Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

That would be good enough for me I suppose, I've always loved once I finish the game to just drive around and do stupid shit :lol:

Thanks Nick and Rossi too.

Yeah, it's still a good game and worth the money for sure, it's just after all the hype, it comes a little short after the first impressions.
Hadn't been on this for a while, but loaded it up and immediately switched to Trevor - who was eating from a dumpster. Walked around a bit, and managed to get into an argument with a Balla. He shoved me, so I punched him, and watched gleefully on as he sunk to the ground. Unfortunately, he had several homies with him, all now determined to cap a pop in my ass. Except none of them shot me, instead lining up one by one to engage me in good old fashioned fisticuffs, all very politely waiting until I had dispatched their predecessor with my considerable pugilistic prowess. Then, when the police approached, I casually hopped onto the nearby tram and rode off into the sunset.

I love Trevor.
I wasted a genuinely pathetic amount of time on this the other day getting hold of those trucks that carry loads of cars on the back of them, and then leaving them on the railway line in the path of the freight train.

It's excellent. The truck goes flying, all of the cars fly off it and land on other cars, people, etc. Everything explodes. Everyone around panics and either crashes or gets out of their car and runs off.

For some reason the first time I did it seemed to also instigate some kind of gang warfare, while at the the same time the Fire Brigade turned up and started beating some bloke up.

I defused the situation by moving their truck onto the railway line.
I only really discovered the genius of the jerry can the other day. I think you have to use it in a mission but I haven't use it since. So much fun can be had, I created a trail across a street leading to a petrol station, put a few cars in to explode along the way, climbed to a nice vantage point, set the trail off and just watched the destruction.
I only really discovered the genius of the jerry can the other day. I think you have to use it in a mission but I haven't use it since. So much fun can be had, I created a trail across a street leading to a petrol station, put a few cars in to explode along the way, climbed to a nice vantage point, set the trail off and just watched the destruction.

You can light the gas by using a car when it backfires.
I've gotta be honest I stopped playing this less than a month after I got it, at launch... dunno what it is with GTA 4&5. GTA3/VC/SA had me hooked from start to finish but 4/5...
It took me over a year to complete 4 (in bits), dunno when I that will happen wrt 5, although I hear it's quite short.

Game radio, MSX and that dodgy station with Mike Hunt (lol) bring me right back to '01, I still listen to those stations every now and again. In comparison GTA4 was quite forgettable. Probably more to do with nostalgia...
How far through are you afro? As in, what point are you actually upto?

I agree 4 was a disappointment for me, a massive disappointment tbh. 5 Renewed my faith in the series though, awesome game to explore.
Yea it was fun when I was playing it, moreso than 4.... but then I just stopped playing. Didn't even feel the urge to go back...

I think the family had just left me, and I was working wit a bent fed and a movie producer... it's hazy.
Yea it was fun when I was playing it, moreso than 4.... but then I just stopped playing. Didn't even feel the urge to go back...

I think the family had just left me, and I was working wit a bent fed and a movie producer... it's hazy.

You got Trevor yet?
The introduction to Trevor blew me away. I was expecting a lot because everyone goes on about how cool he is, yet was still surprised by just how cool his character was in the first couple of hours after unlocking him. That was what 4 lacked, I thought the gameplay was great on 4, I enjoyed all the missions and all that, but the storyline behind it was a bit dull. It didnt really matter that much to me, the gameplay is the main thing and I have never felt disappointment at a GTA game. I dont think Michael and Franklin are much more interesting than Niko either - so far. Though Im not that far through so they might get a bit more interesting.
The introduction to Trevor blew me away. I was expecting a lot because everyone goes on about how cool he is, yet was still surprised by just how cool his character was in the first couple of hours after unlocking him. That was what 4 lacked, I thought the gameplay was great on 4, I enjoyed all the missions and all that, but the storyline behind it was a bit dull. It didnt really matter that much to me, the gameplay is the main thing and I have never felt disappointment at a GTA game. I dont think Michael and Franklin are much more interesting than Niko either - so far. Though Im not that far through so they might get a bit more interesting.

