I can't for the life of me fathom why after seeing so many people die on a daily basis and after tragedies like Sandy Hook where small children were executed at school, that anyone could moan about gun control or how anyone could be as ignorant, deluded and selfish to argue that their rights to own ridiculously powerful weapons supersedes the rights of the rest of us and our children to walk around safely without the fear of being shot by anyone. I'm not ignorant, deluded or selfish. The Sandyhook shooting could've been prevented. The shooter stole the guns. The shooter had a strong pysch case against him that should've prevented him from even being outside a hospital. Let's solve these issues without taking away from law-abiding gun owners right to protect themselves.
The UK had two mass shootings and we banned guns. Shock horror we haven't had one since. Australia, had one, banned guns, everyone kicked off but they haven't had one since. A lot easier to ban guns on an island. Again, I'll say this again: If you could guarantee that ALL guns disappeared, then I'd agree that the world would be a far safer place! Until then, I'd like the option of defending myself.
The 2nd amendment argument is bullshit. There is only ONE reason why guns are not banned in the USA and It's exactly the same reason why they don't have universal free healthcare. Selfish people with too much interest in MONEY! the argument is bullshit, says you. Again, it's not selfish to want to protect yourself! Are celebrities and politicians selfish? I think you're a bit selfish for wanting my rights to be taken away!
As with everything, it's all about the Benjamins and I just feel pity for the pawns who believe It's their rights that matter. However I feel far more sorry for the families who have to deal with the needless death of loved ones every single day.It's not about the $$. It's about personal rights and responsibilities.