Gaming Horizon Forbidden West (PS4/PS5)

any idea how the aim assist works? I mean, does it just aim for bodies of the machines. Would be a pretty hard thing to get right in this because everything is fine margins. Wonder if it locks to parts you "tag"

It's just a bit more forgiving with the precision required to hit specific parts in my experience. I hate aiming with a controller so I have no qualms cranking up aim assist.

I've found the combat far more rewarding in Forbidden West compared to Zero Dawn, which I eventually got frustrated with and stopped playing. So far with Forbidden West, I can't get enough. I'm doing loads of side content because the gameplay is fun, and the content is genuinely enjoyable.

Guerilla have taken a decent game and turned it into a great one IMO.
I still can't get over the NPC's you interact with. Every single one is so great. It's such a massive improvement from the first game. Guerilla must have taken the criticism they received over them to heart and really put a lot of effort into making them way more expressive and more like how a real person would behave.

I do think the combat is harder in this one. A lot of the machines jump at you, and I sometimes get hit when I feel like I shouldn't do. It's probably a skill issue, and I'll get better at dodging as I play more. I still really enjoy it. Shooting off their parts and weakening them will always be enjoyable. Exploding those canisters always feels good.
I bought it just now via PSN and whilst its downloading I just came across a video from HDTV's Vincent Teoh in regard to a lot of visual bugs in regard to brightness flickering other annoying visual artifacts.

I dont wanna wait for a patch ffs.
Do the companions hang around for long? I’m at the first caldron. One was annoying as it was, now theres two of the cnuts who just won’t shut the feck up and keep getting in the way. Please tell me they feck off soon?
Do the companions hang around for long? I’m at the first caldron. One was annoying as it was, now theres two of the cnuts who just won’t shut the feck up and keep getting in the way. Please tell me they feck off soon?

I have a feeling they'll stay as it seems to be a theme "you can't do everything yourself". Been mentioned loads in the game so far. Even Gaia.
I still can't get over the NPC's you interact with. Every single one is so great. It's such a massive improvement from the first game. Guerilla must have taken the criticism they received over them to heart and really put a lot of effort into making them way more expressive and more like how a real person would behave.

I do think the combat is harder in this one. A lot of the machines jump at you, and I sometimes get hit when I feel like I shouldn't do. It's probably a skill issue, and I'll get better at dodging as I play more. I still really enjoy it. Shooting off their parts and weakening them will always be enjoyable. Exploding those canisters always feels good.

With the first 2 sentences I was agreeing with you, then realised you didn't mean that they're all bigging themselves up massively every feckin second. "Hi" "hi? Well that's no way to treat a warrior who killed a thunderjaw with a rock"
I'm doing the mission 'The Roots that bind' and my frame is absolutely crashing and burning :( Been fine up to now.
I still can't get over the NPC's you interact with. Every single one is so great. It's such a massive improvement from the first game. Guerilla must have taken the criticism they received over them to heart and really put a lot of effort into making them way more expressive and more like how a real person would behave.

I do think the combat is harder in this one. A lot of the machines jump at you, and I sometimes get hit when I feel like I shouldn't do. It's probably a skill issue, and I'll get better at dodging as I play more. I still really enjoy it. Shooting off their parts and weakening them will always be enjoyable. Exploding those canisters always feels good.

I don’t see this at all. Every single one of them is painful to listen to. I dread any interaction and most of the time just end up skipping it as it’s so awful.

I have a feeling they'll stay as it seems to be a theme "you can't do everything yourself". Been mentioned loads in the game so far. Even Gaia.

That’s very disappointing. So far the characters are the worst thing about the game. Painfully boring, repetitive and obvious. “Don’t let go, aloy.” No shit Sherlock. And there was me thinking I’d wait until I was over the bottomless pit and then let go...

