I'm starting over again. I'm not happy that I've not loved this game.
Not loved or disappointed with?

I'm starting over again. I'm not happy that I've not loved this game.
I didn't realise that destroying cars owned by online players puts you into the "bad sport" category. Some chump put a bullet in my head because I rammed into his Viper. I re-spawned close by him, sprayed him with my Uzi as he pinged around the corner, killing him at the wheel. I collected his cash and then sped off in his Viper before driving it off a pier, rolling out at the last second. He chased me the whole way in a stolen car. He gets out of the car, hellbent on revenge. The time it takes him to get out of the car, I manage to empty a shotgun into his face, then wheel off in his stolen car. He re spawned at the beginning of the pier, where I manage to drive through him as I was speeding off, killing him for a 3rd time.
I don't think I've ever had more fun.
I didn't realise that destroying cars owned by online players puts you into the "bad sport" category. Some chump put a bullet in my head because I rammed into his Viper. I re-spawned close by him, sprayed him with my Uzi as he pinged around the corner, killing him at the wheel. I collected his cash and then sped off in his Viper before driving it off a pier, rolling out at the last second. He chased me the whole way in a stolen car. He gets out of the car, hellbent on revenge. The time it takes him to get out of the car, I manage to empty a shotgun into his face, then wheel off in his stolen car. He re spawned at the beginning of the pier, where I manage to drive through him as I was speeding off, killing him for a 3rd time.
I don't think I've ever had more fun.
It's easier than that, just rip in with a fast enough car through the entrance off the motorway. You swing right just after you get through the gate take the next left and there's two jets sitting in 2 smaller hangars. They both have easy runs to get them off the ground aswel. Great craic I was dicking around with Trevor and spent a load of cash, thus now not having enough cash yet for the airstrip. The plan is to steal a jet and leave it there once I own th property. Beauty!!!!!Yes.
You need to fly in pretty low, then parachute out just above the hanger to the left (approaching from the south). Swoop right inside the hanger making sure not to catch you parachute on the roof. You should be able to land pretty much right beside it, then you've got about 5-6 seconds to get in it, and tanks won't react on time. It can take off with hardly any runway so you should clear anything.
It's easier than that, just rip in with a fast enough car through the entrance off the motorway. You swing right just after you get through the gate take the next left and there's two jets sitting in 2 smaller hangars. They both have easy runs to get them off the ground aswel. Great craic I was dicking around with Trevor and spent a load of cash, thus now not having enough cash yet for the airstrip. The plan is to steal a jet and leave it there once I own th property. Beauty!!!!!
Same thing. I'm a big fan of the series so not loving it equates to disappointment.Not loved or disappointed with?
I don't think you can. Me and my mate tried but it never stayed there, although it could be connected to the garage bug.
I just wanted to save last night and go to bed. Instead I stayed up for an extra hour continually driving between Trevor's LS safehouse and the hospital after the police invariably killed me for my actions.
I just wanted to save last night and go to bed. Instead I stayed up for an extra hour continually driving between Trevor's LS safehouse and the hospital after the police invariably killed me for my actions.
The trippy side missions are lame....as is the yoga one. It's painful waiting for them to end.
I didn't like the Barry missions either. Seemed like fillers. I liked the bit with Michael falling although not exactly a mission as it was very short.The trippy side missions are lame....as is the yoga one. It's painful waiting for them to end.
I didn't like the Barry missions either. Seemed like fillers. I liked the bit with Michael falling although not exactly a mission as it was very short.
Before I do the final heist, has anyone tried killing the crew members "accidentally" during a gun fight or something? Do you get a bigger cut or does the mission fail?
Before I do the final heist, has anyone tried killing the crew members "accidentally" during a gun fight or something? Do you get a bigger cut or does the mission fail?
I think you get a smaller cut because the crew members will be carrying some.
Not sure it's possible, tried to before and you can aim at them but it doesn't let you shoot.
Before I do the final heist, has anyone tried killing the crew members "accidentally" during a gun fight or something? Do you get a bigger cut or does the mission fail?
Does anyone else drive around the city simply flipping people off and trying to start shit?
If not I recommend it, it can lead to some good encounters. You can do this by making sure you do not have a weapon equipped whilst driving and pressing the shoot button.
Does anyone else drive around the city simply flipping people off and trying to start shit?
If not I recommend it, it can lead to some good encounters. You can do this by making sure you do not have a weapon equipped whilst driving and pressing the shoot button.
Rockstar will release a PC version of Grand Theft Auto 5 in 2014, Eurogamer understands.
Multiple industry sources have indicated the open world game, currently available for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, will come out on PC in the first quarter of 2014.
The release plan mirrors that used for Grand Theft Auto 4, which released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on 29th April 2008 before launching on PC in December 2008.
A PC release should come as no surprise. In August GPU maker Nvidia's senior director of investor relations Chris Evenden mentioned a PC version of GTA5 during a financial call.
"[PC] gamers are preparing their systems for a strong roster of games coming this fall, including blockbuster franchises such as Call of Duty: Ghosts, Grand Theft Auto 5 and Assassin's Creed 4," he said.
After Evenden's quotes were picked up by press, Nvidia issued Eurogamer a statement saying they were made in error. "Nvidia does not have information on any possible PC version release of Grand Theft Auto or its availability," a spokesperson said. "We deeply regret the error."
When approached for comment, Rockstar pointed us to an "Asked & Answered" session published on the company's Newswire website in July.
"The only versions of the game that we have announced are for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 which are set for a September 17th worldwide release," Rockstar said at the time. "We don't have anything to share about the possibility of a next-gen or a PC platform release at this time and we are completely focused on delivering the best possible experience for the consoles people have right now."
Nearly 600,000 people have signed a Change.org petition calling on Rockstar to release GTA5 on PC. They will get their wish.
You cheeky fecker, remind me to never go do a job with you ever if all you'll be thinking is how to get a bigger cut.
I can see next gen getting a downloadable GTA Online
I heard they're going to put addons to this game, Las Vegas and so forth.
Vegas, Hoover dam and Grand Canyon would be immense, I'd like to see them add Alcatraz too, isn't there a prison in Los santos anyway? Yet it was never used for a mission
Didn't think about online missions, would be great to break someone out or break out yourselfI think i did a mission with Mr Anderson where we had to blow up a prison bus which was presumably at the prison. Didn't realise there was one until we did it.