Gaming Horizon Forbidden West (PS4/PS5)

Close the game twice, and open it twice, there's a fix in the background for it apparently, only updates when you open the game, then installs when you reopen it or something I've read.

I think it helped a bit on mine, but the issue is still glaring. I'm considering putting the game aside for now which is gut wrenching given how much I've enjoyed everything else.
I think it helped a bit on mine, but the issue is still glaring. I'm considering putting the game aside for now which is gut wrenching given how much I've enjoyed everything else.

I don't think I've had the issue, had to feck about with a load of TV settings to get it looking right. TV turned off after I'd got it spot on and then when it turned back on everything was bright :lol: messed with settings to then realise the ps5 had docked about with its settings, so had to start all over again.
I think it helped a bit on mine, but the issue is still glaring. I'm considering putting the game aside for now which is gut wrenching given how much I've enjoyed everything else.

The most frustrating thing is that it's worst in the areas where presumably the game is meant to look at its best. Open light spaces with tons of foliage and other detail.

Did help me cheers @One Night Only . I'd actually seen the hot fix last night but assumed anybody downloading the game today wouldn't need to do it. It's still noticeable and affects my ability to appreciate how good the game looks, but initially it feels better. Gonna play some more to be sure.
A lot of impressions said they were down on the game at first and then they turned a corner and it kept getting better. Around 6-8 hours in I think.
I’ll definitely stick with it. It just lacks the wow factor I would’ve hoped for so far.
@Bebe try turning down everything on the dynamic range. If still bad, try hdr off.

Hdr off seems to fix it for me but the game certainly doesn't look as popping generally.

Turning the range down is a good compromise
There's a lot different from the first game

Can set off your own traps, this has bummed me a few times already :lol:

They've taken things away from us which we had in the first game and put them behind skill trees :lol: such as how many traps we can lay. Getting used to some of the backwards stuff is hard for me. I'll get used to it, would have been fine if it was all in first game but memory is tricking me.
I’ll definitely stick with it. It just lacks the wow factor I would’ve hoped for so far.

Gets much better tbh, I'm enjoying it alot more now, just getting used to all the new moves and everything is overwhelming me.

Also, I darent waste my precious materials and shards on stuff I may not need in a couple hours :lol: bollocks to upgrading starter gear.
There's a lot different from the first game

Can set off your own traps, this has bummed me a few times already :lol:

They've taken things away from us which we had in the first game and put them behind skill trees :lol: such as how many traps we can lay. Getting used to some of the backwards stuff is hard for me. I'll get used to it, would have been fine if it was all in first game but memory is tricking me.

This really frustrated me with Miles Morales as I completed Spiderman and started MM immediately after. Having unlocked all the equipment, skills, move sets etc. it was so annoying to all of a sudden be slow and limited. I guess it made narrative sense at least since you were a new person which isn't the case here.

Same with the upgrading gear. Why not just make it so you can dismantle the gear and get all your shards back. Limit them if you want to give weight to the decision but like you, I end up not upgrading anything for ages which makes the game less fun.

To be fair though, these frustrations apply to most games/sequels.
This really frustrated me with Miles Morales as I completed Spiderman and started MM immediately after. Having unlocked all the equipment, skills, move sets etc. it was so annoying to all of a sudden be slow and limited. I guess it made narrative sense at least since you were a new person which isn't the case here.

Same with the upgrading gear. Why not just make it so you can dismantle the gear and get all your shards back. Limit them if you want to give weight to the decision but like you, I end up not upgrading anything for ages which makes the game less fun.

To be fair though, these frustrations apply to most games/sequels.

Yeah, it's definitely not just this game that puts you back to square one without an explanation :lol: just hard to transition.

What is shimmering exactly? Mine was doing this thing when I was moving things were proper colour, but when I stopped, everything when brighter. Is that it?

I put HDR+ mode on on my TV and it sorted it straight out.
Tough crowd. I really enjoyed what I played so far.

I found HZD nice and simple, not 400 different move sets and stuff. Learning new mechanics bugs me, games overcomplicate themselves too often.

This is also using some old BS to cover up gameplay time, using the pullcaster for example, and making missions up mountains for no feckin reason but to make you climb a puzzle wall. Climbing isn't fun.

I'm enjoying FW for sure. Just a few things I disagree with, it ain't ever gonna be my perfect game, but it's not just this game that does it, games as a whole use a lot of BS stuff in them. Don't think I've had a long "follow quest" yet, fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
My pictures been great feck knows what you guys are taking about tbh...
I think it may be certain makes / models by the sound of it.

Most likely. What tv are you playing it on? TBH, I’ve not encountered any problems with the picture or sound when playing on my LG C9 and I haven’t adjusted any of the settings on the tv or PS5.

Really enjoying the game now after a bit of a slow start.
Apparently it's a Samsung thing

Hmm, I've got a Samsung QLED and it's fine with HDR+

Most likely. What tv are you playing it on? TBH, I’ve not encountered any problems with the picture or sound when playing on my LG C9 and I haven’t adjusted any of the settings on the tv or PS5.

Really enjoying the game now after a bit of a slow start.

