Gaming Grand Theft Auto V | 2022: GTA+ (monthly GTA Online subscription) announced exclusively for PS5/Xbox Series

The major difference - for most missions - is the new health system they introduced with IV. The fact that you can get in cover and heal up to a certain point makes it a whole lot easier than it used to be. I have to say I like it, though - as I'm more into the general atmosphere of the GTA series than the actual challenge of completing missions (I prefer other, less tongue-in-cheek games for that).
Just about to start the game again, need some help with the investments though as I'm really confused. Can I invest with all 3 characters, i.e switch character before the assasinations and invest? And does Lester tell you who to invest in? Also, which one do I invest in, the LCN or BAWSAQ?
Just about to start the game again, need some help with the investments though as I'm really confused. Can I invest with all 3 characters, i.e switch character before the assasinations and invest? And does Lester tell you who to invest in? Also, which one do I invest in, the LCN or BAWSAQ?

You should invest with all three characters before starting the mission, as you can't switch mid-mission and as soon as it ends the value of companies will begin to be immediately affected.

Take a note of the value of the companies before, and sell when they reach the cap mentioned in the article below, as it will decrease to the base value soon afterwards. Some take 8 hours to cap, others 24, etc, so pay attention. It's perfectly possible to sell with all three characters for maximum profit, they don't change THAT fast and usually hold in the maximum value for a few in game minutes.

Take note that in the second and third assassination missions you can make money twice as Redwood and Facade prices will drop and then return to the base value, unlike other companies you damage (where it will never rise again). This will generate gains of 300%, the single biggest valuation of an asset you can get in single player. So after Debonaire caps, you sell it and put it all into Redwood which should be at it's lowest point by then.

This explains when and what to buy and sell. It also links to which explains how to get maximum money from heists.

I think only the final heist is relevant because it pays so much. Your choices in other heists can affect who you have available for the final one, so take that into account. Feel free to spend your money from other heists during the game when you wish, no point in being cheap with 1m or so when you will make 40m for each character in the end. It's these 120m that you'll multiply into 2,1bn with the market.
Cheers for the help Arruda! I'm absolutely hopeless when it comes to things like stocks and shares, so hopefully I'll be able to actually make some money now, so I can finally buy the cinema and golf club :drool:
Just started it again, its weird how there's little things I didn't even notice first time around that I'm now picking up on. Michael's saying to the guard about forgetting what he saw, Franklin mentioning the Union Depositry, Lamar talking about JP's pick up truck etc... and I'm sure the cop who shot Brad and Michael is Dave. Michael and Trevor look exactly like the guys that voice them aswell in the opening.
Its Jimmy buying the car at the dealership :lol: Why did I miss all this?
Just like re-watching a movie. Accompanying bleeter and specially lifeinvader also adds quite a bit to the characters personalities. Love the banter between Jimmy and his sister.
Just like re-watching a movie. Accompanying bleeter and specially lifeinvader also adds quite a bit to the characters personalities. Love the banter between Jimmy and his sister.

feck man I only just realised you could actually go on lifeinvader!...I missed out on so much the first time around.
Just started it again, its weird how there's little things I didn't even notice first time around that I'm now picking up on. Michael's saying to the guard about forgetting what he saw, Franklin mentioning the Union Depositry, Lamar talking about JP's pick up truck etc... and I'm sure the cop who shot Brad and Michael is Dave. Michael and Trevor look exactly like the guys that voice them aswell in the opening.

Its Jimmy buying the car at the dealership :lol: Why did I miss all this?

Started this last night and picked up on all them things last night. Never even got them first time around.

Or when Trever says to Michael after he shoots the guard "There will be plenty of time to mourn later" and Michael says "You got that right"
Started this last night and picked up on all them things last night. Never even got them first time around.

Or when Trever says to Michael after he shoots the guard "There will be plenty of time to mourn later" and Michael says "You got that right"

Yep, and also how insistent Michael is that they all 'stick to the plan'. He also looks shifty as feck, although I might be imagining that one.

Its weird, but I'm actually enjoying the game even more the second time round, now I actually know and understand the characters. The first time round seems a bit rushed now, I think I should have paid more attention to detail.
Just about to start the game again, need some help with the investments though as I'm really confused. Can I invest with all 3 characters, i.e switch character before the assasinations and invest? And does Lester tell you who to invest in? Also, which one do I invest in, the LCN or BAWSAQ?

Out of curiosity, do you play online?

