Greenwood and Foden kicked out of England squad for bringing girls into hotel room

I'm happy with the apology and how our club handled this, compared to how our neighbours hung their boy out to dry before they even landed.

Jesus. If it's all the same to you, I'll drive that tanker.
His friendship with Foden is a big concern though. If the can get seduced by these girls so easily he will be under threat from Pep too.
All that oil money will be seducing him too and he might push for a move across town.
I think this could be the best thing that could have happened to Greenwood. He's at a really key point of his development and getting lots of plaudits from all angles. Getting picked for tbe England squad was premature in my opinion.

This will hopefully focus him and keep his feet on the ground.
I think I am just irked that he was fraternizing with a City lad more than anything.

If I recall correctly Wazza's best mate on England duty was Ashley Cole. Club loyalties are out the window in international camps, and you'd have to say rightly so.

I take your point though, I only hope Mason's drip-feeding poison about how little Pep rates Foden so he'll consider sneaking across town.
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Can only imagine the journos are sexually frustrated middle aged men given how OTT they are acting.

Not only journalists, some of the posters too.

Yeah, they young players made mistake, they are punished for it and apologized. fecking move on.
Yes he made a mistake. At no point have I said he should be excused because he's 18; that belongs firmly in your imagination.

Being young somewhat mitigates the situation. That doesn't mean what he did wasn't wrong. It doesn't mean he shouldn't be punished. Are you really incapable of understand that difference? Or will you continue to plug away at your strawman?
That's where I disagree. Being 18 doesn't mean his mistakes less dangerous or less stupid.
And as you're very eager to show me that it's a straw argument, show me where I want him to behave a like a "mary sue" as you point out.
That's where I disagree. Being 18 doesn't mean his mistakes less dangerous or less stupid.
And as you're very eager to show me that it's a straw argument, show me where I want him to behave a like a "mary sue" as you point out.
Yeah, teenagers are notoriously dependable individuals.

I present to you, your entire posting history in this thread. ;)
And don't you think they do this as often as they can. This time they were caught that's the only difference
I'm just suggesting that maybe it's within the realms of realistic expectations to think they can keep it in their pants for one international call up.
Stupid boy. I appreciate Mason is a youngster but the rules are there for a very serious reason.
They did something stupid and irresponsible.

They were reprimanded and punished by club and country.

The national media is hammering them.

They have apologized and are showing remorse.

This is case closed, until one of them does something stupid again.
They did something stupid and irresponsible.

They were reprimanded and punished by club and country.

The national media is hammering them.

They have apologized and are showing remorse.

This is case closed, until one of them does something stupid again.

This isn't a lower league contract renewal! Begone!
His friendship with Foden is a big concern though. If the can get seduced by these girls so easily he will be under threat from Pep too.
All that oil money will be seducing him too and he might push for a move across town.
Oh well, that escalated quickly
Why do people keep excusing them for the girls ? Bringing back girls is not the main issue here although it was breaking the rules

Breaking co vid protocols is the bigger issue and that's why they need punishing .
I was thinking it’s just them being young and daft, and it is, but having thought about it a bit more, what if they caught Corona and then spread it through their club? Could potentially ruin the season and/or cost millions if it affects the final standings.
His friendship with Foden is a big concern though. If the can get seduced by these girls so easily he will be under threat from Pep too.
All that oil money will be seducing him too and he might push for a move across town.

Pep is definitely going to wear a mini skirt during the next derby isn't he?:nervous:
I was thinking it’s just them being young and daft, and it is, but having thought about it a bit more, what if they caught Corona and then spread it through their club? Could potentially ruin the season and/or cost millions if it affects the final standings.

Yes or they could have passed it to the two girls and that could have led to it spreading through Iceland . The protocols were in place for their safety and for people in that country too. It is a serious thing to do and should not be excused as young boys being horny
I was thinking it’s just them being young and daft, and it is, but having thought about it a bit more, what if they caught Corona and then spread it through their club? Could potentially ruin the season and/or cost millions if it affects the final standings.
I don’t think having female company in a hotel away from home is the authoritative issue. I’m sure players have had all sorts of ‘visitors’ over the years and management haven’t blinked an eyelid. At worst that only becomes a family or personal issue if player has a partner who finds out.

The issue is solely about breaking international COVID-19 lockdown arrangements, agreed by 2 Governments, which allowed the players freedom from mandatory quarantine policies. And the potential knock on effects that you have outlined.

The ‘young ones’ angle does not mitigate and actually makes it even worse for me because the rules were flaunted by junior squad members who should be doing everything they can to impress their seniors and management. They are representing their country FFS! Am not sure how anyone can downplay its seriousness.
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It’s quite obvious what happened, isn’t it? A young Mason Greenwood was feeling the nerves a bit the night before potentially his first start for England, but there’s no Rashford around to talk him through it. Phil Foden is his roommate so that won’t help much as Foden is probably just as worked up as he is himself. He can’t call up Gareth Southgate and tell him about his jitters, I mean he wants to give the impression that Gareth made the right choice in calling him up and it’s not too big of a moment.

