Gun control

They're already pretty expensive and, as you say, there are loads out there. One thing I've noticed is that there are two sources of illegal guns that people never consider: those lost or stolen from military/law enforcement and guns composed of parts that are smuggled from manufacturing facilities. It is very difficult for standard gun control measures to have any noticeable effect on these sources.

One thing that could be more effective is controlled access to ammunition. Here in Canada you need a firearms licence to purchase ammo. After 20 years of strict gun control measures, its black market price is staggering, with some estimates putting it at up to $10 or $20 per round for centre fire handgun rounds. But, as you say, with anything gun related in the US, there's just so much already out there it seems impossible for controls to have any impact.
Agree with all of this. :)
Yeah, the Toronto police issued a formal letter to local gun clubs a couple of years back warning members about a recent trend of people being robbed for ammunition. Without a licence it is impossible to source ammo up here. Last time I bought .45 ACP it was about a buck a round but it was the good stuff, you can find plenty at sixty cents a round.
My friends from Toronto got robbed and they opened his gun safe ( he left the keys inside a drawer) and they stole only the shells from his shotguns but they left the guns there.
For the American folks, do you think sweeping and long lasting gun control measures can be enacted without a legal challenge to the Second Amendment? I think it's the real elephant in the room in this debate. America seems to be the only country where the 'Constitution' is so revered and invoked so often in political discourse. To strip the gun lobby of their legal defense, I think a challenge on the interpretation of the 2nd, or a debate over the importance of the Constitution as a whole is needed. It'd take decades to achieve, but wouldn't you rather that than the piecemeal approach at the moment, tempered with politicians' empty promises?
It's not that revered. Only select amendments are truly cared for especially the second when you have a whole industry hiding behind it and pumping billions into lobbying/marketing. Where was the outrage when the 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th amendments were trampled over in the 00's. No one gave a flying fig then because they didn't realise those rights were being attacked because guess what, they don't really give a shit.
I'd love to see an pro-gun control lobby really take off. Obama/Bernie Sanders style during their campaigns. Everyone chipping in $ and then going all out on the media. Its going to take tens of millions of people to do it.
A handful of super rich donors could do it tbh, but they can afford security and that's cheaper than challenging one of the biggest lobbies about.
Public opinion in America is already pro gun control, so if Warren Buffet and Bill Gates threw a few billion into lobbying the movement would have enough behind it.
They say they are pro control but they also have to show it. Get out and in the faces of politicians doing nothing. Voting and stating loudly why they are voting a certain way. etc.
It's not that revered. Only select amendments are truly cared for especially the second when you have a whole industry hiding behind it and pumping billions into lobbying/marketing. Where was the outrage when the 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th amendments were trampled over in the 00's. No one gave a flying fig then because they didn't realise those rights were being attacked because guess what, they don't really give a shit.

The US is a bit backwards in this regard. A document written by a slave state over 200 years ago. Ya, those guys had all the answers. We should base everything we do going forward in the US on what those guys thought.

It's kind of the root of many problems in the US.
Public opinion in America is already pro gun control, so if Warren Buffet and Bill Gates threw a few billion into lobbying the movement would have enough behind it.

Michael Bloomberg's billions aren't enough?
Gun Control will come about indirectly. The representatives being elected will become increasingly left leaning. Social issues will determine who is elected. The Dems will then have more than enough numbers to overrule the lunatics.
Gun Control will come about indirectly. The representatives being elected will become increasingly left leaning. Social issues will determine who is elected. The Dems will then have more than enough numbers to overrule the lunatics.

Gerrymandering will pretty much makes sure that will never be the case. Democrats elected in red states will cater to their base and fold whenever the issue of gun control is brought up.

As for the youths, the percentage of US citizens between 18-35 actually supporting gun control have decreased. They are now split right down the middle just like their parents before them.
I just read a pro-gun comment that went along the lines of 'Accidential shootings are actually under 700 a year. In the vast majority of the cases, simple things like proper storage or training would have easily corrected the issue.'

Under 700 deaths a year is apparently not a lot in their twisted mind :lol:
Also ignoring the fact that a good percentage of guns are for home safety (lol), so would be useless stored away and locked up without quick access to these people.
I just read a pro-gun comment that went along the lines of 'Accidential shootings are actually under 700 a year. In the vast majority of the cases, simple things like proper storage or training would have easily corrected the issue.'

