Full Member
My point was irrelevant because you simply didn't want to hear it it seems. Your claim that Ole is a ruthless coach is something I disagree with. If that's beating him with stick in your mind, you should probably take a break from being on discussion forums.
I'm not sure what your point is at all and we are miles off topic.
I was responding to someone who suggested he was a nice guy who wasn't capable of laying down the law in relation to the Maguire situation.
You're now claiming I said he was ruthless.
One of the examples I used of him not being a nice guy was that he moved people on who he didn't want at the club.
You then started talking about two other players who's contracts were extended being less useful than those he got rid of. This seemed completely irelevant to me and even further from the topic at hand.
I then suggested that if you wanted to complain about the manager that you should go to one of those threads and do it there.
You've yet to actually say anything to prove that he is a nice guy who's unable to deal with the Maguire situation.
And then you suggest I should take a break from forums