Television House of the Dragon (GoT Prequel) - No book spoilers allowed

He didn't, Aemond did? Well, Vhagar did if we want to be precise.

And I don't think dragons are necessarily sacred outside of, say, that weird cult that Rhaenyra has in her basement. They're very much feared and are thought of as gods mostly as they are the god-like beings of that universe but general folk seems to dislike them for the amount of trouble that they bring in (mostly by decimating their livestock). And yes, I remember the "I thought dragons were gods" remark from the crowd when they were parading one's corpse through the streets but I don't think that we need to take it so literally.
I think it was meant to be presented as a dumb idea as they're a symbol of Targaryen power and showing they can be killed reduces the fear and awe they're held in. Messing with the symbolism of picking dragonriders probably weakens them too. Hard to imagine Ulf not becoming a problem in one way or another. I think the show is about a fall from the height of their power and stuff like that will come back to haunt them later.
Corlys' bastard calling him out was a very good scene. Powerful.

I don't understand some things though. It's a finale, put your best foot forward with your best characters and most interesting stories but then they devote a chunk of the episode to the ", you see...." Lannister and Poundland Brienne.

Exactly… so many memorable characters, while here I still don’t know the names of the majority.
I'm having that problem too. I know GoT show backwards, read all the books, know all the characters but this show I'm regularly thinking "What's their name again?" The girl running around the countryside/mountains, I haven't a clue what she's called. Maybe Baela or Vaela.
Do you realize what was happening at the end when Alicent walked away?
I didn't. What did I miss.
What a crap season and boring lore.

Rings of Power can't come soon enough!

Time to reclaim the throne.
The lore is interesting but I'm not sure they're showing it well. RoP is way worse.
This show needs better show runners, seriously is anyone outside of the show runners interested in the alicent and rhaneyra stuff, same with rhaneyra and daemon. Get to the fecking war. Also alicent is just badly written at this point, she does stuff that makes no sense.
Agreed. Making them the same age was a good idea but the show runners seem to think the whole war is just a spat between them. Thousands have died at this stage and it's gone way beyond them. They can't just fix it.
It is amazing how little some of these characters seem to care about their kids being slaughtered.
Rhaenyra got over that way too quickly and Alicent just looks like a monster for being so cruel towards Aegon. Aemond is a monster and a threat to everyone else so I could understand turning on him but Aegon is basically just a drunken moron. Not really bad enough to justify murdering your own kid.
Decent episode but the season wasn't as good as the first. They dragged it too much to set-up the next season.
Episode 9 of every GoT season was always the set piece, episode 10 dealing with the immediate aftermath and setting up the next season. Seems like they've followed the same formula, but for whatever daft reason, they've pushed (probably already shot) episode 9 and 10 into the next season. That could backfire spectacularly if it causes people to lose interest.

Especially now we've seen a shift to TV show seasons coming out every two years rather than every year. You'll lose more viewers than you gain with such a wide gap. Imagine if Game of Thrones seasons were every two years. The last season would be due out next year! Add in the pandemic and strikes, then it would probably be season 7 coming out next year and 8 due in 2027!
Got to be one of the most underwhelming second seasons i can ever remember. Aside from the dragon fighting scene where King Aegon got BBQ'd the rest of the show was atrociously boring. Daemon, this new woman pirate character, Alicent is boring, the new dragon riders are boring. Its light years away from GoT.
I thought I recognised the pirate character's actor. I checked and they're a British youtuber that makes philosophy videos. It's not quite as bad as 10 minutes of Ed Sheersn but it's very strange to see her in the show.
Who stands to gain from taking a Hightower? Baratheons are allies aren’t they with Aemond bringing them a wedding proposal in season 1?

Don’t see the Starks getting involved nor Harrenhall/Riverrun. Targaryens don’t care about him. Who else is left?
I don't know this for a fact but there have been things mentioned about dissenting houses. Won't say more in case it's something I know from before but I was watching a reaction and it was mentioned there. So came from someone not a book reader.
Episode 9 of every GoT season was always the set piece, episode 10 dealing with the immediate aftermath and setting up the next season. Seems like they've followed the same formula, but for whatever daft reason, they've pushed (probably already shot) episode 9 and 10 into the next season. That could backfire spectacularly if it causes people to lose interest.

Especially now we've seen a shift to TV show seasons coming out every two years rather than every year. You'll lose more viewers than you gain with such a wide gap. Imagine if Game of Thrones seasons were every two years. The last season would be due out next year! Add in the pandemic and strikes, then it would probably be season 7 coming out next year and 8 due in 2027!