At this point Mason remembers the wealth of football knowledge on RedCafe so he pays us a visit for that wealth of football knowledge. He can’t make a thread titled, I’m Mason Greenwood please help. It wouldn’t be believable and he doesn’t want the fans to know he’s a bit shaken. So he uses the search function and that’s where discovers the art of attacking the space. Our young Mason is so driven that he wants to make sure he’s ready for the moment at all cost, so he decides to have a late night session in attacking the space. This also shows his leadership qualities as he even brings a club rival Phil Foden along for the late night session.

A few more things. The reason the women have their cameras out is because they knew if they’d get caught no one would believe their true intentions of inviting the fit Icelandic women to their room. The problem was they couldn’t tell these woman that they were planning to attack the space because then the practice wouldn’t be as beneficial, so this is why you get the awkward bit on the phone about what will happen when they sneak into their room. It’s quite surprising that Foden who is managed by Pep had never heard of attacking the space before Mason taught him the ways.

Once they got busted Gareth had no choice but to cover it up because he couldn’t let the other teams know about their newly learned tactic in attacking the space. There you guys have it, the truth and nothing but it.
Now that I think about it, I'm sure Mason's parents and the club keep him on a tight leash. His logic might have been that this was his one chance away from home with none of that supervision, and with a mate as his roomie.

Not to justify what he did, but his actions make a little bit more sense with that context. That said, he really should have been rooming with a more senior player. Poor judgement from both Mason and Southgate.
Some real classy comments in here regarding the girls. The feck is wrong with people?
Why do people keep excusing them for the girls ? Bringing back girls is not the main issue here although it was breaking the rules

Breaking co vid protocols is the bigger issue and that's why they need punishing .

Stupid feckers. Don't get caught.
Why do people keep excusing them for the girls ? Bringing back girls is not the main issue here although it was breaking the rules

Breaking co vid protocols is the bigger issue and that's why they need punishing .

Just imagine if they had partaken practice with the team yesterday morning, and imagine that had resulted in England not being allowed to play tonight against Denmark due to risk of outbreak. Hell would freeze over.
I understand people saying they are young and made a mistake, but at the same time it's a serious lack of professionalism and extremely foolish. They are away with the national team (first call ups I think?) for a period of a week or so, there is a worldwide pandemic and they are asked to stick to guidelines for the well being of not only themselves, but literally everyone else too. They are 18 and 20, not 14/15.

Not arsed at all about them having lasses into their room, couldn't care less about that. But to go against strict guidelines in place for everyone and knowing what has been going on in the world for 6 months now, it really is stupid to do this. Can imagine both the England set up and United being really disappointed in both of them.

Cannot believe anyone is excusing it, "because it's what lads do".

They are young men, supposedly professionals, who cannot follow rules for just a few days, especially now with Covid around.
What is with Footballers and infidelity. I understand fame attracts girls, but these footballers most of the time dump their WAGS for worst ones.
Greenwood's ex - a girl name Robson I believe is much more beautiful than these Reyjavik girls. And the same for Foden.

Stupid boys for such indiscipline on their first senior call up. They seem to be so oblivious of how lucky and blessed they are with all the talent and opportunities coming their way.

Anyway, 4 games out of the squad is a good enough punishment. They'll learn from it.
Iceland has a population of 364,134. I'm surprised it was so easy for them to meet girls or strangers so easily and invite them back to their hotel like that. Apparantely, I heard everyone knows everyone there.

One of the girl, working as model, Nadia Sif Gunnarsdottir told the press she had been talking to Greenwood a couple of daysbefore the match and decided to meet up with him. They also decided that the girls would be the one to book a hotelroom so it seems it was all planned out, badly though.

The other girl was her cousin, Lara Clausen.

According to the swedish media this is.
So, you're saying he's acting irresponsibly and childishly and needs to grow up, quick.
I'm saying he's made a mistake, he will be rightly reprimanded for it, and then we move on. Making mistakes is what every 18 year old does. He's not a 'disgrace,' nor should we have serious concerns because he's being a dopey teenager. Why is that so hard to understand? There's a wealth of scientific evidence available to us, not to mention our own experiences, that tells you teenagers are prone to having the occasional brain fart.
Some real classy comments in here regarding the girls. The feck is wrong with people?

The girls are getting absolutely hammered by everyone back in Iceland
Even abuse from so-called England fans
Some of their social media accounts have been closed, maybe all, not sure about that
No, I think you’ll find that I find that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with him looking some action at his age. Seeing as I was exactly the same around the same age bracket. I’m not sure what’s so bad about guys reminiscing about getting up to questionable behaviour in their formative years and having a laugh about it?
Nothing wrong?

Apart from, being against the rules England were allowed into Iceland, broke Icelandic law and broke the quarantine bubble. Could have adversly affected both England and United.

Not forgetting, it's his first call up, you'd think he would have acted professionally, after all, he's getting paid to be one.