Huw Edwards | Charged with making indecent images of children

The Sun are just providing what the people want. Same as The Daily Mail.

As much as I hate to say it, that is the cold hard truth.

Not sure many of us want to know about some news presenter paying for porn.
My guess is The Sun thought the story would snowball and other people would come forward with accounts of his behaviour that would see things reach a point no one would care whether or not they could prove the 'starting at 17' bit.
My guess is The Sun thought the story would snowball and other people would come forward with accounts of his behaviour that would see things reach a point no one would care whether or not they could prove the 'starting at 17' bit.

Aye, felt like them testing the water to see if there was any actual really bad stuff to come out.

I think we had he was rude to someone threatening to out him and he may have broken covid lockdown rules. There's reports of "inappropriate behaviour" with colleagues so I suppose we'll have to wait and see.
My guess is The Sun thought the story would snowball and other people would come forward with accounts of his behaviour that would see things reach a point no one would care whether or not they could prove the 'starting at 17' bit.

More likely they took the parent's word, paid them a few grand, and have doubled down because they don't like being made fools of.
Wonder if we can now get back to news about I dunno, people dying in the world because they've got no clean drinking water or how about Thames Water stealing 14bn from taxpayers...

Nothing like a good witchhunt. Bet there's some out there would enjoy a good public hanging every now and again.
Aye, felt like them testing the water to see if there was any actual really bad stuff to come out.

I think we had he was rude to someone threatening to out him and he may have broken covid lockdown rules. There's reports of "inappropriate behaviour" with colleagues so I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

Has he been messaging a male? I thought that was just speculation in itself
It’s all a bit weird. I’m sure when he feels better him and his family will be able to bring out a statement about what has really happened here.
So no crime has been committed and yet the innuendo by the reporting implied the worst. Even if it is seedy what did go on no one should take lessons in morality by The Sun newspaper. And if it was perfectly legal and consensual then I imagine the possibility of blackmail may have played a part given who he is.
What specifically do you think he should not have been doing?

Revealing his identity to strangers on the internet. He’s a high profile newsreader and should have known better. And I’m not defending The Sun in anyway, they’re the scum of the earth.
They mentioned on the 6 o’clock news there are now complaints from BBC staff of inappropriate behavior.
Now maybe a lot of his behavior can be explained due to a mental illness like bipolar, but he also has to take responsibility for his actions and the hurt it’s doing others like his own family.
If I was a high profile newreader and wanted to end my career, I'd have just called Boris Johnson a cnut and walked off.
If I was a high profile newreader and wanted to end my career, I'd have just called Boris Johnson a cnut and walked off.

Add Rishi, Hancock and Mogg to that list, while also pelting snooker balls disguised as snowballs at prince Andy's bonce.
Channel 4 currently running an hour special on Huw Edwards being revealed. Absolutely mental.
I think we’re all slightly traumatized by this story, every time I’ll think of the Queen passing away I’ll think of Huw Edward’s arse.
I think we’re all slightly traumatized by this story, every time I’ll think of the Queen passing away I’ll think of Huw Edward’s arse.
I've gotta say, I never did quite get why so many people were claiming strong reactions to one of the most boring photos of a man's arse I've ever seen.
I've gotta say, I never did quite get why so many people were claiming strong reactions to one of the most boring photos of a man's arse I've ever seen.
Right? I’ve got raunchier photos of my mates in our group chat ffs
You see raunchier stuff every week at the community life drawing class. Ooh an old man's bum, shocking. Meanwhile the sun regularly interfere with children's corpses.
All that’s left now is for him to do an interview with the Mail where he’s vaping furiously and continually repeating the line “I am many things, but I am not a groomer.”
This country is fecked. People are consumed by the shittest of things,
Maybe the thread title should be changed to gay man outed by the Sun newspaper and falsely accused rather than another BBC wrong ‘un?
I'd be depressed as well if I'd paid £35k for a wank.
Fair play the guy had to do the whole of that Queen is dead AND coronation coverage. That's really depressing..."too much fecking perspective" as they said in Spinal Tap.

In all seriousness I hope the Sun gets nailed to the wall over this. I suspect they thought he would roll over and do a "my private gay torment" exclusive for them.
How can the government let this newspaper run amok?
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Fukk the Sun.

I can't help thinking the bbc could have come out much more strongly and shut this down. But that's not what the tory leadership wanted. At least we're not talking about Johnson.
That's precisely BBCs role in all of this.
Let’s also not forgot folks about “distraction tactics”

this is a very dominant news story, the government are KNOWN to influence distraction tactics in the media in the past, this has that written all over it

Big discussions on how appallingly the BBC have handled this, Big discussions on how disgusting the Sun are, Big discussions on Huw and alleged victims, those are very huge distracting stories too lead much of the public away ie distracted whilst government push through new abhorrent legislation with little media attention or other alteria motives or agendas been fed in other fields
From something so seemingly salacious and scandalous this has suddenly become just very very sad.

Hue Edwards was the last person I expected it to be. Given that there is no criminality or safeguarding issue to answer according to the police, I hope he is safe and in good hands, and I wish him a peaceful and speedy recovery. Depression is an absolute bastard and lord only knows what state of mind he is in.

Feel sorry for the young person too. Seems like they are dealing with demons of their own.

Modern life is so very shitty :(
I feel sorry for the wife as well.
That's precisely BBCs role in all of this.

Do you actually believe that? BBC are blowing themselves up to distract from a discredited ex-PM they don't even like? Words fail...
The Sun are just providing what the people want. Same as The Daily Mail.

As much as I hate to say it, that is the cold hard truth.
The interest was due to it being dressed up as another Schofield. Which I can understand, if you’ve been watching them as presenters day in day out for years and it came out that they were nonces, it’d be strange if you didn’t want to know the story.

The reality is that seems (at the moment) to be feck all like that and the Sun have been a bit liberal with reality
Do you actually believe that? BBC are blowing themselves up to distract from a discredited ex-PM they don't even like? Words fail...
Tim Davie was hired by Johnson after he secured a loan for him. It’s not beyond reasoning that he’s still calling favours in.