I had this thought too. I love the books so I'm all in on the show but it's absurd they ended the season on a setup. Exactly like you said they needed a climax epi9 then epi10 aftermath because that formula works.
So two questions about the vision Daemon had - Does he see Dany and think it’s Rhaenarya, who is the savior, cause they show Dany with the three baby dragons first and then show Rhaenrya sitting on the throne and two is Haelena confirmed to be a seer?
What makes TV show bad is not bad writing.

It's more keep it open for further extension and spin off and trying to make things drag in hope of more cash.

Shogun is well made because the material is finished in it's writings, clear ending or at least the way the writer intended is the bad writing mainly.. Ryan Condal and especially Sara Hess (she wrote the finale) are clueless yet very self entitled people that truly believe they are making the source material better. They are not..
None of the acting has been terrible. You're just upset and taking it out on those undeserving.
Level of acting has definitely gone down since VIserys and Rhaenys' deaths and then since Otto's leaving of KL. Those 3, Alicent, Daemon and Rhaenyra (young and old) were the best actors on the show.

In particular Aemond's actor seems like his playing a caricature of the character. Jace actor is awful.

In general I wouldn't say I am as disappointed as others with this season. My main gripe does align with others though. I don't really care about many of the characters. There's just a whole load of depth in the story/characters missing.
On top of all else that has been said so far, some of the CGI in this episode seemed.....noticeably worse than in previous episodes. Especially when Rhaenrya was getting off her dragon at Harrenhall and the armada of ships sailing towards Westeros. Really really noticeable.
I'm ok with the mud fighting / wife impregnation adventures. Some goofy humour to break things up would be welcome enough even if the execution was just ok. Its a bit of a strange show in pacing. Felt quite rushed and like little happened or was established with side characters and glacial and excessive with Rhaenyra, Alicent and Daemon.
I guess you are right about using humor to break things up a bit, but it just felt strange that it happened with Tyland Lannister who has barely been a character so far.
I thought I recognised the pirate character's actor. I checked and they're a British youtuber that makes philosophy videos. It's not quite as bad as 10 minutes of Ed Sheersn but it's very strange to see her in the show.
Damn, I knew she looked familiar! I’m not the biggest fan of her content, there are way better philosophy YouTubers out there but still, it’s nice to see her doing well. Even if that character was basically a Family Guy gag.

I wanted that post to be a positive one and I feel like it didn’t come out that way.
There needed to be some battles in this season to reflect a war rather than just build everything for next season. If they had some more action alongside the storylines then it would have satisfied viewers I think.
So two questions about the vision Daemon had - Does he see Dany and think it’s Rhaenarya, who is the savior, cause they show Dany with the three baby dragons first and then show Rhaenrya sitting on the throne and two is Haelena confirmed to be a seer?
I don’t think anyone can answer those questions with certainty (unless it’s in the books, so still, hopefully, no) but:
1. It’s certainly possible. But even if it’s not, he’s shown that there’s only one way to beat white walkers and it starts with Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne. So I don’t think that this confusion would play a big part in the future but it’s weird that they’ve only shown Dany from behind (maybe they didn’t want to pay an astronomical fee to Emilia Clarke for a 2 second cameo?)
2. Pretty much. She appears in the vision and then, immediately, tells Aemod the future, they’ve clearly wanted us to link these two together
Looking back over the season, there was actually enough going on in the first half.

Episode 1 - Blood and Cheese
Episode 2 - Showdown between Arryk and Erryk
Episode 3 - Rhaenyra sneaks into King's Landing (a bit weak)
Episode 4 - Battle at Rook's Rest

It seems like the only really memorable set piece of the second half of the season was the Red Sowing, which was cool but ultimately didn't lead to much, because none of the dragon claimers did anything afterwards.
Awful last episode. They built up the penultimate like there would be a battle or something with the new dragon riders and then it was a damp squib.

I just maybe needed a classic GoT shock scene. Damian heel turn or something. I was avoiding spoilers yesterday and it was quite easy as nothing was on social media. This is why because feck all happened.
Afraid this show has become background noise to me while I scroll - not very engaging and can't believe that 90 minute episode had so little happen. The drop in acting quality as the main cast has somewhat changed during the season has been noticeable too. Finished the season feeling that I wouldn't have missed a lot if I didn't bother.
Alicent being able to just leave at will with one guy and get on to Dragonstone was such a silly plot device. We're supposed to believe Aemond wouldn't monitor everyone's movements in and out of the city or what?

