC deliberate self harm” conspiracy theory to me. We’re claiming that they gave this story too much coverage, to distract from other stories in the news? Surely the obvious reason they went big on this one was the need to be seen to not try and hide one of their own from scrutiny? Because we all know exactly what would happen if they were seen to give this story not enough coverage. Where would the sweet spot be? How much coverage should it have got, exactly, to avoid being accused of some sort of malfeasance?

Exactly - if anything they oversteered
I wouldn't be surprised if Johnson's mates at The Sun, ran this story and embellished it to cause the most amount of chaos, knowing it would force the BBC into a corner and make them go overboard in their coverage.