Gun control

Don't think so.

@Dr. Dwayne ?

Nah, it's not something you'd want to rely on because it's one more part that can fail and render your rifle inoperable. The inventor of modern bump stocks claims it was to help people with limited hand mobility use rifles more effectively but if you can squeeze the trigger on a semi automatic rifle once you don't need any additional assistance. For me its sole purpose is to recreate the feeling fully automatic fire for semi-automatic rifles, it's a shits and giggles accessory at best.
Yay, more and better ways to massacre children. The NRA should rate every gun by an xCK (expected children killed) score. Might as well put it in the open how little gun owners care about kids. Be proud!

Still under investigation, but there was a group of teens in a car involved, all with guns.. where are the parents and how are they getting these guns?

It's tough in the states. Despite California having stringent gun control all you need to do is drive a few hours to NV or AZ and you probably have a much easier time getting a gun. Then there's the issue of careless storage, too

I'm sure there's a fair bit of internal trafficking, as well. We get plenty of guns smuggled up here. Estimates are as many as 90% of guns used in crime in Canada were smuggled in from the US.
America, where laws against bearing arms are tyrannical, but laws against bare arms are just fine.
No sidewinding, bushwhacking, hornswoggling cracker crocker is going to take my AK-47 away!

Gabby Bogtrotter
Surely illegal in California, too, what with that pistol grip and 30 round magazine? (Not that it matters if you can just drive to NV or AZ and get one anyway).

Whatever. It’s not a Republican or Democrat issue. People of all political persuasions own the little metal child killers and would let any number of children die to keep them. If you own a gun, regardless of politics, you are part of the problem. Still waiting for anyone to tell me I’m wrong.
Whatever. It’s not a Republican or Democrat issue. People of all political persuasions own the little metal child killers and would let any number of children die to keep them. If you own a gun, regardless of politics, you are part of the problem. Still waiting for anyone to tell me I’m wrong.

It's undeniable that it's worse in red(neck) states.
Maybe but these states also have small populations, it's not a Republican vs Democrat thing, it's an American thing

I agree completely with that mate. Though I'm sure it will be harder to force any positive change upon the red states compared to the blue states.
I agree completely with that mate. Though I'm sure it will be harder to force any positive change upon the red states compared to the blue states.
Never going to happen, politicians like their jobs too much
Does the gun exist for literally any other reason than being able to kill more people quicker?
Good question. Still waiting for gun owners to defend their ownership with any reason other than "Second Amendment!" and "Freedom!". You would think that people would be proud of their ownership and enthusiastic in defending it. Yet silence.
Good question. Still waiting for gun owners to defend their ownership with any reason other than "Second Amendment!" and "Freedom!". You would think that people would be proud of their ownership and enthusiastic in defending it. Yet silence.
Criminals have them so we need them to defend ourselves, and of course we need an AR-15 to shoot Bambi
Criminals have them so we need them to defend ourselves, and of course we need an AR-15 to shoot Bambi

The only solution to a bad Bambi with a gun is a good guy with an AR-15

Just a question for the "need to protect myself" people. The leading cause of death in men in the US is heart disease. How many gun owners also own an AED?
Just a question for the "need to protect myself" people. The leading cause of death in men in the US is heart disease. How many gun owners also own an AED?
And the leading cause of death by a firearm is suicide