Also it's hilarious that Daemon pissed about up in Harrenhal all season and all Rhaenera had to do was jump on her dragon, fly up in a few hours and ask him what he was doing :lol: Like why not do that much earlier?
Also it's hilarious that Daemon pissed about up in Harrenhal all season and all Rhaenera had to do was jump on her dragon, fly up in a few hours and ask him what he was doing :lol: Like why not do that much earlier?
Cause there was no news of him planning a coup so she felt she didn’t need to. Also this was a chance to see how he actually will do instead of “babysitting” him. So as soon as she heard the news she felt it was time to confront him to put this thing to bed one way or another.
Cause there was no news of him planning a coup so she felt she didn’t need to. Also this was a chance to see how he actually will do instead of “babysitting” him. So as soon as she heard the news she felt it was time to confront him to put this thing to bed one way or another.
Good thing he had that vision just in time. Could have been awkward otherwise.
Alicent being able to just leave at will with one guy and get on to Dragonstone was such a silly plot device. We're supposed to believe Aemond wouldn't monitor everyone's movements in and out of the city or what?
Cause there are secret passages in and out of the castle? And when you’re only one person it easy to disguise yourself as small folk. Aemond also told her her service wasn’t needed anymore so why would he give a shit about what she does or where she goes?
Alicent being able to just leave at will with one guy and get on to Dragonstone was such a silly plot device. We're supposed to believe Aemond wouldn't monitor everyone's movements in and out of the city or what?

Also it's hilarious that Daemon pissed about up in Harrenhal all season and all Rhaenera had to do was jump on her dragon, fly up in a few hours and ask him what he was doing :lol: Like why not do that much earlier?
There are tons of hidden tunnels, entrances etc. in King's Landing, it's been established in both House of the Dragon and GoT. I mean, rat catchers could enter Aemond's bedroom pretty much directly from the street, the security options there aren't exactly top notch.

Getting to Dragonstone without a dragon would be more difficult I'd imagine. You'd have to somehow evade the Sea Snake's blockade (which wasn't the issue for Raenyra when she sailed in the other direction)... I'd imagine that they'd hire some local fishermen and wouldn't travel on a small boat alone (useless Alicent and her guard who is unlikely a very skillful sailor) but it's still a bit of a stretch.

And while the entire Daemon's plot line this season was genuinely horrible you seem to have missed the key moment that influenced his decision... I wouldn't blame you if you fell asleep during the 137th scene of Daemon talking nonsense with the witch but it was his vision (that included the white walkers and some minor GoT spoilers) that secured his allegiance to Raenyra, not her visit. The implication is if she had visited him sooner, he would've likely told her to feck off.
Alicent being able to just leave at will with one guy and get on to Dragonstone was such a silly plot device. We're supposed to believe Aemond wouldn't monitor everyone's movements in and out of the city or what?

Also it's hilarious that Daemon pissed about up in Harrenhal all season and all Rhaenera had to do was jump on her dragon, fly up in a few hours and ask him what he was doing :lol: Like why not do that much earlier?

This was quite dumb to me honest. There was so much build up and then we're honestly just back to square one in a way + a future vision scene. It really feels like that while plotline was wasted this season.
Cause there was no news of him planning a coup so she felt she didn’t need to. Also this was a chance to see how he actually will do instead of “babysitting” him. So as soon as she heard the news she felt it was time to confront him to put this thing to bed one way or another.
I still recall quite a few moments throughout the season where she was questioning what the hell he was doing up there, though, it's just hilarious that she could easily have gone and visited, if she wanted, rather than leave it all so open.
So two questions about the vision Daemon had - Does he see Dany and think it’s Rhaenarya, who is the savior, cause they show Dany with the three baby dragons first and then show Rhaenrya sitting on the throne and two is Haelena confirmed to be a seer?
  1. I'd have to rewatch, but I don't think it's necessary for him to think it's Rhaenyra in order to have his revelation.
  2. She's been prophesying since she was a kid in S1, it just wasn't always obvious due to it being veiled in mumbles and riddles...typical prophet. Her and Alys (sp?) - Daemon's muse this season - clearly have some sort of magic in them.
  1. I'd have to rewatch, but I don't think it's necessary for him to think it's Rhaenyra in order to have his revelation.
  2. She's been prophesying since she was a kid in S1, it just wasn't always obvious due to it being veiled in mumbles and riddles...typical prophet. Her and Alys (sp?) - Daemon's muse this season - clearly have some sort of magic in them.
But why was Haelena narrating in his vision?
Alicent being able to just leave at will with one guy and get on to Dragonstone was such a silly plot device. We're supposed to believe Aemond wouldn't monitor everyone's movements in and out of the city or what?

Also it's hilarious that Daemon pissed about up in Harrenhal all season and all Rhaenera had to do was jump on her dragon, fly up in a few hours and ask him what he was doing :lol: Like why not do that much earlier?
I think the whole idea was for D to spend months/years there and basically find himself. Which he did and recommitted to the Queen