You push those boundaries mate. The AR just looks evil, full stop. If you listen to the video of the Orlando shootings, you can hear him doing a fine job on Semi-Auto. I can't watch it anymore, it made me sick just thinking every shot you hear is killing or maiming someone. It's just batshit insane why they are still allowed on sale. But, as I, and many others have said, if nothing changed after Sandy Hook when 20 kids got killed, then sadly, I doubt anything will after 100 odd LGBT folks getting shot and killed will.
Trumps argument about people having guns inside the club is just as fecking stupid. Yeah, great idea, allow drunk people to carry guns, i'm sure that will end well wont it? He's a feckwit of the highest order. Also, reports say there were 3 people with guns shooting back at the Orlando killer, obviously none succeeded in killing him, and apparently they won't know if they accidently shot others by mistake until all the forensics and autopsies have been concluded and that could take months.
I never use the R word, but by feck that's exactly what that is right there. Moronic!