Some of the game is really good and sucks me into it. Then I meet someone and I’m just sucked all the way out with how utterly devoid of any personality or character they have. Especially aloy herself, who seems to want to give us a running narrative on everything she does. If there is an interesting story here, I think I’m going to miss it. Because the characters so far are all painful
I'm doing the mission 'The Roots that bind' and my frame is absolutely crashing and burning :( Been fine up to now.

Mine got absolutely fecked around that time too, restarting the game worked fine. I played around with the poor framerate for a while just out of curiosity, walked near a fire and it went fine for a bit then done the same again not long later, it got to the point where I was probably hitting 1fps :lol:
The side missions are really well done.

Also the voice acting is excellent. The story and dialogue may be a bit clichéd but the actual delivery of it is very well done.
I think they have massively improved the combat on the whole and I’d say 10 hours in I don’t think it’s been unfair. I think my biggest gripe is just the general lack of responsiveness to Alloy when it comes to dodges etc. I’d like it to be abit more instant to really get out of situations more quickly. I feel a little bit too often you kind of get stuck and the camera doesn’t always help in that way either. It’s not a game breaker and overall the combat feels great but I still think they could have made the melee/hand to hand much tighter.
Mine got absolutely fecked around that time too, restarting the game worked fine. I played around with the poor framerate for a while just out of curiosity, walked near a fire and it went fine for a bit then done the same again not long later, it got to the point where I was probably hitting 1fps :lol:
Glad i'm not the only one. I just restarted the game and it was fine. Smooth as ever now :D
I don’t see this at all. Every single one of them is painful to listen to. I dread any interaction and most of the time just end up skipping it as it’s so awful.

That’s very disappointing. So far the characters are the worst thing about the game. Painfully boring, repetitive and obvious. “Don’t let go, aloy.” No shit Sherlock. And there was me thinking I’d wait until I was over the bottomless pit and then let go...

Some of the game is really good and sucks me into it. Then I meet someone and I’m just sucked all the way out with how utterly devoid of any personality or character they have. Especially aloy herself, who seems to want to give us a running narrative on everything she does. If there is an interesting story here, I think I’m going to miss it. Because the characters so far are all painful
Wow you see it so differently to me. This game has some of the most engaging characters I’ve seen so far with exceptional facial animation to match. Maybe just me but I think Alloy is a total boss bi*** and has really grown into her character from the first game. I have actively gone out of my way to chat to everyone and skip nothing so far, hell I’m even reading all the notes and stuff which I can often skip if I’m not engaged. Really good experience for me so far.
Glad i'm not the only one. I just restarted the game and it was fine. Smooth as ever now :D
This was mentioned on one of the reviews. It’s a known bug/issue that is fixed by restarting. Annoying but not the end of the world and will likely be patched soon.
I think they have massively improved the combat on the whole and I’d say 10 hours in I don’t think it’s been unfair. I think my biggest gripe is just the general lack of responsiveness to Alloy when it comes to dodges etc. I’d like it to be abit more instant to really get out of situations more quickly. I feel a little bit too often you kind of get stuck and the camera doesn’t always help in that way either. It’s not a game breaker and overall the combat feels great but I still think they could have made the melee/hand to hand much tighter.

I believe the melee combat becomes better if you put stats into its skill tree. It's certainly better than Zero Dawn from the outset, but melee fighting isn't what you play this game for really. The bow combat feels a lot tighter and responsive this time around.
I believe the melee combat becomes better if you put stats into its skill tree. It's certainly better than Zero Dawn from the outset, but melee fighting isn't what you play this game for really. The bow combat feels a lot tighter and responsive this time around.
Agreed. One thing I haven’t got to grips with whatsoever are the special moves and abilities. I just cannot seem to remember to use them in the heat of battle and more often than not I go back to my tried and tested methods. Need to improve at that as I move forwards.
Just hit level 30 trying to do a few main quests now as I’m over 13 levels above some of them.