Samsung, had some issue with colour brightness popping in but sorted it with HDR+. I barely use the Tele tbh, usually on the projector but hooked upto the TV just for this.
Yeah, it's definitely not just this game that puts you back to square one without an explanation :lol: just hard to transition.

What is shimmering exactly? Mine was doing this thing when I was moving things were proper colour, but when I stopped, everything when brighter. Is that it?

I put HDR+ mode on on my TV and it sorted it straight out.
Eh there is a bit where Aloy since she had an incident and lost most of her gear. Is that not enough? ;)
Eh there is a bit where Aloy since she had an incident and lost most of her gear. Is that not enough? ;)
I kind of like how they did that. It never makes sense when you play a sequel and all of your gear is gone. At least they give a reason as to why you lost your stuff.

I understand what people mean when they say the start is a bit slow. I'm still in the starting area, but I'm sure it'll pick up when I get out of it. The biggest improvement I see is with the NPC's you interact with. They don't all dead eye stare you and stand still like they do in the first game. They have some personality and move about a bit like real people do. Animation quality is far better as well.

It also looks beautiful. Even in performance mode.
Really enjoying it so far, has anyone played Strike yet? I'm a sucker for side games like that.
Probably burn all my time playing that.
The biggest improvement I see is with the NPC's you interact with. They don't all dead eye stare you and stand still like they do in the first game. They have some personality and move about a bit like real people do. Animatio
Really enjoying it so far, has anyone played Strike yet? I'm a sucker for side games like that.
Probably burn all my time playing that.
Did the tutorial game. Definitely looks like it has that potential so I'm avoiding it completely :lol:
It was like the first time I played the Witcher, I ended up just getting to Novigrad and then played Gwent constantly and didn't bother with the rest of the game.
The conversations are improved so much! Even the throwaway convos... It's like a movie. I'm talking to everyone!
Loving this. The graphics are incredible and the improvements over the first game are pretty major, the side quests especially are much better (so far).

I usually stick to the main quest but the world has sucked me in I’m clearing full areas before moving on with the main quest line.
Can you spoiler whatever it was to jog my memory? It's annoying me I don't remember now :lol:
She literally says it at the start of the game to Yarl. It’s like a one line “oh something happened and I lost most of my gear, let’s move on” thing just designed to explain as briefly as possible why you have to build up all her gear again I guess.
She literally says it at the start of the game to Yarl. It’s like a one line “oh something happened and I lost most of my gear, let’s move on” thing just designed to explain as briefly as possible why you have to build up all her gear again I guess.

No wonder I missed it :lol: might have to rewatch the start in YouTube anyway as I think I missed a lot of dialogue due to just being amazed at the beauty of everything.
Is there a reason this is being review bombed?

There was some controversy on reddit yesterday as the detail of Aloy's face means she has peach fuzz.

The usual dick heads, likely from r/TLOU2, obviously couldn't hack that. The usual "woke agenda" bullshit was posted. My guess is those pricks have gone on another crusade to review bomb it.

There was some controversy on reddit yesterday as the detail of Aloy's face means she has peach fuzz.

The usual dick heads, likely from r/TLOU2, obviously couldn't hack that. The usual "woke agenda" bullshit was posted. My guess is those pricks have gone on another crusade to review bomb it.

Think it's a slow burner too, first 5 hours wasn't great, turns a corner after that and gets much better.
Think it's a slow burner too, first 5 hours wasn't great, turns a corner after that and gets much better.

The user reviews were very positive initially. Once the "controversy" started the negative reviews started to hit.

There is a section of the Internet that seem to have a serious hatred for Sony exclusives (until they hit PC).

I also assume there'll be a certain amount of sour grapes from MS fanboys.
The user reviews were very positive initially. Once the "controversy" started the negative reviews started to hit.

There is a section of the Internet that seem to have a serious hatred for Sony exclusives (until they hit PC).

I also assume there'll be a certain amount of sour grapes from MS fanboys.

The neckbeards are hilarious :lol:

There should be a site to verify if you've bought a game, only then you can review it. Maybe cross reference with psn / steam / Xbox live to check you've got atleast a couple hours playtime on the game before submitting reviews.

Wouldn't stop it completely, but atleast you'd not be able to review bomb something you hadn't played.
The neckbeards are hilarious :lol:

There should be a site to verify if you've bought a game, only then you can review it. Maybe cross reference with psn / steam / Xbox live to check you've got atleast a couple hours playtime on the game before submitting reviews.

Wouldn't stop it completely, but atleast you'd not be able to review bomb something you hadn't played.

That's why Steam is always the most reliable for user reviews. Obviously that doesn't help Sony at all (for at least a few years until they release the PC version).
The conversations are improved so much! Even the throwaway convos... It's like a movie. I'm talking to everyone!
Agreed. Makes you realise how important this is because at the moment it’s making me so much more invested in the story/ characters. I think I’m going to absolutely love this game!
Agreed. Makes you realise how important this is because at the moment it’s making me so much more invested in the story/ characters. I think I’m going to absolutely love this game!
Well. And. Truly. Next. Gen.

*Gotta make sure you turn off subtitles peeps!