Pissed off with Trevor's introduction....I was playing episodes from Liberty City before hand and then I see what he does....How the hell can I go back and play it now?!?!
It'll come out on PS4 and Xbox One at the same time as PC version, won't it?
Pissed off with Trevor's introduction....I was playing episodes from Liberty City before hand and then I see what he does....How the hell can I go back and play it now?!?!

Spoiling it, in case someone who hasn't played the game yet comes here...

I simply adored it. Very crude, unexpected and emotional. We're not supposed to be pleased by everything that goes on in fiction, plenty of the greatest films, TV series or books ever left a sour taste by hurting characters we like.

In this particular case it set the tone for Trevor becoming one of the most memorable characters in a console ever. Had he done that to some random criminal it wouldn't have the same impact. By doing it to someone that actually meant something to fans of the series, it made us understand what kind of character he was from the first time we took control of him.

I like role-playing in games, staying in character, it makes the experience so much deeper to me. I do that with every game. With Michael and Franklin I played very much like Niko Bellic, professional and effective criminals not going out of their way to raise unwanted trouble and attention. Ruthless, but only when necessary. With Trevor though, I had the most fun playing any GTA game ever whilst still confining my gameplay to the personalities and stories the game developers laid out for us. He's the only true psychopath in the GTA series, apart from perhaps Tommy Vercetti, though in PS2 games characters didn't have the same emotional depth from later generations.
Back at uni now, really miss this though :( During the Christmas break I played this almost every day, finally managed to finish it, dived into online...good times.
Haven't been on in ages, I remember the most satisfying thing though was sniping some prick over and over again. He actually let out a audible "Arrrrgh feck you !!"

This is all after he tried stealing my car.

Don't feck with my wheels.
I'm just getting to the end of this (have about 9 missions left), and I feel really sad. :( I feel like I've gone on a proper journey with all three characters, and grown to actually care about them, I just don't want it to end really. I don't think I've ever felt like this about a bloody game!....I'm gonna miss these feckers.

I'd love for Rockstar to come up with new strorylines for them that you could download or something, just so you could keep playing with them.
Am I the only one here completely disappointed with GTA 5. My favourite part about the GTAs was to just roam around exploring places but there are barely any enterable buildings in GTA 5.

Where are enterable night clubs, malls, food courts, sports arenas? Come on Rockstar, you are better than this.

I disagree with your main point but I was thinking about your post while playing last night and I agree more enterable buildings would be good. I love how vast the outside area is but it could afford to be, say, 15% smaller or so, and have a few more enterable buildings in the city. I wouldn't say it detracts from the game but it would be nice.
I think they spent a lot of time on trying to get GTA Online going but the ps4 and hackers really ruined that. Hopefully it's the learning experience needed to make a mega next gen game perfect. Not that rock star lack experience but the size of the map with as much going on in an online environment is underrated.
I think they need to take it to another level with regards to immersion and feeling like you're in a living world. I'm not sure how though.
I think they've taken it to another level in terms of giving the characters depth and real personality, obviously with Trevor in particular who is by a distance the best character in the entire series. But as it's gone on I've felt more engaged with Frank and Mike as well.
I think they've taken it to another level in terms of giving the characters depth and real personality, obviously with Trevor in particular who is by a distance the best character in the entire series. But as it's gone on I've felt more engaged with Frank and Mike as well.

Trevor is just such a fantastic chracter, he's clealry the star of the show, and I'd imagine that was the plan. But I think Michael and Franklin are very strong characters to in their own right, and they work well as a vehical to let Trevor steal the show, especailly the 'banter' with Michael, and the building of the relationship with Franklin.
I remember, as much as I enjoyed GTA IV, thinking Niko was quite a boring character, and CJ in San An was also quite lacking in depth. The greatness of the games was not derived at all from the protagonist. I can't actually remember the character in Vice City, I just remember the missions and the feeling it was a step up in terms of the quality of the world around you. I think he was more engaging than CJ but honestly I was so impressed with the game overall I don't think I considered how much more they could do with it.
I think the reason Trevor is so successful is because it actually makes sense to do all the nutjob things you can do in GTA with him.
I think the reason Trevor is so successful is because it actually makes sense to do all the nutjob things you can do in GTA with him.