Im enjoying it with the amount of healing and resources you can pick up wandering round the map it’s a little easy so far.
Wow you see it so differently to me. This game has some of the most engaging characters I’ve seen so far with exceptional facial animation to match. Maybe just me but I think Alloy is a total boss bi*** and has really grown into her character from the first game. I have actively gone out of my way to chat to everyone and skip nothing so far, hell I’m even reading all the notes and stuff which I can often skip if I’m not engaged. Really good experience for me so far.

honestly, it’s really pissing me off. I’m enjoying the rest for her game, but every time some speaks I feel an urge to just turn it off. It’s so painful to listen to such generic dialogue constantly spewed out at me by uninspired voice acting.

But feck it, everyone’s different. Glad you got a game you liked bud.
honestly, it’s really pissing me off. I’m enjoying the rest for her game, but every time some speaks I feel an urge to just turn it off. It’s so painful to listen to such generic dialogue constantly spewed out at me by uninspired voice acting.

But feck it, everyone’s different. Glad you got a game you liked bud.
Yeh well I hope you find some enjoyment with it anyway. I think the big question for me will be can I get through the entire game with this level of enthusiasm. The open world looks truly massive and if I’m honest abit daunting. I often get burnout in these massive open worlds but I’m just hoping the quality of the voice acting and characters pulls me though. If they can keep me this happy by the end this will go down as an all time classic for me but let’s wait and see.
Agreed. One thing I haven’t got to grips with whatsoever are the special moves and abilities. I just cannot seem to remember to use them in the heat of battle and more often than not I go back to my tried and tested methods. Need to improve at that as I move forwards.

I use the valour ability quite a bit. I have one for improved ranged attacks.

I've spent most of this evening playing side quests. They are very well done. Definitely taken inspiration from Witcher 3 with the way they seem to evolve as you play through them. Some have lead me to some pretty epic boss battles.

The new approaches for Tall Necks is inspired IMO. Each one is it's own individual mission that play out completely different to the others.

I do worry I'm going to end up over levelling but I also don't want to just fly through the main quests.
If anything normal mode feels a bit easy so far but maybe that's because i'm coming off the back of Bloodborne! And I'm only around 6 or 7 hours in.

It's really hitting its stride now, great game, feels like they've improved on almost every aspect of the original whilst keeping it fresh.
If anything normal mode feels a bit easy so far but maybe that's because i'm coming off the back of Bloodborne! And I'm only around 6 or 7 hours in.

It's really hitting its stride now, great game, feels like they've improved on almost every aspect of the original whilst keeping it fresh.

I agree. But I don't know how much of that is down to me ramping up aim assist.
I agree. But I don't know how much of that is down to me ramping up aim assist.
I haven't, I found it tough at first but getting used to it now.

I played the first on PC last year though and it was sooooo much better with keyboard and mouse.
I got a hilarious glitch last night where Aloy got stuck in a melee fighting pose and was invisible skateboarding all over the place.

It happened:
... right at the end of the fight with the Eclipse leader with the ravager

and continued even after I'd loaded from the last save. I had to close the game and restart the console to get rid of it.
I haven't, I found it tough at first but getting used to it now.

I played the first on PC last year though and it was sooooo much better with keyboard and mouse.

I just don't like aiming with a controller.

Years a go I would have felt like I was cheating but nowadays I want the best experience. I don't play on easy but I'm loving the new trend in modern games of the vast amount of accessibility options. Allows you to adjust the game to suit individual playstyles, and overall makes them a far more enjoyable experience.

From what I was told, Guerilla put an awful lot of time and resources into the accessibility aspects, and it really shows. Apparently Naughty Dog were the pioneers within Sony with TLOU2, and now all other first party studios are following suit.
On default settings you have to abuse the slow motion skill constantly otherwise you ain't hitting any of the weak points half of the time.

I changed my valor to the powershot one i've fully completed the hunter skill tree so bow skills are as good as they are going to get.

Haven't explicitly gone out my way to upgrade the Rare + Very rare gear i have, i'm presuming i will come across most of this stuff as i progress through the main quests, i've already seen that the black box quests will be tied into getting the very best gear as you can trade them for legendary resources.