Under 700 deaths a year is apparently not a lot in their twisted mind :lol:
Also ignoring the fact that a good percentage of guns are for home safety (lol), so would be useless stored away and locked up without quick access to these people.

I think the only way you can achieve quick access is through wearing a holster while in your home. Storing a loaded gun in a desk drawer or under a pillow for quick access is a fallacy, in a crisis situation one won't be able to get to it soon enough to make a difference. The firearm has to be within arms reach. A small bedside safe with numeric pad or finger print lock will do for your non waking hours.

The real issue with the quote you posted is that most American gun owners don't store their guns properly or get sufficient training. Most of those 700 dead are kids, too. And still they refuse to act responsibly with deadly weapons.
I think the only way you can achieve quick access is through wearing a holster while in your home. Storing a loaded gun in a desk drawer or under a pillow for quick access is a fallacy, in a crisis situation one won't be able to get to it soon enough to make a difference. The firearm has to be within arms reach. A small bedside safe with numeric pad or finger print lock will do for your non waking hours.

The real issue with the quote you posted is that most American gun owners don't store their guns properly or get sufficient training. Most of those 700 dead are kids, too. And still they refuse to act responsibly with deadly weapons.

Punish the owner severely. Even if they just lost a child to an accident. Is that an option?
Punish the owner severely. Even if they just lost a child to an accident. Is that an option?

I fully agree, but it seems that police are reluctant to press charges in most instances. They generally say something along the lines of they have suffered enough etc.
If the danger of loosing a child is not enough to make them store safely I'm not sure a fine or prison will make any difference

People don't think of those consequences, (losing a child due to careless storage) unfortunately. It is, after all, a fairly rare event. That being said a fine and firearm confiscation might make them think. Seems the threat of losing a gun is the only thing that gets a reaction from most.
People don't think of those consequences, (losing a child due to careless storage) unfortunately. It is, after all, a fairly rare event. That being said a fine and firearm confiscation might make them think. Seems the threat of losing a gun is the only thing that gets a reaction from most.

I can see a situation should the Supreme Court change and lean left, where it will take up cases against gun manufacturers and support districts that draft stronger gun control laws.
I can see a situation should the Supreme Court change and lean left, where it will take up cases against gun manufacturers and support districts that draft stronger gun control laws.

I don't know, that seems silly. Unlike big tobacco, who knowingly concealed the danger of their product and secretly made it more addictive, it's pretty obvious guns are dangerous. Holding the manufacturers responsible for tragedies is a stretch in my eyes.

I haven't bought a gun in a long time (:() but they come with a glut of warnings and information on gun safety that meets or exceeds what is presented in the Canadian Firearms Safety courses, I'd have to assume that their lawyers feel these offer sufficient legal protection.
I don't know, that seems silly. Unlike big tobacco, who knowingly concealed the danger of their product and secretly made it more addictive, it's pretty obvious guns are dangerous. Holding the manufacturers responsible for tragedies is a stretch in my eyes.

I haven't bought a gun in a long time (:() but they come with a glut of warnings and information on gun safety that meets or exceeds what is presented in the Canadian Firearms Safety courses, I'd have to assume that their lawyers feel these offer sufficient legal protection.

Obviously I am not familiar with such. But I was thinking of this last case this court heard. Here is a link:

I hope in the future we see a Liberal Court rulling in favour of stronger gun controls.
I also don't get this new argument re: manufacturers and comparing them to bar owners who sold alcohol to drink drivers. Surely they should be targeting those people selling guns? Otherwise it would be like going after Heineken etc.

at least here in Minnesota I don't feel people are crazy. pretty laid back and we all seem to get along.

Seconded. Never concerned, even when refuelling at some pretty sketchy gas stations in Minneapolis/St. Paul at 3am.

Indiana, on the other hand....
I live in St. Paul. very near Highway 61 (Revisted) ;)

you want to avoid North Minneapolis thou. Otherwise...yeah...great state.

Indiana...You thinking of Gary?

Yes! Stopped for gas around there once, will never do it again.