If you don't I urge you to try while the crew is still moderately active. It's amazingly fun, but it will be a much less interesting ride if you only give it a try later and are starting from scratch without help levelling up. You can always get back to single player later.
Out of curiosity, do you play online?

If you don't I urge you to try while the crew is still moderately active. It's amazingly fun, but it will be a much less interesting ride if you only give it a try later and are starting from scratch without help levelling up. You can always get back to single player later.

Nah I haven't tried online at all yet. I asked about it in the crew thread ages ago but never got a reply. I'm not sure really where to start tbh.
Nah I haven't tried online at all yet. I asked about it in the crew thread ages ago but never got a reply. I'm not sure really where to start tbh.
Start with your console. If it's PS3, post in the thread, plenty of PS3'ers, some of them due to be online tonight.

If it's Xbox, send me a PM and I'll add you to the slowest conversation to ever exist. (Our humble chat thread)
Nah I haven't tried online at all yet. I asked about it in the crew thread ages ago but never got a reply. I'm not sure really where to start tbh.

Here's a link to the RedCafe Crew on Rockstar's Social Club:

This applies to Xbox and PS3. If you sign in there and request to join the crew, then me or someone else will approve it.

On there you can see the PSN/Xbox Live gamertags of the different members. You don't need to be friends with all, but its useful to see who's online.

On PS3, we usually chat in a PSN chat room - once you are friends with someone on here then they can invite you to that.

There will be a few of us on tonight - have you checked out the Crew thread?
Nah I haven't tried online at all yet. I asked about it in the crew thread ages ago but never got a reply. I'm not sure really where to start tbh.

Well you start by going online, creating your character and doing the tutorial. I think it's over when you buy your first clothes if I'm not mistaken. Either that or when it sends you to a deathmatch (a blue circle on the ground) from which you can back out without starting. From then on it's pure sandbox, you do whatever you want. Give it a try. You'll certainly feel underwhelmed at first with limited weapon choice, but you'll quickly get the hang of it. This game, unlike First Person Shoooters, doesn't require you to be particularly able to have fun. You just need to know how to play GTA. As soon as you got some headshot proficiency (slight R stick flick when auto-locked) and an assault rifle you can fight on relatively equal terms with anyone. It's more about being creative.

If you're on PS3 you can add me on PSN if you want some help. Screen name is Azorean81

Join the crew if you haven't already. We'll probably be around later, I might even go now if you want someone to show you the ropes.
Cheers for the heads up guys. I'll get to it, and be on later hopefully. Can't promise I'll be much help, mind!
I've sent a request to the social club, I haven't got a clue what I'm doing online. I just had a team deathmatch between me and one other guy :lol:
I've sent a request to the social club, I haven't got a clue what I'm doing online. I just had a team deathmatch between me and one other guy :lol:
You still haven't said which console you're on.

All right. I've sent an invitation. :) You have to go to the site and accept it again. Will also add you to my friends list on PSN so it's easier to communicate later when we have our session. You should be invited to a chat room, which if you join, will stay on your XMB and you can then join any time you're playing in case there's crew members online.
I've really fecked up my money now :lol:

I must've left it for ages after doing a hit and now all the money I put into something (Vapid?) has gone. Literally, gone from 500k to nothing. Michael has like $51.

I thought my stock marketing was going bad as it was, but this takes the piss.