I'll see how it goes if not i'll explicitly go out my way to make all my weapons max level, the only issue with this game is it seems to be hard to work out if you are underpowered or its just the game that takes so long to bring down some of the machines. I presume the latter as it appears you are meant to knock off the weapons of the machine and use them against them as you can melt the massive monsters with that approach.
If anything normal mode feels a bit easy so far but maybe that's because i'm coming off the back of Bloodborne! And I'm only around 6 or 7 hours in.

It's really hitting its stride now, great game, feels like they've improved on almost every aspect of the original whilst keeping it fresh.
I don't know about normal. I'm playing it on very hard. It's been quite a while since I played the first, but I'm sure dodging is harder in this game. There have been many instances when I felt like I dodged an attack, but still got hit.

I have no issue with aiming. You can abuse the slow motion with R3 and jumping quite a lot.

Wow you see it so differently to me. This game has some of the most engaging characters I’ve seen so far with exceptional facial animation to match. Maybe just me but I think Alloy is a total boss bi*** and has really grown into her character from the first game. I have actively gone out of my way to chat to everyone and skip nothing so far, hell I’m even reading all the notes and stuff which I can often skip if I’m not engaged. Really good experience for me so far.
I agree with you. These characters are amazing. If you think they're bad here, you must have thought they were god-awful in the first game. The improvement in animation is absolutely huge.
I know underwater levels aren't for everyone but the the first big underwater mission (I don't know if there are any more, I've only done this one) is absolutely amazing looking. Worth playing the data points too for the background story.
The inventory is so much better.

The way you can categorize resources is a huge improvement. I sort by type so you can glance and know exactly which you can sell off quickly, which are for key upgrades and which are for basic gear or ammo etc.

That was tedious in the first game.
The inventory is so much better.

The way you can categorize resources is a huge improvement. I sort by type so you can glance and know exactly which you can sell off quickly, which are for key upgrades and which are for basic gear or ammo etc.

That was tedious in the first game.

People actually sell stuff apart from the stuff that explicitly comes under the option to sell, hoard everything else myself.
People actually sell stuff apart from the stuff that explicitly comes under the option to sell, hoard everything else myself.

In the first game you didn't have a stash and had to be much thriftier.

I've just done a side quest where Aloy is calling some bird a thief because she wants to pinch sometime from a tower.

Is she for real? Aside from pinching whatever she likes, wherever she likes, she already has 2 of the yokes this girl wants in her pocket, stolen from other towers!
I tried to climb a rock and somehow Aloy got stuck twerking going on and off the ground :lol: was so funny but as soon as I tried to record it, it stopped.
The slow Mo from jumping and sliding is much less than it was in the first game, barely worth jumping or sliding I feel.

Agree with the dodging, you can feel you've had a perfect dodge and still get mashed anyway.
In the first game you didn't have a stash and had to be much thriftier.

I've just done a side quest where Aloy is calling some bird a thief because she wants to pinch sometime from a tower.

Is she for real? Aside from pinching whatever she likes, wherever she likes, she already has 2 of the yokes this girl wants in her pocket, stolen from other towers!

I thought this was weird as well :lol:
40% game completion now nearly half way only done 8 main quests so most of it is unlocking and completing side stuff!
Performance mode IQ is so bad there is no fecking way that's 1800p resolution :lol:

They need to stop with this checkboard solution and just drop the resolution to 1440p and the IQ would be so much better.
That's right Aloy, just blow up their home, endangering every man, woman and child from the blast, ruining their wall which might have been useful for any upcoming invasion in the future and they're sure to follow you after that :wenger: Aloy's plans invariably involve blowing things up to solve any given problem :lol:

Aside from silly plot elements I'm enjoying myself although I have to admit it's the beauty of the world that's holding my attention more than anything else. I'm starting to think i'd like a game where you could just wander these magnificent areas and do something other than the usual open world story/combat.
The background tune / music in this is eerie but very cool at the same time. Decent headphones make a massive difference.