Yeah thats true. With those little things they've got where someone gets robbed and you can chase the guy then either take the money back or steal it, I usually just take it, sometimes I return if its not a far drive. But with trevor, I take it back, give them the money, then shoot them in the face. Just seems the right thing to do with Trev.
Knifing hookers next to trailer parks :drool:
Just finished the game. Pretty fecking good ending, I feel sad now though :(...I want to play as these three again.
Wait, I've just had a quick look through this thread only to notice that you could have made a feck load of money by investing it at the right time before the assasinations. fecks sake I didn't even twig that :lol:
I didn't do it either, I invested a bit but didn't wait for the big cash-out at the end as it felt unnatural to leave the assassination missions pending. I started another play through with the goal of becoming filthy rich, but after acquiring and experimenting all the expensive stuff in the online game I have no urgency. Will get to it when I really feel like replaying SP again - and I know I will sooner or later, done that with every GTA game.
I didn't do it either, I invested a bit but didn't wait for the big cash-out at the end as it felt unnatural to leave the assassination missions pending. I started another play through with the goal of becoming filthy rich, but after acquiring and experimenting all the expensive stuff in the online game I have no urgency. Will get to it when I really feel like replaying SP again - and I know I will sooner or later, done that with every GTA game.

I think I'm gonna start it all over, and then save the assasination missions for after the heist. Then test out online, which I still have no idea how works.

Btw, your post about playing differently with each character depending on their personality made me laugh. I though I was the only one that did that :lol:
Doing the assassination missions last does bring in a load of cash - although there isn't much to do with it. I have bought all the properties and filled each garage and have each player left with 2.17 billion excluding stocks.

Maybe it will be useful when DLC becomes available?
I fecked up and did all those missions apart from the last one already. Also, for some reason I find if I try and buy loads of stocks with more than one character, when I come to sell them only the first one gets profit. Am I doing something wrong?

Surely they will give you the opportunity to make enough money to buy the properties in DLC, otherwise there will be loads of people without them. That's if there is even any point having them, which takes me back to my previous point....more depth and immersion needed in the next one.
One thing I cant quite make my mind up about with GTA games, is it a good thing they are so forgiving in terms of where you restart from when you die in missions? Most other games would make you start at the beginning again, or at least a fair bit further back, which makes them more difficult but at the same time sometimes a little repetitive and frustrating. I love that when I die I dont have to go back and do 15 minutes worth of game again, and again and again if I keep dying... but at the same time it can make GTA a little too easy at times. On balance I do prefer GTA's approach but sometimes it feels like you are racing through the missions quite quickly, the game would last longer if they made you work a bit harder to complete missions by having less generous checkpoints.
One thing I cant quite make my mind up about with GTA games, is it a good thing they are so forgiving in terms of where you restart from when you die in missions? Most other games would make you start at the beginning again, or at least a fair bit further back, which makes them more difficult but at the same time sometimes a little repetitive and frustrating. I love that when I die I dont have to go back and do 15 minutes worth of game again, and again and again if I keep dying... but at the same time it can make GTA a little too easy at times. On balance I do prefer GTA's approach but sometimes it feels like you are racing through the missions quite quickly, the game would last longer if they made you work a bit harder to complete missions by having less generous checkpoints.

It's only like that in GTA V. All other previous GTA games made you restart the mission from scratch - IV had the option of skiping the initial commuting.

I'm a bit obsessive in this sort of open world game. I don't want to die. I refuse death. Hence, whenever I die, I reload an hard save (and have autosave permanently off). These games are easy enough that it doesn't happen that often. It's the way I add challenge, by making death a real hindrance. If I'm caught distracted, I may very well lose one or two hours worth of game play.