Edit: Oh, and to rub it I found out Michael has no money is because I went to drive his car which I'd already fully modded to suit him, only to find it has massive dollar signs for wheels for some reason. When I went to change them back, I realised he couldn't afford it. Brilliant.
Cant believe how quickly I finished this game. It makes perfect sense as per what @Arruda reminded me, that in the previous games you didnt get checkpoints in the missions so there were some that took a lot longer to do and it slowed the whole thing down. Having said that, this is the only GTA game I have felt I wanted to play again, I may not do it straight away but I can see myself coming back to it and doing it again whereas with the previous ones they have taken that much longer and that much more commitment to finish (especially Vice City and San An) by the time I completed it I was done with it.
I didnt really see the point in the three endings. OK so I can kind of see they like giving you options in this game but I thought they should have just steered you to the DeathWish ending, the other two were a bit pointless. The idea that Franklin would kill Michael strikes me as faintly absurd after all that has happened between them. Much more likely he would kill Trevor but then Trevor is dead and the scope for just messing around in the world is far more limited. The DeathWish mission is decent and quite long and why anyone would want to miss doing it because they chose another ending is beyond me.
I didnt really see the point in the three endings. OK so I can kind of see they like giving you options in this game but I thought they should have just steered you to the DeathWish ending, the other two were a bit pointless. The idea that Franklin would kill Michael strikes me as faintly absurd after all that has happened between them. Much more likely he would kill Trevor but then Trevor is dead and the scope for just messing around in the world is far more limited. The DeathWish mission is decent and quite long and why anyone would want to miss doing it because they chose another ending is beyond me.
I agree. It's like one is the perfect ending and the others are shit endings. I can't see why anyone would pick the other two. I think to make it better, they should have had Franklin himself die in 'deathwish' so that either way one character had to die. Rather than have 2 shitty opitions and one amazing option. So that you have to choose the less of 3 evils sort of thing.
I agree. It's like one is the perfect ending and the others are shit endings. I can't see why anyone would pick the other two. I think to make it better, they should have had Franklin himself die in 'deathwish' so that either way one character had to die. Rather than have 2 shitty opitions and one amazing option. So that you have to choose the less of 3 evils sort of thing.
Nothing to see here
I think I'm going to play it over again at some point during the next month or two.
I was half way through Devil May Cry 4 when I got this for Christmas, I was going to go back to that but frankly I dont think I can face such a step down. I might give the PS a rest for a bit and watch Sunny, anythign else would be too much of a comedown.
No way this game is a step down on anything.

Playing through the main story again and loving the small details all over. Just got home with Michael after hanging with Trevor in drinks all night and had Amanda throw a dildo on his face when he got to the room :lol: Still new stuff to see and hear.
Just started playing this again after a long time and I forgot how amazing it really is, it's an unbelievable achievement. Nothing currently touches is on the next gen consoles and I think Watchdogs will come up short against it too.
Even I just started playing it again recently. Really love it. However I'm torn between just taking my time to enjoy it or quickly finishing it as I'm selling my ps3 after this and getting a ps4.
Going to play through this again tonight. I messed up the stock market part last time so will be able to actually earn the max amount in this save.
The sheer scale of the game is a brilliant achievement alone and it's still the stand out game of the last generation of consoles but there's still loads of let downs in the game

Plot wise it's piss poor. Yes playing a criminal wither it be a small time crook or meth /bank robber has it's positives (It'S really fun robbing banks)but weren't we doing all of this stuff already in GTA 3 it's just in GTA 3 it looked bit shit.

The depth of the main character's never goes any deeper then stereotypes I know GTA has always liked it's stereotypes but we are a good 5+ games in the series and I kinda of expect a bit more . I'm not wanting or expecting a character study like a Slient Hill but I would expect a bit more than your average
retired criminal struggle to deal with the boredom of a crime free life, I knew just as much about Michael at the end of the game as I knew about Mario after finishing it on N64.

The story barely goes anywhere and you end up in the same place you started i.e. you end the game by finishing all the robbery's but wasn't that the reason you started in the first place because your character was bored of not robbing banks. Also
Also the guy you kill in the end is actually ok compared to the three characters you play.

Another problem(Which is as less of a fault of GTA but mainly of all sandboxes games)is the Missions which are still so lifeless and compacted I mean the mission of escaping the burning building mission is as basic as the simpler mission's earlier on in the game.

They all consist of going from point A to point B(kill a group of bad people somewhere in the middle) and back again, I know this is the basics of most gaming well you could say most of life but somehow GTA make the extra effort to stand out(maybe it's the waiting for traffic lights to change in a virtual world because your worried about failing and having to do 10 minute drive down the virtual motorway again)

And also the soundtrack is sadly shite.
The depth of the main character's never goes any deeper then stereotypes I know GTA has always liked it's stereotypes but we are a good 5+ games in the series and I kinda of expect a bit more . I'm not wanting or expecting a character study like a Slient Hill but I would expect a bit more than your average
retired criminal struggle to deal with the boredom of a crime free life, I knew just as much about Michael at the end of the game as I knew about Mario after finishing it on N64.

This is a bit absurd. You'll be hard pressed to find a game of this sort, non-story based, in which the characters have as much depth. You even have facebook pages that give you an understanding of their intimate relationships, etc. The pre-mission dialogues are immense and tell you plenty about them as well. Michael and Trevor are as deep characters as you'll ever find in an open-world-game. I'm a role-player at heart when I get involved in any kind of game and never at any moment felt these characters were empty. After one-hundred hours of missions, side-missions, meeting with friends, wrecking havoc, I feel I know these 3 guys (Michael and Trevor more than Frankly) better than most game characters.