I'll have to remember to take the 694 next time I pass through!
I can see a situation should the Supreme Court change and lean left, where it will take up cases against gun manufacturers and support districts that draft stronger gun control laws.
You are desperate to see USA with a left government do you? Obama almost got us there but I see changes in the future because the words 'left' and 'socialism' scare too many people, also why the countries with socialism governments have more corruption than the rest?
You are desperate to see USA with a left government do you? Obama almost got us there but I see changes in the future because the words 'left' and 'socialism' scare too many people, also why the countries with socialism governments have more corruption than the rest?

Obama is the most conservative of our last 3 democratic presidents. The Affordable Health Care law is a republican law that he simply adopted. That is an indictment of the entire congress...both Republican and Democrat who are bought off by Health Insurance companies and Big Phrma. And though I use the word 'left' we are far from being a socialist country. Heck Hillary Clinton is in bed with the banks. I probabaly agree with 90% of what Bernie Sanders says. Its not impossible for him to win. But even if he did he will be fighting this huge mountain of power that is Washington. Greed and Power.

As for 2016, it will be very unlikely for a Republican to win. They just don't have the numbers. Huge demographic changes are in play.

Do you seriously believe this country is not corrupt? Stop just listening to one view (FOX) and look at other information out there.

Being left or right is relative. Our left may be right to the Torries....though Cameron is running hard to meet the GOP. ;)
Sweden or Denmark isn't more corrupt than 'murica. Socialism/Capitalism doesn't decide the level of corruption anyway. Lack of political exercise by the masses and economic disadvantage do.

And the Trumpster is going to town. No more gun-free zones.

Portugal, Spain and France for example, socialism always brings those countries almost to the ground and people been ignorant keep voting for them
Portugal, Spain and France for example, socialism always brings those countries almost to the ground and people been ignorant keep voting for them
If you think socialism is the reason those countries are in the dump then maybe the best thing to do is turn off Fox News.

Political ideologies don't decide the economic and social wellbeing of any nation. However, generally speaking, the right represents the capitalists, who by and large have a negative effect on the economic advancement of the population as a whole. The American Democratic Party will have to veer left for decades to even remotely resembles the socialist parties in the Scandinavian. McCarthyism is, sadly, still affect the electorate.
They're already pretty expensive and, as you say, there are loads out there. One thing I've noticed is that there are two sources of illegal guns that people never consider: those lost or stolen from military/law enforcement and guns composed of parts that are smuggled from manufacturing facilities. It is very difficult for standard gun control measures to have any noticeable effect on these sources.

One thing that could be more effective is controlled access to ammunition. Here in Canada you need a firearms licence to purchase ammo. After 20 years of strict gun control measures, its black market price is staggering, with some estimates putting it at up to $10 or $20 per round for centre fire handgun rounds. But, as you say, with anything gun related in the US, there's just so much already out there it seems impossible for controls to have any impact.

One of the largest sources of illegal guns are robberies/burglaries of home kept guns, guns shops, security firms and shooting ranges. I think I have a solution there. :)
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If you think socialism is the reason those countries are in the dump then maybe the best thing to do is turn off Fox News.

Political ideologies don't decide the economic and social wellbeing of any nation. However, generally speaking, the right represents the capitalists, who by and large have a negative effect on the economic advancement of the population as a whole. The American Democratic Party will have to veer left for decades to even remotely resembles the socialist parties in the Scandinavian. McCarthyism is, sadly, still affect the electorate.
I'm Portuguese I know what socialism did to Portugal.
If you think socialism is the reason those countries are in the dump then maybe the best thing to do is turn off Fox News.

Political ideologies don't decide the economic and social wellbeing of any nation. However, generally speaking, the right represents the capitalists, who by and large have a negative effect on the economic advancement of the population as a whole. The American Democratic Party will have to veer left for decades to even remotely resembles the socialist parties in the Scandinavian. McCarthyism is, sadly, still affect the electorate.
Why the Americans want to veer left when still the richest country in the world with more opportunities than the entire Europe? People here if they work they basically own a house and a car not like in Europe where people have to rent and use public transportation.
Why the Americans want to veer left when still the richest country in the world with more opportunities than the entire Europe? People here if they work they basically own a house and a car not like in Europe where people have to rent and use public transportation.
Not anymore buddy, the next American generation is fecked and is quickly realising that almost everything is owned by an ever smaller number of people. You're making the mistake of thinking that your experience of America will always be true and will apply to everyone, when everything suggests the contrary.